the Empress's Aspect

Sorry this is so late in the discussion, but I don't come on that often anymore.
But, I think you're all off base.  

The empress is a cleverly disguised Siderial who's Astrological DIsguise wore off.  The idea was to keep the dragons well under control, and this was largely possible because they convinced many of the dragons that the terrestrials were in control of everything.

But they knew that some of them would be very thourough in their social investigations, and they presented a "practically unknown officer" who accomplished the impossible (to terrestrials anyway) of reactivating the imperial defense grid.  

The reason that everyone knows the empress, but none can tell you her aspect, is Arcane Fate or something similar.  

So, can anyone tell me how breeding and astrological disguises overlap?  I bet that if I pretend to be an exceptionally well bred DB, I'd produce children of similar stock, because Fate believes me to be an exceptionally well bred DB.  


And that Ebon Dragon short story could have been any megleomanic female dragon sorcereress with money and family.  


if she was a siddie and she owned the mantle of brigid she would have solar circle magic. and if she had that. well the realm would be a lot stronger. beyond that. no trained siderial is stupid enough to get kidnapped and enslaved by a Yozi.
orionstark1482 said:

And that Ebon Dragon short story could have been any megleomanic female dragon sorcereress with money and family.
beyond that. no trained siderial is stupid enough to get kidnapped and enslaved by a Yozi.
 Orion, you may want to read the last part of G3's post...
orionstark1482 said:

And that Ebon Dragon short story could have been any megleomanic female dragon sorcereress with money and family.
beyond that. no trained siderial is stupid enough to get kidnapped and enslaved by a Yozi.
 Orion, you may want to read the last part of G3's post...
read it

and you think the Ebon dragon marries every DB who manages to loose their soul in the Demon Realm? and that entire part of his rant about your funeral will be our wedding? its definetly the Empress.
You know, I've been a believer in the Empress thing for so long, it's cliche for me anymore. I've thought up a few other theories now, and I like them, because the more I read 2nd Ed, the more I like actually what they have to say about the Empress. Before there wasn't much but now she's a bit more...well, human.

And I will undoubtedly laugh if it turns out it isn't the Empress but one big campaign of misinformation.
orionstark1482 said:
read it

and you think the Ebon dragon marries every DB who manages to loose their soul in the Demon Realm? and that entire part of his rant about your funeral will be our wedding? its definetly the Empress.
 Fair enough; your statement only sounded like you didn't read it, not that you rejected it.
Interesting, but as far as I know, Sidereals do not pass their Celestial exaltation down to their offspring, and since she had many offspring that were Dragon-Blooded, I'm not quite sure how a Sidereal would have passed down Terrestrial Exaltation to her children.  Mighty sorceries?  Heavy enchantments and illusions?  It's all a conspiracy theory, man!
Didn't she always marry DBs with high Breeding?

 Even without Terrestrial Bloodline, think about what a 3-pt Luck merit would do for a Siddie trying to have children that would Exalt as DBs...
Though, considering how many DBs may be tempted to do so...he may get around more than that DB with 400 concubines.

 The perks of being a prisoner for life...   :D
Though, considering how many DBs may be tempted to do so...he may get around more than that DB with 400 concubines.
 The perks of being a prisoner for life...   :D
he must have a lot of scary kids.
orionstark1482 said:
Though, considering how many DBs may be tempted to do so...he may get around more than that DB with 400 concubines.
 The perks of being a prisoner for life...   :D
he must have a lot of scary kids.
I'd say his kids with his db concubines would be the least scary of the lot
Mail delivery in Malfeas:

"Yo, Ebon! You got another ton of hate mail, three tons of mindless adulation, and fifteen hundred more marriage proposals. Oh, and a letter from Yu-Shan's Clearing House--you may just have won a move in the Games of Divinity!"
Once the inspiration struck me down and its journey to the dark side was complete, I couldn't stop myself.
So yes...  The Scarlet Empress' aspect, assuming she's a Terrestrial ['cause if she's not, then she wouldn't have an aspect]...

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