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Fantasy ⸸ The Devil's Orphans ⸸ OOC ⸸



Laugh Like You've Won Always
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A place where players in The Devil's Orphans RP can chat about anything related to the RP or not.
Technically it's open.

The example character I tossed into the character thread was the crown prince, but he died during the events of 8 years ago. Fought to keep the invaders out of the city only to be burned alive where it could be seen from the castle. Definitely a bad way to go.
Technically it's open.

The example character I tossed into the character thread was the crown prince, but he died during the events of 8 years ago. Fought to keep the invaders out of the city only to be burned alive where it could be seen from the castle. Definitely a bad way to go.
Most unfortunate indeed, well I shall plan accordingly since I'll have been #2 in line
There's no real need to spend a lot of time hunting for pictures. A written description is required, an image is optional.
Added a magic section and Caffeine_Obsessed Caffeine_Obsessed 's new nation, Sephestíel, to the lore thread. It's your nation, so feel free to come up with as much details about it as you want. I'll try to keep the section updated to match. What I added for now is just off the top of my head to fit the nation into the world as-is and isn't set in stone.

Oh, and since your character has a new mother character, if you could throw together just a few basic notes on her so I can add her to the character list. If she's dead then use age 8 years ago, else just age now.

Name: Odette Auclair
Given Name(s):
Race: Human
Sex: F
Age 8 years ago:
I mean i don't mind you taking the crowned prince spot, but hey, siblings can be rivals to your crown even if you are the crowned prince.
You can always try to take it back, there should be someone out there loyal to the past ruler at the very least, just got to find them.
*Looks between 'Rias and Magi's Ja'far*


I've been watching too much anime
ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon My dude, you've already used Arii like 3 times, what's the point of interacting with him if I'm already overly familiar with him... no offense but could you please use someone new?
ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon My dude, you've already used Arii like 3 times, what's the point of interacting with him if I'm already overly familiar with him... no offense but could you please use someone new?


Their personality changes per rp. It depends on the situation I put them in and their upbringing. They're the character I'm most comfortable playing because I know them... and besides, from what I remember, few of your characters have ever interacted with Arii for more than a couple sentances.

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