The Dark City | Chatter

I'm afraid I cannot continue. 

This roleplay sounds amazing! Its put together perfectly and I love it!

Yet I've become quite busy and can't  keep up at all!

It was nice to be apart of it though!  I hope it goes far!

Sorry to hear that.

If you ever feel like jumping back in you're free to do so, either with the same character or a new one. Coming and going is a minor thing here.
Magi, Magi! I think I know why I'm so disinterested in continuing (I'm probably not regaining it sadly). I've been wanting to word this correctly for a while, as this is the first RP when I'm the one departing first. It feels yucky. I know now why most some people are tempted to just let things quietly die instead of letting people know that they don't want to go on. I feel like I'm giving you the finger. I'm currently doing something like that by not responding to IRL friends- but that's not the point. I barely know you, but I'd like to think that you'd appreciate criticism. So here ya go nerd.


  • Mystery: The main thing (probably obvious of me) is the mystery of all of this. It's what attracted me and others to the RP. I STILL want to know what is happening and why and HOW GRUESOME THOSE 3 ASSHOLES NEAR BLACK DISTRICT ARE GOING TO DIE A HORRIBLE DEA- Ahem. This world and all it's little annoying aspects are great.
  • The GM: You're a damn good GM. Active, passionate about your RP, and a hard ass which is a pretty crucial positive in my opinion. I'm going to lump in that you're also a good writer. I would read a novel of this RP, without a doubt. In fact, I really really like how the story has progressed through the multiple characters perspectives and premature ends. If I were better qualified (and more imaginative), I'd steal the shit out of this and write a novella.That's all I'm going to kiss-your ass though so let's get down to the N word.


  • Time Consumption: We joked about how long we could go in one session, but it's something that's really off putting. It becomes work at a certain point, and that work seems unavoidable with the Collab set up we have going. Sure, the 4 sessions we had were fun. But I personally just can't and don't want to do that.
  • Automation: The RP itself can't be self-run by players. It needs the GM to regulate and move onward in every aspect (to a more drastic degree than others), both because this is a game more so than a story, and because the players themselves know jack-shit about it.
  • 1x1: I don't like 1x1 rping, which is the main way of play in this Group RP. It's just my taste. The isolation from other characters makes it difficult to interact and have that Group RPing experience, especially with the Collab Scheduling. More work compared to other RPs. A lack of a community aspect really sucks as well, but can't really fault you or the concept on that too much. The isolation and focus on 1x1 does tend to that though. The very concept does not rightly house Group Teaming very well, so I have no constructive ideas besides having the Group be the exception to the norm; that they are generally very trusting of each other because of their naivete. They would move through the world together, bringing unwanted attention. Does that make sense? Totes does.
  • Lack of Mechanics: I've recently fallen in love with Dice mechanics and have absolutely no clue why I haven't tried them sooner. Regarding this RP, I think 3 simple mechanic systems would be better for it. One for Early-Game Minnows focused on knife play, one for Mid-Game Sardines with powers, and one for Late-Game King Crabs of ultimate powers. This is a Kill-Survive Game here, as well as a dark/blatant allegory for how real life is fucking harsh. I know I would prefer hard-dice to see how things play out rather than 50/50 coin tosses and GM decisions.

This is of course just my personal thoughts on this. I don't know. They aren't worth much, but it's all I can give. To be clear, yeah I think I'm done. Sorry dude. I'm still going to be around if others continue or chit-chatter is had here, but I/Chaser is done. Real sad too, because I really do like this RP. Weird to say, this is real conflicting... ah. Rambling. I've wasted enough of yo time with this wall of text.
I don't even know if Asperix is still alive or not, but I've been so busy recently that I haven't gotten the time to edit our post. I'm really sorry  :S

Sad to see you go. I'd already thought of a couple of dead ends Chaser might come across continuing on his track, so to wrap up his story I'll just have him run right into one of those.

Thank you for your feedback about the RP. This is the first time I've gone ahead fully with this style of RP, and being told what worked and what didn't is incredibly helpful. I suppose I'll just go ahead and address each pint in order then.

I did add the mystery tag to either the RP or the interest check if I remember right, since the main story being told is the slow discovery of how the Dark City exists and for what purpose. The entire city is three levels of story: the primary one involving the player characters, the background one of the other inhabitants of the city, including the kings, and the even deeper background story behind the city itself. The purpose of the RP is to see how those stories merge and twist together. About that little band around the black district: every npc character has their whole backstory and many different futures written for them to continue through until they're killed off (and moreso if they stay alive despite everything). Depending how much of those stories is ever told they might end up looking far different from how they first appear. Monsters to men and men to monsters or however that all goes.

Moving on from that, again, thank you. I know I'm a good writer, and I am passionate about my RPs. All of my RPs tend to come off better as stories I think because that's how they all start. I write them as such until I pick one I like to make into my next RP. I find that RPing with others helps open my eyes to new and creative things to do with the setting that I myself wouldn't have considered. I love writing, both for myself and with others, and I enjoy sharing whatever I am able to come up with with others so they might enjoy it for a while too.

For the negatives I'm going to skip down to the third point first. You should feel like this is a 1x1 most of the time. I'm trying something for this that's kind of group-based because there's more people, but they are not a group for the story. It's a group of solo players that don't always interact with any of the others. In the later stages of the RP I might change how things work towards a more group cooperation style, but this RP is meant to be played fractured, with no one person knowing a large portion of the whole picture. So the players would end up with a more complete picture of things that their characters would likely ever have.

I agree that this is a very demanding RP. Believe me, I've boon told that it's impossible to maintain keeping so much of the responsibility of running the RP on myself instead of the players. That might have been right, but I don't quite think so. In theory this RP should involve much more of the players killing the players, but I intended on limiting the direct player killing until things evolved past daggers and players could have a bit more fun with their characters. Well that and it was necessary for me to introduce all of the background characters for the players to know what was up around the city. As all of the instances of two players fighting IC slowed down the RP to a crawl on every occasion I opted to keep most of the players separated for the beginning at least. That way the story could hopefully get off the ground and catch peoples' interest enough for them not to just abandon/drop/disappearwithoutevensayinganything when things start to get slower towards the middle. It did turn the majority of the RP into a "you vs me" situation, but I didn't and still don't see much way around that, and it's something I'm fine with. 

The collaborations don't have to be done all at once! I said this so many times, and no one ever seemed to bother reading it. A couple of half-hour sessions is just as good as one really long one. And yes, RPing should feel like work sometimes. When a member joins an RP, they should commit to it beyond simply making an character and one or two posts. It should be a commitment, and they should work at it. Every single post cannot and should not be "Oh boy I can't wait to write the most epic amazing scene right now!" Sure if they genuinely stop enjoying themselves they should leave the RP (after informing the GM of course, have some courtesy people please). I try to always show that I'm here and be available whenever I think people will be on, I just need you as the player to tell me when you are ready to keep going writing for the RP. I can't do a single thing if nobody ever wants to schedule when they want to work on their post. Apologies for the short rant there, it's just disheartening to keep putting yourself out there and being available and only getting back radio silence in response.

As for mechanics... I'm just not good with them. There's really no other reason. I've seen them in other RPs where they worked wonderfully, and others where they failed spectacularly to the point where stats and dice rolls actually burned the rest of the RP to the ground. The range from minnow to killer to weaponless, uncrowned, and kings isn't really divided enough for individual systems to work entirely, but I can see how some kind of system would be to the RP's benefit. Again, I just dislike making those kinds of systems and hate being forced to use them in certain other RPs that have them. And besides, I just like looking at each chain of events and actions and rewarding clever actions or punishing improper actions. That kind of thing is a bit frowned upon when there's a solid mechanic system in place, even if the GM is the one keeping things in line.

@A Mysterious Figure

He's been around the site, so just tag and pm to get his attention when you need to. 
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So glad you can take criticism. The only thing I'll reply to is that lil' rant, as everything else you accept about the nature of this RP.

I feel ya dude. I have no solution idea for that putting yourself out there and no one takes the oppurtunity. Luck maybe? Maybe someone better at social interaction or web advertising could weigh in.

And I know it's selfish to want results without puttin' in work. I'm no saint :^). I'm going to have to be careful of what I pledge to from now on. But eh. I'm glad we wrote what we did than nothing at all. I'd like to read any dead end you give the poor guy if it ever comes up IC with one of the other players. Goo'luck to the rest of ya. Again, I'll be reading this as long as it goes like a good book. I hope someone can gain enough plot armor (before you even remind me, yes I know it's a legit stat) to make it through to the "end".

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