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The Catch of the Day[mikaluvkitties and I]


One Thousand Club


??? ????? ?? ??? ???

Fantasy/Modern | Fiction | Mystery | Anime/Real/Drawings

Mermaids have recently been discovered! Can you believe it? I guess not; however, it is true.

Party A is a college student and heir to a rich Boat company. Her great grand father, previous director/head of the company, was the first in the world to catch a real life mermaid. Party A wants to be the next person to catch a mermaid, but that can't happen until she gets out of college(because she's busy with exams). One late evening, though, she wakes up to the sound of water running in her bathroom. Upon entering the luxurious room, her jaw drops open at the sight of her broken window, her jacuzzi overflowing with water and bubbles, and a tail. Suddenly, Party B pops out of the foam in the tub and waves at her. . .

What will Party A do now?


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