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Fantasy The Dragon Chronicles OCC

Also those fighting it or got a good look, I'll be giving an image of what the dragon looks like.
So...being in Louisiana knocked the hell out of me physically and mentally. I had to deal with family and terrible wi-fi the past few days. I got no idea what the hell is going on, and I'm carsick from 10 hours in a burning hot car. What'd I miss?
So...being in Louisiana knocked the hell out of me physically and mentally. I had to deal with family and terrible wi-fi the past few days. I got no idea what the hell is going on, and I'm carsick from 10 hours in a burning hot car. What'd I miss?
dragon... just dragon
So...being in Louisiana knocked the hell out of me physically and mentally. I had to deal with family and terrible wi-fi the past few days. I got no idea what the hell is going on, and I'm carsick from 10 hours in a burning hot car. What'd I miss?
I would read it but basically NyxNightmare NyxNightmare began rp with us, dragon attacked, hooded people attacked
I already said I would read it, but since I've missed so much it might make more sense for my character to have, say, left the city to retrieve his dog so he could come back and fight.
PippyOmega PippyOmega
I already said I would read it, but since I've missed so much it might make more sense for my character to have, say, left the city to retrieve his dog so he could come back and fight.
PippyOmega PippyOmega
Yer I started before you posted and DVationz DVationz said you were still in the ally since we are still close together so just walk out and say something about the hooded people
I already said I would read it, but since I've missed so much it might make more sense for my character to have, say, left the city to retrieve his dog so he could come back and fight.
PippyOmega PippyOmega
I'd suggest reading first, reacting to the first little group of attackers, and then proceed as you see fit. Keep in mind though that it's a city wide conflict and everyone is struggling quite a bit. Like, nobody is getting out of the current event without some sort of injury or another.
I'd suggest reading first, reacting to the first little group of attackers, and then proceed as you see fit. Keep in mind though that it's a city wide conflict and everyone is struggling quite a bit. Like, nobody is getting out of the current event without some sort of injury or another.
As I've said I do plan on reading it. I am able in about 30 minutes.
  • I'd suggest reading first, reacting to the first little group of attackers, and then proceed as you see fit. Keep in mind though that it's a city wide conflict and everyone is struggling quite a bit. Like, nobody is getting out of the current event without some sort of injury or another.
    Would the ice be my injury or do I need another, I’m fine with having another

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