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Multiple Settings The Awakening Partner Search


Eliminating the Heart
Welcome to my partner search!
It's been a very long time since I searched for a partner search and created a post. Lived my life as a lurker for the past 5 months which is an experience in it's own. Anyways, I am so happy to be back and I am feeling great. Below, I listed a couple of ideas I had among some other Pairings that I would not mind getting into. However, because of a few experiences in the past, there are some rules (or just notes) that I need to address to try to find more compatible partners. Oh, and I apologize for the simplicity. I don't have the energy to do all the fancy stuff this time around!

It's like the saying goes, "You can't please everyone."

+Characters: I will only roleplay Female or genderfluid/non-binary roles. Personalities varies.
+Posting: Every Few Days or Daily, Multi-Para or Novella depending on partner and plot.
+Communication: Communicating is very important. When someone lost interest, need help or have concerns, it's very important to communicate that. I'm not mean, promise! :)

- I don't like small talk or one liners (except time skipping)
- I do not roleplay High School or Magic Girl plots except a very few exceptions.


Cursed Heroics: Battle of the Truth
Everyone wants to be a hero, yet, no one is born with abilities to make them supernatural. These fictional heroes we read about in the comics are nothing compared to the truth or the reality of what it's really about. While it is still considered a "rumor" above all else, people speak of glowing treasure that grant people unimaginable powers. Crystal orbs that once touched, will be absorbed into the one of desires soul. But, as a price for the ignorance, the person is also cursed with an unfortunate fate that reflects their power.
With reports on the rise of people claiming to have these cursed powers, the balance of justice hangs low and is in danger of being broken. Two people must go on to fight, solve or be the crime all while trying to end the generation of the cursed heroics.

Possible Pairings:
Hero x Hero
Investigator x Hero
Investigator x Investigator

(Ergo Proxy Fandom) The Rupture
In a dystopian world, a dome city is controlled by one mind and separated into different Bureaus (Intelligence, Health & Welfare, and Security). The humans in the city are created in artificial wombs and and live alongside cybernetic beings known as "AutoReivs". Character A and B work in two different Bureaus and naturally have conflicting views. However, when a series of murders begin taking place, questions begin rising. Characters A and B both know something is happening that is much bigger than what they are releasing. Yet, they both know they are being closely watched. Can they get to the truth, or die trying?

**I would like to be part of the Intelligence Bureau
**There is a lot of information missing. If you know the show, great. But, if you don't, you can read up on some of it or just disregard this idea. (Or just create it again, in a way)

Categories and Pairing for Genres:


"Farming Simulator" with a Twist

Disabled Character x Romantic Interest

Mythical Beast/Race x Human

A Heroes Guild Adventure

Dungeon and Dragons / Dice Type Roleplay

Saga of Tanya the Evil
Ergo Proxy
My Hero Academia
Psycho Pass
Angels of Death
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I wouldn't mind some Pokemon RPs! It's been a hot minute since I've been in one.
That would be fine! I'm a little iffy on them as some plots don't really "satisfy" me. Have there been something you wanted to do, or do you want to head to PMs and try to bounce some ideas back and forth?
That would be fine! I'm a little iffy on them as some plots don't really "satisfy" me. Have there been something you wanted to do, or do you want to head to PMs and try to bounce some ideas back and forth?

I think I would like to bounce a few ideas back and forth then I'd like to bring in an idea.
Can you tell me more about :
"Farming Simulator" with a Twist
Disabled Character x Romantic Interest
Can you tell me more about :
"Farming Simulator" with a Twist
Disabled Character x Romantic Interest
There’s no plot with them at the moment. I would be hoping to bounce some ideas back and forth with the possible partner. For the farming simulator, it can be slice of life with a classic “darkness growing” or... I don’t know, didn’t think too much of it.
interesting... something dark as in supernatural maybe, Aliens, Acid rain, crop circles?. Alot can happen before the combines harvest the wheat. So one would be a disabled person and the other a ranch hand. I liked the disable person part.
interesting... something dark as in supernatural maybe, Aliens, Acid rain, crop circles?. Alot can happen before the combines harvest the wheat. So one would be a disabled person and the other a ranch hand. I liked the disable person part.
Oh, they’re actually two different... Ideas/pairs. Perhaps that’s my fault for not clarifying but I could allow the combination.
No, I'll take the blame for that one, but ... I will admit that it could make for some interesting writing to say the least.

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