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Fantasy The Cruel System


"No"- Hamlet, Act Two, Scene Three, Line 92
In a city set apart from the rest of the world, full of people with powers where everyone is ranked according to how powerful they are. You can kill someone of higher rank and obtain your rank. Of course, everyone under the age of twelve have yet to recieve their rank, and do not participate in the battles.

There are no rules, no limitations, unless you set them for yourself. You can kill someone in proper battle, avoid the ranking system, or kill someone in their sleep. It's all up to you.

Now, the question is, what's the prize for the covetted 1# spot? And what will you do to recieve it?

If anyone is interested, please comment below! Also, the plot has much to expanded on, so if anyone has any suggestions, I'd be more than happy to listen. Thanks so much!
Sounds cool! It sounds like a really open idea, and hopefully as it expands or increases in detail, more themes will surface. I'm definitely interested.

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