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Fantasy ⸸ The Devil's Orphans ⸸ Characters ⸸



Laugh Like You've Won Always
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
The Tyrant King Almus sired ten children, which were between the ages of 3 and 18 when the Kingdom of Arros fell. On his final day, the king made his children drink blood of the Devil, transforming a part of each one into the body of the Devil. The parts that can be claimed are: eyes, mouth, horns, left arm, right arm, legs, wings, and tail. If you want a specific one just let me know and I'll put it on hold for a day for you to get at least an initial draft of the character sheet up. If I don't see anything after a day I'll open that part back up for someone else to claim.

Eyes EldridSmith EldridSmith
Mouth Caffeine_Obsessed Caffeine_Obsessed
Horns Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
Left Arm Peckinou Peckinou
Right Arm sheesh sheesh
Legs - open
Wings ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon
Tail - open

The eyes turn gold and snake-like. Can see magical power, through illusions, and read surface-level thoughts and emotions via eye contact. Held direct eye contact allows deeper reading.

The lips turn black and thin, with black scales down the front of the neck and upper chest, as well as sharpened teeth. May have an increased taste for meat. Can speak commands that others will be compelled to obey, and words will be understood regardless of language.

Grows two large black curved horns from the head. Passively draws magical power from the surroundings. As humans are not accustomed to manipulating magic, the power will only accumulate with no manual release. If too much power is accumulated or the host's emotional state spikes, the magical power will be released all at once, resulting in a large magical explosion and likely destroying the host's surroundings.

Left Arm
The left arm becomes thin, with sharp fingers and covered in black scales. If the host opens the hand, everything before it will turn to dust.

Right Arm
The right arm becomes thin, with sharp fingers and covered in black scales. Any living thing the hand touches will be cured of any curse, illness, or injury. This does not apply to the host themselves.

The legs become thin and covered in black scales. Can release incredible power and handle hard impacts, and treat any surface as if it was flat ground.

Grows two black bat-like wings from the back. Can fly.

Grows a long black whip-like tail with a bladed hook on the end. Will automatically lash out at any approaching threats with enough force to pierce armor and quickly regrows if damaged.​
Feel free to use as much or as little formatting as you want when putting up a character sheet. As much as I enjoy seeing fancy formatting, I won't take any points away for a plain sheet. It doesn't change the quality of the character any. For an initial draft, please don't write too much for any part of the sheet. It's meant to give me a basic picture, and if needed I'll ask questions to expand on parts.

The Character Sheet:
Name: _ _ Arros
Given Name(s): _
Race: Human
Sex: _ (M/F)
Age: _ (13-23)
Appearance: _*
Piece of the Devil: _
Who was their mother? _**
What was their life like before 8 years ago? _
Where were they sent 8 years ago? _***
What was their life like since 8 years ago? _
What was their personality like 8 years ago? _
How has their personality changed in the past 8 years? _
Thoughts on their father? _
Thoughts on the fall of Arros? _
Thoughts on their life since? _
What do they want? _
Thoughts on their siblings? _****

* For appearance I'd actually prefer a written description over pictures, but it's not a hard rule. A written description is still needed if you use a picture.
** None of the king's children were with the queen, so mistresses, concubines, and slaves are all fair game.
*** Feel free to go as far as you want with the nation-building stuff. If you don't want to add a lot to the sheet you're free to use the ooc for figuring out what sort of place the character lives in. I plan on filling out the lore with any nations built up by the players.
**** The final question can be worked out between players as characters get accepted.

Quick Examples:
Name: Aryan Lucius Arros
Given Name(s): First Prince Aryan, Aryan of the Red Blade, Aryan the Hero
Race: Human
Sex: M
Age 8 years ago: 18
Appearance: A tall, handsome young man with long dark hair, usually in a ponytail, and light green eyes. When at home he would often wear loose grey robes. As a knight he would wear shining silver armor and wield a heavy great sword with a red flame pattern down the blade - the weapon of a past Hero with the Blessing of Flame).
Who was their mother? Estella Silver
What was their life like before 8 years ago? Aryan was the crown prince, next in line to rule the Kingdom of Arros. He was raised to rule, taught to command, and trained as a knight to raise his standing among the people. He was far more popular than his father, to the point that rumors that the prince was acting as a knight to keep him busy so he didn't overthrow his father. His strength was enough that he could very well have been the next Hero, surviving impossible battles and winning without fail, until he finally fell outside the castle 8 years ago and his body was burned where the king could see.
What was their personality like 8 years ago? Aryan cared deeply about his future kingdom and spent every spare moment working to gain the skills and knowledge he'd need to make Arros prosper.
Thoughts on their father? Despite everything, Aryan still believes that his father is a good man that cares about his kingdom and family.
Thoughts on the fall of Arros? He fought to the end to protect his kingdom from outside invaders, even long after the people no longer supported him. His last thoughts were sadness that he wouldn't be able to protect anyone else, not the people or his family.
What do they want? Aryan just wanted to protect, to make the people around him safe and happy.
Thoughts on their siblings? _
Name: Almus Lucius Arros
Given Name(s): King of Arros, The Tyrant King
Race: Human
Sex: M
Age 8 years ago: 53
Appearance: A large, fit man with black hair and sharp glacier-blue eyes that seem to pierce through a person's soul. Wore a more ornate version of the knights casual uniform: a dark gray jacket with blue accents and his personal symbol on the breast - a white sword piercing a black moon surrounded by blue sky.
About: Almus was strict towards everyone, even his family. He was ambitious, and good at seeing and exploiting weaknesses, which would lead him to take actions which would eventually result in the fall of his kingdom and his own death.
Name: Liliana Veste Arros
Given Name(s): Queen of Arros
Race: Human
Sex: F
Age 8 years ago: 46
Appearance: A beautiful woman even as she aged, tall with light blonde hair and grey eyes.
About: The daughter of another nation's noble, she was married to Almus to secure trade between the nations. It was hard to tell if the two eventually grew to love the other, as from beginning to end they would always bicker about minor things. She kept out of the public view mostly, supporting her husband in the few times she did speak out. It's a common rumor that she's unable to have children, hence the king's children coming from other women.
Name: Estelle Silver
Given Name(s): The Second Queen, The Slave Queen
Race: Human
Sex: F
Age 8 years ago: ~35
Appearance: A small, thin woman with an almost unhealthy complexion, long grey hair, and pale blue eyes.
About: A slave bought by the king. She's the mother of most of the king's older children. She rarely smiled and rarely spoke except when found hiding in the castle library, when she'd read stories to the children.
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Jahir Solus Arros

  • 1612070934654.png
    (If you aid me, I will return the favor twice over, if you do me an injury, I will crush you, ruin your name, and salt your fields.)
    Jahir Solus Arros

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Adriel Goliath Arros


  • Name:
    Adriel Goliath Arros

    Given Name(s):
    Ravage, Adriel the Heedless, Adriel the Conniver




    He has heterochromatic, cunning eyes that seem almost unnaturally outlined, following a somewhat dark set of eye bags that have a tinge of redness set into them. One remains Dark brown, while the other is a piercing gold. He kind of has short hair, but not buzz cut short. It’s shorter than shoulder length. His hair is naturally black, but halfway up it is dyed platinum white. He has smooth pale skin, and a sharp nose. He wears extremely thin gold framed glasses, and sports four thick black cartilage cuff piercings on both ears and a feather earlobe piercing on his right ear. His height stands at 6’0. His body is muscular, but not enough to be ripped. His arms and chest are littered with scars, a few reach above his collarbone. He frequently wore colorless (white/black/grey), casual clothing. He was very fond of jewelry.

    Piece of the Devil:
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Delmar Bartleby Arros

Name : Delmar Bartleby Arros
Given names : Grace, The Doctor, Caregiver, Barry, Bobby
Sex : M
Age : 22

Appearance : Delmar's most defining feature is the red-hued birthmark across his face that resembles a bad burn. The red birthmark contrasts hardly against his small, sharp and icy blue eyes. He's got a brown mop of hair that's usually kept cut short on the sides while the front dangles over his forehead. What's left on the sides grow into sideburns that connect into a thick beard and moustache that dominates his face just as much as his birthmark. He's got a fair complexion and an average size - being 5'10 and marginally muscular. Along with his birthmark, his right arm is more jarring than his birthmark, and you'd have to argue pretty hard to say equally as. It's thinner than his other arm and covered with jet black scales. It's usually kept hidden by gauze wrappings.

Piece of the Devil : Right Arm


Who was their mother? Estelle Silver

What was their life like before 8 years ago? He neglected most of his lessons in favor of being by himself when he could. When he was by himself he entertained himself with books and drawing. He never really enjoyed being a royal, and never acted like one. Instead of treating the servant's like subordinates he treated them as equals, and rarely had them do anything for him. He had good instincts for fighting, but since he never practiced fighting at all he was one of the weakest royals in terms of combat. He liked to be by himself largely, so he spent a lot of his time either in his room or somewhere solitary. Contrast to belief though, he wasn't completely shut off from being approached by people.

Where were they sent 8 years ago? Delmar was taken to the wilds with a servant named Grisha. Grisha had been a carpenter that worked for the family, and craftsman his entire life. They managed to find a broken and clearly abandoned cabin in the woods, not too far away from some farmland - of which the farmers who lived and worked on it were independent and only grew food for themselves. They were somewhere on the border of
Sephestíel and The Great Forest, though neither Delmar nor Grisha would be able to put their finger on where they were.

What was their life like since 8 years ago? Living on their own, Grisha and Delmar often had to do everything for themselves. They got water from a running stream. They hunted for their food on a near daily basis, and when the winter came they had to split wood so that they could keep themselves warm. Starting out though, Grisha had to ask the nearby farmers for spare food for a while, and because of the farmer's kindness they became friends quickly. The farmer was a man who lived with his wife. His wife became sick quite often, but fortunately for them Delmar was unintentionally an expert at curing illnesses. Delmar's lived a quiet life for 8 years doing nothing but simply living.


What was their personality like 8 years ago? Delmar was very kind, humble, and timid. He didn't really like to take on any responsibilities as a royal, and didn't try too many things that required a lot of effort. He didn't speak much, so a lot never really found out about how intelligent he was. Even if he did speak, he wasn't one to even subtly try to show off how smart he was, but you'd instead hear it in the way he talks. He tried his best to show sympathy for everyone, but he had a hard time understanding other people's emotions. He didn't go out of his way to interact with people but he was always open to being approached.

How has their personality changed in the past 8 years? He's largely still the same as he was then, minus the timid part and add some more of his quiet disposition. A lot of times he's presumed to be rude, pretentious, or deaf because sometimes he outright chooses not the respond when spoken to. He's moved away from trying to show show sympathy from everyone and only the people who really need it.

Thoughts on their father? Indifferent. His death was essentially what let him leave a free life like he had been for the last 8 years. He never really developed a relationship with him, and he was too kind to blame him for the life he was living. His father was an extremely small part of his life, and in tandem was Delmar's opinion about him.

Thoughts on the fall of Arros? Indifferent, if a little glad. He couldn't reliably get away from being a royal while his father still had control. The fall of Arros pretty much completely eliminated his status as a royal altogether, which was exactly what he'd wanted ever since he was able to recognize his place as a royal.

Thoughts on their life since? He's enjoying not being treated as a royal and more as a normal person. The change in the way people talk to him and act around him makes him slightly happy that his father was overthrown.

What do they want? To live normally, not as a noble, but to just be a simple person with equally as ordinary responsibilites.

Thoughts on their siblings? They're all family to him, and he loves them all dearly. He'd do whatever he can to keep them alive and well, though he couldn't care less what they decide to do with their lives.

coded by incandescent

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Name: Arias Arros
Given Name(s):
-Flame (Guildname)
-The Blood Red Shadow (given to them after their numerous assassinations, which are notable for the fact that all of their targets are killed the same way (hole right through the throat))

Race: Human
Sex: F
Age: 14 (bordering 15)

Arii is long, and skinny, often being described as "storky", as their legs take up most of their height, to the extent that their ribs can and will grind against their pelvis should they lean too far to either side. They are light and lithe, having a delicate-looking frame that's had its features sharpened with time. They look feminine when scrutinized. Dark red hair cropped to their neck makes them look a hell of a lot like a dude, though, never having been well-endowed and being quite broad-shouldered. Gold-brown eyes appear like sunlight concentrated when looked at just right, making their gaze something unfortunate to meet.

Massive, leathery wings with a piece of the darkest midnight sky painting the scales adorn their back, each longer than they are tall. The surface is littered with small indents from the times they have been bound, and several scars litter the membrane. More often than not, they are painted with gold markings all along the dorsal side as a sort-of... show of status as a well-trained assassin within the guild.

Arii's body is littered with scar upon scar upon scar primarily around their hands and legs, but there are some lash-scars around their back. There are none on their face and neck.

Sidenote: They're around 5'9"

Piece of the Devil: Wings
Who was their mother?
Arias' mother was a foreign concubine who stayed just long enough to give birth then vanished into wherever else she traveled. WIP

What was their life like before 8 years ago?

'Rias' life wasn't good, but wasn't bad. They'd scarcely began living it, after all. They were around six when they were taken.

Where were they sent 8 years ago?
Arias was sent to a sort of... resort. High in the mountains in a relatively peaceful, costal settlement. It was small and out of the way, having few wealthy people due to their main income being fish. But around the halfway point, their escort was ambushed in the middle of the night by a band of assassins, who decided "huh, this is weird; let's keep it."

From there, they were spirited away to the Guild's base of operations, which is essentially a hole in a hill leading to a set of complex tunnels that wrap around each other and branch off like a pair of massive, twisting trees. The entire guild sleeps in the same place, though none of them really sleep at the same time, some being diurnal, others being crepuscular, and the greater mass of them being completely nocturnal.

They survive primarily on food from hunting, stashing the 12% of their commissions that goes to the guild in case of emergencies deep in the tunnels.

What was their life like since 8 years ago?
After being stolen away by the band of assassins, vaguely referred to as "The Guild", Arias was trained in the art of stealth, thievery, and combat. They were sent on their first official tandem mission at 10. They killed first at 11. By 12, they were trusted to carry out straightforward missions, and by 13, they were one of the best assassins of their weight-class. They earned the name "Flame" after their first solo mission, being named for the color of their hair and eyes.

As Flame was an infiltrator, they grew used to stretching to fit the role they were given. Having a very androgynous look, they were put in both female and male roles, and as such, their view on gender as a whole is quite skewed. To them, it's a tool. A tool to be used. Outside of missions, they either use they/them pronouns or it/its pronouns.

Many times, they have disguised themself as a demon slave, wings often bound behind them. The Guild paid no mind to their appearance, though, only caring that they were a good assassin. They were never treated as a slave so-as-to not enforce habits that would get them killed in the field, however certain members do still shun them... though not openly. Flame pays no mind to them.

What was their personality like 8 years ago?
Flame's personality hadn't had much time to develop. They were a curious thing, often compared to a bird due to their penchant for observing and not speaking.

How has their personality changed in the past 8 years?
Flame's personality has shifted from curious and quiet to apathetic and aggressive. They will not speak unless spoken to first and are—even then—incredibly quiet due to underdeveloped vocal chords. Any perceived threats will be neutralized when not on mission.

Other than that, Flame's opinions are second to logic. If they don't like someone, that will be kept quiet, even if they have to work with them. The good of the mission over the good of the individual.

Thoughts on their father?
No opinion. They don't remember him too well, but harbor no ill-will nonetheless. Their life is the way it is. That's it.

Thoughts on the fall of Arros?
It could have been handled better. Attacking was a bad idea, and it would have been much more productive to have proposed a truce as a neutral third-party.

Thoughts on their life since?
It is the way it is and there's no real changing it. Being an assassin is pretty great, actually; they're protected as an asset, they have food, water, and shelter, and by this time, choosing their own missions is a given.

What do they want?
Flame wants to progress. They want to get better and better at their craft until they graduate out of the weightclass they're currently in (about halfway up the chain). For them, fighting their way up the ranks is an honor and with how quickly they're progressing, they are on track to becoming invaluable for the guild.

Thoughts on their siblings?
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  • Basic
    Name: Ijekiel Arros
    Given Name(s):
    Man in Black
    The Bandit King
    Race: Human
    Sex: Male
    Age: 18
    Standing at 5'8, they have a sort of lithe build, they usually wear a black cloak in order to hide their features, they sometimes wear a black mask when meeting others, they have long nails on their right hand and sharp fingers on their left hand which is also covered in scales, though they usually keep their left arm hidden, unless someone is trusted or they plan to kill someone.
    Piece of the Devil: Left Arm
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Name: Malorious Arros
Given Name(s):
Just Malor
The Grim Herald
wandering one
Race: Human
Sex: M
Age: 20
Appearance: AFDB31EA-7F6B-4614-B1C0-A16BC99B50E5.jpeg
Malorious is a bit on the taller end for a human standing around 5'10 his horns making him a solid 6'1 foot. Having a broad sort of muscular body and well very long blackened hair. he'd Probobly be a pretty boy if he'd not had horns most of the time he wears a long black hooded robe at all times
Piece of the Devil: horns
Who was their mother? _ Estelle Silver
What was their life like before 8 years ago? _ Malor often kept to himself most of the time reading and just not getting in the way of anyone else he'd not avoid social interaction but he certainly didn't seek it.
Where were they sent 8 years ago? _ due to hid volatile nature Malor more or less wasn't sent anywhere particular but just to wander around form small hamlet to small hamlet some times causing some... explosive results
What was their life like since 8 years ago? _
These days he's taken a joy to traveling and working odd jobs getting a bit of a Reputation as a eccentric homeless man something Malor doesn't all to much mind
What was their personality like 8 years ago? _ Malor was a fairly quiet and reserved child soft spoken and generally kept out of most people's way
How has their personality changed in the past 8 years? _ ironically he became a more outgoing and cheerful individual over his years of wandering a total 180 of how he used to act
Thoughts on their father? _
"He did his best can't really fault him on anything"
Thoughts on the fall of Arros? _
"Disappointing but maybe hmm nevermind delusion of grandeur
Thoughts on their life since? _
"Not bad life's been fun just gotta say on top of my... issues"
What do they want? _
"Surprisingly I'm fairly content not much I could do anyway as a walking bomb"
Thoughts on their siblings? _****
Name: Seraphine Kiera Arros
Given Name(s): Fina
Race: Human
Sex: F
Age: 12
A young girl with long black hair usually pulled back into a single ponytail. Her sharp blue eyes seem to look right into a person's innermost thoughts while her self-satisfied smirk laughs at them for what she sees there. When at home she likes to wear frilly dresses with her hair down, but when she goes out she wears an outfit of tight leather and pants, something a mercenary might wear.
Piece of the Devil: None
Who was their mother?
Odette Auclair
What was their life like before 8 years ago?
Seraphine was only 4 when she was taken from the castle, but she was still being cared for by her mother and other servants most of the time.
Where were they sent 8 years ago? Since she was too young to be separated from her mother, Seraphine was sent away with Odette to hide in Sighold, the capital city Heronda.
What was their life like since 8 years ago?
Odette, going just by Clara, worked as a maid for a noble house that had been connected to one of the king's loyal servants. Seraphine was left along most days, but she was unreasonably intelligent for her age, a natural genius by any measure, and easily taught herself to speak, read, write, and any other skill she chose to acquire. The city isn't a safe place for a young girl to be exploring along, but Seraphine is fearless about wandering into the least safe parts of the city with nothing but her wits as her weapon of self-defense. Recently she's been surrounded by shady people and seems to be spending money she isn't willing to explain where it came from.
What was their personality like 8 years ago?
Seraphine was a spoiled little girl that enjoyed sneaking away and hiding from the servants and sneaking into the kitchen for food.
How has their personality changed in the past 8 years?
Seraphine was too young when living in the castle to have retained much of her personality from then, since she's lived as a commoner for twice as long as she was a royal. But that isn't even what's changed her personality most. That would be her growing into her own genius. She is unquestionably smarter than most people, and it's made her arrogant and manipulative. Her mother barely recognizes the person her daughter is growing into, she scares her honestly.
Thoughts on their father?
What he did was inconvenient, nothing more.
Thoughts on the fall of Arros?
Again, just an inconvenience. Anything she could have obtained as a royal she can still obtain, it'll just take more time.
Thoughts on their life since?
Seeing how common people live is interesting, but she doesn't plan on wasting much more time accomplishing nothing. Soon she'll be old enough to begin making moves of her own.
What do they want?
To reclaim everything that belongs to her.
Thoughts on their siblings?
Her mother has told her about her older siblings, and Seraphine has listened and memorized everything her mother could tell her about each one, but it isn't out of any family love. She doesn't even remember those people. She just knows that they'll be important pieces for her to accomplish her goals.
Name: Desera Llowen Arros
Given Name(s): Sera, Carrion, Carrie, The Steel Scorpion
Race: Human
Sex: F
Age: 23
A wild-looking woman with long black hair that falls down her tones shoulders and back. Her face is mean, with fearsome blood-red eyes. When alone she'll wear minimal clothing, a cut up loose shirt and pants, but with more sturdy boots and gloves. When she ventures closer to where she might run into other people she dons a heavy chainmail coif and iron mask.
Piece of the Devil: Tail
Who was their mother?
Estelle Silver
What was their life like before 8 years ago?
Sera had been taught womens' skills (the arts) in preparation to be wed to a noble of Biran to secure trade between Arro and Biran. She was quite happy to leave the city and get to see and live next to the ocean.
Where were they sent 8 years ago?
Sera was meant to go into hiding in northern Heronda, but a skirmish between Heronda and Sephestíel resulted in her escort choosing to change course and head more south towards Sighold, the capital city Heronda.
What was their life like since 8 years ago?
Unfortunately, heading towards Sighold was disastrous. In the chaos of a city flooding with refugees, Sera was kidnapped and auctioned off of a slave, her tail being certain proof that she was a demon. Her red eyes, not impossible but not common for a human, didn't help. It was only after her situation took an even worse turn that she realized the danger she'd fallen into, and when her panic reached its peak the tail attached to her body moved on its own and slaughtered all of the people that surrounded her. Her new "owner", his men and servants, even the other slaves. Variations of that situation have repeated for 8 years as Sera gradually made her way South, avoiding other people as much as possible but leaving a trail of bodies when she couldn't. After another particularly bad incident in El'Mithe, she stole a boat and fled across the Dodaga River into the vast Southern Jungle. It's difficult for humans to survive in the jungle, but with her tail dealing with most threats she figured it would be better than continuing to interact with humans and unintentionally killing people.
What was their personality like 8 years ago?
Sera was a proper noble lady that could look and act the part perfectly, but she could also be outspoken about her dreams and ambitions. She had a sort of wanderlust that made her fantasize about things she had yet to see or experience, even things she knew were impossible. Ever since she was told that she would be married to a Biran noble she would talk excitedly about getting to see the ocean like that was more important than who she would marry or that it was a different nation. People and places weren't as exciting to her as seeing something she'd only heard about.
How has their personality changed in the past 8 years?
Sera goes by the name Carrion now because that's how she leaves people that don't run away from her fast enough. She hates seeing people dying even though its her own body doing the killing, so she has to go out of her way to avoid anywhere people might be. In the jungle where she doesn't have to constantly hide and run away she's started to reemerge from her shell, but it can't be said to be in an entirely healthy direction. Carrie has taken to talking to herself, or to no one, or to animals or the trees, in a very not-sane way. As a princess she turned up her nose at a meal that looked even a little odd, but right now she's perfectly comfortable filling her mouth with something she killed a minute ago, so long as it's filling.
Thoughts on their father?
He's a bastard that ruined everything and cursed her so she can't even interact with other people.
Thoughts on the fall of Arro?
She's sad that the kingdom she was born in has changed, but she was always more interested in places outside her home anyway, so she doesn't care much about Arro.
Thoughts on their life since?
Her life has been hell. She went from royalty to a fugitive, and then a slave that became a murderer and is now a hermit that slaughters beasts for food and lives in a tree.
What do they want?
At this point she just wants to be left alone. She wanted to marry into nobility in Biran and see the ocean, she wanted to live a normal life in Heronda, she wanted to talk to people after fleeing Heronda, she wanted to find a place she could stop running, she wanted... Nothing she's wanted has ever come true. It's better she just lives and dies in this jungle as a monster than keeps trying to act like a human.
Thoughts on their siblings?
Sera grew up as the only girl surrounded by brothers for many years, and while she did love each of her brothers in some shape, as a princess she was raised very differently from them. The brother she was closest to was Delmar, who for some reason showed interest in art. She'd often share what her art teacher taught her with Delmar after her lessons ended. She wonders what happened to her siblings but hopes she never meets them, if she accidentally killed her own family she'd lose the last bit of reason she has to stay slightly sane.

Name: Variel Drake Arros
Given Name(s): Worm, Dust
Race: Human
Sex: M
Age: 18
Appearance: A muscular man with warm brown eyes and short-cut dark brown or black hair. He's almost always wearing a soldier's uniform of the New Heronda military.
Piece of the Devil: Legs
Who was their mother?
Odette Auclair
What was their life like before 8 years ago?
Variel looked up to his older brothers as the template of how to act. He wanted to be like his father and eldest brothers and become a soldier to protect the people. A soldier that earned the respect of his men was the same thing as a king earning the respect of his people. So Variel studied how to act as a knight and the basics of swordsmanship as soon as he could read and lift a practice sword.
Where were they sent 8 years ago?
Variel was taken south to El'Mithe, but a few years later he ran away and made his way back towards Arro.
What was their life like since 8 years ago?
After getting a ride North with a merchant, Variel ran up to the first group of Herondal knights he spotted and pestered them with questions until they finally told him what he had to do to become a soldier. Fast forward a few years and Variel, usually called Dust from how often he kicks up clouds of the stuff when he fights (his close friends call him Worm instead from how he'd always land face-first in the dirt after taking too strong a lunge), in now a well-known soldier that protects the region of New Heronda that used to be called the Kingdom of Arro. Variel is content to protect the people or Arro even if it's no longer the same nation, even if the people turned their back on his father and him. A soldier, a knight, lives to protect.
What was their personality like 8 years ago?
Variel was single-minded and simple-minded. Once he set his mind on something nothing would change it or discourage him. He decided he wanted to be a knight, and not even the fall of his family or kingdom shook that in the slightest.
How has their personality changed in the past 8 years?
Surprisingly little. Variel is still stubborn and wants what he wants with all of his heart. He's still kind and honest, but he has learned to be slightly more reserved now that he has secrets to keep. He can't tell people about his true identity and past, or what his lower half has turned into. Telling other soldiers that his incredible strength comes from hard work and training is the lie he has to repeat the most often and the one he dislikes being forced to say.
Thoughts on their father?
He was a good man. Something had to have gone wrong for things to turn out so poorly, or maybe it was just bad luck outside of anyone's control. Variel trusts his father because Aryan trusted him more than any reason of his own.
Thoughts on the fall of Arro?
A change in leadership might change a place somewhat, but it's the people that decide what that place is. Even if it's not called Arro anymore, the people there are still the people of Arro. Whether it's as a knight of Arro or a soldier of New Heronda, it's still protecting the same people.
Thoughts on their life since?
He has no real regrets about his choices. He's been able to accomplish his dream of being a knight and has friends and allies he fights alongside. If he has any regrets it's that he didn't work for his strength, that he has to hide what he looks like from his allies, and that he'll probably never be able to be with a woman; all three problems a result of his cursed body.
What do they want?
To continue to protect the people of Arro, whatever that may involve.
Thoughts on their siblings?
Variel idolized Aryan and Jahir, pretty much putting them on the level of the heroes of old. Aryan's death crushed him for a long time, until he dragged himself out of his own depression by saying that a hero dying fighting for their cause was even more heroic. He hopes his other siblings are still out there somewhere, living their lives happily where they won't be found.

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