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The blood Princess (<--- Female role)

Luna smiled wide and nodded. "Thats very cute. But maybe you being alive is payment enough. I'm sure that Diran thinks that." @Diran the Thief
"Don't be so hard on yourself. You never know what could happen. What if him falling in love with you did happen?"she said. @Diran the Thief
Scarlet scratched her head and blushed. "Well, I don't think he'd be good at it. I mean, being brutally honest isn't a think you want when dating a person." Scarlet said. minajesty minajesty
"Well thats true."she said and thought for a few minutes. "But I doubt he would be brutally honest to a person he loves."she added
Diran the Thief Diran the Thief
Scarlet shook her head. "He is honest to his mother, that's for sure." She said with a giggle.

Lucifer came out of the sleeping quarters and yawned. "Hey, what did I..." He saw Diran on the ground. "I guess I missed out on something..."
Luna smiled and turned to Diran. She smiled slightly. "Scarlet didn't want him throwing up anymore so she knocked him out. Well...the boat did."she said and chuckled a bit
Diran the Thief Diran the Thief
"He should be. Or at least im hoping he is."she said and looked over at him. "He'll be fine."she added
Luna nodded and smiled. "Quite peaceful actually. I like it."she answered
"Mmm...I was hoping the same thing actually. I never really knew if I had sea sickness or not since ive never been out. But now that I know, I won't have to worry about getting sick."she explained and smiled
Diran the Thief Diran the Thief
Lucifer stretched his legs and looked at Scarlet. "So, did you enjoy bashing Diran's brains in?"

Scarlet scoffed. "Hardy har, Lucifer. You know I hate hurting people." minajesty minajesty
Luna looked over at Scarlet. "Hey, its acceptable for a good cause. You didn't want him throwing up the entire time..so you solved it."she said Diran the Thief Diran the Thief
Lucifer stretched. "Alright, let's go sleep." He said, although he slept a few minutes ago.

"Wait, where should I put Diran?" Scarlet asked.

"Somewhere inside so he won't fall overboard." Lucifer suggested. minajesty minajesty
Luna nodded and looked at Scarlet. "I can help you carry him if you'd like"

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