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Realistic or Modern The Blood {Restart, New Characters Welcome}


Lover of not you
The Blood is a street gang, full of individuals who the residents of Darkbridge fear. This tribe live in the shadows of many abandoned sites, possessing camps scattered all around the town,but their home is the beloved Grotto. They specialize in trading guns and other harmful weapons and they have no trouble eliminating anybody in their way.

Their leader and founder of the group is Stallion, an eighteen year old who used to live a trouble life, he now lives dangerously and in control of tens of members of this pack.

Although the members may seem troublesome, they have their story which they want told. They may have not had families on any friends, or a reason to live but now, The Blood is their family, the members are their friends and to win, you have to carry on living. To be one of them, and to have the same blood you must put your brother/sister's life before yours.

It is easy if everyone is against one enemy, but when The Wolves arrive at Darkbridge and want to be the rulers of the neighborhood, what options will The Blood have?

New Announcement 01/04/18
A lot of the users have gone inactive, The Blood was at it's peak of posts but we never reached the main point in our plot where the two gangs fight. So, I've come up with a new storyline which allows new characters to also be made:
Stallion mysteriously disappears, leaving the Zeus and Artemis (two other commanders) to fight the war themselves, but without his guidance, they lose to the war between The Wolves. The gang disbands itself and those few who survived scatter, living off the few resources they can get their hands on. Soon enough, Zeus (confirmed by phattburger phattburger ) suddenly leaves, wanting to find something more than a broken street gang which once had a good name. Darkbridge was no longer the home of The Blood. Until two years later.
Artemis, the one still holding onto The Blood, comes across a few members and she decides to hold the rebirth of their street gang. They have no idea whether this will lead to another war, but this time, they're ready with a leader who won't leave.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/D70E2D2C-8C50-44D7-BF09-172E52DBE516.JPG.b65c30b4719031b139c95be907df0365.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120837" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/D70E2D2C-8C50-44D7-BF09-172E52DBE516.JPG.b65c30b4719031b139c95be907df0365.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Stallion {Eighteen} Gang Leader

Stallion sighs and clenches his bruised fists as the cool autumn breeze of October collides with his face. He fixes his eyes on the body of a male, blanketed over the alleyway. With a firm frown plastered on his lips, he leans over the man's head where he can hear his raspy breath and quiet moans.

"I am not really pleased about you trying to break this deal, you should know the rules by now. You give me the money, I give you the guns. Make sure you tell the rat who sent you..." he whispered with a harsh and unfriendly tone. Stallion stepped over the body and left the man suffering, not looking back.

Business as usual, he thought.
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis crouched down near a puddle, staring at her reflection. She looked better than what she usually was like, her hair looked beautiful and her face clean from any scars, marks and pimples.

Bending her knees, she stood up straight and hid her petite hands in her hoodie pocket. Her eyes took in the beauty of The Grotto, the gang's main camp. It may have been made of old items which were not worth much but to Artemis it was her home and everything to live for.

Glancing into the distance Artemis attempted to spot Stallion returning home. She had been waiting patiently but now she was beginning to get worried. Her lips curled to become a frown and she raised one eyebrow.
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Slim - 17 - Third In Command (TIC)

Slim strolled out of the grotto, wearing his leather jacket which he stole from a trader in the local market. He did not imagine himself as a thief but he had no choice, it was steal and survive out here...

As his green eyes fell on Artemis, scanning the distance, he forced a smile as he attempted to get her attention. "He will come back you know, we both know Stallion, he always gets the job done."

Slim stared at her worried expression and casually elbowed her in the side, "Come on, we have work to do."
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis was caught by surprise by Slim, feeling a light touch attack her rib cage she pushed him with both hands forcing him to move at least a few fractions away. A grin grew on her face and she rolled her eyes at Slim's playful behaviour. She was distracted for a minute or so, before turning back to keeping a keen eye out for Stallion. Artemis shuddered, the cold bothered her quite a bit since she was wearing a pair of torn skinny jeans, a short white hoodie and sneakers. Her raven waves were left out, you could not do much with them since it only reached just past her shoulder, perhaps create an odd looking ponytail but nothing more.

"I know he is going to return, but what if he does not? The stranger that was sent to us looked quite shady..." Artemis could not help but wonder if Stallion was hoping Slim and her would arrive just in time and finish off the work whilst he lay there beaten black and blue.

Slim | Seventeen | T.O.C

Slim forced a chuckle and sighed heavily once Artemis resumed keeping look out for their leader. Standing next to the short girl, a small smile crawled onto his lips as he glanced her way. Her grey eyes were full of secrecy and mystery, her raven waves complimented her pale complexion and she was wearing the most bad ass clothes she had ever stolen. "You know, if Stallion does not return, it would mean you, his trusty second-in-command would become our leader. I would love to be taken care of by you." Slim smirked and swiped his finger on his nose for a second before his sweatpants pockets engulfed his worn hands.
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis' ears twitched as Slim muttered such a flirtatious sentence. She raised an eyebrow almost immediately and scowled at her other best friend, "Do not say that. He will return."

Artemis clenched her fists, the thought of ever finding Stallion beaten in an alleyway was horrible. She could not contain herself any longer and lunged for Slim, hoping to teach him a lesson. She understood Slim was a joker but Artemis often failed to see the point of his jokes, and his fake personality where he would act friendly to a member but as soon as Stallion entered the scene, he would act harsh and be told to control himself.
Slim | Seventeen | T.O.C

Slim's emerald green eyes picked up Artemis' next move as she clenched her fists. He watched her pounce and quickly revealed his worn hands which he then used to imprison Artemis' wrists. The raven-haired girl was now in his clutches, this made Slim smirk as he outsmarted their second leader.

"I think you should apologize for your behaviour, small." He then realized that he was only a few centimeters away from Artemis' face, this made him hesitant at first, but he did not budge, somehow liking the position.
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Being captured by her male friend, Artemis narrowed her grey eyes and pouted.

"I would never apologize to you, tall." Artemis rattled her wrists but it seemed like Slim's clutches were glued to them. She wanted to break free but Slim was presenting such strength to keep her in that one position. "I would appreciate it though if you let go." She then glanced at her hands, hoping they would soon be freed.
Slim | Seventeen | T.O.C

The teenager shook his head, he was fairly fond of her but was not a delusional idiot.

"I was thinking we could stay like this a bit," Slim whispered playfully. Her skin was soft and warm, despite the brutal weather the streets faced.
Stallion {Eighteen} Gang Leader

The dominant male sauntered up the streets, his sneakers applying pressure on a pile of dry autumn leaves, making a soft crunching sound. He saw The Grotto in sight, the shelter taking up the back of an abandoned car park. As he was a few meters away, he came to a halt, standing in confusion to the scenario taking place. It seemed to him that Artemis and Slim were having a playful talk. He smirked and attempted to put a drift between the two members.

"Sorry, am I interrupting something?"

Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

The short girl was the first to look towards wherever the spell-binding voice came from. It was Stallion, like she figured.

Artemis broke free from Slim's grip and looked down, flushing red in embarrassment. She hoped that Stallion did not misunderstand the situation, he may feel insecure.
Slim | Seventeen | T.O.C

Slim allowed Artemis to escape from him for now due to the presence of their leader, it would have been slightly disrespectful.

Slim enjoyed all the time he received with his female friend but it was not much, she would always lurk in Stallion's shadow praising him for eating a morsel.

Inside, he wanted her more than anything, he was the happiest around her but he knew she wanted Stallion over anybody else.

"It was not like that, just keeping her warm for you." Slim greeted his master with a fist bump, showing loyalty to both Stallion and Artemis.
Stallion {Eighteen} Gang Leader

Stallion greeted his friend back and glanced down at the small girl. "Right then, do I need to cuff you to a lamp post or can I trust you to not pounce on old Slim here?" Stallion joked, ruffling Artemis' raven waves. The leader was fond of Artemis, perhaps not anything more as a best friend for now but he did enjoy her company and could easily open up to her. All he knew was she was better company than Slim, who always acted rather peculiar in Stallion's presence. Artemis' pale complexion turned light rose as she blushed

embarrassed and shy. "How have you held the fort up then?" Stallion motioned towards The Grotto, expecting Slim to answer as Artemis was near to the colour of a riped apple.
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Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis flushed red as she felt Stallion's hand ruffle her hair playfully, but that is what he thought of her as, a child. At this point Artemis felt upset but she soon attempted to rise above such negativity and replied to Stallion's question.

"Everybody is inside, they have not been easy to deal with but they have kept quiet since it took you an awfully long time to sort out that pedophile and cheat."

Artemis could not forget the first time the man came in with a deal for Stallion, the way he looked at Artemis disgusted her. Stallion had told him off for commenting on the way she would dress and how he would shake her hand for a while as he greeted her upon entering one of the camps. Artemis was relieved that the man was now beaten black and blue by Stallion for mistreating her.
Stallion {Eighteen} Gang Leader

The leader nodded, understanding their worry.

"I made it clear I disliked the way he threatened us, we are not an easy gang to get along with. But I also imagined all of those moments he would look at you with that sly smirk, and from there on I used his face as a punching bag." Stallion then saw Artemis' face light up, almost happy at what he had done, it was sort of a deed.
Slim | Seventeen | T.O.C

Slim watched Artemis smile, the corners of her lips curling at the end as Stallion mentioned how he beat a man because of all of the wrong behaviour he presented in public. Slim was bothered about the situation and even if it sounded pathetic, he wished he was the one sorting that pedophile out and making the small girl smile.

"I think we should tell all of them that you are back now." Slim whispered.
Stallion {Eighteen} Gang Leader

Stallion nodded and he thought,
Damn, Slim seems so serious and professional, it does not even look like I own this place anymore.

He led the way and noticed somebody elses presence trailing behind his footsteps and that was Artemis. He felt casual around her and gestured towards The Grotto. He may have been called various names like 'thug' but he was still a gentleman. His eyes followed Artemis as she made her way inside and coughed for the attention of the members. The first thing the young leader saw was hundreds of beady eyes fixed on him as he entered, and they all stood up at once and smiled, some whispered and muttered among their little groups.

"Miss me?" Stallion smirked, running his hand through his dark hair.
Slim sauntered inside, in Stallion's shadow. "He asked something, I think you should all answer his question." He said through gritted teeth, showing aggression.

He watched, slightly pleased at how many members nodded their heads in unison as soon as Slim spoke. He then turned to Stallion who he expected to take on the situation from here.
Stallion {Eighteen} Gang Leader

The young man raised an eyebrow towards Slim, "Ease up, I just got back. Unfortunately we can not celebrate because I think there might be some sort of threat to our pack." Stallion admitted, at those words many members then looked at eachother, silently questioning what he was attempting to say.

"The man who came for weapons and attempted to run off with them, leaving us unpaid and expecting us to deal with it silently, was sent by somebody else. Or so he says. I have a theory that he may have been a test for those people to see who they are dealing with." Stallion explained, the members immediately stood straight with incredible posture, expecting instructions to be directed at them to contribute towards this mysterious task of uncovering this mystery person or people.
Amber | Seventeen | Member

Amber was amongst the group, she was also the first to speak.

"What should we do, Stallion?" She questioned and others murmered with her. To Amber this was her home, it would have been a real shame to her if she was forced to move again. If that man thought he could deal with Stallion, and it looked like he did do a bit of the job then, the others would probably take their last breath now.
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Stallion {Eighteen} Gang Leader

The young man sighed heavily, scanning the keen faces of those who were willing to fight. "For now, we have to identify this unknown enemy of ours, the man did not provide a name no matter how hard I would punch him. We need scouts around the neighbourhood and new gear to mix in with the everyday people walking to school, work etc." Stallion ordered, as he stepped forward to get to work, a stitch caused him to be in a painful state. He then looked upon Artemis and nodded his head, nobody could tell their leader was in pain due to his solemn expression but he needed ointment to be applied.

"I hand over control to Artemis," he looked down at the sixteen year old, he was sure she was more than capable of choosing the best stealthy scouts to represent the gang. He then left the main boardroom and groaned as he enetered the hallway, staggering into his room. Pulling legs of his sweatpants up, a huge cut of a blade lay there above his ankle.

"Fuck me right now." He sighed.
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Amber | Seventeen| Gang Member

Amber rolled her dark eyes and crossed her arms as Stallion left the room. Amber may lack in combats and defence but she was sly, the perfect quality for a scout. Due to her previous arguments with Artemis and a disliking towards her as she was a very good friend of the handsome leader, she doubts she would be picked.
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis grew a smile as she was picked to select the worthy soldiers to scout for the gang. Her grey eyes scanned the crowd until she looked beside her, at Slim. The young man was not as powerful and strong as Stallion but he showed to have control and was quite intellegent in certain situations. "Slim, you will go and be the leader of the scouts selected, you may want to plan a few meeting points when you think the job is done, and communication methods to connect with everybody among the group and the gang."

Artemis then looked amongst the crowd and picked out those who were good in combat but also with observing quietly. "Dim, River, Pitch, Big D and Clover." The young girl was happy with her choices, she hoped her leader was too.
Amber | Seventeen | Gang Member

The brunette narrowed her eyed at Artemis as a few names were called out, a few surprising ones but not hers. Amber was furious, it was quite unprofessional of Artemis to get their personal problems get in the way of completing the task.

"Are you kidding me?!" Amber shrieked, "Have you seen Clover? As soon as she steps on a twig she screams blowing our cover! I should be scouting the area." She demanded, determined to prove her worth to the group.
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

The fair girl scowled at the caramel coloured female. She then turned to face an embarassed Clover, who seemed quite upset on the judgement made.

"I was put into charge, I have seen Clover scout on previous tasks, you are clearly exagerating her weaknesses. If you must know, Amber, I have picked those who can also defend themselves and fight back in a situation but still scout. You are quite weak at combat so I do not think you are very suited for this case." Artemis replied, smirking.

"I think you should stay with the rest of us in The Grotto for now, until further orders are given by Stallion."

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