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Futuristic The Deep Dark: A Space-Age, Intergalactic Freeroam RP

How many more people should we have in the RP?

  • No More!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1-2 more/ 7-8

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3-4 more/ 9-10

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 5-6 more/ 11-12

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A full Space Marine Regiment (A Crap-Ton!)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The site displays local times? I always thought it uses UTC.
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Anyways, so if we do have the news system, that suggests that we at least have a pre-planned plot of some sort. Would you guys like me to come up with one, or at least plan some events ahead of time?
A complete and detailed plot is probably not required as we are not writing a novel, but a brief outline approximating the events that might or might not happen in the course of the RP is appreciated, and will give players a very rough structure to follow/reference.
We should probably create a few species and governments first to help with the plot line. In space type stories, usually the different species and their mentality ire greatly effect how they interact and what happens.
Shameless rip-off of every plot ever: Some outer colony has disappeared from the map, no contact, no nothing. Since it was a small colony none of the big leagues care, but somebody does, and sends the players to investigate. Turns out the colony was wiped out by a Devor expeditionary force. Was it just a standard raid or is this the prelude to a large-scale invasion?

PS: This is what I currently think of when I think of knowledge-seeking Devor, if not appearance at least mentality.


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@Yesman, There is, but you'd just barely slide in. Are you willing to contribute a decent amount? You'll have to be in this thing for the long run, so if you're not ready to do that, I'd reconsider joining. However, if you are, then welcome aboard. You'll fill our last spot.
Cry U 945] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24796-yesman/ said:
@Yesman[/URL], There is, but you'd just barely slide in. Are you willing to contribute a decent amount? You'll have to be in this thing for the long run, so if you're not ready to do that, I'd reconsider joining. However, if you are, then welcome aboard. You'll fill our last spot.
Grabs hat and jumps on
Do I just start giving ideas? Ships, races, companies? Anything?
The Dragx:

The Dragx hail from Nexrith as the alpha predator. They have evolved to be faster, stronger, and deadlier than that which already live in one of the most hostile and deadly planet in the system (I actually don't know how large this RP's universe is gonna be so expect changes). Social wise, the Dragx are very primitive with most Dragxes living in small tribes and only a few, around 1 out of every 20, Dragxes ever leaving the planet, let alone meeting another sentient (non-edible) species. The Dragx also do not possess any clothing, seeing the pieces of cloth as a hindrance to their movement. Because of this, the Dragxes are rightly viewed as primitive savages by most if not all of the other species.

Dragxes are natural hunters. Their bodies give off almost no scent and they are able to change their body temperature to match their environment. They are also very resistant to most poison and venom. Their reaction speed are unmatched and most of them are trained from a young age to be able to read subtle body movement to predict the actions of their preys.

Dragxes are too busy surviving to worry about laws, religion, or discovering anything new. The tribal leaders are chosen by the strongest in that tribe, regardless of gender. Any time a tribal leader is defeated in combat, the challenger becomes the new leader. That being said, sneakily attacking the tribal leader, or any Dragx for that matter, is seen as cowardly and weak and the attacker will be killed if caught.


I made this race sometime ago for another RP on a different site. Reading it again, I think I should rewrite it... Maybe later
I definitely think we can find a place to fit the Dragx into the RP. Correct me if I'm wrong, but since I think we've all assumed that the RP will take place within the Milky Way's boundaries, have the Dragx expanded farther than their system, and if so, have the Dragx had any major effect on Galactic society? Also, what roles would they typically play in Galactic society?

A shapeshifter race. Colonians are a siphonophorae species, meaning specimens are made up of thousands of small organisms working together rather than one large individual. Each specimen works as an absolute democracy, where it's members can discuss and vote on decisions just as fast as other sentient species take theirs. The more members a colony has, the more intelligent and versatile it becomes. Naturally they appear like large slimes, but sufficiently old and intelligent ones can change shape into a form at least resembling that of other species. Only a very few are good enough to copy the exact appearance of an individual.



The total number of Colonians is difficult to estimate, as neither counts by colonies nor organisms properly reflect their society. The gist of the matter is that they only acknowledge colonies that have grown big enough to achieve sentience. And since each Colonian starts life as a single organism, that can take a while.

Colonian government is a strange mix of democracy and hierarchy, colonies love to vote amongs themselves about everything, just as they do internally, but larger colonies tend to get heavier votes to reflect their higher intelligence.


For those that took up life among the stars, things are somewhat different. Usually only colonies old enough to take another species' shape opts for the life, as a slime is hard-pressed to operate technology and communicate with other species. Intergalactic Colonians tend to be more individualistic, in the sense that they start acting as a person instead of a consensus, mostly in response to interaction with singular organisms. They still love negotiation, and are extremely comfortable in politics and companies alike.
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Nice job on the Colonians, Leviathan. I should have another race up sometime today.
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The entry below is inspired by real-life research

GTCS Archive Entry subsection YCL: Yuclite Crystallines (GTCS temporary designation YCL-X-276, commonly called "L-Crystals")

At first glance, the Yuclite Crystallines superficially resemble crystals extremely closely, and have been subsequently misidentified as such by an OIGA geological survey team while performing a mineral content survey on Yuclite. As it was standard procedure to study and class newly discovered minerals, it was not long before a laboratory assistant detected an abnormal weight increase of the sample, far beyond the normal growth expected. Upon further examination, it was discovered that the crystallines seem to be alive, as the sample was observed undergoing metabolism. At one point, the crystal responded to the researchers shining a bright light into it by spontaneously disappearing and reappearing nearby. When a second sample is brought close to the original, interaction in the form of light emission is thought to have occurred.

However, due to the esoteric nature of the organism, researchers are still unable to determine its status as a new species unequivocally. Debates in biology circles are ongoing, and the subject has garnered quite a bit of exposure in the media. As a result of the special status, the L-Crystal has become a very valuable commodity, and despite efforts of the local government to ban the export of L-Crystals, smugglers and black-market traders have managed to find methods to deliver these crystals into the hands of the rich. Owing to the fact that even the sentience or sapience of these crystals cannot be determined with current methods, the issue of illegal L-Crystal trading has been highly controversial.

Known Attributes:

*Higher growth rate than a *normal* crystal


*Mobile (Spontaneously Appearance, akin to short range teleportation; exact mechanism unknown)

*Responds to Stimuli

*infraspecies communication?

Sentience: Unable to be Determined



(Maybe they can form part of a subplot? Corporate exploitation, Smuggling, Something to fight over etc.)
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Hmm, this stuff seems interesting but sadly the spot as the apex pred seems to have already been taken so I cant use my Serai'Drakhoul

Damn, slightly disappointing but I wont try to join in and make it a pissing contest on who's deadlier. Also no one would want to read my 9 page describe on the damn things.
[QUOTE="Jarkov Malachai]Hmm, this stuff seems interesting but sadly the spot as the apex pred seems to have already been taken so I cant use my Serai'Drakhoul
Damn, slightly disappointing but I wont try to join in and make it a pissing contest on who's deadlier. Also no one would want to read my 9 page describe on the damn things.

I would actually like to see them. I love reading descriptions of alien life and the such.
[QUOTE="Jarkov Malachai]Hmm, this stuff seems interesting but sadly the spot as the apex pred seems to have already been taken so I cant use my Serai'Drakhoul
Damn, slightly disappointing but I wont try to join in and make it a pissing contest on who's deadlier. Also no one would want to read my 9 page describe on the damn things.

Only in their specific environment are they Apex. How do they react to high pressure or gravity environments? Lethal radiation? Deep water? The vacuum of space? What other species/environmental combinations could there be?

There's room for more than 1 warrior/predator species in the universe, especially one that barely leaves its natural habitat.
LeviathanL said:
1 in 20 is a large amount to go live in space. For humans it would be 350 million.
That's true I guess. It's pretty much the whole of the US living in space.

Proportionally for a population 1 in 20 doing something like that is very high. Statistically its more likely for a Dragx to be in space than it is for a modern day US citizen to work in retail.
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Well I suppose, I was more just worried cause well... eh again pissing contest. My thingies definitely are more widespread and they generally everywhere though you will never see em for the way I play them.

Just the way he, the light I should say, put his Dragxes sound very similar to mine own beasts whose official name is Serai'Drakhoul but their unofficial name is The Dredge.

On another note this isn't a nation role play but more individual based or not?
There's totally room for two species like that. It's a big universe. But they are yours so do whatever you feel is right (^.^)

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