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Fandom The Arcade (Reboot and changed)

[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]I giggle "Just one thing..... Dont let him catch you....." she said happily "I havent seen him this happy in a while....even though it wasnt a date I could tell he had fun"

"OK! That's suuuper easy! I've been following him for years so......i don't think i'll have a problem!"
TommyGun15 said:
"Alright... I think I see Tetris over there... and a few logic games... Anything stand out to you?"
@Anime King Kaleb @WoodenZebra
Kendall shrugged," Let's try Tetris ... Can't go wrong with an original..."
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I ran toward my game and took the train in. I only let one of my rabbits in this game and make sure the rabbit is hidden so the player/people in the game don't see it. I arrived at the station and started to walk to school early like normal.
TommyGun15 said:
TJ walked over to Tetris and started it up. He motioned for Kendall to have a go.

"Ladies first."

@WoodenZebra @Anime King Kaleb
WoodenZebra said:
Bomberkid sighed,'Why didn't she choose a fighting game' he thought."
Kendall started playing. After 5 minutes, she.was on level 5. Suddenly, a block fell down onto the.screen that messed her up. When she reached the top and the game said game over, she accidentally broke the machine with a punch to the screen,"Oops ... Guess I should stick to fighting games ..." She watched as the machine fixed itself, she looked at BK and TJ ," Do either of you want to tty this game or should we find another ... I don't think I should play this again" she admitted while blushing.
"Yeah.Lets go to a game that's my personal faveorate.Bomb it 5" Bomberkid said,"And if you don't want to go there than lets go to a fighting game.I'm great at those"


Kendall nervously laughed and waved at the manager as the group went towards Bomb It 5. When inside Kendall motioned for BK to set it up as they saw what happened the last time she touched a machine.
Bomberkid set it up in five seconds before they went onto a level he said,"By the way the rules are like bomberman so it's simple.You have one life and you need to find all your enemies so you can kill them.Once you die you'll be able to watch the game or leave the game"
WoodenZebra said:
Bomberkid set it up in five seconds before they went onto a level he said,"By the way the rules are like bomberman so it's simple.You have one life and you need to find all your enemies so you can kill them.Once you die you'll be able to watch the game or leave the game"
TJ nodded in understanding and began to play the game. Oddly, he seemed more focused on blowing up blocks than actually winning.

@WoodenZebra @Anime King Kaleb
TommyGun15 said:
TJ nodded in understanding and began to play the game. Oddly, he seemed more focused on blowing up blocks than actually winning.
@WoodenZebra @Anime King Kaleb
Following the path that was blown up, Kendall found TJ and behind him a CPU,"Hey TJ!" she shouted as she placed a bomb down and taken to finding cover.
Phoenix Dixon]I walked into class and sat in my usual spot. It was empty so i started to draw some pictures in my scrapbook as i waited for the game/school to start. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15822-the-unamed-character/ said:
@The Unamed Character[/URL]
I walk in and sit in my normal spot near the front. I look aroun and see I am with only one other person. then others start to come in.
I see other people starting to walk in after Senpai. I look out the window (i sit at the back corner next to the window) and see the people jetting ready for the game staying still in their positions at the front of the school. 'I wounder who mum will kill today? No...i mean who will the player of the game kill today?' i thought to myself as i put away my scapbook.

@The Unamed Character
I look out the window and sigh. I see someone I used to have a crush on kiss their boyfriend. "He is lucky...." i said quietly outloud. I put away my books and look at the teacher, ready for the day to end
"Miss! I just remembered i have to do something. May i leave the class room?" "Sure but make it quick" I stood up and ran out of the class room making sure not to get in the way of the "player". I ran to the roof and whispered to my rabbit. It noded and flew to the train station and took the train.
I run up to Senpai's class. I pop my head up slowly and start staring at the back of Senpai's head. 'I can't wait for class to end. Then i can ask if Senpai wants to have something to eat!' i thought to myself as the thought made me feel good all over (it made me look drunk)

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