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    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern The Blood {Restart, New Characters Welcome}

"Seriously! Ha!" Red kicked her feet over the ledge, leaning back. "Yeah, the Blood. I'm in that one as well. Funny we come across each other like this." Red let out another chuckle. "If you already have a family, why'd you join our little band of misfits?"
Altaynna said:
"Seriously! Ha!" Red kicked her feet over the ledge, leaning back. "Yeah, the Blood. I'm in that one as well. Funny we come across each other like this." Red let out another chuckle. "If you already have a family, why'd you join our little band of misfits?"
Paint smiled. Then she mentioned family. "Oh. Um... I just don't fit in. There's... secrets." Paint looked down at her feet. "You understand that, right? Secrets? Things you would never tell another living soul? Not even if your life depended on it? Because... the secrets hurt much worse when they become words... memories can only do so much damage. Speaking about them... that's when the real pain comes."
Red's eyes softened as she looked at the girl, before she spoke equally as softly. "Yeah. Yeah, I do." She thought for a moment, before walking over to the girl's bag and pulling out a spray can, and staring at the mural, thinking. Then, slowly, she turned, looking at a blank wall that simply stared at her. Two building on either side, one small entrance on the top. One mural lined one building, the beaten wall was on the entrance shack. She turned to the empty wall, and began to stare at the girl thoughtfully before she began to paint.
Paint looked at Red, examining her movements. She's painting. Paint jumps to her feet and watches Red. "What are you going to make?" Paint asked quietly, a grin spreading onto her face. Paint loved painting. Hence the name.
"Wait." Quickly, Red reached for another can, carefully placing the other one down. She shook it and sprayed, quickly covering the wall with the paint before stepping back, examining her artwork before nodding once and reaching for another can. "Just a few finishing touches" She murmured.

The painting displayed a young girl (who looked suspiciously like Paint) trudging through the street. The background was a mix of graffiti, slogans and beautiful images such as the city's horizon, the night sky, artful arrangements of black, grey and white splashes resembling a bouquet of flowers. The mural was grey, black and dark. However, the girl was covered in paint, splashes of color leaking out from her and swirling around, brightening everything around her. The edges touched the murals, displaying splashes of colors where the swirling colors touched.
Altaynna said:
"Wait." Quickly, Red reached for another can, carefully placing the other one down. She shook it and sprayed, quickly covering the wall with the paint before stepping back, examining her artwork before nodding once and reaching for another can. "Just a few finishing touches" She murmured.
The painting displayed a young girl (who looked suspiciously like Paint) trudging through the street. The background was a mix of graffiti, slogans and beautiful images such as the city's horizon, the night sky, artful arrangements of black, grey and white splashes resembling a bouquet of flowers. The mural was grey, black and dark. However, the girl was covered in paint, splashes of color leaking out from her and swirling around, brightening everything around her. The edges touched the murals, displaying splashes of colors where the swirling colors touched.
Paint looking over the painting and tears sprang into her eyes. It was gorgeous. Paint started to back away, at a complete loss of words. The use of color, value, and contrast sent the message clearly and poetically at the same time. "Wow..." Paint whispered, her hands covering her mouth. Her ode to red idea paled in comparison to this.
Red stepped back, smiling at her work. She looked back at Paint, smiling happily. "I know it's not much, but it's been awhile since I've done anything like this, so...?" She looked back, inspecting her work, before tilting her head slightly, accidentally smearing a red streak across her cheek.
Paint smiles. "It's amazing... Just... Jesus..." Paint laughs at the red smear in Reds face. "You got a little..." Paint points at Reds cheek and giggles. "Never mind. This..." Paint gestures to the artwork on the wall, "this is spectacular."
Red smiled, turning between Paint and the painting, a sparkle in her eyes that hadn't been there in a while. "Thanks. I'm sure you've done much better though, you're the artist." She let out a soft laugh, looking back to Paint. "And I think you've got the message?"
Altaynna said:
Red smiled, turning between Paint and the painting, a sparkle in her eyes that hadn't been there in a while. "Thanks. I'm sure you've done much better though, you're the artist." She let out a soft laugh, looking back to Paint. "And I think you've got the message?"
"I got the message alright. See, the way you made this was not only a commentary on the creativity of the subject, but on the blandness of the world. The monotony of the background exemplifies just how repetitive and boring life is. Then, the subject is a color. It sets her apart from the background. The color splashes show how she is making life more interesting." Paint ranted, not realizing how pretentious that sounded until after she said that "that's my exaggerated way of saying thanks."
Red's grin widened. "No problem. I'm just not too good with words, so I decided to speak in a language we both understand." She moved back next to Paint, her gaze lingering on her artwork. "And it's true, so there isn't a need to thank me for it."
Altaynna said:
Red's grin widened. "No problem. I'm just not too good with words, so I decided to speak in a language we both understand." She moved back next to Paint, her gaze lingering on her artwork. "And it's true, so there isn't a need to thank me for it."
Paint blushes. "I tend to sound pretentious when I try to communicate verbally. Which is why I paint. People listen to their eyes better then their ears." Paint runs a hand through her hair. "you are very kind."
Red shrugged. "I just speak the truth." She sighed and looked up at the sky, gesturing to the sleeping bag in the corner. "You can stay here if you want and use the sleeping bag. I don't mind sleeping on the roof. If you need to go, you can do that too." She glanced towards the grotto, her resolve crumbling. Would someone be worried about her? She did leave to go check for more members, but there wasn't a rule against spending the night elsewhere or wandering around as long as you obeyed Stallion, returned when needed and stayed true to The Blood.
Altaynna said:
Red shrugged. "I just speak the truth." She sighed and looked up at the sky, gesturing to the sleeping bag in the corner. "You can stay here if you want and use the sleeping bag. I don't mind sleeping on the roof. If you need to go, you can do that too." She glanced towards the grotto, her resolve crumbling. Would someone be worried about her? She did leave to go check for more members, but there wasn't a rule against spending the night elsewhere or wandering around as long as you obeyed Stallion, returned when needed and stayed true to The Blood.
"Wouldn't it be best for you to go back to the gang? I mean, I am really new so I don't quite know the rules..." Paint scratches her head. "Maybe we should just go and check to see if we are needed?"
art3mis254 said:
Red nodded slowly, and shrugged again. "I'm pretty new too, there isn't much they need me for. And there isn't a rule about wandering, really, as long as you return if you're needed. Coriolanus would probably" Hopefully, she thought to herself, "get them off my back. But yeah, c'mon, I suppose."
Um.... What just happened here? Pretty sure that @Altaynna is Red?
(Ummm...alright then? @art3mis254 )

Red searched the horizon, glancing over at Paint. "Yeah, sure, I guess." She glanced down at the floor, taking a deep breath and steeling her resolve secretly. She jumped over the ledge, hanging by her fingertips before scuttling down. She paused, and glanced over at Paint, before moving sideways over to the fire escape and moving up, reaching an arm up. "In case you need help."
Altaynna said:
(Ummm...alright then? @art3mis254 )
Red searched the horizon, glancing over at Paint. "Yeah, sure, I guess." She glanced down at the floor, taking a deep breath and steeling her resolve secretly. She jumped over the ledge, hanging by her fingertips before scuttling down. She paused, and glanced over at Paint, before moving sideways over to the fire escape and moving up, reaching an arm up. "In case you need help."
Paint climbed down the fire escape. "Isn't it funny how, even though going down is easier than going up, it is scarier?" Paint remarks.
Red chuckled. 'I never really thought about it. I've always loved climbing, never really had to deal with the fears before."
Altaynna said:
Red chuckled. 'I never really thought about it. I've always loved climbing, never really had to deal with the fears before."
Paint shrugs. "I've never liked climbing much. Just because I'm not athletic." Paint grins and adjusts her backpack. "Wait shit I don't know how to get to the grotto from here."
Red smiled and nodded. "Don't worry, I know the way. Just follow me." She began to lead the way down the dark streets and alleyways, before they appeared in front of the grotto. Red nodded for Paint to go in first. "I need to do something first."
Stallion {Eighteen} Gang Leader

Stallion narrowed his eyes at Hunter, "I trust him." He finally murmured and caught everybody's attention as he broke the awful silence.

They had been told that The Wolves had a leader named Kobra and how they were thinking of ruling Darkbridge and replacing The Blood.

Stallion knew that as Hunter was scared to death whenever they stepped towards him, the puny male would reply with absolute honesty.

"You say you provide information about our whereabouts, when we are present in The Grotto, when we leave?" Hunter nodded immediately, so he was a scout. "What was that flash my right hand woman detected from the roof?" He asked, and all he received was a mutter about the member's photos. Being very active, he had never really caught Artemis' photo properly, but everybody else's before hand.
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis embraced Coriolanus and wondered where this relationship would go. Just a few wet kisses and it is over?

Coriolanus was the same age to Stallion, she personally liked older boys, she liked them a few years older but not so much that there was a huge age gap. Lucas was her first high-school crush, she would not drool like others but she would play it casual and yet still ended up being a 'friend' when Lucas misread her invitation to have dinner with him, so he brought the whole football team. It was not an ideal date but Artemis still liked the way Lucas played football and how he thought she could join and be deputy captain or a substitute at the least. Then she met Stallion, but now she flicked him out of the picture, it was just Coriolanus. And her.
The italian was about to ask if the girl wanted to go inside, but stopped himself.

Would they have to keep this a secret?

Unsure, he ran his hand on the small of her back, this time a lot more briefly and perhaps with a small hint of desperation.

But feeling actually lightly worried he reached in his pockets for the pack, placing a cigarette on his lips and offering one to her. His feelings for her were real, strong even, did she think the same? Or was she just replacing him with Stallion in her head?

All these thoughts flew in his head, but the third in command kept his usually calm and unreadable expression on.
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command


Artemis raised an eyebrow as Coriolanus broke away from the embrace to plant a cigarette in his mouth.

"You want to smoke now?" She chuckled before taking one, she had only smoked a few and after this one, wanted to stop. She was just stressed but this one was the last one, which she promised to herself.

"I think we should go back inside." She said casually, unable to read his expression on the scene which just occurred.

"Hunter must have spilled something to the gang." She peered over her shoulder to inspect whether anybody would come in with any news. She was curious but slightly thought staying on the rooftop was now where she really wanted to be.

OOC: Just an idea of what Artemis looks like:

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