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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

WeirdPrincess said:
Mizuki looked at him and chuckled, "I'm only saying that because I'm the one who made up these assignments, I'm a teacher here. I regret my decision in assignment choices." She said as her ears wiggled a little. "I'm Mizuki, nice to meet you.... Raz." She was trying out a nickname to see if he'd actually do anything.
Raze gave her an evil grin as he clenched his fist in front of him. "Very funny. Your lucky I like you, otherwise I would have sicked one of my androids on you... It would of been like this." He said before a android came out of nowhere and almost pierced her chest.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Mitsu giggked and nodded as Mika groaned more and nuzzled neos back "where are we going mama" she asked toredly
Myuki blushed more as she started to slide backwards till she hit the wall at the head of the bed and blushed more


"What's house" Kyle asked into nanami's head

"House is...when we pretend to be a family. Like I can be the mommy and you can be the daddy or the baby. Nigou can be the puppy!" Nanami said happily.
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
*Neo giggled at Mika before looking back at Mitsu*
''shall we go?''

*Kikuri then stopped once she was really close to her*

Mitsu nodded and smiled as she grabed airis hand to lead her along

Myuki just stared at kikuri when she stoped moving and waited
WeirdPrincess said:
"House is...when we pretend to be a family. Like I can be the mommy and you can be the daddy or the baby. Nigou can be the puppy!" Nanami said happily.
Kylee just nodded willing to give it a try even thoigh she couldn't talk
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
*Neo then lead Mitsu to the car out in the front of the house*
''so, whats her name?''

*She said referring to Airi*

*Kikuri smirked then kissed Myuki's nose*



(Thank you for your consideration ^^)
TheRebelliousDragon said:
Raze gave her an evil grin as he clenched his fist in front of him. "Very funny. Your lucky I like you, otherwise I would have sucked one of my androids on you... It would of been like this." He said before a android came out of nowhere and almost pierced her chest.
Mizuki looked at the android and laughed, "I must be lucky to be alive then. If you really did that, I would have had to kill you." She said with a smile and adjusted her hat on her head as it started to fall. "You're cute when you're angry. It's almost a turn on for me." She winked at Raze.
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
*Neo then lead Mitsu to the car out in the front of the house*
''so, whats her name?''

*She said referring to Airi*

*Kikuri smirked then kissed Myuki's nose*



Mitsu giggked "this is airi" she said quietly to neo as she smiled at her

Myuki blushed badly before she instinctevly started to close her eyes out of instinct
Himeragi Seiker]oh and...about the conversation...) [URL="http://smashboards.com/threads/brawl-online-general-discussion-social-thing.346577/page-567 said:
(I just got kicked again T-T)
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Mitsu giggked "this is airi" she said quietly to neo as she smiled at her
Myuki blushed badly before she instinctevly started to close her eyes out of instinct

''ah, Yuki's kid? and also your lil sis?''

''eeyup! il grow fast, and il look older than you~''

''geh?! huhu..alright if you say so..''

*She said as she buckled Mika's seat belt in the back*

*Kikuri kept kissing Myuki's nose before going for her neck*
WeirdPrincess said:
Mizuki looked at the android and laughed, "I must be lucky to be alive then. If you really did that, I would have had to kill you." She said with a smile and adjusted her hat on her head as it started to fall. "You're cute when you're angry. It's almost a turn on for me." She winked at Raze.
Raze kept smirking. "You WISH you could kill me. Also, I'm not cute. I take serious offense to that." He said as he called off the android.
Evergreen98 said:
"Most of them are dead... some managed to escape and warned to other and we also managed to capture some of them to interrogate..." he said

Loreli looked at her " hey.. did you sleep last night?"
"Did they tell you as to why they would do such a thing?" Alastair asked, his nails pressing tightly into his skin and he started to bleed.


[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Kylee just nodded willing to give it a try even thoigh she couldn't talk

"Okay!" Nanami said happily before she went to her closet and pulled out a large doll house. "You can be the...mommy! I'll be the daddy and come home from work. You can cook, that's what my mommy does whenever I come home." She said before she stood by her bedroom door.
TheRebelliousDragon said:
Raze kept smirking. "You WISH you could kill me. Also, I'm not cute. I take serious offense to that." He said as he called off the android.
"Would you prefer hot, sexy, handsome? Take your pick, I've got all day for this." Mizuki put a hand on his chest and pushed him back slightly as she walked. "A girl can dream can't she?"
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
''ah, Yuki's kid? and also your lil sis?''
''eeyup! il grow fast, and il look older than you~''

''geh?! huhu..alright if you say so..''

*She said as she buckled Mika's seat belt in the back*

*Kikuri kept kissing Myuki's nose before going for her neck*

Shira giggked as she got in the passenger side of the car and buckled up "airi come on and hop in" she said to her

Myuki blushed and tilted her head out of instinct but still tried to slid backwards away from her
WeirdPrincess said:
"Did they tell you as to why they would do such a thing?" Alastair asked, his nails pressing tightly into his skin and he started to bleed.
" some said it was in the name or science... others said they were trying to make their own super human... the others said they just like experimentin with out limits..." he then heard Yui's voice " uncle... are you hurt?..." Rowen blinked and looked at Yui " no... why?" " I smell blood..."
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Shira giggked as she got in the passenger side of the car and buckled up "airi come on and hop in" she said to her
Myuki blushed and tilted her head out of instinct but still tried to slid backwards away from her

*Airi nodded as she got in and closed the door*

*Neo got in the driver's seat*

''alright. just for you guys, i would drive like a maniac, but ima not since you younglings are in the back''

*She said as she pulled out of the driveway*

*Kikuri then pulled away for a moment*

''you like this...dont chu? dont lie..''

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