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Multiple Settings The Bakker Case [IC] [Closed]

Johnson wrote down what George knew of the hostel, and nodded at the priest's suggestion of Mr. Bakker being captured on his way to Boston. "I actually thought of that, Mr. Hess, and that's why I'll head to Boston. Talk with my fellow Pinkertons to see if they know anything about this. But before that, Madame Bakker, do you have any other information that could be useful to us?" Martha sighed in frustration. She was starting to look rather stressed just for thinking about her father's current predicament. "I'm afraid not, detective...All I have is that symbol, and just some notes he left lying around. Speaking of which, Miss Dupont, I have no doubt you'll have a better understanding of my father's notes than I would ever have. Please take these with you." she said, while looking to one of her maids. The maid then handed a small envelope with several notes enclosed to Brigitte, all written by Mr. Bakker himself.

Johnson then stood from the couch, and handed his notes to Li Lei. "...Since you're a fellow investigator, I have no doubt that you can carry out the investigation here in Arkham while I head to Boston." he said, with a genuinely friendly tone. "I'd suggest heading to Ma belle fleur Hostel to investigate. If Mr. Bakker was a frequent customer there, then I imagine there might be some clues for you." Brigitte looked at the detective. "...Or we could actually head to a location that knew Mr. Bakker better than a bunch of drunks with some airs of grandeur. I'd suggest going to Miskatonic University, and talking with Professor Armitage. He was Mr. Bakker's closest friend after all."

Johnson scratched the back of his head, thinking on what the scholar said, before speaking again. "Hmm...Well, why don't you fellows decide? I've got no word in this since I'll be heading to Boston, but I'm sure both locations could have important leads." Brigitte crossed her arms, looking at everyone expectantly. "I'd say we would find better clues at the University, but...if you want to go to the hostel, then I won't protest." Martha Bakker seemed to be as expectant as Brigitte herself, waiting on everyone's input.
Lei looked over the notes that Johnson handed her, inspecting them. Oh great, he writes shorthand. "I think we should head to the University first." said Lei, as she looked over the scribbles. "As Brigitte said, its better to speak to someone close to Mister Bakker than it is to speak to the people he drinks with." I could use a drink, but that will have to wait. Best to keep up my image. She then tucked the notes into her purse, before bumping the ashes from her cigarette off in the nearby ashtray. She hadn't really touched the tea. She wasn't all that partial to it, unlike the rest of her family. Especially her mother and sister. And she already knew that the Americans tended to have poorer taste in tea compared to China or even Britain.
"The University," Wolfgang said simply, with an almost slight arrogant sniff at the prospect of going to an illegal bar posed as a hostel. "It would be wise to have a foundation to work with rather than questioning random miscreants."
"Or you could split up..." added Madame Bakker, while looking down at her nails. "...Just my opinion, though." she continued, in a rather conceited way. "Madame Bakker, can I ask one last thing before I depart?" said Johnson, while slipping his fedora back on. Martha glanced up and nodded in response. "...About our payment. You see-..." "Now I'll give you all $500 for your expenses... and should you find any concrete evidence on my father's whereabouts, I'll pay each one of you $2500." Johnson looked a bit surprised for a moment, and Brigitte looked completely flabbergasted by the huge amount of money. "I see... well, madame, I'll be going now. I'll try to contact you if I find anything, and join the rest of the group if the case is not solved by the time I return." After politely tipping his fedora, Johnson waved everyone goodbye before walking out the front door. The detective knew of someone in the Pinkertons that could help him at the very least know if Mr. Bakker had entered Boston. Perhaps the old man was captured in the city? Or was he set up by his Argentinian contact?
Lei glanced at Bakker, as she mentioned what they would all be paid. $2500? A decent payout just for finding someone's father. She couldn't help but smirk a little, but turned her attention to Johnson as he quickly departed from the room. She then looked to the others. "Shall we get moving then?" she finally said, before taking another puff off her cigarette and standing from her seat.
"If you want split, we split." Artem replied to Martha's suggestion. "Can check drink place."

The pay was nice, and the possibility of getting more to drink tonight was even better.
George exclaimed loudly within the confines of his own mind when the payment for the investigation was mentioned. This was far better than he could hope for.
Now all that was left to do was find some evidence for her fathers disappearance, or perhaps even the patriarch himself, for an even bigger cheque.
George watched as Johnson bid his farewell before he leaned forward and looked to Martha, "If we're gonna split up we can cover more ground in less time. I can go to the Hostel, but I'll need someone with a more presentable air. You see, the patrons of the Hostel prefers bragging to the elite about the toughness of their streets. I will most likely be held at arms length as I am recognized to a degree in that area of town."

He paused briefly before looking to the oriental lady, "Perhaps you, Miss Lei? You look to be both steady and elegant, a lady fit for the task."
Lei glanced to the sailor, raising an eyebrow. She had suggested they go to the University already. And she would rather like to avoid having to deal with potential threats to her cover. Eventually, she sighed. "...Fine. I guess I'm going with you, then." she stated, before taking a long draw on her cigarette and exhaling a puff of smoke.
Chapter 1
Thanks to Artem's insistence, and George's support, the group was now to split up and cover more ground. Brigitte seemed to disapprove of this, preferring to have the team together should they face specific odds someone like Li or George would be more ideal to solve. But alas, it seems the group has made their choice. Martha clapped her hand, startling and forcing Brigitte out of focus. "I can only hope that each and everyone of you will do their best in finding answers about my fathers disappearance. I'll have two of my chauffeurs drive you to whatever location you need, and should you ever need monetary help, you can always come to my manor and ask me directly. I'll be here most of the time... except Fridays. I play Cleopatra at the Metropolitan Theatre of Boston those days." As she finished speaking, she got up her seat and walked towards the stair case. Followed by her trusty entourage of maids. "...And please, if what Madame Dupont says is true, it might be a lot more than just crazed cultists." As she walked up the stairs, her butler approached the group and offered to guide them to the garage where the two chauffeurs would be waiting.

Inside the garage, the two men were having a smoke which they quickly put out as soon as the group walked in. Both men looked professional for the most part, and behind them were two Ford Model Ts in nearly pristine condition. "Uh... you'll need both of us?" asked one of the chauffeurs rather meekly. "I'm afraid so, I'm Brigitte Dupont and this is Wolfgang Hess... We'll head up the road to the Miskatonic University. Ms. Lei, Mr. Bennet and Mr. Artem will head to the Ma Belle Fleur Hostel." The chauffeur in the back raised his head at the mention of the hostel. "I am the one that takes Mr. Bakker there when he doesn't feel like driving. Please take your seat and I'll take you there." he said, while pointing a the car on the right. Brigitte then looked at Li. "Please be careful, even if it serves patrons in the high echelons of society, I am sure that place is still full of ruffians. But I am sure Mr. Bennet knows more of that." she said, while glancing at George. Both groups then got in the respective vehicles and departed from the Bakker Estate.

Chapter 1
Coopertown, Arkham.
The drive up the Great Miskatonic bridge towards the Old Town district was rather unremarkable for the most part, but those foreign to Arkham probably were able to tell the stark differences between the different districts. With the intricately designed houses of Catham Heights abruptly shifting to the common housing and apartment buildings of Mullberrow Lane. The sight of grime-covered factory workers and sweating sailors were also becoming a common sight as the vehicle passed near Wolfstack Harbour, and eventually arriving in Coopertown where the poverty of some of the houses was nearly unbearable to witness. Coopertown served as the segregated part of town, where the black population lived far from the judgmental eyes of middle-class white Americans. Even at this late hour, children could be seen playing around as their parents sat in front of their buildings talking with other local parents. Some of them eyed the vehicle with caution as it drove past them.

Once the car stopped, the chauffeur turned to look at Li Lei. "This is the building. You might notice it looks as bad as most of the housing around here. Just go around through the alley. There's a big guy there called Otis guarding the door to the club. I'm sure he'll let you through if you show him some cash. I'll be waiting here until you are done doing business." As the trio stepped out of the car, they confirmed the drivers statement, the hostel itself looked rundown for the most part, with the name of the establishment barely visible at the front the building. But the presence of lights from the inside shows that it was indeed still open for legitimate business. Perhaps to further cement the credibility of the establishment or simply to continue playing the charade for law-enforcement. At the side alley of the building, some men of color wearing suits can be seen talking to each other in a quite joyous manner, completely ignoring the trio of investigators as they walked towards the entrance to the club. Serving as a guard there was a rather tall, robust and quite intimidating man. Unlike the patrons outside, he was Caucasian and sported a quite bushy and badly kept beard. "Howdy there, can I help ya? ...Ya here to do business?" he asked cautiously, while also showing his side arm tucked between his pants.

Outskirts of Arkham.
The trip up the road towards the University was quiet for the most part. Both Brigitte and Wolfgang found themselves surrounded by small copses of trees and other small woods at the side of the road. Brigitte always thought there was something strange about these groves. She felt as if something lived among those old trees, haunting them as soon as the night came. Staring at those passing by. But she quickly shoved those superstitious thoughts out of her head. The lack of conversation was affecting her now. She glanced over to Wolfgang after a moment. The priest was strange, to say the least, but he seemed to be a quite knowledgeable man despite his seemingly young age. "...What's your take on this case, Mr. Hess?" she asked, while looking back at the woods. "If you don't mind me asking. You don't seem very interested to be here. Why did you join this investigation?"
George looked over the trio and the guard and assessed the situation. Both him and Artem certainly didn't look lavish enough to frequent what was rumored to be within these walls. But Li on the other hand was dressed quite sharply, and her stern demeanor gave her an air of superiority.

He turned to Otis, "Indeed. The lady has come all the way from San Fransisco, and her sources tell her this is the best establishment our fine city can offer."

He paused and opened his coat slightly to retrieve something from his inner pockets, making sure that Otis noted the Webley revolver tucked snuggly in the mariners shoulder holster. George then pulled out five dollars in bills and offered them to Otis, "Her associates hopes she'll be warmly welcomed".
Lei cut George a look, as he tried to hand the man five dollars. She then glanced to the eastern European next to her. If she really wanted to get inside, she could just plant a bullet in the man's sternum and be on her way. That'd be too messy, though. And loud. If the doorman didn't let them in with a five, she'd slip him a $20.
Otis looked at George, as the man tried to convince him of Li Lei's importance. Not a hard thing to do considering her refined and elegant looks. "I see you know your way around, mister." he said, while grabbing George's money. Then he turned around and opened the door, revealing a quite dim-lit staircase going down. "Y'all behave down there, and enjoy the show. Tonight the Madame herself is singing. Helluva woman, that one." he said. As the trio walked down the stairs, the doorman closed the door once the group of patrons outside decided to walk in as well. As the trio continued walking down the stairs, they noticed that in the red-brick walls of the staircase there were various decorative posters promoting blues and jazz musicians. Soon the soothing melodies became audible. Once at the bottom of the staircase, the group opened the door to the clubhouse and were stunned by a barrage of colors and sounds.

Patrons of all walks of life shouted and drank gregariously, as the band on the stage began performing a more lively and exuberant song. At the side, there were tables with men playing poker and betting copious amounts of money. The more opulent members of the club were accompanied by a company of lovely young ladies. The attention of both Artem and George was called by a scantly dressed woman holding a tray full of cigars. "Bonjour, gentlemen! Welcome to Ma belle fleur! Can I interest you in some cigars?" she said, in a rather joyous tone. "If you want a drink, please talk to Guy, our bartender! And get on a seat soon. As soon as Jeffrey and his boys stop playing, the Madame herself will start singing!"
George raised one eyebrow and cracked a miniscule smile as a woman in a skimpy attire offered him and Artem cigars. He simply nodded to the woman before taking a cigar from the tray on offer. George wasn't a regular smoker, but passing up a fine cigar would bring shame on any mariner. He brought it up to his nose and smelled it before putting it into one of his inner pockets. Looking to the bar, he could see the wide assortments of liquor that was available, which was quite staggering. Multiple shelves of cognacs, whiskeys and rum of many varieties, as well as a row of beer taps at the counter. This place was far more prestigious than the Hand & Anchor tavern in Wolfstack, a locale which George frequently visited.

After scanning the establishment some more he turned to his compatriots, "This place is proper packed. Finding anything of value for us here is like looking for a needle in a haystack" he remarked as he cast another glance towards the stage where the band burst into a improvisation segment. Thus made him wrinkle his brow. Shame to ruin good music with such racket.
Artem let George do all the talking as they made their way into the establishment. It was probably for the better since Artem's english was barely passable. Nonetheless, they got their entrance inside and Artem made his way to the bar at the behest of the woman. He needed a drink if he was going to be of any use.
Wolfgang enjoyed the silence of the ride, for the most part. His gaze was also drawn outside of the window to the almost foreboding trees surrounding them. He rather enjoyed the atmosphere, and in truth, he liked it a little more than home. Vienna was a fine place - or it was, at least - but New England was young. There was a vibrant energy to this place, whereas a street or park back home would have felt... somber. That was the right word.

Brigette's words startled him slightly, and he squinted over towards her in the ambient darkness of the cab.

"I can assure you, Fräulein, I do take a... vested interest in this case. I've heard a little about Mr. Bakker's eccentric hobby from friends within and without of the church. Word gets around. Some of my seniors have a distant respect for the old man, which I suppose I understand to some degree. Not that I endorse any of this occult nonsense. A curiosity, merely, tales to pass time on a dark and rainy night. Though I take it you would disagree with such," he said flatly.

His eyes trailed back to the dark woods around them before he looked back to her. "Nonsense or not, Mr. Bakker is in a precarious position in which his soul is bare to the inherent sin of man. Some may consider it inappropriate to put too much concern in just one man when there are many who have been led astray and need guidance, but I disagree. This occult business has gotten out of hand if it has led to a true missing person, possibly even a kidnapping. If the police won't act, than a servant of god must. Perhaps this was ordained to happen, anyways. I'm still not entirely convinced the old man is not fooling around and playing an elaborate game with his daughter... but I will not rule out the kidnapping, which is rather serious. No one should be carted off by asylum lunatics, even if they happen to pray to the same goat-head and flickering candle. His soul must be saved."

"It is possible that...." He suddenly trailed off, letting out a soft, nearly deaf sigh. There was no need to express the further possibility of satanic influence. The occult was, ultimately, all a ridiculous rouse by the Arch Devil Himself. Games to lead the broken and clueless aside. It was unlikely that there was any direct influence at play, for this was most likely idiots caught up in delusions, but there was always possibility. He had dismissed demonic possessions until he had seen with his own eyes the wonderous horror of such occasions. He was even an exorcist now. An anonymous position until such service was needed, which it almost never was.
Lei looked about the room, but listened to George as he spoke. "We should start asking around, then. The staff would be a good place to start. If Mr. Bakker came here often, the staff would know of him. Maybe they could fill us in on what all he did here, besides drink and listen to the chaos." she responded, glancing towards the stage herself. She wasn't one for jazz, though she understood why some liked it. She preferred more classical styles of music. She looked over to where Artem had been, and noticed he was gone. Headed to the bar, most likely. "I'll find us a table, and have a word with a waitress or two if I can." she said, turning her head back to George before stepping away.
Miskatonic University

"Color me surprised, Mr. Hess..." said Brigitte while fixing her rather glamorous hair. "With all due respect, when you first showed up at the manors gate, I though you were a distanced man. All talk, but barely any true compassion. Distanced from the 'children of god' your group so zealously protects." She then leaned a bit to the priest in a rather strange way. Almost as if she wanted to say something, but ended up giving him a genuine smile. "...I'm glad I am wrong, though. You care about this man as much as I do, despite our differences." Before she could say anything else though, the driver announced that they were close to the Miskatonic University. "Please be respectful of the scholars in the university, Mr. Hess. Many of them are historians, archaeologists and experts in esoteric knowledge of important renown." She pulled out a small mirror from her purse, fixing her make up. "It'd be a shame if you... harm my reputation. So please, save me trouble and don't go around disregarding their thesis or research." She looked back at the priest, still smiling. "I'd appreciate that a lot..."

The car eventually stopped at the front gate of the acclaimed Miskatonic University. The gem of Arkham, and one of the main reasons why the town continues to prosper. A haven for historians of all kind, archaeologists and historical sociologists. The University itself owns three different buildings, the largest one being the heart where there are classes and other academic researches being done every day. Then there's the Miskatonic Library, known for storing all manner of ancient books, tomes, and even scrolls. Some stored deep inside well secured vaults. Some people even consider it the 'Library of Alexandria' of the 20th century. And lastly there was the impressive auditorium.

"Thank you, Mr. Collins..." Brigitte then began to walk ahead, and was soon followed by Wolfgang "...Interesting topic, I hope you don't mind waiting for a bit Mr. Hess. I doubt that the professor would stop a debate just to answer a few questions. But I assure you... you will find Prof. Armitage theories quite interesting." she said quite cheerfully,. She clearly enjoyed such events.

Ma belle fleur

The group scattered throughout the elaborate drinking house. When Artem reached the bar, he was greeted by a man with tan skin and a thick mustache who talked with a strange accent. "Bonjour sir..." the man paused for a moment to look at Artem's uniform, before giving him a respectful nod. "...Veteran?" he asked while offering a mug full of beer. "I am as well, pleased to meet you... Veterans have a discount, first one is on the house..." he said with a friendly smile.

George looked around the crowded room, seeing the surprising class diversity among the patrons of the hostel. From poor blacks, to rich whites, and everything in the middle. All just enjoying good drink, smokes, and music. Among the more noticeable patrons, there were a pair of policemen speaking in a strange language. But when they talked in English, it wasn't hard to tell that both of them were Irish. On the other side of the room, there was a table with several rough looking individuals. Among them two suited men that spoke with Bostonian accents. Mobsters, it was better to stay clear out the way of these guys. But George managed to over hear something. "I am telling ya', the boss is going insane with this bull. He has me and Antonio move around and drag boxes from Kingsport and Innsmouth... ever been to Innsmouth? Horrible place! Now he is kidnappin' as well?" said one of the mobster. The other shook his head. "We are lucky the cops are in the boss's pocket, but its only a matter of time! They tried busting the Colosimo operation in Chicago the other day." The other mobster shook his head, clapping both hands. "Santa Madre! things are changin' around here."

While Li Lei sat at a table, she suddenly felt a hand grabbing her shoulder. When she turned around, she saw a Chinese man wearing a changshan. He was of mid age, and reeked of opium. He had a very pale complexion and his dark eyes looked rather unnatural. Ghoulish even. He did not say a thing, but offered Li Lei a letter before then walked away from the investigator. Getting lost on the large crowd of patrons.
Surprised that the drink was free, Artem gratefully took the drink and raised it in thanks before chugging it down quickly. While he preferred hard spirits, any drink would have to do in this case and as such the beer was a lifesaver. After finishing it, he washed his mouth and set the glass down to the bartender. "Mersi." Artem tried to say in French before returning to english: "What is place?"
Lei watched the man depart, confused by the sudden encounter with the oriental man. She then glanced down, eyeing the letter. She dreaded opening it. Had they found her already? It had only been a month, and she was sure that she had covered her tracks. She slowly and carefully opened the letter, letting her cigarette holder hang losely from her lips.
"I am a graduate of Vienna," Wolfgang said pointedly. "Nonsense or not, I would not interfere with the topics of any prospective students. Many are young. I do not wish to crush the dreams of young men - I've seen that enough across the Atlantic." He held Brigette's gaze, though while she smiled, his was the perfect impression of a mausoleum statue. Blank, but disregarding. Perhaps even haughty in its lack of expression. He followed after her into the university and found the grounds to be rather fair. A little smaller and less lively than what he had seen in Vienna, but a fine institute of knowledge nonetheless. Perhaps in another life he'd have taken to theological philosophy as an academic.

"I would think this Professor Armitage would make the necessary time to answer important questions," Wolfgang said with a slight huff. "However, if we must wait, then so shall it be."

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