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Fandom The Coming of Winter (Attack on Titan RP - Dice Combat System)



Peruvian Hiding Frog
For over a hundred years, humanity has been trapped with three concentric walls: Wall Maria, Wall Rose, and Wall Sina. Beset by the titan scourge beyond, they have lived in fear of being devoured, alive or otherwise. After Wall Maria, the outermost wall, was breached by the Colossal and Armored Titans, humanity lost all of the territory between Walls Maria and Rose, along with a fifth of their population following a disastrous mission to retake the conquered land.

Three years after the Fall of Wall Maria, humanity is still struggling. Enemies both within and without threaten their survival. Though the titans have progressed no further, all attempts by the courageous Survey Corps to reestablish a human foothold south of Wall Rose have failed. In addition, the mysterious Titan Cult has been expanding its wicked operation across the walls. Engaging in horrific experiments on often unwilling participants, it is creating terrible weapons for some unknown purpose. Mercenaries also roam the lands, killing and capturing for gold. They are untrustworthy at best and unrelentingly murderous at worst.

The northern branch of the Survey Corps, led by Commander Boreas Winter, has taken note of these ills that plague humanity. Because the titans are not as prevalent in the north, Commander Winter has decided to gather his soldiers and take a stand against the titans, the cultists, and the mercenaries that threaten the peace that humanity so desperately craves. As fall turns to winter and cold grips the land, the struggle for the north begins.

This is a semi-canonical RP. What I mean by that is that there will be no titan shifters or relatives of canon characters, and there will be a very minimal usage of canon characters, such as a reference here and there. We will not cross paths with the main plot of Attack on Titan. Instead, we will try to have our characters and story coexist with the canon in a way that does not overtly contradict it. There will be times that we have to stretch or bend the canon, but for the most part I want it to feel like we are inhabiting this world, not taking it over. Details on the groups and locations that are prominent in the story can be found in the Lore thread. I will update this thread as needed if more groups or locations become important.

This RP will also include a fairly basic dice system for combat situations. Characters will be able to put skill points into four different categories: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Wisdom. In addition, there are two different health totals that players must be aware of: physical and mental health. More details can be found in the Characters thread.

Finally, I'll have two Co-GMs: FordtheKiller FordtheKiller and Livrax Livrax . They will be able to answer questions and address concerns if I am not available.

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