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The Dragon and the Fox (1x1) [Telios & Guardia]

Tydre started to go upstairs to his room before turning on his computer. He then started to browse on it, thinking a bit.
Dusk flew through the air, watching as a storm drifted closer. She hoped it was a lighting storm; it had been a while since she was able to use her powers without seeming out of place.
"A storm is coming in huh..." Tydre took a glance outside and saw the black clouds. He smiled before turning off his PC and went outside with his black jacket on. He fliped the hood on as he watched the storm coming close.
Rain began to pour, soaking Dusk who flew high. She could feel the electricity crackle in the air and smiled in relief. She let out a round, the white light streaking through the air and striking the ground harmlessly.
Tydre grinned as he saw the lighting strike and started to fly high but he saw someone was up with him. He flew over and his eyes widened. "Dusk?" He asked.
Dusk looked to him, eyes wide. "H-Hey, Tydre," she hid her hands, staring at the ground. "What a storm, huh? I'm totally soaked," she laughed nervously, hoping to steer away from the subject of her power.
"So your element is electricity too, huh?" Tydre asked with a grin, his hand sparking with electricity.
"Oh. Yeah! I don't use it unless there's a storm. I don't want to just be shooting bolts everywhere," she nodded, her eyes locked on his hand. Someone else...
Tydre chuckled before deflecting a lighting bolt from the clouds by hitting it with one he made.
Dusk watched him, shaking her wet fir out of her eyes. Her jacket was getting heavy and her wings could only take so much rain. But she flapped harder; determined to stay up with Tydre.
"Should we get down? My dragon wings is fine in this weather but your feathered wings would be a problem." Tydre asked.
Tydre followed her to her house and landed at her driveway. "Uh... Would you like to go out sometimes?" Tydre asked, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Yes! I mean, yeah. Sure, that sounds really fun! Uh, when?" Dusk perked up, eyes bright.
"It's Sunday tomorrow... So 10 AM tomorrow? I'll meet you up here." Tydre smiled as Dusk accepted his offer.
"How should I dress, is what I'm asking," she sighed, placing one hand on her hip. But it was hard to look nice when you're soaked.
"Just normal clothes would be good. When aren't going to a fancy restaurant or something similar." Tydre answered with a smile.
"Alright, Tydre. I'll see you tomorrow!" She nodded, looking up at the sky. She wished she could fly but faked another smile and began walking.
Dusk skipped away, the rain relenting slightly. She stood outside her door, hoping her rugs wouldn't;t get ruined if she walked in like this.
Tyr went to take a shower and dried himself off. His jacket was put into a dryer to dry itself off.

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