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Fantasy The Coming of Two Kingdoms Character sheets



(∩ಠ ³ಠ)⊃━☆゚.*
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Any recurring characters will end up with a character sheet. This way we have quick references to look at for them.
I have an actual site for the Princess bc I had her planned out forever ago.

Name: Queen Ashana
Age 240

Name: King Elvyan
Age: 270

Name: Rhonan Joash Aodhan, Sanguine Prince of the Ruby Throne of Ruvio. He was chosen by the Crimson God, Ruvon, to go through the ritual to anoint and imbue his skin and body with powder from the red crystal in the form of elaborate tattoos that run all over his body. He was the first chosen by God Ruvon to go through this rite in over 1500 years.

Height: 6'2"
Hair: Black
Eyes: Deep Violet
Demeanor: Charismatic, energetic, yet disciplined, enduring, curious, patient for his age and passionate as his people are. As part of his ordeal for Ruvon he had travelled the surrounding lands for the last five years. This has given him a very different perspective, and has made him remarkably opened minded (which can be a rare trait for the orthodox and often dogmatic Ruvians) and very much a people person. He was raised to lead. A warrior who dislikes fighting and will only do so as a last resort or to protect his people.

Likes: The sounds of people laughing and times of joy. Storytelling around the fire. Hot tea. Mulled wine. Dancing. Singing. Drawing. Acting. Poetry. Seeing New lands and places and cultures. Loves wordplay and languages. He is a very aural and manual person. Likes to do things with his hands. Has exquisite handwriting.

Dislikes: War, bloodshed. He lost his older brother in the last war, but it was his ordeal with Ruvon that enabled him to let go of his need for vengeance and be open to other ideas. He is often restless when idle and does not have anything to occupy his mind or hands. He does not do well locked in a cell or bound.
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Palas Inkenderon, Ancient Ruvian Peacebroker, Wanderer, and Priest of Ruvan

The Priest, known as Palas, is a nearly 600-year-old elf, who has lived well past his normal lifespan with the help of his God, is well known by both the Ruvians and the Asterians. He had traveled the world and seen a lot. He has been the one who has brokered peace amongst the rival nations several times before. He has always been the Ruvians herald and negotiator with the Asterians. He has a good and honorable reputation amongst both nations surprisingly. He took Rhonan on his five-year journey away from Ruvio to show him the world and more points of view.

(More to come with him)
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King Einri Joash Aodhan, King of Ruvio, Father of Rhonan and Reena
A tall and powerful man physically, since his son's Rowan's death, he is probably the most powerful and skilled warrior of Ruvio. He is weary of the war and death, but will not allow Ruvio to just be handed over to Asteria. After the last war and the loss of his eldest son, he was finally ready to consider Rhonan's marriage to the Asteria heiress.
Media Tweets by Arie (@arieaesu) | Twitter

Queen Vaia Insiah Aodhan, Mother of Rhonan and Reena
What was warm and loving is now cold, distant and protective. She has lost two children in the war. Rowan and an older sister Valeria. She loves her remaining twins and will do everything to keep them with her. She is bitter and hates the Asteria with a passion for taking her children in the war. But she is loyal to her husband the King and loves her children with everything she has. She is not happy about the marriage arrangement but knows that the alternative is more war which could endanger her remaining children.

Kim Sokol

Reena Joash Aodhan
Princess of Rovia, Rhonan's twin
Reena and Rhonan were young during the last war. They both saw their beloved older brother Rowan die in the war. The twins are similar, charismatic, energetic, beloved by the Rovian people. Reena is good and gifted with plants. Her garden in the Capital in Rovia is a wonder to behold. She was also raised to hate the Asteria for taking her older brother away and hurting her mother and so many of her people. She was not happy to find out the marriage arrangement and even more angry when Rhonan was chosen by Rovan and Pallas took her brother away from her for five long years. She was slighted even more when her parents forbade her to accompany them to Asteria for the wedding, citing that they wanted one of the royal family safe in case there was treachery. She had barely had a month with Rhonan after he returned, changed from his five year walkabout. They both had changed in the five years apart. She does not know what to feel anymore. She has her mother's temper. She is under pressure to marry as well.

There's a tribal vibe to this Indigenous elf #concept #art by Ana Carolina de Macedo
Nevri Danu - Ruvian Royal Guard often assigned to watch over Rhonin. She is a very un-Ruvianly quiet person, but a Highly skilled warrior, very good at being silent and stealthy, and is also highly observant. Has an oddly quiet voice that can be heard when she wants it to be. Was a childhood friend (and perhaps possibly more at one time) and trained alongside Rowan, the older brother of Rhonin and Reena. She is about 60 years of age. She fought in the last war.

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