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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

HimeragiSeiker said:
''My father is the God of Destruction and my mother a Goddess of Love. My dad's sister is a Goddess of Creation and my mother's sister is the Goddess of Lust or Greed I believe...But it's not problem for me though. I just can't abuse my powers to force someone to love me. I only use it for a combat sense...''
"well we'll get you to use your abilities in ways you've likely never thought of."

Reaching a small nondescript house Breeze unlocked the door and walked inside and turned to Arako before continuing,

"this is where all of CROSS' female generals live and if you choose to remain here where you live as well."
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]
"well we'll get you to use your abilities in ways you've likely never thought of."
Reaching a small nondescript house Breeze unlocked the door and walked inside and turned to Arako before continuing,

"this is where all of CROSS' female generals live and if you choose to remain here where you live as well."

''I see...''

...☫She said before she walked in as well☫...
NeoClassical said:
"Is this the only room in the dimension? Does dad have a room here?" Hakosu asked with a smile.
"Well, there are other rooms...but...they aren't safe... This is strangely enough the safest room here for you to be in."

HimeragiSeiker said:
...☫Natsumi nodded before she started on the clone☫...
Fake Seria sighs, leaving the room.
AriaTheWatcher said:
"Well, there are other rooms...but...they aren't safe... This is strangely enough the safest room here for you to be in."
Fake Seria sighs, leaving the room.
...☫Natsumi soon finished her clone in 2 hours and 20 minutes☫...
AriaTheWatcher said:
"Well, there are other rooms...but...they aren't safe... This is strangely enough the safest room here for you to be in."
Fake Seria sighs, leaving the room.
Hakosu nodded. "Oh okay." She looked around. "What about your bedroom? Can I see that?"
HimeragiSeiker said:
''I see...''
...☫She said before she walked in as well☫...
Getting dressed Breeze sighed,

"So do you mind if I as you some questions? We have a general grasp of your abilities but we cannot determine exact specifics. Have you ever used your infatuation ability on an animal type being such as a gryphon or baskalisk?"
HimeragiSeiker said:
...☫Natsumi soon finished her clone in 2 hours and 20 minutes☫...
Fake Seria walked in as soon as the clone was finished. "You're free to go now, Natsumi."

NeoClassical said:
Hakosu nodded. "Oh okay." She looked around. "What about your bedroom? Can I see that?"
"Hmm...well...I don't see why not. Yeah, I can show you my bedroom."
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]
Getting dressed Breeze sighed,
"So do you mind if I as you some questions? We have a general grasp of your abilities but we cannot determine exact specifics. Have you ever used your infatuation ability on an animal type being such as a gryphon or baskalisk?"

''Well...I mean it should work with anything with a heart and emotion...''
AriaTheWatcher said:
Fake Seria walked in as soon as the clone was finished. "You're free to go now, Natsumi."
"Hmm...well...I don't see why not. Yeah, I can show you my bedroom."
...☫Natsumi soon teleported back home soon flopping onto the bed in her bedroom☫...
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]"hmm... well what can you destroy?"

''Well...practically anything. Even the mind. Since Love is emotion related, combine it with destruction, I have a mind breaking solution.''
Actual Seria had managed to find her way out of Cinder's home and was walking silently towards the school, stuck in a trance like state with no control over her own actions. Fake Seria smiles. "There she goes, closer and closer to her doom. Ah, what fun this'll be to watch." She mutters to herself, watching Seria from afar. Sure, Fake Seria should probably be spending this time giving the Natsumi clone memories, but, this would be much more fun to watch in person.
AriaTheWatcher said:
Actual Seria had managed to find her way out of Cinder's home and was walking silently towards the school, stuck in a trance like state with no control over her own actions. Fake Seria smiles. "There she goes, closer and closer to her doom. Ah, what fun this'll be to watch." She mutters to herself, watching Seria from afar. Sure, Fake Seria should probably be spending this time giving the Natsumi clone memories, but, this would be much more fun to watch in person.
...☫Cinder was silently following Seria just wondering where she was going☫...
HimeragiSeiker said:
...☫Cinder was silently following Seria just wondering where she was going☫...
Fake Seria rolled her eyes, glancing at Cinder. "What an imbecile. She'll get caught up in this too." She mutters, watching from afar as actual Seria approached the school and headed around to the back of the main building.
AriaTheWatcher said:
Fake Seria walked in as soon as the clone was finished. "You're free to go now, Natsumi."
"Hmm...well...I don't see why not. Yeah, I can show you my bedroom."
Hakosu nodded. "Yay!" She smiled.
AriaTheWatcher said:
Fake Seria rolled her eyes, glancing at Cinder. "What an imbecile. She'll get caught up in this too." She mutters, watching from afar as actual Seria approached the school and headed around to the back of the main building.
...☫Cinder just followed Seria remembering that she must keep Seria in her sights. She also remembered that she had to boss Seria around. Guess that will be what she'll do☫...

HimeragiSeiker said:
''Well...practically anything. Even the mind. Since Love is emotion related, combine it with destruction, I have a mind breaking solution.''
"What about metaphysical concepts, or ideals such as anger or fear, or sight without destroying the eyes, or the air around us or concepts such as that?"
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]"What about metaphysical concepts, or ideals such as anger or fear, or sight without destroying the eyes, or the air around us or concepts such as that?"

''Well...destruction is destruction. I'm just gonna say no...''
HimeragiSeiker said:
''Well...destruction is destruction. I'm just gonna say no...''
"hmm... your ability isn't going to be nearly as interesting to study as I had initially hoped. Still interesting but it doesn't have the same intrigue as others do"
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]"hmm... your ability isn't going to be nearly as interesting to study as I had initially hoped. Still interesting but it doesn't have the same intrigue as others do"

''Well when I was told explosions were gonna happen in a chemistry class......all there was is just a spark. And that was it.''
HimeragiSeiker said:
...☆Aselia was just sleeping. Though it seemed something was troubling her in her sleep. Like a nightmare. She was tossing and turning in bed. She could be worrying about the fact there's someone else here she doesn't recognize or the fact they haven't seen Aselia for awhile☆...
Akane opened the door to Mayumi and Toka's bedroom, smiling when she seen them sleeping peacefully. She quietly closed the door and walked towards her and Aselia's room blinking at the sight of Aselia. She seemed bothered. "Aselia?" She repeated as she went and gently shook her.
HimeragiSeiker said:
...☫Cinder just followed Seria remembering that she must keep Seria in her sights. She also remembered that she had to boss Seria around. Guess that will be what she'll do☫...
Seria didn't respond and just kept walking, walking around to the back of the school and pressing in a loose brick, a passageway opening leading underground in the opposite direction of the school.

NeoClassical said:
Hakosu nodded. "Yay!" She smiled.
Haiiro smiles, and her and Hakosu suddenly appear in her room.
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]"umm.... what?"

''It was an analogy. When you want to study something, there will always be a dissatisfaction somewhere right?''
Roman said:
Akane opened the door to Mayumi and Toka's bedroom, smiling when she seen them sleeping peacefully. She quietly closed the door and walked towards her and Aselia's room blinking at the sight of Aselia. She seemed bothered. "Aselia?" She repeated as she went and gently shook her.
...☆Aselia groaned before she awoke and quickly sat up. She soon looked at Akane a bit wide eyed☆...

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