The Cabins

Olivandra and Oliver Kelspar

Olivandra rolled her eyes at Jaws once he explained himself, assuming he was making some kind of weird joke or was just literally not very bright. She watched as Nyx went over to the guy, touching his gills and remarking on how cool they were, while he looked on with an expression she could only describe as panic. Olivandra quickly covered her mouth to hide the fact that she was about to burst out laughing, while Oliver rested his hands behind him on the arm of the sofa and leaned back on them, smiled amusedly at the scene. 


"As long as you're okay after... your battle, then I guess we're all sorted. Glad to see we're kind of acquaintances or whatever now," Olivandra said with a small smirk on her face, deciding that maybe it was time to give the poor shark boy a break. However, it didn't seem to be needed, as another girl appeared at the door, and Nyx leapt up, waving enthusiastically. This girl really likes to make friends, she thought.


Oliver smiled as a new person entered the cabin, Nyx jumping up from where she was next to Jaws to introduce herself. He lifted up an arm to wave, albeit more casually, to the girl. "Hey, welcome to the cabin. I'm Oliver, this is my sister Olivandra, and the big guy over there is Jaws. I guess we're your roommates, except for Nyx, as she said."




Fife was expecting a lot. Anger. Sarcasm. Pissyness. Not puns. Definitely not puns. For a full moment Fife just stared at him, not quite processing what had just happened as Rookie clacked her beak in what passed as a laugh for the bird. Not really knowing how to process it he switched gears to address the question. "We're with some birds named Ursula and Valanche," he said slowly, working through every syllable of Valanche" Don know where they are though."

"Valanche sounds like a pasta sauce!" Fluffles shouted muffled some by the bag.

"Pasta's good." Stompy agreed dully.


"WHO STOLE SOMEONES VOICE!?" Alecta (Forgetting that she was a door for a moment) yelled, "AND MURDER? THERE WAS A MURDER?!" She continued yelling doorily "Oh dear! That means someone dead is inside the cabin! Klef what are we going to dooooooooo?" She finished drawing out a scram and jumping free from the door to grab Klef for comfort, somewhat interrupting the other girls tirade. "Oh wait," She realized, "I'm already dead, I couldn't be murdered again! I thinkBut even though there wasn't a murder," She said staring Klef in the face, a panicked look in her eyes, "There's still a voice theif on the loose! Klew what are we going to do? Did you see the thief? Did they make this mess? Wait... no I did that." She said with the deductive reasoning of the great Sherlock Holmes, "But Klef, We will catch this thief. Pinky swear." She concluded offering her pinky.




Giona didn't stir, engrossed in her massive book.


Giona didn't even seem to notice someone was talking to her, lost in her reading.

"Booksie!" Nicola yelled at the librarian.


Nicola sighed. It was always like this, she would near completing a project and find out she was missing a single, key ingredient, with no one around to help her find it. Fine. If she couldn't do this the nice way, she'd go to more extreme measures. Sighing and adjusting her glasses, she walked over to the display stand, where Giona had set up many books she recommended for students, and moved a single book one inch to the left. Instantly Giona's eyes flicked up to her and took in the scene. "May I help you, Nicola?" She asked tiredly, fixing the book with a telekinetic wave of the hand.

"Si Amore," Nicola said happily, "Have you seen our lovely arts teacher around?"

"If you continue on your path, you may find what you're looking for," Giona said in that odd voice she had when quoting someone.

"So..." Niclola asked slowly looking through to the other entrance of the library, "Teacher's lounge?"

Giona nodded, delving back into her book.


"Bella testa di Serpente!" Nicola declared happily as she entered the lounge to find Lavina and joyously kissing her on both cheeks as a greeting, "Can I bother you for a favor?"

@theunderwolf (Wait....)



Serena Masuda


"Hmph. That took longer than I expected. Anyway, come with me."

She turned on one heel, and walked back into the cabin, her arms still crossed. She didn't wait to see if Issen was following, she knew he'd be right behind her. Once inside, she took note of the fact that the girl from earlier was now back in the main room. It didn't immediately concern her however, as she walked over to the door into her room, uncrossed her arms, and opened said door. Inside was all the typical furnishings present, with absolutely no personal effects in it as of yet.

"I want everything that can be removed from this room to be removed. Bed. Furnishings. All of it must go. I care not where it goes. Put it in the main room. Put it outside. Put it in your camp if you feel you can make use of it. Just ensure it's not in my room before I retire for the night."

She left the door to her room open, as she made her way over to the couch in the main room. Her seat pillow was still right where she'd left it, which meant that neither of her roommates were thieving vagrants. Before sitting down however, she turned her head to look at Issen again.

"If the task is too much to handle alone, hunt down Soujiro to assist you, should he not return here in a timely fashion."

That being said, she then sat down where she was seated previously, leaning back and letting some stress loose.

@Godhowsae @Advent Azure @CellistCat606
Azure Zelo

That was weird... Azure looked around as the lights turned off, but came back on like it was nothing... weird. Maybe this was from the way the electrical system to the cabins were set up... but would it be a problem with the wattage, or the voltage? This wasn't exactly something he was good enough to just know on his own. "The Otters? Well... its just a name, I don't think it'd mean any about the people inside." She really seemed like maybe she was thinking this a little too thoroughly, or maybe she was just concerned that whoever they startle would not take to kindly to that... "I guess the Otters are okay, lets go scare them I guess? I'll go see if Serena wants to come with." With that, he went off to return to Serena, with a calm demeanor and posture. He wondered what Serena went to go do outside, but now that she's back, it seems like a good idea to ask her now "Hey, Serena. I was wondering if you wanted to come with us. Ella said she was bored and wanted to try to see what's up with the people in the Otter's Cabin... and scare them I guess." Somehow, Azure guessed that she probably wouldn't be interested. "Or, do you think you just want to stay here for some relaxing alone time?"

@CellistCat606 @Darkholme @Kimi
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Serena Masuda



She had had her eyes closed for some moments, but opened them again when she was addressed. Was this form of casual address normal in a school environment? It didn't sit well with her that he was acting so cavalier in addressing her, but he did at least have something worth disturbing her for. She glanced over at her open room door, where no doubt Issen was likely working out how to carry out the task he'd been given. She then looked back to Azure.

"Yes, I suppose I could at least follow you and watch. It would give me a way to pass the time until my room has been prepared."

She then composed herself, and stood up, brushing herself off slightly.

@Godhowsae @Advent Azure @CellistCat606

Ella Trics



Ella didn't really have anything to comment on anything Azure was saying because most of it she just straight out ignored from her current selective hearing, because she was a bit more set on going to the Otter's Cabin than she thought she was so she just ignored everything Azure was saying about that just because they're in the Otter Cabin doesn't mean they'll act like Otters (which obviously would've made  her re-think her choices). She was about to take a bit more electricity from the Cabin when Serena walked in with one of her bodyguards as she inspected her room, it was honestly very confusing on what Serena was doing for Ella for the most part not understanding what needed to be inspected. Ella then promptly turned away from Serena for a moment when she walked back to the room where she and Azure were sitting and sat in a chair that Ella didn't notice earlier which seemed to have a fairly decorative pillow on top of it. Ella was about to ask Serena if she could trade seats with her when Azure asked Serena if she wanted to join them which she surprisingly agreed to. Well to be more exact she was going to watch them instead of participate on the fun, which meant more fun for herself! Ella then abruptly got up from her seat and was about to lead them out when she remembered what her track teams usually did before any game. Remembering the tradition she did ever so often she immediately faced them both while she held out her right hand (which was in a fist) to the center of their triangular thing as she waited for them to have their hands join her hand. "On the count of 3! 1, 2, 3, BOBCATS!"


Not caring whether or not they yelled with her or even acknowledged what she was doing she immediately ran to the door and opened it wide. When she ran out the door she paused for a moment when she reached the bottom of the staircase, no one else was outside, it was a bit unsettling to think that everyone got to their cabins immediately and didn't even bother to leave it and go have some fun (or she just couldn't see anyone else). Assuming that every single student had fallen asleep Ella dismissed her thought and checked to see if Azure and Serena were following behind her. "C'mon team the staff are going to announce dinner at any moment! We got to make it to the Otter cabin before then otherwise I'll have to shock a lot more people and that could end up with someone stealing my food because of it and that would be really unpleasant!"


-=-=((Interacting with @Advent Azure & @Darkholme))=-=-

-=-=((Cabin going to invade within a couple of posts @A Mysterious Figure, @BlackJack, @InternalAssumpter, @Nami))=-=-

-=-=((Need to see Ella's CS? Click the link in my signature!))=-=-
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Ursula tilted her head at Takahashi. Jewel? What kind of keys did she use back home? Or was it some sort of Ninja code for something? Well...whatever it was, Ursula decided not to say anything about the confusion. After all, she finally had a friend after ALL these years! She couldn't do anything to jeopardize this! If she did, it'd be back to sulking in corners, knitting best friend sweaters that would never be worn, and worse...talking to her dad about Make-Up. Ursula shivered at that before gulping and giving Takahashi a big smile. "iT's A kEy, SiLlY!" Ursula giggled, pointing at the key in her smaller friend's hand. "yOu uSe It tO oPEn dOoRs aND sTuFF!" She held up her own key and grinned, clenching her fists in excitement. "CaN yOu BeLiEvE tHiS?! NoT oNlY aRe wE fRiEnDs nOw, BuT wE'rE rooMaTeS nOw!" She squealed and jumped in joy. "tHiNk Of AlL tHe tHiNgS wE cAn dO!" She grabbed her friend and lifted her up, grinning ever the wider thanks to her excitement. "i CaN't WaIt AnYmOrE! LeT'S go!" And with that, she took off toward their cabin, the rush of finally being able to run outside only fueling her to go faster!

As she neared the cabin, she grinned. There it was! Her new home away from home! She skidded to a stop and excitedly put down Takahashi. "tHiS iS iT! tHiS iS iT!" Ursula stopped as she neared the door, claw hovering over the doorknob, she hesitated...wait. They were gonna share a cabin with other people...what if these people weren't as nice as her new friend? Ursula shook at this and found herself backing away slowly, inadvertently trying to hide herself behind her Ninja companion. "uh-uHm...MaYbE yOu sHoUlD gO iN fIrSt..."


Understanding finally bloomed on Val's face, "Ohhhhhh." But still, she remained slightly confused. Why would you need these things to open doors? Could you just... open it? Instead of further inquiries, the pretend ninja focused on what Ursula continued on to say. Roommates, huh? Rooms have mates? What? Val's confusion doubled. This time, she didn't bother questioning it however and just gave a mental shrug until Ursula urged Val forward in her excitement and she found once again she was being picked up and taken about around. Similar to last time, the elemental didn't mind one bit.

Val blinked, having been set down, at her friend's sudden hesitation. Did Ursula want to see if she could use the 'key'? How considerate! "Alright!" She grinned. "So how do you use this 'key'?" 



"WHO STOLE SOMEONES VOICE!?" Alecta (Forgetting that she was a door for a moment) yelled, "AND MURDER? THERE WAS A MURDER?!" She continued yelling doorily "Oh dear! That means someone dead is inside the cabin! Klef what are we going to dooooooooo?" She finished drawing out a scram and jumping free from the door to grab Klef for comfort, somewhat interrupting the other girls tirade. "Oh wait," She realized, "I'm already dead, I couldn't be murdered again! I thinkBut even though there wasn't a murder," She said staring Klef in the face, a panicked look in her eyes, "There's still a voice theif on the loose! Klew what are we going to do? Did you see the thief? Did they make this mess? Wait... no I did that." She said with the deductive reasoning of the great Sherlock Holmes, "But Klef, We will catch this thief. Pinky swear." She concluded offering her pinky.


She wanted to yell back in protest so badly, but before she could say anything stupid, the door had returned to its previous, less loud state leaving Klef with a confused expression. Out of instinct, Klef flinched, expecting an angry door spirit to come at her with dozens of knives. When she heard Alecta's voice, she initially thought it was just the voice theif, but when she opened her eyes she saw a familiar ghost instead. “ Wha-” She blinked, her body became slightly less tense knowing that her friend was safe from the rampant murderer, if he even existed. Who she did know existed was a voice thief, how else could the door have talked? It probably stole Alecta's voice for a few minutes so that it could mutter a curse that would affect the school for centuries. Obviously. Klef was not too surprised that Alecta was a victim of this thievery, it was always the redheads, she learned that from a movie and the one time that her uncle lost his voice. 

She attempted to lock her pinky with Alecta’s, but she ended up just curling up her pinky so much that her nail dug into her skin a bit. Oh riiiiiiight, she's a ghost, duh. The fact that her roommate was a ghost would definitely take some getting used to. Since the two had far more on their plates than performing a pinky swear, Klef pretended that her attempt was sucessful. “ Quick! We need to warn the others before it’s too late!”  She exclaimed, cocking her head in the same direction of the path that led her to this cabin, gesturing that the two should go that way. 



[SIZE= 12px]A  foot slowly set in the grass of the island, crushing it beneath the weight of the foot. It was a nice day but it was getting late. The smell of food filled the air from the dining area. Dinner had to be coming soon. The foot soon had another partner and then a cane hit into the ground as well. Panning up to a dapper man, vest and tie, one hand behind his back and the other on his cane. This was Shane Snow, a senior of the school. It was his last year there. He had learned a lot over his years but over those years no one really learned anything about him. Shane had little to no friends and seemingly did not care that much. Always doing coursework in his room and only coming out to inspect people from afar. This was an odd specimen. Shane shortened the cane and put it into his pocket. Grabbing the shard of glass on his way out and looking into the shard. Lifting a finger he ran his finger across the front of the shard "I will figure it all out" he says before closing it into his hands and putting it back into his pocket before strolling off to the cabins. He stayed after everyone left seeing how he did not get assigned a cabin yet, he knew why however. Some students came in late so he expected to be put in one after dinner and such. For now he had to find something to do, and entertainment was not hard to find around here. [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 12px]Low and behold he found what he was looking for really quickly. He could hear yelling coming from a cabin near the 3rd years, this was a bad idea. But before he knew it he was already heading towards the cabin. Like something was driving him to go there. A force outside his own. Soon enough he reached the steps and took each with a slow stride, a gentle stride. One hard to hear. And once he reached the door he opened slowly and quietly meeting a group of thugs and a woman. She seemed to be in quite the pickle. The two boys were fighting it seemed and she was just there watching it all go down. Shane had the most emotionless face on and bowed before he spoke to them quickly placing his hands back behind his back and speaking "[/SIZE][SIZE= 12px]Gentleman and lady, The name is Shane Snow but you do not care much for that. I came to see what the rambunctious rustle was. Is there a throw down occurring on the premises.[/SIZE][SIZE= 12px]" Shane says looking at them all quickly, he glanced at the main antagonist of the cabin, his eyes flashing a pink color and a odd smirk attempting to form on his face but he held it back and everything went beck to normal. Blue and a frown as usual.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 12px](( @Chaotic Pastel @BigGuyForYou @Godhowsae ))[/SIZE]

Mikado Maxwell - Owl Cabin

She glanced over her shoulder as Jekkel's speech slowed and he drifted off to sleep. Seems someone couldn't handle the trip. Not that it was much of her concern so she turned her attention back to the screen before her as her aggressive companion once again spoke up. She quirked a brow at the mention of her hitting it off with Seiji. Was that what they had looked like? Sure didn't seem like they had hit it off to her. At his continued comment she simply offered him a shrug of her shoulders. "I don't really mind that much that he thought he was smarter than me. I quickly put him in his place. I would think someone like him would at least remember the Number One student in the school but eh. If you wanna talk to him go ahead but I resolved my issues with him back on the boat." She fell silent as Wayne continued on to explain the situation with the other girl in more detail. She couldn't really blame him for getting upset in that situation. God help anyone who did that to her while she was doing an experiment or something. The flurry of clacking came to a halt as she gave one final tap of the enter key, her screen being flooded with a variety of code and prompts as she turned herself in her chair and rested her arm upon the back as she looked at the man. "Well I wouldn't recommend going that far if you want to actually stick around here. This school's pretty lax in a lot of ways but I don't think they'd let something like that slide." With her little word of warning she hopped off the chair and made her way towards the kitchen, curious to see if it came stocked with food. "Besides, it's a big school. You can probably just ignore her pretty easily."

@Advent Azure @Sir Jake
Azure Zelo

Azure looked at Ella in a very confused manner. What was she doing, holding her arm out the way she was? It certainly didn't look like any kind of hand shake he'd ever seen or was taught. What was weirder was how she was cheering over Bobcats now, the Cabin they were assigned? He'd have to ask her what that was about later, but for now, she was already on the move! "Ah?!" Azure looked back wondering if Serena would be able to keep up. He knew that he'd have no problem catching up... but hopefully she was a runner like he is. "Wait up Ella!" Azure wondered if Ella was always doing things like this, scaring people. She seemed really into it so far, just was already bolting off. He wondered if he'd even be able to do some sight seeing of mapping while keeping up with Ella

@CellistCat606 @Darkholme

Wayne Yuveg

"Like hell am I gonna deal with someone like that if I don't have to. Number one student though huh? Sounds like pain to me, but whatever works for ya." Being a number one student in school is a pretty big thing he thought. He wondered how the hell the weirder or annoying people were going to make it in this world, getting some lame job and all after school. This girl seems to know what's really important in school, then again, even uneducated idiots can make it big, so what does he know? At least going to school helped him pass the time, so who knows, maybe in the end, it'll be worthwhile. "You kidding? This is my second year here girl, I'm not just some transfer who's here for his first year. I'd say I'm just fine considering how last year went, so why don't you do you, before that idiot takes your number one spot, and I'll worry about me? I'll try not to get in your way either." Since she's so smart, he wondered if she'd help em out if he was struggling with any assignments. It's not like he's usually troubled by that stuff, but you never know. Could be one less thing to slave over if it's something boring or tedious he has to do.



Issen Raikiyo, Fourth Year


"Yes, my lord." Issen bowed his head as Serena spoke to him and followed after her once she had started to walk back inside. He rose to his feet and started off on a brisk walk, keeping a certain amount of distance between the two of them. Once inside, his eyes briefly glanced at the young electromage, Ella, as she sapped the power from the building. He didn't say anything, but made note of it. Once inside his young master's room, he received his orders and Serena left soon after. 'Ask the monkey for help? Nonsense". It's true that Soujiro was good for little more than manual labor, but this task was given to him. Thus, he would accomplish it. Issen held his hand in to the air while standing in the middle of the room and the various furnishings and decorations began to shake. Soon, all the metal pieces that had been keeping it all held together had been forced loose and smashed together in a large lump of metal floating above his palm. The next moment, everything, the bed, bookshelves, desk, everything that had been held together before collapsed at once. He slowly strode over to the window that connected the room to the outside and once opened, Issen fired the clump of metal outside. "Step one, complete." Looking around, he had quite a bit of work to do. He started his task of carrying out all the pieces of the former furnishings.

@Darkholme @CellistCat606
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Ella Trics



After Ella yelling back to them to hurry up a moment later Azure had came running out of the house while Serena followed behind. The girl smiled at them from her joy of seeing them come right after she had finished yelling as she then turned around to start jogging towards the Otters' cabin by following the wooden signs that pointed towards the direction they needed to head. After a while of jogging by all of the cabins the girl had then finally spotted the Otters' cabin, when suddenly (almost like magic) one of the roots on nearby tree suddenly had gone out without her noticing which had caused her trip. Immediately after Ella had started falling to the ground she laid out her arms in front of her to hopefully somewhat break her fall. When Ella landed on the ground like some sort of wooden plank she didn't even attempt to scream or punch the ground out frustration, instead she just stood there holding herself up with disappointment that she had just tripped over a simple tree's root0. After 5 seconds of staying there in shame Ella got right back up ignoring what had just happened, while also ignoring that the root had moved out of the way. After brushing herself off Ella started to walk toward a bush near the cabin ever so slowly so she wouldn't be too loud. After a lot of tip-toeing Ella had finally made it to the bush. Looking back to see Azure and Serena following steady behind she decided to make sure that they were ready to ambush their target. "Serena you ready to watch us? And Azure you ready to...wait what did you want to do again while I shocked them?" When Ella started asking Azure she realized she never asked Azure what he'd like to do (or that she didn't hear him), so she improvised to ask him about what he wanted to do.


-=-=((Nearby @Advent Azure & @Darkholme))=-=- 

-=-=((Student who cast the spell on the tree and whom is also one of the people who they're planning on ambushing @InternalAssumpter))=-==-

-=-=((People in the going-to-get-ambushed-soon cabin @A Mysterious Figure, @BlackJack & @Nami))=-=-

-=-=((Need to see Ella's CS? Click the link in my signature!))=-=-


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Sliding her eyes shut, Rosemary grit her teeth and drew in deep breaths as her hands slowly lifted to cover her face. If one looked close enough, they would notice the shadows of the cabin beginning to waver slightly the closer Rosemary drew to the edge; She was just about ready to scream, cry, [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]anything [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]to make them stop… Until an unfamiliar voice sounded off in the cabin. Rosemary lowered her hands and slowed her breathing as she glanced over to the stranger with a raised brow. The man wouldn’t happen to be Cody, would he? Her thoughts would be answered as he introduce himself, and her gaze flickered towards her roommates then to the stranger.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Stranger. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]It finally clicked in her mind, completely refreshing herself as she straightened her posture and lightly nodded her head in a mini-bow to the stranger.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] “Nice to meet you, Shane.”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] She greeted politely, running a hand through her pastel strands, [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“I’m Rosemary Lacrimosa… Erm…” [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]She paused as she glanced to Soujiro and Seiji, swallowing lightly as she drew in a deep breath and exhaled softly,[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] “They… Aren’t getting off on a good foot.. To put it in lighter terms…”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] Her voice was soft, glancing to Shane then to them with a light shake of her head.[/SIZE]








Lavinia Eliseus.png


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Standing before the youth sitting at the table of the teacher’s lounge, Lavinia took a long sip of her tea before setting the cup aside and staring down at the pink-haired boy before her. The boy was a popular student of her’s from the previous year, Victor Lacrimosa, who had graduated and returned as a student teacher. It was a joy in Lavinia’s opinion to know that students enjoyed the Academy so much that they came back, even to teach. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Be sure to pay close attention, not just to the teachers you’ll learn from and work with, but also the students. You’re responsible for being a substitute if your job calls for it…”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Ms. Eli, I understand,”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] The male chuckled, sipping his coffee as he cupped it between his cold hands, [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“But.. would it be an inconvenience if I surveyed my sister periodically? Just to verify her security…”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Victor’s voice was wary, his constant worry for his younger sister never ceasing to take a break once in awhile.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Lavinia stared at him through lime pupils, before sighing with a faint smile,[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] “Sure.. I don’t see why not.” [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]She murmured, eyes widening slightly as she heard a familiar voice behind her. Turning around, her snairs seemed surprised yet happy to see the nurse and teacher approaching her and kissing both her cheeks as a greeting she’d grown used to over her days spent teaching in the school. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Hello, Nicola.”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] She greeted politely, head and snairs bowing lightly in greeting before tilting her head. “What is it?” She asked curiously, head tilting to the side.[/SIZE]




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Serena Masuda



She watched as the other girl bolted up, said her motivational piece, and immediately bolted out of the cabin with great enthusiasm. It all seemed a bit unnecessary to her, but it was new and interesting to her all the same. She looked as Azure quickly followed suit. He had already mentioned that he was just a boring, normal person, so why would he get involved in something like this, she wondered? The only way to find out would be to watch. She picked up her seat pillow, hugging it in front of her chest, as she slowly followed the same path that her two roommates had taken. She wasn't about to be rushed, especially since she wasn't particularly integral to this plan in the first place.


She did arrive at the location though, although certainly not as quickly as the other two had. She had taken note of Ella's less than graceful navigation of the mobile tree root, and decided to give it a wide berth when approaching. Upon arriving, Ella addressed them both. With her usual composure, she gave her reply.

"By all means, don't get cold feet on my accord."

@Advent Azure @CellistCat606

Mikado Maxwell - Owl Cabin

She simply gave a dismissive wave of her hand at the boy's comment. "It's not that big of a pain. I have an advantage when it comes to things like schooling." She didn't bother to elaborate on that, simply allowing her sentence to end there as she began opening the cabinets to see what they had. She had to pause her cabinet opening at what her companion said, an audible laugh slipping out before she managed to stifle it. After taking a few moments to compose herself she gave him another dismissive wave. "Oh, don't worry about that. There's no risk of anyone taking the top spot from me no matter what they do. Plus I'm good at worrying about lots of stuff." She resumed her search through the kitchen as she spoke. It was clear that the boy wasn't exactly the social type but if they were going to be living with each other for the next year she had to make sure they were on at least somewhat friendly terms. She didn't want to spend the school year sharing a house with someone who was openly hostile to her after all. Not finding anything of any real note she called off her search of the kitchen and made her way back to her laptop to check up on the progress of her program. As she reached her computer she leaned over and tapped a key or two as she checked on it. "Hey, do you know of any good source of metal?" She kept her gaze firmly on the screen in front of her, the comment just coming out of nowhere.

@Advent Azure @Sir Jake


Name: Iris Fortune

Year: 3rd Year

Location: In The Otter Cabins, In Orion Academy


Iris' train of thoughts was interrupted when the horned girl accosted her. Her comment made Iris baffled. Her cheeks were about to get a rosy tint but she quickly put on a scowl. She didn't say anything though. She just stood there, scowling a bit at the girl. Truth be told, Iris was of course used to being approached with a greeting. It happens from time to time and whenever it did, she was always ready with a snide remark. However, Iris can count how many times she had been approached with a compliment. Counting this one, that would make it three times now. Each time it happened, Iris would either walk away or abscond without the person noticing. Unfortunately, she couldn't quite do that now. Instead, she opted to just stay quiet and glare at the girl. Iris even leaned away from her a bit, hoping that action would rubbed her in the wrong way.

As if her silent prayer was answered, Iris heard another introduction. It came from the probable twins. Oliver and Olivandra.... The gears in her mind started to spin. Finally something click and her expression turned into one of repugnance. Now her glare was directed to the redheads. Though her expression was like that, she was in fact, extremely anxious. She knew them. As in knew, she had heard of them. It was hard not to when they were in the same year as her. They were considerably popular. She heard rumours about them. How they were extremely charming and "dateable" as some of her classmates would say. From the rumours, she knew that she did not want to have anything to do with them. Mainly because she was concerned for her blood. She can't even handle a compliment. She really didn't want to imagine how she'd react to.... people of their skills. 

Clearing her throat, she looked elsewhere. Iris figured she should probably introduce herself. Even if that would seem un"Iris"like. Before she could speak, she felt a subtle sensation which she was used to. The feeling was somewhat similar to eating. The only difference would be that the "food" wouldn't go to her stomach but instead her heart. Or something like that. She figured it was probably because of her little jinx earlier. Iris realized the victim wasn't exactly confused but sad? No, something similar. Iris couldn't really tell the exact emotion that she caused but she gets the gist of it. And the gist of this emotion wasn't confused. That much. She could tell. That slightly confused herself. Unconsciously, she turned her head towards the door. Iris was curious who her victim was and what were they doing before they got tripped. Her mind started to wander till the point her thoughts were getting ridiculous. She shook her head and looked forward again. Staying silent for a few more seconds, she finally spoke up. "Although Iris felt extremely displeased with her new jail mates, she decided to introduce herself anyway. I'm Iris. She replied curtly. Attempting to not let her annoyance slip. She didn't want to tear their fragile hearts. Yet." 

Iris was somewhat pleased she was still able to make a rude introduction. Maybe then the horned girl would leave her personal bubble and stop complimenting her. She wanted her act to be flawless. Or at least believable. Compliments would be a hurdle for that. Iris liked to think of herself as a skilled actor. But even she admits that compliments makes her... unfocused.

Mentioned:  @CellistCat606 [Referred as 'the victim']

Talking to:   @A Mysterious Figure @BlackJack @Nami  ​
View attachment 175566

Nyx Ryzrel

Nyx's cheery expression fell gradually, seeing as the new girl was not at all pleased with the way she'd greeted her. Nyx didn't feel that she had said anything wrong, in fact she'd even complimented the girl's appearance. Maybe she didn't like being referred to as "super cute and edgy"? Nyx really had no idea what the girl's problem was, except that she had no interest in Nyx's presence at all. She even glared directly at Nyx for a few uncomfortable moments, causing Nyx to furrow her brows inward in a puzzled response. A bit of anger welled up inside her chest, offended by the rude exchange of events. 

Not long after giving Nyx an unwelcoming stare, the girl turned her steely gaze to Oliver and Olivandra. Nyx felt even more confused, considering the twins had not done a single thing that would have been bothersome in a greeting. How rude, Nyx thought to herself, feeling even more annoyed that the girl had the nerve to give Oliver such a look. At least Nyx was aware that maybe she sounded too enthused when she greeted her at the door, but Oliver had done nothing wrong. 

Nyx looked to the floor and silently took a deep breath as her fists clenched together with rage. Although she wasn't the type of person who got upset often, it was easy for her to feel disgusted with those who flat-out insulted her or a friend. She heard the girl finally speak up and announce her name, but in the most cringe-worthy way possible. She spoke in third person, referring to all of them as "jail mates" and having "fragile hearts" that she apparently was planning to eventually hurt. 

Nyx looked up at Iris with her eyes narrowed, her blue eyes a shade darker than usual. After a moment, she unrolled her fists and allowed her expression to relax back to a normal state. It was not nearly as peppy as usual, but a fake smile was plastered onto her face. "Ah, your personality even matches your dark, cold attire. How aesthetic," she said in a stiff tone, still looking at Iris. 

(( @BlackJack@InternalAssumpter@A Mysterious Figure))
Olivandra and Oliver Kelspar

Oliver's eyes shifted from the girl who had introduced herself as Iris, Nyx, and his sister uneasily. Apparently, despite his attempt at a casual, ordinary greeting, their new cabin mate wasn't one to socialise or make friends. He wondered if she'd just had bad experiences at Orion or other schools in the past, or maybe she was just a naturally antisocial person. Either way, he was certainly more hesitant to continue the conversation, especially as it became clear that Nyx was not about to back down.

Olivandra, on the other hand, had a growing smirk on her face as she eyed Iris, taking in her body stance, facial expression and cold, snipped tone. The girl was clearly not someone who cared for pleasantries, and it both intrigued and confused her, as she was used to being social and outgoing, and taking care of niceties to form bonds with people was one of her highest priorities. Not being around other people would be utter torture for O, and she definitely wanted to know what was up with Iris. Instead of joining the conversation, however, she simply watched the situation unfold, wanting to know how far either of the girls would go.

"Woah, guys, I don't think this is the best time for this," Oliver said, deciding, against his instincts, to attempt to stave off any potential fights before they could escalate. "I'm sorry if we've somehow offended you, although I'm honestly confused as to what we've done, other than be as cordial as possible. I understand if you don't want to get to know us or make friends or anything, so if you're not planning on that, we'll leave you be. Is that alright?" he asked Iris. "My sister, Nyx and I are all new to the school, so I apologise if we haven't followed some rule or greeting guideline or anything."

@Nami @InternalAssumpter @BlackJack
Azure Zelo

Azure ran on over to Ella's side as she seemingly crashed onto the ground... What happened?! "Ella??? Are you okay?" She certainly didn't look okay, she was just... laying there? At least for a while until she got back up right... and didn't even give what happened any attention... "..." Azure was a little paranoid now... was this some sort of warning to so don't do it? He really wasn't sure if he should just ignore what happened, or scamper away before something worse happened... for now though... he thought it'd be best to just stick with them... Making his way to the Bush they all decided to hide behind and plot. "Wait... I thought we were both going to shock them? I sorta just wanted to make a map of the place on our way here, or make a trap to catch an animal or something... I don't know..." He really wasn't sure why she preferred to say shock over scare, but Azure thought that he'd be annoying if he kept on pressing on that topic

@CellistCat606 @Darkholme

Wayne Yuveg

"An advantage when it comes to school? What, you cheat or something or get your answers off that computer?" Wayne couldn't care less if the girl cheated or not. The way he saw it, if you cheat to get an A, and you didn't get caught or your cheating worked... well... then you properly learned how to cheat. Just because it's not part of the school system doesn't mean its not something potentially valuable to learn. "Anyone's good at worrying I'm sure, but I don't think I'd ever envy someone who's always running their mind on everything. Just not something I can understand, or want to understand." That Mika girl he was talking with was kinda alright, wasn't overbearing, wasn't annoying, or any of that. Just a girl who good at keeping herself, but then she asked the weirdest question. "What the hell kind of question is that? I don't know, a shop class or something? You're better off askin, a teacher or something?" The hell was this girl planning to do? He had absolutely no idea

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As Jekkel slept He heard the odd question from the back of his mind. He opened his eyes and gave a loud yawn. "When you say "good source" of metal do you mean, a good place to find it or do you need metal for a certain quality?" He was very intrigued by this question. He knew a many of things about earth. He has seen its wonders and also read about them. The young man got to his feet after asking the question. He needed to do something but he had no idea what to do. He simply got up and walked around the room until he had an idea on what to do. It would look odd to most but it felt right, so it is ok to do it right?

@Colt556 @Advent Azure

Ella Trics



Ella nodded at Serena when she responded stating that she was ready to observe them, but as soon as she looked over to Azure she had gotten heavily confused by what he was telling her. Apparently he thought he was going to either shock the people in the cabin with her, make a map on the way here or even set-up an animal trap, only one of which that had confused her. "Wait are you sure you can conjure electricity? Cause some people I've met thought that moving electronics was conjuring electricity, which its obviously not, because just because you're moving the electronics doesn't mean you're actually conjuring it!" Ella not wanting to tell that story all over again turned her attention to see her team fully. Might've not been as encouraging or made her as certain of victory as her track team did, but she was pretty sure she could pull everyone's weight, well maybe until they had to run back to their cabin. After her review of her team she turned her head to focus on the nearby cabin to check if any of the people inside of it were exiting.


-=-=((@Darkholme & @Advent Azure))=-=-

-=-=((People in the nearby cabin @InternalAssumpter, @A Mysterious Figure, @BlackJack & @Nami))=-=-

-=-=((Need to see Ella's CS? Click the link in my signature!))=-=-
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[COLOR= rgb(19, 79, 92)]"Ahhhh," Nicola said, "Well it is a long story fraught with complicated alchemy and frustrated heads meeting unfeeling desks." She shrugged and adjusted her glasses, "I would tell you all about it, but we don't have any... Oh we do have tea!" She finished happily and put the kettle on the stove, "Oh and Victor! Hows your...." Her eyes flicked to Lavinia, remembering the sacred law of doctor patient confidentiality and how she really shouldn't talk about that one cut that got really infected and ll the disgusting liquids that came out of it"... Thing. But nevertheless little Piagnucolone it is lovely to see you working here now, always a buono student... anyway So it all started back when I started working hear oh, long long time ago there was this vampire student named Balderich who was quite the big drinker"[/COLOR]

Fifteen minutes later the three were sitting with mugs of tea in their hands and Nicola seemed to be winding down, "...And here I was with about a hundred plastic bags full of the stuff...." She took a long sip of her tea and sighed, " Good times...anyway, that's why I always make sure to have a huge stock of blood on hand at all times. So I need like, all the red paint you have."

@Chaotic Pastel

Mikado Maxwell - Owl Cabin

At the boy's comment she simply gave a small laugh as she looked over her shoulder at him. "I'm sure some people would call it cheating but really I just have a good memory." As usual on the subject she didn't bother to elaborate as she turned her attention back to the screen. With a small nod to herself she moved around and plopped back down in the seat as she begun to tap away at the keys with blinding speed. Again she never took her gaze from her laptop nor ceased her work as she spoke up to the boy. "Running your mind on everything isn't so bad." As expected the boy reacted with nothing but confusion at her sudden question. What wasn't expected was her inquiry rousing Jekkel from his slumber. She mulled over the boy's question for a few seconds before giving herself yet another small nod. "Both would be ideal. Working with shoddy quality metal is never fun. Last year I was here I couldn't locate a good source of metal and the best I could scrape together was barely sufficient." She fell silent for a few moments, the clacking of the keys coming to a stop as she stared up at the roof above. "I wonder if that thing's still around..." She allowed her gaze to linger for a few more moments before resuming the work she had been doing. "Either way if I can find a large quantity of good quality metal to work with I might actually be able to complete some of my side projects."

@Advent Azure @Sir Jake
Azure Zelo

Conjure? Wait, does this girl know something, or... "Uh... I'm sorry? I don't really understand what you're talking about?? We're just trying scare people right? I can't do anything with electricity..." Azure looked at Ella with a very puzzled face. What was the context for her question anyway? Did he say something weird, he really didn't think he said anything strange... but... what was she thinking that she was going to be doing then? Suddenly... the reason why he's here became very unclear to him... Was he going to be doing something weird now...? "Uh... well, tell me, what are you going to be doing then...???"

@CellistCat606 @Darkholme

Wayne Yuveg

"Whatever... I don't really care what you're doing exactly, long as it doesn't bother me." Wayne's was only made that little bit more curious about what exactly she meant by what she said about memory. It sounds like she stole answer sheets or something, and is dedicating them to memory. He couldn't imagine how she's getting them if that's the case, seems like too much trouble to try for that kind of thing, but as long as he's not being held as an accomplice for Mika's cheats, by all means, let her. She really didn't say much back about the thinking about everything, but then again, she's almost completely focused on her laptop, she hasn't really even took her eyes away from it as far as he's cared to notice. More like a one track mind... but she's still keeping up this conversation, so who could really say what's up with her? "Side projects? What, you're going to make a machine or something?" He wondered if this girl was supposed to be some sort of super geek or nerd. The cool girl who always has things under control... it's been hard so far to just label her off as 'this' kind of person... but really.... she's pretty much some sort of nerd... probably. Whatever, they tend to keep to their selves and are manageable to deal with.


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