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The Awakening


Down the rabbit hole we go
A sudden gasp inhaled drowned lungs, torrents of coughs parting chapped scarlet lips as violent shudders overcame her petite and naked frame.

The sea crept up upon the sand bathing her toes in salt with each tide of water, powerful, yet with seeming mercy licking at her flesh with each lapse.

'Wake up' Her consciousness plead with her body, uncooperative and stiff from the prior events shrouded in an amnesia haze.

Sudden fear crept into Layla's subconscious forcing her muscles to stir, her green eyes fluttering open-adjusting to the darkness of night surrounding the terrain around where her body laid. Immediately she pulled into a mock fetal position, attempting to cover her exposed body, her thoughts whirling around her brain in a madness of short electrical charges in which none had a viable path of explanation to follow. 'Who am I, where...'

Her pale skin radiated light of the luminescent moon, long locks of waved ebony hair matted in a mess of knots and dreads protruding at ever which angle.

She suddenly grasped at her head, pain seething and aching her whole consciousness as dehydration and fatigue racked her bones to involuntary shivers.

'I can remember nothing.' She realized with an expression of horror and surrealism, tears dropping down her cheeks and off of her chin onto her chest as she pulled her knees into a little ball.

Vulnerable, weak, and frightened in the shadows of a foreign land-

Not only was there an endless tide slapping against her skin, but simultaneously, a heavy rain poured down out of the skies above. In Iadir, the town she had arrived in, these extremely heavy downpours were rather common. The whole place was an enigma of Earth, wrapped away in a hidden grove behind a forest -- next to the legendary lake where people washed up on over and over. Looking ahead from the shores, one could see a seemingly endless line of identical wooden houses lining a road that lead into a deep fog that seemed to always be there. No one was in the streets, no lights were on in the old wooden homes, the moonlight barely lit her surroundings... And yet, there was a taller man standing a few feet ahead of her. Already there so quickly, as if he had expected this occurrence. His name, was Tarneshe Jabez.

Tarneshe knelt down on one knee and offered a hand out to the woman, to help her stand and offer her support. His other hand seemed to be busy holding down a hat over his face. A unique hat at that, oval shaped over his head with a white feather sticking upwards at the back. He looked down at her and the ground, not allowing himself to see the sky. His voice called out against the waters and the winds: "... Another soul, washed up like the rest. Do you understand what I am saying? I can bring you somewhere safer for now! Just... Take my hand." Tarneshe was not sure yet if she knew English, or if she was even sane and not deranged, but he took his chances. He always did.

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