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Fantasy The Dragon Chronicles OCC

DVationz DVationz
Question for you, is the pub that we arrived at, the same one that the trio got into a scuffle with the goons? Or is this one a completely different one?
When it's in red, it means Ryan is speaking. And Ryan is Vixa's companion. You can't hear her speak unless you are a fox furraine or Vixa. Ryan speaks in an ancient fox tongue.
I Understand That But OOC I was curious as to what was meant by something being off about me
I Understand That But OOC I was curious as to what was meant by something being off about me
Oh it was meant towards Dv's character because he has powers that are mysterious and unknown to others. When Ryan went to eat your character , Vixa caught her and caused her to turn around, which brought her attention to Dv's character. Sorry if I wasn't all that clear about it. It was like 3 in the morning when I was writing xD
Oh it was meant towards Dv's character because he has powers that are mysterious and unknown to others. When Ryan went to eat your character , Vixa caught her and caused her to turn around, which brought her attention to Dv's character. Sorry if I wasn't all that clear about it. It was like 3 in the morning when I was writing xD
Oh... Okay
So just a heads up everyone I will have issues posting until I go to my grandma's house for Thanksgiving because of a computer issue that has me extremely frustrated to say the least.
So just a heads up everyone I will have issues posting until I go to my grandma's house for Thanksgiving because of a computer issue that has me extremely frustrated to say the least.
Hey, don't worry about posting at anytime soon.
I most likely will be able to post tonight so it will still be while before anything happens. Just relax and enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner.
Hey, don't worry about posting at anytime soon.
I most likely will be able to post tonight so it will still be while before anything happens. Just relax and enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner.
I don't think we have Thanksgiving dinner here in the UK
DVationz DVationz
Stupid question to ask but I want to clarify, is Vanessa being attacked by the assailant's fire? Or is it the other way around?

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