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Fandom The Doctor and the Lawyer [private]

It was half past seven when the rain started to beat down on the roof of Leblanc. It was quite heavy, the news hadn't even said there was a rain forecast.

The bluenette traced a red painted finger around the rim of her coffee cup. She supposed she would just have to wait it out. It's not like she minded the rain, but she wasn't particularly fond of getting soaked. And, in her opinion, the clinic could be quite cold. It was a good thing the booths in Leblanc were rather comfortable.

Hearing the chime of a bell, Tae turned her head to see what poor soul was caught out in that rain. It appeared to be a woman with gray hair donning a suit. She looked awfully familiar. Had she seen her before?
Sae stepped inside with a click of her heels, brushing damp hair back. After everything with the Phantom Thieves, she'd started frequenting LeBlanc again. Her eyes surveyed the room-a blueish haired woman in platformers and a long coat, and no other customers. Typical of LeBlanc.

She sat down, resisting the urge to wring her hair out. She looked like something the cat had dragged in. Sojiro resisted a chuckle. "The usual, Niijima-San? And maybe a towel?"

"If you're offering on the second point." She sighed.

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