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The Dragon and the Fox (1x1) [Telios & Guardia]

"Ah. I think I know the place. I believed it was haunted once," she giggled, casting him a look. "I can't fit in a car with these horns, so it's no use," she sighed.
"Haunted? It's not a haunted mansion or anything like that." Tydre sighed with a smile before continuing. "Wanna go there?"
"Yeah, sure, let's go!" she skipped, a little too excited. "I mean, um, sure, cool," she looked away, hoping her fur would hide her red muzzle. Gosh, I'm an idiot.
Dusk fluttered after him, staring at his flickering whiskers. She flapped faster, speeding past him. "Betcha' you can't catch up!" she teased, knowing he could beat her.
Tydre shook his head with a sigh and a smile before flapping his wing with one strong beat and darted pass Dusk.
"Okay, fine!" she sighed, defeated in only a moment. She landed on the driveway of the house she believed to be his. She saw a car, nodding and touching her horns.
Tydre soon arrived and landed at the driveway. "Well. This is my house." He said with a smile. It's a simple two-floor house. Not too big nor too small.
"I like it," she smiled happily, unsure what to do with herself. "It looks...kinda like it needs a paint job. Like it needs a bright color," she turned to him with excitement in her eyes.
"Oh, I was just...I like colors. Sorry," she looked away. "I can't paint my house, 'cause my Dad says so," she laughed nervously but took a few steps away, looking nervously at her claws.
"You can't paint your house because your dad said so?" Tydre raised a brow at Dusk, a bit confused.
"Yeah, he's kinda, like, co-owner of the property. I'm not too good with the serious stuff and I don't have a boyfriend so..." she shrugged. No kinda boy really caught her eye but she didn't care too much until now.
"Well, I don't live with him!" she shoved his arm, laughing. "He only helps me when I need it," she smiled and looked down at his arm, hoping he didn't get a bruise.
"Yeah. I get it; I'm dead weight but I'll learn," she nodded. Her stomach growled lowly but she ignored it, too nervous to even feel hungry. I really DO need to learn how to pay bills!
She stood still, not knowing what to do with herself. She let her wing draw close, stroking her feathers lightly. "Is this were I say goodbye?" she whispered to herself, pinching her ear.
"Nothing. Nothing at all," she smiled softly and turned away, walking down his driveway slowly. She was sad, since this was a pretty lame goodbye after an awkward conversation with a handsome dragon and she knew he probably was just being nice and didn't really wish to see her later. Or at all for the matter.
"Yeah! See you soon, Tydre!" she waved, blushing at the way he said her name. Then she shook her head, not knowing why she was acting like such a fool.
Tydre chuckled before walking in and closed the door behind him. "She is beautiful..." He thought to himself with a smile as leaned onto the door.
Dusk heard the door click closed and she burst out in giggling. Normally she would fly home but today she skipped. She wanted to bask in this new feeling. Oh gosh, he's so...scream worthy! She laughed at herself for making a new description.

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