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The blood Princess (<--- Female role)

Luna smiled and nodded slightly, walking over. Grabbing him by the shoulders, she picked him up and looked over at Scarlet. "Which room?"she asked
Lucifer gestured his hand, telling them to follow. "Just bring him along in our room." Lucifer insisted.

Scarlet nodded and began to move to Lucifer to his direction. minajesty minajesty
Firmly gripping him a little, she followed behind Lucifer
When she heard what Lucifer had said, she smiled slightly and shook her head.
They arrived inside the room and Scarlet placed Diran nicely in the corner. She fixed him up so he was sitting properly. "Sweet dreams." She said in a joking tone. minajesty minajesty
Luna set his head down carefully and stood up straight. She looked over to Lucifer and then Scarlet. "Should be up in the morning."she said
Scarlet nodded. "I hope by morning. He'll probably kill me in my sleep." Scarlet said with a nervous look.

Lucifer shook his head. "Nah, he wouldn't kill you." Lucifer said with a smile on his face. minajesty minajesty
Luna shook her head. "He'll probably just be confused."she said and clasped her hands together
Scarlet nodded. "Yeah... I hope so." She said. She then flopped on her bed. "Alright, I could use some sleep." She said with a sigh of relief.
Luna smiled and nodded. "yeah I think im ready to..."she said
Lucifer lied on the bed for him and sighed. "I hope Rose is okay with staying up all night to watch to watch out for stuff."
" I can go tell her that I can do the watching. She can sleep if she'd like to. "she responded
Lucifer shook his head. "Nah, it's okay. She can handle staying up for weeks on weeks." Lucifer clarified. "I've seen it, but when she goes to sleep she's out like a rock."
Luna nodded a little bit and thought for a moment. "I still think I should tell her. At least to leave the option open."she said. "Or we can take turns watching?"she added
Luna smiled and nodded. "Okay I will." she said and walked out of the room to find her
Scarlet still watched over Diran. "Do you think Luna could actually do that?"

Lucifer shrugged. "Meh, we'll see." He said, tossing and turning.

Rose was watching the vast ocean that surrounded the boat. Her hair waving with the wind and a smile on her face.
Walking over, she stood beside Rose and smiled a little bit. "Hey Rose."she said
"Yeah its all good. Beautiful in fact."she replied and looked around. "How are you like it so far?"she asked
Rose sighed a little. "Well, I'm not exactly fond of knowing that the girl that likes my son knocked his teeth in." She hypothetically spoke. Although it wasn't far from the truth.
Luna nodded a little bit. "I'll admit its not exactly a good thing but at least Scarlet's heart was in the right place. She didn't like seeing him throw up so much."she said and tapped her fingers on the wooden structure. "I wanted to say that you don't have to watch the things overnight. You can get some sleep if you'd like to. I can watch for you."
Rose shook her head. "Trust me, I was born for stuff like this. Staying up at night... I did it a lot when I was younger. If you can believe it, I always looked for a boyfriend in the middle of the night... then i realized that going out at night wasn't such a smart idea." Rose said.

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