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Fantasy The Capital

After a solid few minutes, Thomas felt he was finally far enough away from the upper district to breathe easy. There would be guards patrolling naturally, but he knew his parents were far away. Deciding now was the time, he slipped the purple cloth he had taken from his room around his face, tying a knot in the back. I feel so stupid he thought, running his fingers over the soft velvet. Like some kind of vigilante. He had no time to worry about that though, he had to move quickly if he wanted to give even the sense of punctuality.

Unfortunately, he had been too preoccupied with his thoughts, and as he rounded a corner, he bumped right into a patrol. "What in the name of the gods?" The guard at the front of the group was quick to shout his surprise, but even quicker to pull the mask off Thomas' face. "What is a young nobleman like you doing in the working district?" The guard asked, eyeing him suspiciously. Thomas' face turned a shade whiter, and he thought up a lie as quickly as he could "If you must know, my parents sent me on an errand, they'd heard of some beautiful flowers found outside the city, and they wanted me to fetch some from a laborer here."

The guard didn't look convinced. "Is that so? Well then young noble, how about you tell me your name and we'll confirm it with your parents." He said with a nasty sneer. Thomas gritted his teeth, "What is your name? Perhaps I'll return to my parents and tell them I was held up by some guard who didn't know his place!" The guard pursed his lips, obviously thinking the risk may not be worth it. "Alright men, move along."

Thomas waited until they rounded the next corner before lifting his mask and continuing on his way. He could only hope they would never learn who he was. Moving quickly, he finally arrived at the meeting spot. Eva was already there, and he took a second to watch her. She'd chosen to wear a cloak. Clever. For a split second he kicked himself for his own choice in disguise, before walking quickly over to where she stood. "20 minutes, that's a record for me." He said, his face red with embarrassment. "Sorry."
Eva saw him watching towards him and took in his attire. Raising an eyebrow, she knew he wasn't going to be able to stay hidden with that cloth around his face. She was so relieved to see him. She met him quickly and wrapped her arms around him tightly. She didn't say anything as she squeezed the life out of him, a mixture of worry and anger for him being late. "You are going to be the death of me." She said lowly before rolling his eyes. "Here, take this." She murmured lightly and removed the cloak from her shoulders.

"I don't care if anyone sees me...it won't change what they think." She said before placing it over his shoulders, giving him her famous look...telling him not to challenge her. She chuckled and shook her head slowly. "Did you try to sneak out of the house?" She asked looping her arm through his before heading towards the border of the lower district. She kept her eyes on the surrounding some the district. She liked it better at night.

The night time darkness camouflaged the damage and poverty that was abundant in the district. Garbage cluttered the streets, windows were broken and sometimes there was even small fires that were started by reckless youth. Her heart ached at the sight of it all. She clutched closer to Thomas, not out of fear, just sheer emotion. "This is terrible." She whispered softly her eyes full of sadness.
Thomas was caught by surprise as Eva wrapped him in her arms and squeezed him tight. He was glad he'd thought to put the cloth back over his face, otherwise she couldn't have missed the bright red color that tinged it. "You miss me?" He chuckled as she rolled her eyes and handed him her cloak. His eyes widened, "I can-" but she was too quick, insisting he keep it. He relented and gave a curt nod when he saw she was making it clear there wasn't another option, "Thanks, hopefully it won't be needed." He said, pulling the cloak over his head and yanking his make-shift mask off and stuffing it in his pocket.

Thomas raised his eyebrows as Eva linked her arm around his, though he didn't comment. Odd, but maybe she was still getting over the worry from not a few minutes earlier. They walked arm in arm further into the lower district. "I had a bit of trouble with the parents, and maybe a few guards, but nothing I couldn't handle." He glanced at Eva and gave a light-hearted grin. "Apparently my parents don't like it when I get into the wine. They wanted to lock me up in the library all day."

The amusing thought quickly passed however, as they entered further into the lower district. He had been here only once during the day before, the first time he'd ever been to the lower district. He still remembered the state of it, much as it still is. Decay and grime painted the walls of the buildings here, and the streets were cracked and unrepaired, a testament to the love the Capital had for the elves. Thomas' heart skipped a beat as Eva pulled closer to him, "It's a disgrace," he said quietly, he had to force them out "a once proud people reduced to surviving on scraps and the waste of humanity."

His thoughts veered away from the topic quickly, it simply made him too angry to think about. Thomas glanced over at Eva, noticing the satchel hanging loosely at her side, before looking ahead again. The book..? She wasn't one to hold on to someone else. At least, so far as he could remember. Would she have attempted to read the book without him? Surely not, he trusted her that much, to say the least. Ultimately deciding it was simply a result of the day's events, Thomas smiled. He could live with this.
Eva didn't pay attention to the stares coming from the man looped on her arm. She was in horrified awe looking at the sight of the lower district. These poor people. She thought to herself as they continued down the grimy path through the district's town. She knew that they were going to have to ask one of the locals where the three families homes were.

She scowled slightly as she thought about that. The living conditions of these elves was not called home. It didn't look like a proper home should, the walls were caving in and the ceilings were beginning to decay and break. But there was only a few left of those buildings...the rest of the elves lived in cloth tents, that did nothing to protect them from the harsh winters and dry summers. There privacy was stripped away from them as they were forced to use a bath house and live in tents with thin walls.

Eva looked over at Thomas and noticed that he was looking at her satchel. She looked ahead quickly. "I brought it with us just in case...maybe we could get some information in the homes as to what it is...it seems like something that would be quite popular amongst the elves. " She said. "From what I gathered from last night."

As they moved closer and closer towards the worst parts of the lower district, conditions began to get worse and worse. She noticed people staring at them as they walked and she quickly untangled herself from her best friend, placing her hands at her sides and keeping her head down as she walked.
Thomas noticed the stares as well, evidently they didn't care about looking impolite. "They must not be used to new company. We should probably choose who we talk to carefully." He said under his breath. His eyes scanned the various people around them, dressed in rags and ill-fitting clothes, he gritted his teeth. This was going to be tough. As they moved ever further into the lower district, the crowds became more dense, Thomas spotted several families all living together under a single lean-to. Sickening.

Finally, the two stopped. Thomas had seen someone he thought could help, though a few crowds of rather dangerous looking elves were loitering around the area, staring in their direction, though careful not to do so all at once. Grabbing Eva's hand, Thomas moved towards the elf in question. He couldn't risk her being snatched away, least of all here. Approaching carefully, the elf looked at them, a kindly looking woman, though blood stained her hands. "I wouldn't be here were I you," she said in a whisper, "the other elves here aren't exactly friendly to new-comers." Her eyes scanned their faces. "Least of all humans."

Thomas gave a slight bow. "We don't mean to intrude, we were sent by Ayred to investigate the disappearance of the elven families here." He said, keeping his voice low. "Ah, yes, I know of them. My name is Lyada, the local doctor. I tended to those families, is there anything specific you need to know?"
Thomas smiled, grateful to find someone at least somewhat friendly. "Yes, if you can, we need the locations of their homes."
The woman seemed to look surprised as Thomas requested that she tell them where the homes of the families were. "Of course," She said after a long moment, "I wouldn't stick around took long though, like I said, humans are not popular around these parts." She murmured before grabbing a rage that was hanging loosely on a belt at her waist and wiped at her hands. "Let me take you there." Lyada said with a kind small smile before leading the way.

Eva squeezed Thomas' hand and looked over at him for a moment before turning her head to look at the elves around them. They were still staring openly at them. It was making her nervous, it seems like a few of them were staring at her specifically, their eyes seemed to widen slightly as if they knew something that she didn't. Biting her lip, she quickly looked down and leaned closer to Thomas.

The pressed forwards, the district becoming increasingly worse. It was truly overwhelming to see the constant change. Lyada gasped suddenly and a loud thump! followed. Eva snapped her head up to see a body lying face down in the middle of the grimy street, blood oozing out of its torso at a rapid rate and the neck was snapped clean. She pressed a hand to her mouth and looked around the buildings for a moment.

The murderer was standing on top of one of the taller crumbling buildings, sword in hand. It was difficult to see who it was for the sun was angled just behind the being and shadows cover the features. "Thomas look!" She gasped.
Thomas took a few steps back, startled and horrified at the body now lying face down in the street in front of them. It took a moment before his senses returned, and he quickly looked in the direction Eva was gazing. Thomas' eyes widened as he spotted the perpetrator. A lone figure stood atop a crumbling building, a silhouette against the afternoon sun. Panic started to rise in Thomas, but he squashed it down quickly, he needed to focus. Turning quickly, he grabbed Lyada's arm, as she had knelt down to check the victim. "I'm sorry doctor, there's nothing you can do. We need to get out of here, now." He clenched his jaw, making it clear to her there was no other option. She gave a nod of understanding before quickly getting on her feet. "This way, we can cut through the alleys, and hopefully lose whoever that maniac was." Thomas gave one last look at the building, but the murderer was gone.

Making sure to keep hold of Eva's hand, Thomas followed Lyada. His heart was speeding and his chest was tight with anxiety. They were moving quickly, but he had no idea where the murderer could be at this point. Turning a corner, the three found themselves in an open intersection. "This way, we're almost there." Lyada nodded South, further into the lower district. Thomas groaned internally. Further into the labyrinth we go. He gave a quick glance back to make sure Eva was alright, before trudging on. Nearly there, maybe we'll be safe. A million thoughts were running through Thomas' head, but safety was at the top of the list in this particular moment.

It wasn't a minute later that they finally reached their destination. The furthest reach of the lower district, a total dead end. "What.." Thomas looked frantically around, confused. Lyada turned towards him and Eva, a look of regret on her face. "I'm sorry, they threatened to take more if I didn't help them." Thomas pursed his lips, the evidence suddenly coming together. Her agreeing to help two humans so suddenly, without explanation, the pleasantness she treated them with, in stark contrast to everything else there. His eyes lit up with rage. "Who?" He practically shouted, his voice bouncing off the buildings surrounding them. She shook her head and stepped back as a man slowly came into their field of vision.

Clad in black and wielding a sword, the man approached slowly, purpose evident in each step. He didn't come here to talk. Thomas watched as he came to stand before them, the man looked to be a bit taller than Thomas, though he was built like a bodyguard. Lyada slowly slipped around the two and stepped close to the man. "I've done what you asked, now remember your end of the deal" The man looked at her, as if considering her words, and then a simple "No." His sword was swung almost too quickly to see, and then there was blood.
Eva followed closely behind, her hand still in Thomas'. Her eyes stayed glued to the sky and the surrounding buildings as she tried to search for the man they had seen. Her heart raced as they practically ran through the lower district, but her eyes widened as they came to a dead end. A lump formed in her throat and she knew exactly what was going on. Thomas figured it out as well just as the woman admitted what she had done to them.

The man walked out from the shadow's dressed in black, the sword still bloodstained with the blood of the body they saw moments earlier. She gasped and frantically reached a hand inside of her satchel, she clutched the long knife in her grasp as she started to pull Thomas back and away from the man. Just as the man responded to the doctor. He moved his sword and sliced through her, she let out a sickening noise before he retracted the sword and her body collapsed to the ground with a sick thump.

They needed to get out of here, and quickly. Her hand continued to clutch the knife that was hidden in the satchel, ready to strike at any sign of attack. She looked between the doctors body and the man. "What do you want?!" She hissed towards him. Thomas needed to be protected. If they found his body here, is name and family would be disgraced...or worse. He couldn't get hurt either.

Moving, she took a step in front of Thomas, her bright green eyes sizing up the man before them.
Thomas took a few steps back as Eva pulled him. "What are you-" he glanced down as Eva reached into her satchel. A weapon, it must be, but what could she expect to do to the man? He looked over at the man, standing over Lyada who had been living and breathing only moments earlier. His stomach rolled with revulsion at the crimson red now flowing out into the street.

Thomas took a step back and a deep breath, they needed a plan if they were to escape this alive. Scanning over the area as quickly as he could, he was disappointed to find the trap had been thorough. The closest escape route he could see was behind the man wielding the blood-soaked sword.

Lifting his sword, the man spoke once again. "Time to finish the job." taking a few steps forward, he slowly approached, confident that his prey could not escape his grasp. Thomas leaned forward and placed his hand on Eva's shoulder. "Gods, it doesn't look like a quick escape is an option this time." His mind was working in overdrive, survival was all that mattered now. He looked at her. "Unless you think you can take him head-on..use the book". He glanced quickly at the approaching man before turning back to Eva. "We have to make it out of this."
Eva felt like her heart was about to jump out of her chest, her heart beat was echoing in her ears and she almost didn't hear Thomas. Reaching in the bag, she grabbed the book and opened it. It was beginning to glow in her hands and she accidentally dropped it in surprise, scrambling to reach for it. She fell forward and gasped as she basically collapsed to her knees. She felt like she couldn't breathe but she quickly fumbled to grab the now brightly glowing gold book. She reached for the knife in her satchel and propelled herself back towards Thomas.

There was some sort of power that she felt when she was holding the book. She felt confident. Powerful. Her green eyes stared at the man. "Get back." She hissed lowly. "I swear if you take another step closer, you won't live to see another day." Her voice seemed strained as she said it, but nonetheless powerful.

Everything seemed to be amplified, her hearing, her sight, smells. The man looked at the book and let out a slight laugh. She new it was working, suddenly he continued to laugh and it only grew, she took her opportunity and faster than she had ever moved before, she reached out with her leg and kicked the sword out of his hand before lunging at him. She tumbled to the ground with the mysterious murderer in tow and landed on the ground harshly.

She stabbed the knife into the mans chest, plunging it directly into his heart. She didn't even have to think about the consequences. It was like there was a driving force to protect these people. "Gurth goth Tel'Quessir" The words slipped out of her mouth smoothly and she didn't even notice she was speaking the language of the elves. She watch the light leave the mans eyes as she sat up slowly, stumbling she began to fall backwards the book suddenly closed and she felt all the power and energy release from her.
As soon as the book was open Thomas felt it's effects, there was no creeping feeling as there had been when he had first opened it. He immediately burst into hysterics, laughing loudly and openly as if he'd just heard the best joke of his life. "What a riot!" Whatever the effect the book had, Thomas was clearly enjoying the scene unfolding in front of him. Placing his hands on his knees, Thomas gasped, struggling for breath as his body continued to push air out of his lungs. His eyes were drawn to the blade in Eva's hand, but whatever he had been about to think was interrupted by Eva's voice. More powerful and forceful than he'd ever heard it, it quieted his laughing, as his mind soaked it in, before he once again broke out in laughter.

The sound of his own laugh in Thomas' ears was becoming torturous, and he struggled with his own mind, trying to quiet it. It was useless, whatever magic was contained in the book was obviously very powerful. He lowered his head, focusing on breathing, he blew air slowly out of his mouth and breathed in through his nose. His entire body was soaked in sweat, causing his clothes to stick against his skin. The air around him felt to be at least a hundred degrees. After a moment, Thomas looked up again, his laughter had slowed from looking at the pavement, only coming intermittently, but he watched just in time as Eva forced her knife into the man's chest, blood making it's way through his clothes and onto the pavement alongside Lyada's.

It was too much. Thomas stumbled and fell, his eyes were clouded by tears as his laugh echoed off the buildings around him and his friend. "Gurth goth Tel'Quessir" Thomas heard the words like a distant dream, he could hardly bring himself to care. While his body was wracked with the pain of uncontrolled laughter, two simple words were echoing in his brain. Rest now. Rest now. Rest now. He closed his eyes, he wanted, no, he needed, rest. But suddenly he was released, like water washing over him, the impulse to laugh was gone. He felt one last pulse of magic hit him before finally blacking out.
Eva had stumbled back just in time to see that Thomas had stopped laughing and actually blacked out. She let the ground meet her body as she landed roughly on her back. The air was shoved out of her lungs and she gasped for air. All was silent. It was just her who was awake in that moment. She stared up at the blue sky wondering what she had just done.

You killed someone. Her mind told her, causing her stomach to churn. She quickly got up and scrambled to her feet. "Thomas!" She gasped and moved towards him, kneeling down, she moved to cradle his head in her lap and gently shook him. "Thomas, wake up." Eva whimpered softly and looked down at his peaceful features. She knew that he was still alive, from the rise and fall of his chest, which showed he was breathing.

But she would not relax until she knew he was okay. Cradling his head, she stroked his hair softly and bit back tears. Your a murderer. She hissed at herself and squeezed her eyes shut as the tears began to fall. A sob formed in her throat and she thought that she was going to pass out right then and there. She shook her head and forced herself to calm, she was getting upset for no reason. Sure, she killed someone...but he tried to kill them. She had done the right thing...right?
It was several minutes before Thomas opened his eyes again, he sighed with relief when he saw Eva's face looking down at him. Noticing the tears running down her face, he quickly sat up and moved to her side, wrapping his arms around her. "I'm sorry." He said softly. Thomas bit his lip, sorry couldn't fix what had just happened. It would probably be burned in her memories. It was his fault, forcing her into that position, it would've been better if he'd taken the blade so she could've escaped.

His mind was still reeling from what had taken place. The book, glowing. Eva's voice, seemingly much more powerful. The events of the last half hour were a jumble in Thomas' brain, though he couldn't help thinking he was forgetting something important. He looked at Eva, tears still running down her cheeks. He slowly reached his thumb up and wiped them off. "Don't worry Eva," He said in a whisper. "everything will be alright." Giving her a subtle nod of affirmation, Thomas stood up.

His body was still aching, his palms particularly were scraped and covered in a thin layer of dried blood. Kneeling down to look in Eva's satchel, he pulled out a flask of water and poured some over his hands. Rubbing them together, he got rid of most of the blood, before pulling the purple cloth he had taken with them earlier out of his pocket and ripping it to shreds. Wrapping a couple pieces carefully around his hands, he offered the flask to Eva. "Clean up a bit, and drink the rest," he said, "I don't want you collapsing from heat exhaustion."
Eva was relieved that Thomas' opened his eyes. He recognized her immediately and wrapped his arms around her. She leaned into him, feeling exhausted and weak in that moment. Eva wasn't much of a crier, but when she did it was sincere. Her eyes blinked and more tears fell and Thomas reach up lightly wiping them away with his thumb.

She drew in a shaky breath and sniffled slightly. Looking at the two dead bodies, she knew that she would be safe from being arrested. As terrible as it sounded, it was the truth. The guards were never patrolling these areas, for the king simply didn't care about the elves. For whatever reason that would be...to them, the were just disposable.

It proved as much from the way that woman was killed immediately by the man in black. He didn't even think about what he had to do...he just...did it. So did you...Her mind reminded her and her skin suddenly turned a sickly white color. She didn't think about it, it was like some sort of thing possessed her and all she could think about was killing the enemy. For killing the Elf. She wanted revenge. Even though the woman had lied to them and tried to lead them into a trap, she didn't deserve to be killed in cold blood. She didn't deserve to be killed.

She looked up at Thomas holding the flask out to her, shakily she grabbed it from him and slowly came to a standing position. As she did, a sharp pain in her side almost brought her to her knees. Taking in deeper breaths now, she noticed it was stinging with each breath, making it almost unbearable. Groaning, she slowly moved back towards the ground and quickly took a few sips of water.
Thomas furrowed his brows with concern as Eva slowly sat back down. She was wincing and obviously in pain. Moving in front of her, he carefully looked her over. His eyes widened as he came across a slowly growing blood stain soaking through her shirt. Looking her in the eyes he nodded. "I need to take a look at that." Thomas bit his lip. He wasn't sure when she had gotten injured, it must've been during the fight but he hadn't seen it. Of course, he had been indisposed half the time.

Moving to Eva's side, Thomas carefully lifted her shirt, revealing a deep gash. "Shit." he murmured. "We need to disinfect this, quickly." After letting her take a few drinks from the flask, Thomas took it, "This probably won't feel good." he said, slowly pouring it over the wound. It wouldn't disinfect the wound, the best he could hope for is that the water would wash out any bacteria. Handing her the flask again, he stood up and pulled the cloak he had been wearing since they entered the lower district off. Thomas looked at Eva apologetically. "Sorry for this, I'll get you a replacement." He walked over to wear the dead man lay, his stomach rolling in protest. He pulled the knife out of the man's chest and quickly cleaned the blade on his pants.

Pulling the knife through the cloak, Thomas cut it into several pieces before returning to where Eva sat. "Relax, alright?" He said, "This isn't going to be easy.." He lifted her shirt to just below the chest. Balling up one of the smaller pieces of the once-cloak, he pressed it as gently as he could to the wound. "Hold this here." He said, glancing into Eva's eyes. How could I let this happen? Thomas' thoughts were all over the place, but he had to focus. Wrapping one long piece of the cloak around Eva after another, finally he had finished.

Letting her shirt down, Thomas sat down beside Eva, exhausted. He simply stared forward, his arms wrapped around his knees and his head resting on top. He was angry with himself. They'd come all the way down to the lower district in the middle of the day, and for what? Death and danger. What an idiot. His own thoughts plagued him. A dead end, just like this street. He looked over at Eva. At least, of all things, she was still breathing. He could live with that. "Can you walk?" He asked softly. "Otherwise we'd better set up camp in one of these buildings." Thomas looked out at the crumbling buildings surrounding them. He wasn't a fan of sleeping near dead people, not that he'd ever tried. "We need to remember to switch out those bandages every day too." He said, glancing back at her.
Eva whimpered slightly as he examined the wound, her head was dizzy at the sight of blood. Especially since it was her own. She watched as Thomas winced at it and she could see the wheels in his head turning as he tried to think of what to do for it. He then took the flask of water from her and opened it, warning her that it wasn't going to feel good. And he was definitely right, she bit down hard on her lip as he poured the water of the wound. Relief spread over her features as he stopped and she gasped for air. Suddenly, he stood up and removed the cloak from her shoulders before he walked over to where the man's body laid. She let her eyes close for a moment and she trie to focus on her breathing.

After a moment, she opened her eyes to see him grabbing the cloak once more, apologizing for what he was about to be and promising to buy her a replacement. She wasn't worried about the cloak, she would rather be alive than fashionable. "Don't worry" She said through clenched teeth. He looked down at her, telling her to relax before lifting her shirt to just below her chest. He then gently pressed a piece of cloth to the wound, but regardless of how gentle he was being, it hurt a lot.

She hissed out slightly and swore under her breath, doing ask he requested, she held the piece of fabric to the wound before he grabbed the long pieces of the torn cloak and wrapped it around her one right after the other. Soon he was finished and he sat beside her, looking distraught.

Eva adjusted her shirt lightly and leaned into Thomas' shoulder. "I think I can walk...we need to get you back home." She said weakly, her face pale from blood loss.
Thomas looked at Eva and nodded. He could already tell she wouldn't make it if she tried to walk. Standing up, Thomas moved to pick up her satchel, when he noticed something. A small tattoo was printed on the dead man's skin, a circle with three vertical lines through it. Thomas determined to research the symbol later, and grabbed the satchel, placing the knife and the book back inside it. Returning to Eva, he knelt down and wrapped her arm around his shoulder for support. Thomas slowly lifted her up, careful to watch for signs of her injury bleeding again. "Okay, time to go." He placed his hand on the small of her back, and placing his other arm behind her knees, carefully pulled her up off the ground. "Don't struggle, you're too weak right now." She was a few inches shorter than him and a good deal lighter, so he had no problem holding her. "This may be a bumpy ride, but you can't afford to waste your energy." He gave her a stern look.

Taking a wide girth around the two bodies in the street, Thomas started making his way home. The trip was relatively uneventful compared to the rest of the day, and Thomas was grateful for a bit of quiet, as the streets had all been abandoned for the night. "I don't even know what we're going to say about all this Eva." He whispered, glancing at her before looking ahead again. "There isn't a good explanation, I don't know what's going to happen" He felt dejected. They hadn't even gotten to examine the homes of the missing elves, for all they knew any of the evidence there could be gone by this point.

It was a little past 11 at night before they finally arrived at the outskirts of the lower district again, Thomas slipped into a a nearby alley, careful to avoid guards who may be patrolling the area. Setting Eva down carefully, Thomas peaked around the corner. No guards to be seen, he breathed a sigh of relief. Turning back to Eva, he gently picked her up once again, keeping an eye on her still bandaged wound. "I'm bringing you home tonight, easier to explain to a servant than your mother. We'll think of something in the morning, alright?"
Eva, despite the situation, wanted to laugh slightly at what Thomas said. Telling her not to struggle, as much as her own head was screaming to be placed on her feet, she knew it wasn't going to happen. Thomas could definitely be as stubborn as she..He began walking and the journey home was less interesting. But she was overall relieved by the lack of action.

The moon was high in the sky before they finally reached the outskirts of the lower districted. He set her down for amount behind a corner to make sure no guards were in sight. After a few moments of looking, he picked her up once again and walked out from the alley. She nodded weakly, feeling like she could barely keep her head up.

"Alright," She murmured to him, her normal stubbornness had ceased to exit in her time of need. She knew that she wasn't going to live to see another day if she didn't get the help she needed. "What if your parents find out? They already hate me." She murmured lightly. As much as she tried to not take offense to the way his parents acted around her...it was hard. Just because of her social standing in the Capital, she was treated like dirt.

Thomas had always been different than the others though. Which was something that she always found...attractive. Attractive? Maybe you are loosing it...Thomas was also her only friend. Her best friend, and if she were to lose him...for whatever the reason, she wouldn't know what to do with herself. As he continued to walk along the empty night streets, she took in the look on his face.

"Stop blaming yourself." Eva commanded gently, her green eyes piercing into his own. "I chose to come along, and I knew the risks."
A smile tugged at Thomas' lips at Eva's words. "Maybe," he said softly, "but I should've at least done something. Letting you take him on by yourself was a coward's choice." With some careful maneuvering Thomas finally arrived at his home. Without many options he went for the easiest choice and opened the front door, as quietly as he could given the circumstances. That is to say, like an elephant. Moving quickly and carefully through the hall and up the stairs, Thomas entered his room with Eva in tow. He gave her a guilty look "Sorry about that." Setting her gently on the bed, he looked back towards his door, paranoid of any intruders. Kneeling down, he rummaged under his bed for his medical kit, and quickly pulled it out. It was full of bandages, herbs, and various tonics.

Taking the small bottle of a dark purple liquid, he shook his head. His parents were going to kill him if they found out he'd used the last of his blood tonic on Eva. Placing it in her hand, he nodded "Take this if you can." Thomas purposefully left out the fact it tasted of sweat and bitterness. "I'll be right back." Exiting the room, he closed the door as silently as he could, before slipping down the stairs and into the kitchen. To his surprise, the kitchen was already occupied by a servant. "What are you doing up at this hour? Thomas asked curiously. The servant appeared startled and turned around quickly. "Oh, sir, it's you." she breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm sorry, I was to alert your parents as soon as you returned." Thomas turned a shade whiter. "Shit." He murmured. "Boil some water for me would you?" He said as he moved quickly back towards his room. "Certainly sir." She said in a diminutive voice as Thomas rounded the corner.

Arriving outside his room just in time, his parents nearly burst inside before they spotted him. "What have you been doing?" His mother hissed. "Out past curfew? You look like you've been rolling in dirt and trash all day!" Thomas' face went red, "I wanted to take in the sights! You know those roads aren't exactly scrubbed clean every day." It was a lame lie, but he'd been put on the spot so it was the best he could do. His father was quick to chime in next. "No doubt you were visiting that girl again. What do you two even do with your evenings?" Thomas gritted his teeth, "It's not like that! we're friends!" his father looked unconvinced. "I don't want you bedding every girl you come across, least of all from the lower classes." They finally turned to head back to their own room. "We'll talk about this tomorrow. It's late. Go to bed." Thomas clenched his jaw, but nodded.

Waiting until they had entered their room, Thomas slipped back down the stairs and into the kitchen. A kettle was sitting over the fireplace, coming to a slow boil, the serving girl keeping an eye on it. "Get out." Thomas said as calmly as he could, but it was obvious he was simply containing his rage. This did not escape the girl's notice, and she quickly bowed before walking at a brisk pace out of the kitchen. Taking a seat on the stool in front of the fireplace, Thomas sighed, raking his hand through his hair. I don't even know why I try with them. He thought, What would be so wrong about being with a lower class girl anyway? Eva's always been there for me, why shouldn't I be there for her?

After several minutes, the water had been heated to a good temperature, and Thomas carefully poured a cup before heading back to his room. "Sorry about my parents," He said, careful not to spill the hot water onto the floor. "They're a real pain sometimes." Kneeling back down at his medical kit, he took a small number of herbs and placed it in the water, before handing it carefully to Eva. "Drink this," he said, a slight grin on his face, "it'll help numb the pain. And don't worry, it won't taste near as bad as the tonic."
Eva was about to protest but decided against it. She knew that there would be no convincing him into thinking anything otherwise. They arrived at his home and it was just as large and magnificent as the last time she saw it. A lot of the items in the home were worth a lot more than her and her parents life combined and she felt out of place. Once she was comfortably set on the bed, she watched as Thomas went to work grabbing things that he needed. His bedroom was 5 times the size of her own room, she was sure the washroom was bigger than her room as well.

Eva took the tonic in her hand and observed the tiny bottle. Nodding she watched as he left the room before opening the bottle. Biting her lip, she sniffed the liquid inside and almost gagged. Narrowing her eyes in disgust, she knew what she had to do. After a long moment of wondering if she should actually drink it, she decided that it was what was best. Plugging her nose, she threw the liquid back into her throat. Her eyes watered at the taste of it and she fought to keep it down. Her body wanted to expel the bitter taste from her stomach, not knowing that it was what she need to heal. Gagging slightly and trying not to make any noise, she could hear the confrontation going on downstairs.

Of course, his parents weren't being particularly quiet...probably because they didn't even know she was in the house. Eva winced at the words they spoke and wondered why everyone seemed to think that what Thomas and her had was romantic. They were friends, that was it. They never kissed let alone went to bed together. After a few more moments of arguing, it was quiet and Eva sat back in the bed. She knew they were right.

It wasn't normal for them to be friends. Of course they would think that he was just with her to get someone in bed. Did they even know Thomas? He was much more respectful than that! She couldn't imagine him doing that to any girl, especially her. She gave him a weak smile as he stepped back in the room and closed the door. She noticed the cup in his hand and grimaced. But after he explained that it wouldn't taste like the tonic, she took the cup. "Thank you Thomas....you really didn't have to do this."

Eva knew that if he hadn't helped her...she might be dead within the next couple of days. Infection would have spread in the wound and caused her to go into shock. "Do-do you think its odd that we are friends?" She asked.
Thomas lifted his brows at the question. "I mean.." He sighed and sat down on the floor, beginning to put away the medical kit. "I guess it might be. It's not often nobles 'associate' with anyone lower class." He slid the kit back into its spot under the bed and leaned back onto his hands, looking up at Eva. "But you know me, I don't care. It's odd I would help the elves too, but I do it anyway." He gave her a smile. "Besides, what would I do without you? You've saved my ass more than once." Scooting back, Thomas leaned back against the wall. "It doesn't matter anyway, I won't change the way I see things, even if it kills me. In a few months time I'll build a home of my own, right in the middle of the working district." He chuckled at this. "They wont be able to stop me then."

Standing up, Thomas moved to his wardrobe and opened it, revealing his 'day-to-day' clothes. Most nobles preferred a wide range of colors, but Thomas liked simple greys and blues. Moving those to the side, he pulled out two pairs of nightclothes. Setting one down on the bed he nodded at Eva. "Sorry, hope you don't mind. I don't usually keep nightclothes for women around." Opening the door to the hallway, he turned around and looked at Eva "I'll be in the washroom if you need something." Silently padding across the hall, Thomas opened the door to the washroom and slipped inside.

Stripping down, Thomas couldn't hope for hot water, given the hour. He simply wet a rag with cold water and scrubbed down. He hoped at least he wouldn't smell of garbage and sweat when he was done. He slipped on his pants before looking in the mirror. The day had definitely taken it's toll. He looked down at his hands, still wrapped in the purple cloth. He had no idea how his parents hadn't noticed it, but he was grateful. Unrolling them, he grimaced at the sight. That's not good. His palms were a slight shade of purple, evidence of a possible setting in of infection. He quickly placed his hands under the running water, washing off the blood he had missed earlier. Searching the medicine cabinet, he found a small bottle of disinfectant. Here goes nothing. Gritting his teeth, he held his hand out over the sink and slowly poured the liquid over the wound on his palm. To say it stung was a bit of an understatement. He had to hold his tongue to keep from crying out, and sighed with relief when he was done. He could only hope that would stop any infection in it's tracks. Moving to the other hand, he slowly poured the rest of the bottle out over it.
Eva gave him a small smile and nodded softly. She knew Thomas didn't care if she was from a different social class. It was something that she adored. It was hard to find people who liked to mingle with others not of their own class, her own parents didn't even try to associate with others. They normally kept to themselves, but they also didn't judge others for the class they were in.

Smirking as Thomas apologized for not keeping women's night clothes around, she slowly shook her head. "I would hope not, that would mean that you are hanging around other women." Her cheeks turned a slight shade of pink and she looked down at the clothes quickly, her hair falling over her face, effectively hiding her embarrassment. "Thanks." She murmured as he shut the door and moved to the washroom.

Eva would have desperately liked to clean up, but she knew that there was absolutely no way that she would be able to get out of the bed and walk to do it herself. And she would never let Thomas help her in those types of activities. Her face paled slightly and she bristled at the thought before grabbing the clothes and slowly swinging her legs off the side of the bed.

She needed to stand for one moment just to change. Placing one foot on the floor and then then other, she slowly started to stand. The pain in her side had dimmed thanks to the drink that Thomas had made. She quickly changed out of her outfit before pulling on the nightclothes, which were a bit big. The night shirt actually fell to her knees, so she decided to keep her undergarments on and just wear the night shirt. Slowly she moved back onto the bed and sighed, relaxing against the pillows.
Thomas exited the washroom a few minutes later, fully clothed with new bandages around his hands. Slipping down the stairs, he quietly entered the kitchen and lifted the wine storage up out of the floor. He smiled as he thought about how pissed his parents would probably be in the morning. I guess if they're going to be mad anyway.. he grabbed the most expensive bottle he could find. Searching the shelves of the kitchen, he found two glasses, and quickly wiping them down, he headed back up the stairs.

Entering the room, a small smile played at Thomas' lips when he saw Eva, though he did his best to hide it. "Thirsty? He asked as he placed the wine and glasses on the bedside table. "It'll help you sleep." Thomas poured a liberal amount of the drink into the two glasses and handed one to Eva. Sitting on the bed beside her, he slowly sipped from his glass. His mind traveled to the events of the day. "What happened with your voice earlier?" Thomas looked at her, "It was like it was amplified. Stronger." He looked forward, clearly puzzled.

After Thomas had finished the glass, he set it on the table beside him, blew out the candle, and laid back, placing his hands behind his head. Seven years, that's how long he'd been friends with Eva. His parents and the entirety of society told him it was wrong, that nobility should not associate with the poor, but he never understood why. She's a good person, kind, maybe a bit stubborn, but she was a friend all the same. He ignored the ache in his chest that wanted more. Would she even want that? His mind explored the possibilities as his eyes slowly drooped.
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Eva raised an eyebrow at the wine and the two glasses but couldn't help the smile on her face. Taking a glass from him, she watched him for a moment. "I think your parents would die if they saw this." She murmured, and it was most likely true...She had listened to Thomas talk about what his parents didn't like, and she knew that him drinking the wine was definite one. Eva took a small sip and sighed at the taste. She always had an appreciation for wine.

Eva turned to meet his eyes as he mentioned her voice and how it sounded earlier. "Uh...I'm not sure...it was just an in the moment thing I guess." She murmured. "I didn't even feel like myself at that time..." She added lightly before quickly taking another sip of the wine. After a few moments of silence, she finally finished the glass and placed it on the bedside table next to her before he blew out the candle.

She adjusted beside him and turned onto the side that wasn't hurt, which meant she was facing Thomas. She could faintly see his face in the moonlight. "You okay?" She whispered softly, her hand reaching out to squeeze his lightly. He looked...confused about something. And she wanted to make sure that he knew he could talk to her about whatever.
Thomas looked over at Eva and studied her for a moment. The moonlight cast a pale glow on the side of her face, and Thomas couldn't help his heart skipping a beat at the sight. "Yeah, I'm okay." He said, his voice barely a whisper. He wasn't sure how to broach the subject, or if he even should given the circumstances. After a moment going back and forth in his brain, he decided the risk was worth it. "The thing is Eva," He said, taking her hand lightly in his. "I love you." It sounded different coming out of his mouth this time, it wasn't the same as saying it to a friend or a parent, it was reserved for one person alone.

"I know my parents would never approve." Thomas said, "And neither would the rest of society. We aren't supposed to even be near each other." He bit his lip and looked into Eva's eyes. "But I don't care, because society isn't the one who's had my back for so many years."

Despite what he'd just said, Thomas felt oddly calm. He expected to be shaking with anxiety or feeling like the world was about to fall apart around him, but it was like his body was relieved he'd finally gotten the words out. Whatever the result, it was good to know she knew what he felt.

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