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Realistic or Modern The Blood {Restart, New Characters Welcome}

Stallion {Eighteen} Gang Leader

Stallion was surrounded by his members, who all were yelling for justice as Hunter was tied up on one of the broken chairs. "Simmer down." He ordered, raising his hands and asking for silence as he interrogated the prisoner.

The eighteen-year old levelled himself so that his face was parallel with Hunter's beaten and bruised one. "Th Wolves?" He questioned, smirking. "Am I supposed to be scared of this local comp?" Stallion was not afraid of questioning the power of this gang.
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(Omg sorry I had pressed Ignore not on purpose)

"I know, but I didn't want to completely forget who I once was." He smirked, glancing down at her lips for a second.

"Meredith, huh?" The italian weirdly associated that name with good daddy's girl, but he was obviously mistaken. "I think Artemis suits you better, Mer." He grinned at the new nickname just conied.

He knew he would have had to keep it to himself. The third in command suddenly wondered what people would have taught if they saw them talk like this, a few inches between their faces, but didn't care.

Coriolanus actually felt the need to touch her, to kiss her, but one thing he cared about was not being rejected and their friendship.
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis felt a little disappointed as Coriolanus pulled away, and in that moment or two she had completely forgotten her so-called 'love of her life' and the world only contained them two.

"You know you can kiss me if you want?" She whispered gently.
The words caused his heartbeat to increase slightly.

Had Coriolanus been completely sane in that moment, he would have had calculated the consequences. If Stallion were to find out, because the third command couldn't possibly act is uf unaware of his sentiments for Artemis, he would probably get a beating. He'd risk his position, the stability he had so harshly fought for.

But as his eyes met her amazingly grey ones he didn't care, because Coriolanus had never been that completely sane.

So moving his hands to grip her sides and with a quick "Fuck it" he pressed his lips against hers.
Altaynna said:
Red was taken aback. "What, seriously?" She closed her open mouth, before suddenly laughing and shaking her head. "It's not worth it kid, I'm not worth it." She chuckled and offered a genuine smile. "The hell kinda place do you live in that you prefer the slums?" She chuckled again and held out her hand to the girl, offering another smile. "People call me Red."
"Sure you are!" Paint giggles. "Art is wonderful and anyone with the skill to create are morally obliged to to so." Paint smiles brightly. "I live in some suburban sleepy town. I dunno. I'll be gone soon anyways. Red? That's cool! I'm Paint. Or... Well yeah, just Paint works."
Red chuckled and tore her eyes away from the other girl, returning her gaze to Paint. "Paint eh? Makes sense. Sure fits." She smiled and ruffled her hair. "Anyway, it's dangerous in these parts. You should be more careful." Red swept her eyes up on down Paint, seeing nothing intimidating about her. She ruffled through her pockets, before pulling out her old switchblade. "Here. Take it. It's my old switchblade, it should be useful if you get in a scrap." She grinned and held it out. "You press the button and the blade pops out. It's technically illegal since it's a bit dangerous, but we don't talk about that." She winked and gestured with it slightly. "Do on, take it. It's handy in a fight, it's been through a few." Her eyes lingered on it before she tore them away. She had had that switchblade through thick and thin, and it had helped her out in quite a few fights. But someone else needed it more now, plus she had a new one.
Altaynna said:
Red chuckled and tore her eyes away from the other girl, returning her gaze to Paint. "Paint eh? Makes sense. Sure fits." She smiled and ruffled her hair. "Anyway, it's dangerous in these parts. You should be more careful." Red swept her eyes up on down Paint, seeing nothing intimidating about her. She ruffled through her pockets, before pulling out her old switchblade. "Here. Take it. It's my old switchblade, it should be useful if you get in a scrap." She grinned and held it out. "You press the button and the blade pops out. It's technically illegal since it's a bit dangerous, but we don't talk about that." She winked and gestured with it slightly. "Do on, take it. It's handy in a fight, it's been through a few." Her eyes lingered on it before she tore them away. She had had that switchblade through thick and thin, and it had helped her out in quite a few fights. But someone else needed it more now, plus she had a new one.
Paint looks at the knife. "I don't fight. I just don't. It's usually easier to just comply. That's why I don't fight. Compliance means that you don't get in trouble. And if I'm ever really in trouble all I gotta do is spray them in the face with paint. The fumes are toxic, the paint makes you blind. I'm not violent." Paint smiled. "So... You live out here? In the slums? All alone?"
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Red smile faded slightly. "Here, just take it for my peace of mind. I won't take no for an answer. Think of it as a gift, you might end up needing it." She glanced around, eyeing the skyscrapers surrounding them. "Nah, I don't exactly live along out here. But I live here, yeah. In the slums. I like it out here, better than some fancy rich district." She grinned and gestured with the knife again. "Take it, and then I have something I want to show you."
Altaynna said:
Red smile faded slightly. "Here, just take it for my peace of mind. I won't take no for an answer. Think of it as a gift, you might end up needing it." She glanced around, eyeing the skyscrapers surrounding them. "Nah, I don't exactly live along out here. But I live here, yeah. In the slums. I like it out here, better than some fancy rich district." She grinned and gestured with the knife again. "Take it, and then I have something I want to show you."
Paint bit her lip and reluctantly took the knife. "Alright..." She flicked the blade open. "Wait how do you put it back?" She asks suddenly. "The button opens it... What closes it?"
Red laughed. "Here, let me show you." Deftly she took the knife and folded it into the side. "When you press the button, it springs out from the side. So you just have to fold it back in." She smiled and handed her back the sheathed blade. "It's more useful than a pocket knife, that's for sure. And there's a lock there at the bottom that you slide up to lock and down to unlock." She grinned and gestured to the street. "Got it?"
Altaynna said:
Red laughed. "Here, let me show you." Deftly she took the knife and folded it into the side. "When you press the button, it springs out from the side. So you just have to fold it back in." She smiled and handed her back the sheathed blade. "It's more useful than a pocket knife, that's for sure. And there's a lock there at the bottom that you slide up to lock and down to unlock." She grinned and gestured to the street. "Got it?"
"Got it." Paint giggled. "I'm not very good with weapons. Never really needed them. Wait, what did you want to show me?"
Red smiled mysteriously and stretched out a hand to Paint. "You aren't afraid of heights, are you?"
Altaynna said:
Red smiled mysteriously and stretched out a hand to Paint. "You aren't afraid of heights, are you?"
Paint giggled and took her hand. "Of course not! I love heights. It's exhilarating. Looking down at all the ant people. Wait, why?"
Red's smile turned wicked as she winked and began pulling her to more of the putskirts of the city, close enough that you could still see the grotto's area and walk there, but far enough away that is was empty and still, abandoned buildings and warehouses lining the streets. She came across a decrepit looking old brick warehouse, the stones rough and uneven. She let go of Paint's hand and strode over to a fire escape. Quickly she scaled the wall next to it, jumping and grabbing the tucked in ladder and dragging it down with her weight, tucking her feet onto the ladder so that they wouldn't hit the ground hard. She grinned and climbed the ladder. "Sorry, I don't often have company and I just climb the side of the building." She gestured to the five story building's side. "She waved her up, smiling. "C'mom!"
Altaynna said:
Red's smile turned wicked as she winked and began pulling her to more of the putskirts of the city, close enough that you could still see the grotto's area and walk there, but far enough away that is was empty and still, abandoned buildings and warehouses lining the streets. She came across a decrepit looking old brick warehouse, the stones rough and uneven. She let go of Paint's hand and strode over to a fire escape. Quickly she scaled the wall next to it, jumping and grabbing the tucked in ladder and dragging it down with her weight, tucking her feet onto the ladder so that they wouldn't hit the ground hard. She grinned and climbed the ladder. "Sorry, I don't often have company and I just climb the side of the building." She gestured to the five story building's side. "She waved her up, smiling. "C'mom!"
Paint grinned and followed Red up. "What is this place? Is it a graffiti wall?"

(Sorry for the short reply, on my phone)
Red grinned. "Look." She helped Paint up the last two missing steps and grinned.

It was an open rooftop, cluttered with different objects. A lumpy and ragged sleeping bag was pushed under a makeshift awning along with a tiny table with a broken leg held together with copious amounts of duct tape. A mural covered about one fifth of a wall, obviously not finished and still under contruction. One wall had multiple chunks taken out of it and looked extremely beaten up.

But Red wasn't pointing at any of that. She was gesturing at the scenic view the top of the building held of the city, the skyscrapers lining the horizon, the stars brighter overhead than in any other part of the city. It was a gorgeous view, something that couldn't be seen anywhere else. She turned to Paint and grinned again.
Altaynna said:
Red grinned. "Look." She helped Paint up the last two missing steps and grinned.
It was an open rooftop, cluttered with different objects. A lumpy and ragged sleeping bag was pushed under a makeshift awning along with a tiny table with a broken leg held together with copious amounts of duct tape. A mural covered about one fifth of a wall, obviously not finished and still under contruction. One wall had multiple chunks taken out of it and looked extremely beaten up.

But Red wasn't pointing at any of that. She was gesturing at the scenic view the top of the building held of the city, the skyscrapers lining the horizon, the stars brighter overhead than in any other part of the city. It was a gorgeous view, something that couldn't be seen anywhere else. She turned to Paint and grinned again.
Paint was distracted. She looked at the sleeping bag, the mural. The table caught her interest. It was as if she really didn't notice that Red was gesturing at the view. "You live here? Don't you get cold in the winter? I mean, with snow and all that. I could finish that mural for you. It's pretty, but it's lacking in color. Unless of course you're finishing it yourself. I could probably get you a new table. That one looks like it's about to die."
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

The young girl closed her eyes as Coriolanus' lips touched hers. Artemis then held onto his t-shirt as she went onto the tips of her toes to deepen the kiss. This eighteen-year old was giving her more than what she was asking from Stallion. Everybody knew she loved him, but now she did not. Her feelings changed completely. Breaking apart from the kiss after a few lengthy seconds, Artemis smiled.

"That was fun." She said under her breath. Sure, her hair was a little bit of a mess and her dress all creased but she had the best moment of her life with Coriolanus.
"You look amazing." He rasped in her ear, holding Artemis tight in the hope to warm her.

The third in command could honestly said he'd been waiting for that moment to come for so long, but never would have expected it to arrive. Now that it did he couldn't actually bring himself to regret it.

Had this been any other person, he'd probably ask to continue the "conversation" to his room.

But it wasn't any other person, and he suddenly felt unsure. He was older than her, not that much, but still older.

'Has she even ever done it?' Coriolanus wondered.

He placed a gentle and chaste kiss on her cheeck instead, preferring not to push Artemis into something she didn't want.

He'd probably kiss her again, but later. For now he just took pleasure in her closeness, and the lingering feeling of her lips on his.

A victorious and secretive smile covered his features. So many probably wished to be in his position among The Blood.

He questioned Red's whereabouts in his head, it was late, but couldn't bring his voice to break the moment. That girl was tough, anyway.

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"What? Oh, no, I just come here sometimes." She glanced over at the mural and tilted her head. "I've mostly been finishing it with whatever pain I could scrounge up off the streets, so it's far from being completed." She laughed again. "Thanks for the offer, but that's not why I wanted to show you this. Look." She gestured again at the view.
Altaynna said:
"What? Oh, no, I just come here sometimes." She glanced over at the mural and tilted her head. "I've mostly been finishing it with whatever pain I could scrounge up off the streets, so it's far from being completed." She laughed again. "Thanks for the offer, but that's not why I wanted to show you this. Look." She gestured again at the view.
Paint actually followed her gesture this time and gasped. "Whoa... that's... gorgeous" Paint whispered. Her mind immediately went to how to draw it, how to represent it. Paint nearly scrambled to get out her sketchbook, and she sat on the edge of the roof, sketching away like a mad man. She felt as though everything had to be captured and she didn't have enough time. "There's paint in my bag you can use. I can always get more. My fosters are too generous for their own good." Paint hardly noticed that she accidentally slipped her secret about her family, she was too entranced in the view of the city.
"That explains it." Red muttered, sitting a respectful distance from Paint but still next to her, gazing out across the horizon. She tilted her head back, her gaze lingering on the stars. She could still remember the way Shark had pointed out the different constellations in the city one time when they had run far away due to a scuffle he had gotten into. The big dipper, Orion, the little dipper, all of them. She smiled lightly, a bittersweet action, before returning her gaze to the city itself. Her eyes swept the landscape before settling on the grotto. There. Her new family was there. But they didn't trust her, she was too new, and already it felt like they were dissolving. Stallion was indifferent, Artemis seemed to hate her, Slim and Dirk didn't hate her, but they didn't exactly like her either, and Coriolanus...he was a nice guy, but she was never sure what he was thinking. She had ended up spewing secrets to him she had meant to keep to her grave. The only person she had ever told was Shark, but he was more of a brother than anything. Coriolanus could be classified as a...friend, she supposed. They weren't exactly close, but she felt closer to him than any other member of the gang. She huffed out an amused laugh. And Artemis had the boys all drooling over her and was either unaware, couldn't choose, didn't care, or some strange mixture.
Paint drew furiously, designing, planning, and coloring. Then she smiles. An ode to Red. Paint wrote this on one building in her sketch, thinking. Ode to Red. She could do this all in a red mono-tone, maybe hide the phrase in the lines. "Are you part of a gang?" Paint asked absently, still sketching everything she saw. "I joined one recently, but I haven't really done anything with them yet. Just kind of... low-key in the gang."

Red chuckled as she turned her head to glance at Paint sitting next to her. "Yeah, actually. Which one are you in?" She resisted the urge to lean over and stare at what she was drawing, knowing it was bad form. She found herself wondering why she had brought her here. She hadn't shown anyone this place. Maybe she had found a kindred spirit? Well, no matter what, she won't make the same mistake twice in two days and spill her secrets again.

@Quiet Is Violent
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Altaynna said:
Red chuckled as she turned her head to glance at Paint sitting next to her. "Yeah, actually. Which one are you in?" She resisted the urge to lean over and stare at what she was drawing, knowing it was bad form. She found herself wondering why she had brought her here. She hadn't shown anyone this place. Maybe she had found a kindred spirit? Well, no matter what, she won't make the same mistake twice in two days and spill her secrets again.
@Quiet Is Violent
"I think it's called the Blood? I'm not positive about that. Which one are you in?" Paint looked at Red and knew that she wanted to see Paint's drawing. "Tell you what, give me two days and you can see the sketch." That's not the whole truth. In two days, Red can see the piece fully painted on an abandoned brick wall somewhere. But, same difference.

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