The Dark City | Chatter

@OverconfidentMagi!!! What do I do!? Can I dodge? Am I allowed to? I don't wanna die so soon!!! But I don't want to make my character invincible, and I if this kid is silent enough, I guess he could get away with it.
No! It doesn't work on my school wifi... I'll have to look at it when I get home. But please, spare my poor child's life! She's only a young girl!

Aww rip.  I would link anther site for it, but it's offline due to upgrades.  Ah well, just message me whenever you have time to do some collab.  Don't worry, things will work out so she has a fighting chance if she plays it right.

Can you be anymore intimidating/creepy.

I can try...

                     Why don't you just take a seat on that couch...
Aww rip.  I would link anther site for it, but it's offline due to upgrades.  Ah well, just message me whenever you have time to do some collab.  Don't worry, things will work out so she has a fighting chance if she plays it right.

Okay, I'll do my best. I shall prevail against this annoying killer boy!!!
@Jack in the Box

You need to add a color and a written description.  Since you wont have the convenience of a name for a while I need to know you are able to describe your character fully.

For clothes everyone arrives wearing the same white robes.  And while you can pick brown as your color, I personally don't recommend it.  It's kind of a dud color as far as anything interesting goes.

We all wear white robes at the start. Clothing seems to be... sparse in the variety department.

Very few people in the city have anything besides their robe.  For one, few people know about other types of clothes beyond what they sometimes see one of the kings wearing, and two it simply isn't practical to wear anything else.

The robes, like the buildings and people within the city, returns to being like new whenever it isn't being observed (so pretty much whenever the person sleeps).  Sure people could ask the Gold King to make them other clothes, but that would be a waste of their one request when they could ask for something else.  And whatever the Gold King makes disappears if it breaks, so eventually the clothes would get ripped and just vanish anyway.  
For clothes everyone arrives wearing the same white robes.  And while you can pick brown as your color, I personally don't recommend it.  It's kind of a dud color as far as anything interesting goes.

Very few people in the city have anything besides their robe.  For one, few people know about other types of clothes beyond what they sometimes see one of the kings wearing, and two it simply isn't practical to wear anything else.

The robes, like the buildings and people within the city, returns to being like new whenever it isn't being observed (so pretty much whenever the person sleeps).  Sure people could ask the Gold King to make them other clothes, but that would be a waste of their one request when they could ask for something else.  And whatever the Gold King makes disappears if it breaks, so eventually the clothes would get ripped and just vanish anyway.  

Ah, that makes sense. Such a shame, I was imagining an insane person painting their robes with blood to be 'pretty'.
There we go! First post up. Lemme know if anyone wants to interact/collaborate or something like that. ^^

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