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Fantasy The Devil's Throne - OOC [OPEN]

Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess Lost Lost mkuchiha mkuchiha Bellz Bellz ElectricDandellion ElectricDandellion Angelofwishes7 Angelofwishes7 Emotional Enigma Emotional Enigma Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow Nightblade Nightblade @Esther_Silvers s u n s u n

I should be able to focus on this one more this weekend, though I am a little lost so need to check in. Can you confirm if you're still playing? If you're stuck or waiting on someone, let us know. Is anyone directly waiting for a response from me?

Also, if you're not busy and have room for another RP, there's still plenty of spots in this one and it only started a few hours ago, so it's still new!: Futuristic - Syndicate: Dystopia (Character Sheet)
Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess Lost Lost mkuchiha mkuchiha Bellz Bellz ElectricDandellion ElectricDandellion Angelofwishes7 Angelofwishes7 Emotional Enigma Emotional Enigma Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow Nightblade Nightblade @Esther_Silvers s u n s u n

I should be able to focus on this one more this weekend, though I am a little lost so need to check in. Can you confirm if you're still playing? If you're stuck or waiting on someone, let us know. Is anyone directly waiting for a response from me?

Also, if you're not busy and have room for another RP, there's still plenty of spots in this one and it only started a few hours ago, so it's still new!: Futuristic - Syndicate: Dystopia (Character Sheet)

I'm still here.
Alexander is free to interact with at the moment.
I'm sorry if everyone's waiting on me. I guess I'm struggling to keep this going as I can't interact with everyone. I don't have enough characters to keep it up.
Oh, girl, it's not your fault. It happens. Everyone gets tied up in their own interactions and kind of excludes other people or just forget to be inclusive; making the RP enjoyable for everyone.
Just a heads up that I'm being slower at replying just to make sure I give people a chance to post. I know some players have confirmed they're playing but haven't been posting, so just want to be sure I've not rushed it on without them.

Also, no more female characters allowed. We don't have many males and not many of the ones we've got haven't made much of an appearance yet. How will those princesses ever be married off?! :P

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