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The Emperor's Chosen: A Deathwatch Campaign

Saturninus folds his hands into the sign of the Aquila and bows his head in prayer over the steaming pile of food before him. The steam lessens as time marches on. Eventually, he looks up and begins to consume the food.

"I look forward to the initiation, and whatever else we must do before taking on our first mission."
"I forgot how unappetizing the food of some Chapters are. On the Rock we eat less than savory meals as well. We have to recycle everything." Belfiast comments. He barks at the Serfs in a strange language and soup is brought before Kerith. "Careful, the Space Wolf food is...strong. The Young Wolf brings many things from Fenris that are totally unknown to most chapters. When I was first brought here I thought I was eating tyranid spores." He says with an easy smile before chewing on a tentacle. "The kraken is fresh today. Must have been on the ship you came in on." He muses.
Kerith looks mildly horrified at the techmarine as he chews the tentacle. He then prods the soup with his spoon, holding his knife in a reverse grip incase the soup got any funny ideas.
The soup sits there, unaware of the doom that is a hungry space marine. It does smell pleasing though. The tea served with it, less so.
Pushing his plate away Saturninus leans back in his seat, cradles his cup of tea in his hand and looks around expectantly.

"So ... what is next then?"
A long tone, deeper then before chimed ten times. "It's time for the Rite of Initiation Brothers." He said with a grim look.

You are all led to a great chapel and fourteen sets of black power armor line the litany area, where the sermons are given. A chaplain is standing guard over them alongside a few members of the Adeptus Mechanicus. The hooded members check purity seals and give the armor a final once over before leaving the chaplain alone.


"BROTHERS! The time has come to induct fourteen new members into the Deathwatch!. Stand as an example to them! Show them the Xeno is not to be feared, but to be crushed underfoot for the glory of the Emperor! Aspirants please step forward!" The fourteen of you step forward. "You have proven your worth on battlefields on toxic worlds, on hive cities, in great battles, and battles the Imperium will never know. You are now Brothers to all here, but do not forget that your closest brotherhood is among your squad. They are your shield, and your second blade. They are the ones that will carry you, or your geneseed home. Remember this time, young ones, because you fight for the Glory of Humanity now more than ever. Cast aside who you were. Don your armor. Brothers I give you, the new members of the Deathwatch!"

You are given your armor, though it feels strange at first, almost like it is protesting its new colors, it settles soon. There is cheering and a tall man in a grey wolf cloak looks on and gives you a single nod, then leaves.

"Welcome to the Deathwatch, Brothers!" Belfiast shouts over the din.
Keirth flexes his fingers in his armour looking at the black of it, not much had changed just the white replaced with silver. He looked around at his new brothers his new helm fixed in place. He rolled his shoulders back trying to relax in his armour but his body was still tight for some reason.
Chanting a prayer Saturninus dons his armor and toggles through the controls as he has a thousand times before.

This Deathwatch Black will take some getting used to over the Black Templar Black, he thinks.

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