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The Dead Guy and Me

"Bye bye, my wittle tootie poot. Behave, okay?" The woman decked in baby bears faux white fur cooed at the animal before her. The dog panted and licked her face. More cooing ensues.

Danielle or Dani to her friends (which is none, so she only calls herself that) rolled her eyes at the scene, the dog's leash held firmly on her left hand. Finally, the dog and his human got enough of each other and they parted. Dani tugged and the dog followed, its tail waggling. The gate swung open as the security activated it from their quarters. Damn rich people...

Letting the dog control the direction they go to, Dani was in a strangely pensive mood. The leather collar was decked with diamonds, genuine, she'd bet her monthly wage. The dog's fur shone with health, while everyday is a struggle just to keep her hair manageable. Ah, the fairness of life...

She sighed. And was suddenly pulled forward. On to the incoming traffic. Lights flashed before her. Her body felt an impact. And before her sight blurred and darkened, she saw on the other side of the road the dog with its diamond decked collar, safe and sound. Damn, even the dog has better luck than her...

  • "Jeez, are you serious? Like, all I wanted was to read the back! Bookshop owners these days, they're just so greedy..." I complained, waving the book I just bought. I wasn't even sure what it really was about yet, I had simply been forced to buy it just cause I picked it up. I mean, really? Just because I pulled it a few inches from where it was before? This was ridiculous.

    Well, no time like the present to find out. I turned Stake Lobby (the name of the book) around and read the back out loud. Just the title made me drool, though, the idea of those delicious stakes, softly cooked in a grill with a little bit of oil falling on the side...

    "Truly and amazing masterpiece. The new Gordon Ramsay, The times. Amanda Reintern, a new author in the area of culinary, brings us her expertise on the art of cooking..."

    I stopped reading, to raise my head, that image was going into me again. So, it was a cooking book, by someone being compared to Gordon Ramsay. Honestly speaking, I never really saw that guy doing anything other than yelling at people, but he was a famed chef. If this book would teach me to cook that way... Mhmmm, I couldn´t wait! It would even be worth learning to cook, rather than just ordering stuff like I usually did. I gazed down upon the book again to finish reading.

    "From the delicious ribcage to the magnificent grilled stakes and the heart-warming chicken heart, all manner of meat seem to melt your senses in these sensacional, garlic-based recipes..."

    I stopped and looked around, searching for the nearest trash can. A dog´s bark called my attention to a nearby one, next to the road. As I headed there, I noticed the exceptional treatment given to the pet, with a diamond collar and that expensive-looking fur arrangements...

    The sound of a truck made me lift my gaze again, eyes widening. Death, was what I saw. Well, not properly, but very, very close to it, as the truck was not stopping. I had no idea why, but I did have a pretty good idea of what would happen to the woman should she embrace it. I gulped, running. My ears were ringing, I felt itchy all over my body as my heart pumped at a quite accelerated rate. I had no idea what I was doing. I had no idea why my feet were pressing me in that directions, why my teeth were clenching, why my hands were reaching out to the woman, pressing against her breasts... And why I only bothered looking in the road´s direction after the woman had been shoved out of the way, and the huge traffic lights engulfed my vision...

    Before it all faded to nothing.


Heaven is real. The lights were pretty. Red and blue. Blue and red. Rlue? ...or Bled? There were pretty dancing glowing fairies in front of her eyes. How wonderful. If only the ringing in her ears would stop.

"...awake! She's awake! "

Slowly, Dani blinked, trying to clear the cobwebs. But her eyes were so heavy. She focused on the person's lips, watching them as they moved and formed words. Then she was lost to the world again.

The next thing that woke her up was a bark. When she opened her eyes, all she could see was white. Was she finally on a bed of clouds? Nah, it's just a room.

"Oh! You're awake now. We were worried about you."

Who is this woman... Judging from her uniform, she must be the nurse. Slowly, she looked around. "What...?"

"You are one lucky girl. But the young man is not so. Is he your boyfriend?"

Her eyebrows knit, "Uhm... I don't quite understand."

"Oh! You must still be disoriented, with the accident and all. Do you remember almost being run over by a truck yesterday? And you were gallantly saved by another. You survived, just superficial abrasion on your body. However, he did not."

"Oh my God. I...I...Where is he?" she quietly asked, her mind not quite grasping that someone died for her. How could she face the grieving faces of his family?

"He's still in the morgue. No one has claimed the body yet, we were hoping you could help us."

Quickly, she jumped out of the bed. She was dizzy for a moment and she clutched the bed for support. "I wanna see him. Please."

  • If nothing else, it had been a good life. Middle-class caring parents, scraping for a way to save as much money as possible... I still recalled my dad telling me about how they used to give me a bath in the same place and time they washed the dishes. Or the tender love they had put into sneaking me through the park bars so they wouldn´t have to pay my ticket. Or how they lied about my age, to the point my father was arrested for fraud after claiming I was ten. It was tearjerking moment, to the point that the beard I had grown over that summer got drenched in my cries. I remembered all of my scholar successes: The time I won the spelling contest and got myself shoved into a trash can. The time I had come up as top of my class and as a result got myself shoved into a trashcan. The time I skipped an year and got myself shoved into a trash can. The time the teacher gave an A+ for showing up with the full lab equipment and I got myself shoved into what could have been a radioactive trash can... but best of all, the time I first asked a girl out. The joy when her hand ran across my cheek like...

    Wow, wow, wow... It hadn´t been a good life at all! Damm it, it was a waste of a life, and now I had sent that eternal text message labeling me as the guy who worked his ass off just for the future he gave away to a truck. Not that any labels on me had ever really been good. But there was just so much I wanted to do! Oh, why did this cruel fate have to befall upon ME?

    I heard a giggle. I tried opening my mouth, but I found out I couldn´t feel my lips. Actually, I couldn´t feel my body at all! Was this because I...died? What..

    Before I could figure out anything, a flash of light engulfed me.

    I found myself whimpering in the rain, barking just once.

    <Something feels wrong...> I thought to myself...



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