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Fantasy The Dread Demon's Curse


The one who made Aerth
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
In a time long ago, far back in history it was recorded as the age of humans.
Named so because of two humans who sought to achieve the same dream. These two humans though, they accomplished their goals by drastically different means...
One man sought to become immortal, His journey was one of hardship, discovery and triumph, it led to the man becoming the first and only human God; ShenAnigans the Trickster.
The other human, a man whose journey was filled with pain, suffering and cruelty. This man sought immortality and achieved it by becoming a Devil; Haemorsis father of dread.
While Shenanigans rose to the heavens equal to the old gods, Haemorsis was stuck below on Aerth as nothing but a demonic monster feared and hated by all the known world.
However the Devil was cunning and more than a match for the world though. Despite achieving immortality Haemorsis could still be killed. Knowing this the Devil spent many years preparing for his inevitable defeat... Years spent spreading his essence and seed around Aerth amongst all mortal races. For more than three hundred years Haemorsis travelled Aerth preparing, ensuring that his cursed reach could plague the entire world with his darkness and despair.

Haemorsis was eventually slain, his name forgotten to the masses... Only known by Cultists and those who study ancient texts. Even so, the Devil's plans are in motion still to this day.
The Haemorsis curse sows distrust and distress throughout Aerth.
It is by random chance one is born cursed by Haemorsis, born a child of dread.
For the curse can occur in any race. Humans, dwarfs, beastkin, elves and more.
One wouldn't know until it becomes to late. It starts with a demonic power, if one is tempted to use this power then their eye turns to one of a demon, eventually the cursed soul becomes a demon completely.
Some believe these cursed individuals are chosen by Haemorsis to conquer Aerth in his place...
Some theorise the cursed first have to become demons before they become loyal to Haemorsis...
Most fear and shun the cursed, killing them if able to before the monster can kill others. Of course with so many cursed by the devil, all of Aerth have learned to deal with this threat in one way or another...

This story is about some of those unfortunate people unlucky enough to be cursed.
Said people met each other for the first time at Shenanigans Church of healing. It was inside the building dedicated to the immortal human that they received a holy message from the trickster God himself.
"You know... you and that cursed lot could probably kill Haemorsis. Just saying."
In his mortal life Shenanigans may have been a con artist thief who tricked the old gods into making himself all powerful...
But you and others just heard the first and only Human God, a God said to be incapable of lying to mortals. If he says it can be done, who are you to deny a God?
Best get on that journey to kill Haemorsis and be rid of that curse...

Should you want to play you would be making a cursed individual who joins the party that "could probably kill Haemorsis" before you make a CS you need to learn a bit more about magic and that demonic curse that's been mentioned.
So let's talk about them.

Magic is determined by the mortal soul, note that the type of soul doesn't predetermine the person who has it. A wild soul doesn't make the person crazy, a tainted soul doesn't mean the person is evil...
They just represent what magic a mortal is capable of.
(I'm able to elaborate further if need be)

Evokers Soul.
One with a evokers soul can manipulate and conjure the four elements. Water fire earth and air.
Blessed Soul.
Beloved by all, One with a blessed soul can use healing magic. Said magic can remedy physical and mental aliments. Even bring the recently dead back to life.
Tainted Soul.
One with a tainted soul is often considered evil as it's magic is the direct opposite of healing. Blood or "hurting" magic typically involves pain and blood loss. The tainted soul can also control the corpses of those they have slain.
Radiant Soul.
One with a Radiant soul can conjure/control light and thunder.
Shadowed Soul.
One with a shadowed soul can conjure/control poison and darkness.
Wild Soul.
One with a wild soul can disguise themselves as another or shapeshift into animals and monsters.
Creative Soul.
One with a Creative soul can create weapons and tools out of thin air with nothing but magic. They can also infuse magic into objects provided they have the right magic materials.
Wonderous soul.
One with a Wonderous soul can perform acts of teleportation and telekinesis.
Hunting soul.
One with a hunting soul can turn invisible and temporarily increase speed/strength.
Enlightened soul.
One with a Enlightened soul can use telepathy and conjure illusions.
Dominant soul.
One with a Dominant soul can control others with dominance magic.
Blank soul.
One with a blank soul can potentially use any magic by copying other souls.
(If you pick this I'll fill you in with more lore. While it could be busted it is certainly finicky)

Should you want to play or show that your interested in making a character, post below your choice of soul and which one of the eight powers you'd prefer from the list below.
This power would be given to you by your "father" Haemorsis.
Cause you would be playing a cursed individual.

The eight demonic powers, pick one or I will assign them at random. No doubling up, keep the cast unique and different to each other by the demon powers.
(You can suggest a different demonic power, but I may not agree with it)

1) Hell Fire, your demonic eye can spawn the black flames of hell.

2) tendril summoning, your demonic eye can summon the tendril of a toxic monster from another realm.

3) paralysing gaze, your demonic eye can stop mortals with a look.

4) Soul manipulation, your demonic eye can see souls which allows you to manipulate them.

5) Devil skin, your demonic eye can turn your whole body demonic, making you resistant to magic and physical damage along with immunity to fire.

6) Devil's charm, your demonic eye can bewitch mortals with eye contact.

7) Devil's sight, your demonic eye can see through darkness, walls and magic. Can also see further in general and see traces of mana.

8) Void sight, your demonic eye can negate any mortal magic it happens to see.
Post requirements is two paragraphs or more once a week. Maybe two times a week depending on how fast players are.
Player limit will be seven, the party max is 8 including my character. I'll most likely take the demonic power that isn't chosen. Ask questions or claim interest below.

A cs page is here

A ooc page will be made if its needed, a discord server can also be made If people prefer ooc there.
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I knew it's F&H the moment I read tainted soul. Also why does Shen talk about killing hemoarsis when he's already slain and his name forgotten?
I knew it's F&H the moment I read tainted soul. Also why does Shen talk about killing hemoarsis when he's already slain and his name forgotten?
His name is forgotten to the masses, but smart people know Haemorsis is still a big deal, first bit of evidence being his curse is turning mortals into demons.

You'd find out in game but Shen is more or less saying "yall could kill Haemorsis for good this time"
Hmโ€ฆ I might have an idea for a Dominant Soul / Devilโ€™s Charm.
Now we just need two more people to show interest and we can put our characters together.
I knew it's F&H the moment I read tainted soul. Also why does Shen talk about killing hemoarsis when he's already slain and his name forgotten?
Against my own word here's the cs page.

Ill make a ooc if more people show, I'll start the rp if four sheets get accepted.
Changed my combination into wonderous soul and hell fire
Also just wanted to say the third spell could be throwing a object with the intention of teleporting it into a enemy or ally, don't need permission. Only thing stopping that tactic would be the mana amount used for the weight/size of the object. A knife, easy.
A large boulder, much much harder.
Also just wanted to say the third spell could be throwing a object with the intention of teleporting it into a enemy or ally, don't need permission. Only thing stopping that tactic would be the mana amount used for the weight/size of the object. A knife, easy.
A large boulder, much much harder.
The third spell is for tomfoolery, like putting whoopee cushion on someone's chair right before they sit on it

The whoopie cushion then explode on impact

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