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Fantasy The Color Of Royalty OOC Chat

Brain's fried like my eggs in the morning, so forgive me if I've failed to keep my post consistent. If any clarification is needed, let me know.

May the action commence!
I apologize but I need to leave this RP. Thank you for the short yet good opportunity here and I wish you all a great time.
Planning to have a post out on Saturday of this week, including Auice announcing the mission for the Crows.

Weekly role-call! Show me you're alive and interested folks! Like this post!

@GrieveWriter @InsaneEntry @DanishKreddi @Prudentia @Shanman411 @Bunny @tanagerie @QuestingBeast @Wandering Hollow @raspberryrose @Church418 @Semblance @Archie @Irianne (I saw you three seconds ago don't worry lol)
sorry I haven't been posting, I'm pretty much waiting for someone else to also post. I mean, there wouldn't be much beyond responding to Irianne so it would be really short but I could?
raspberryrose said:
sorry I haven't been posting, I'm pretty much waiting for someone else to also post. I mean, there wouldn't be much beyond responding to Irianne so it would be really short but I could?
I just did a weekend check up to make sure everyone remembers this exists, since I also have the tendency to forget that group RPs I am part of exist.

You can post if you think it'll move the plot along or you could wait for others.
I await Church, though I've been wracking my brain for a solution to the waiting. Hmm, unfortunate news on Archie. Quite unfortunate.
QuestingBeast said:
I await Church, though I've been wracking my brain for a solution to the waiting. Hmm, unfortunate news on Archie. Quite unfortunate.
Church doesn't appear to have been on since Friday of last week from his activity which is concerning...

Semblance also has not replied to this thread and won't be back until the 31st which is equally concerning...
Don't let this stop though, we can still keep it going. Lots of role plays have pauses and then people magically come back and start posting like mad! Usually when rps start, the attendance is flowing wonderfully but as people see they can slow down a bit and learn each other's posting patterns, they seem to stop for a bit. It will pick back up!
My exam period starts from the sixth of June.

I still would like to post, but I'm not sure about the frequency or quality.
Prudentia said:
Don't let this stop though, we can still keep it going. Lots of role plays have pauses and then people magically come back and start posting like mad! Usually when rps start, the attendance is flowing wonderfully but as people see they can slow down a bit and learn each other's posting patterns, they seem to stop for a bit. It will pick back up!
Another probable factor is that it's Final Exam season and those who have finals are busy preparing for them. I have a feeling things will pick up more after finals slow down/end for most as well. ^-^
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InsaneEntry said:
Another probable factor is that it's Final Exam season and those who have finals are busy preparing for them. I have a feeling things will pick up more after finals slow down/end for most as well. ^-^
Church did tell me last week that he had two big exams and had been studying hard. Sorry, I thought I already posted that here, I must've started typing it and then closed the tab without sending. I was hoping we'd see him over the weekend since the tests would be done by then, but maybe there were more this week. Three of us are kind of stuck at the moment without him. Bernard is in the middle of a spar with him and Tristan and I are watching closely enough that not keeping pace would be... awkward.

How do we proceed if people are pulling out for realsies? Archie, for instance. Hewyn's just been asked to go to the training grounds and get Daniel and Marcus. Does Hewyn still exist? Does he still have that order? Do we just pretend Cadmus sent a servant instead and have them run out?

What do we do, friends? :(

If people are pulling out for realsies and they are important, I usually allow someone to momentarily control their character until the scene can be closed and then kill the character off if they are important.
FloatingAroundSpace said:
If people are pulling out for realsies and they are important, I usually allow someone to momentarily control their character until the scene can be closed and then kill the character off if they are important.
Gotcha, thank you for explaining!

So for now we're just waiting to see if Church is staying or not before Hewyn comes out and demands Daniel go see Cadmus?
FloatingAroundSpace said:
@Semblance @Church418
Still interested?


Yeah, I'm going to do a double check.
Heyy I'm so sorry, I've been away for the past week and haven't been doing much RP-ing at all. I think my week away from everything killed my muse in a lot of RP's and I'm so sorry for that. I think I'm going to have to respectfully bow out of this one, but please don't let my absence hinder this RP. It really does have so much potential, have fun!!

Alright, thank you for letting me know.

@Irianne @Prudentia

I'll leave this one up to you two since you're probably going to be the remaining royals at this rate what you would like to do. Church seems to be AFK for the time being so we'll have to find an alternative for the leftover characters, unless you guys are willing to play multiple.
Well conveniently the only two royals remaining are the two who want to make lots of trouble with the Yellow Crows so for now that seems... fine. The way I look at it that was basically the purpose of the royal family, anyway. Providing a source of conflict. Hewyn has a history of disappearing so he can just vanish again, Ardyn I'm not super sure, and Daniel... significantly less sure, especially since I'm not sure if Church is going to come back.

For the immediate future, we've got poor @QuestingBeast locked in a duel with somebody who isn't around so that needs to end somehow. If Hewyn comes down he can end the duel to summon the people Cadmus asked for... though maybe (if it's okay with @Prudentia) we can ret-con it a bit so he isn't asking to see Church's pc and npc. Can one of the other PC Red Knights take his orders in Marcus' stead? That'd get everyone who's around back into the action faster it'd seem.
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Yes, poor me. What a pitiable state! All the motive to continue the fight and no rival to strike against. Patience is a curse.

As for the Archie subject, my take on the matter is simply as such: were Hewyn to receive mortal injury when he tries to assassinate Marcus, it may do the RP a good turn. Methinks Archie set up an interesting plot, and, were we to carry on down the route he set, those well-placed efforts would not go to waste.

I should also add that I would not mind writing for his character... though I'd probably do a worse turn than a more willing recruit. Angry and bitter is not my expertise, but it would not be my first time dabbling in the mood.

Unless of course his plan had been an interruption to your own mindful plot, Floats. In such a case, I'm all for the 'do away with it' course of action.

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