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The Altered.

Kane- That all sounds good to me. I'll go explore the beach for a few good spots take fish.

Hyde- Picks up the roll and eats it in one bit. *Looks back at Rend giving her a playful mean look. Looks over at Uzagi.* I'll be right back Erebus. *Hyde gets up and goes over to Uzagi and asks to speak in privet for a second.*
Rend- *Smiles a little and looks down, feeling happy*

Uzagi- *Looks over at him then nods, stands and goes over with him to a private spot* Yes?
Hyde- We got off to a really bad start, and I'm sorry for my hand in that. I should have known better and had Umiko home earlier even though she said she could stay out. We are about to spend a whole week together and Umiko is in my class on top of that. So I think we should try to put our differences behind ourselves and move forward. I'm not asking for an apology or asking permission to date your sister. I just think we need to get along for the sake of the group and Umiko. I have a sister as well so I know what you were doing and I do understand and admire you watching out for her like that. *Moves around and fidgets some because he is uncomfortable approaching Uzagi especially since he is older.* I wanted to ask you if it was alright with you if I could walk Umiko home tonight after dinner. I want to talk with her some and try to settle things down as much as possible before tomorrow so we can all have a really good vacation and hopefully get along. *Stands back a little not knowing how Uzagi will take it.*
Uzagi- Umiko explained to me how she told you it would be okay if she was out that late. I have no hard feelings towards you and I hope you can forgive me. I reacted poorly. I just.. it's hard seeing her grow up. *Smiles a bit sadly* I think Kasumi is a fine girl and I understand why you want to protect her. I feel like I know her the way Umiko goes on about her at home. I know you mean well, so yeah. You can walk her home. *Smiles* And I wont follow. Deal? *Holds out his hand*
Hyde- *Shakes his hand.* Thanks. I do appreciate it and I'll have her home early. *Walks away from Uzagi and smiles at Umiko.* ~I still feel like I don't like him. I just don't like him. Oh well let it be for now.~ *Sits down.* So Erebus I feel better now, not the greatest but at least the first half of my plan is going together well. *Looks at Rend and can tell that she isn't happy with him smiling at Umiko.* Now I just have to set up my second half. *Smiles at Rend.*
Uzagi- *Smiles and laughs a little* Good.

Umiko- *Looks over at Hyde who is looking at her, smiles back at him* ~ I wonder if they apologized to one another... I really hope so.~

Rend- *Kind of giving him a displeased look but not angry, more suspicious*

Erebus- *Shakes his head with a smile* You are one weird guy..You know that?
Hyde- Coming from the guy that sleeps at the shrine, won't talk about himself, or his history, and wears a mask more often than not. I sure am the strong one there huh Erebus. *Pushes him in the arm and laughs a little.*

Dinner ends and they all start to go their own way.

Hyde- Sebastian and Kasumi, would you mind setting up a room for Erebus to stay the night. He tends to sleep in and I don't want to wait for him to leave for the beach tomorrow. *Looks at Erebus and smiles.* Go on buddy, it's fine they will take care of you and you could use a good shower before we all sit in the car together for three hours.

Kasumi- Absolutely. *smiles at Erebus* Come on we can get you set up pretty quick. We have a guest room or you could bunk in Hyde's room.

Hyde- *Starts to walk Umiko home.* So Umiko. I wanted to talk with you a little about what has been going on. I just wanted to say I'm sorry for the confrontation that I had with your brother. I hope everything was alright with you and him. I think we can certainly be friends and have a good time. Ummm but I really don't think we should be focused on seeing just each other right now or dating. I really like you, I'm not going to lie. But I don't think right now is the best time to really be into that. What do you think? I'm sorry to put you on the spot like this.

Nadine- Would anyone like to walk me home? I know I live the furthest but you could stay at the Inn! There are plenty of rooms if you didn't want to go back tonight.
Erebus- What do you mean by more often that not?...I always wear it.. *seems to not get that he is weirder than Hyde*

*His eye widens a bit* Hyde! *Yell whispers then sighs and goes with Kasumi* Oh uh thank you Kasumi. *Looking down at her*

Umiko- *walking with Hyde, listening to him, blushes a bit* Um.. I agree. We really don't know each other well enough for that yet.. plus we are still young. *Smiles* I'm fine with it. I just want to be friends. I feel like I couldn't talk with you this whole time.

Ludwig- I can walk you home, it's no problem. *Smiles at her* I don't have to be home at any certain time anyway. *Shrugs a bit*

Ick- I gotta stay here and do dishes..*Sighs* Sorry!! *Waves as he gets up and goes into the back* See you guys tomorrow!
Kasumi- *Leads the way.* Are you excited about the trip this week Erebus?

Hyde- I'm glad you understand Umiko. I'm really looking forward to this trip. You live right up here don't you? *Gets to her home then hugs her goodnight.* I'll see you tomorrow alright.
Erebus- Um...My stomach kind of hurts... I want to vomit. Does that count? *Walks with Kasumi*

Umiko- Me too. *Smiles* Sleep well! Thank you for everything Hyde. I really missed talking to you. Well, goodnight! *Goes inside*
Kasumi- Umm. No, no I don't want to vomit. Are you sure you didn't get food poisoning? *laughs a little.* That food was alright but it isn't all what Ick makes it out to be.

Hyde- *Leaves Umiko's house and walks to Rends. Knowing her Dad won't be there he knocks on the door for her to hear.* Hey Rend, it's just me Hyde. Can I come in?
Erebus- *Smiles* Mm, I think it's okay. Ick hypes everything up though.

Rend- *Answers the door* I had a feeling you'd show up again. Look if were going to make this a habit at least bring a tooth brush okay? *Stands to the side, inviting him in*
Hyde- *Smiles when Rend opens the door.* How did you know I'd show up again? *Walks in.*

Kasumi- Alright here is the guest room. Feel free to help yourself to any food here, the bathroom is down the hall.
Rend- Mm, just a hunch I guess. *Smiles* So... you walked Umiko home? *Walks into the living room with him* That must have been fun. *Says sarcastically* Why'd you come here?

Erebus- I appreciate it Kasumi thanks. *Smiles at her and goes into the guest room* Goodnight.
Kasumi- *Bows* Goodnight.

Hyde- Yeah I walked her home I need to talk with her and Uzagi before we spent all week with them. I wanted to come here because you are the exact opposite of them. I mean just look around I'm with you alone in your dads house and he won't be here for three months. We could do anything with no restrictions. That is what I like. No hassle. Just me and you watching TV. I mean have you ever been so restricted before like me?
Rend- Mmm, I doubt that.. I've been on my own since I was fairly small. I guess I am just used to the freedom. *Sits down* Are you going to be staying here with me or will you just keep inviting yourself from time to time? *Smirks at him* Not that I mind. Doesn't Kasumi wonder what's going on? Or are you done with all the big brother crap?
Hyde- I haven't talked with Kasumi about it yet. I know if I do she will just look down at me like everyone else. I feel so trapped. It isn't that I don't love Kasumi, I just want a little distance. I want to watch out for her but Erebus has been a real good friend to me and he gives an eye out for her and I trust him. Besides. I think Erebus has a thing for Nadine. *Sprawls out in one of the reclining chairs.*
Rend- Yeah, I understand. *Nods a little* Well of course he does! He basically worships humans.. *Flicks through the TV channels* Didn't you know that? Well... I guess you did just meet him. I've actually known him all my life. It figures I would move to the same town he's in though. *Sighs* Are families are friends. Well... his "used to be" family.
Rend- Well nothing. He just.. left them when he was young. *Raises an eyebrow and grins* You don't know his story yet do you!? Ah.. I see. *Nods nods* Aren't you curious about his mask at all? I know you haven't seen under it yet. I've only seen once! And it was when he was a kid! Erebus' family are a long line of Wolf Alters but Erebus never wanted to Alter. He was always really afraid of it but they forced him to. Needless to say he hated it and them for doing that to him. He and his family had a giant argument when he was ten. His father ended up attacking Erebus and stabbing him in the eye!! He's completely blind and has some pretty nasty scars there now... I guess he doesn't like showing it. *Shrugs* I can't say I blame him really.. Not that I've seen it recently but still. Erebus really loves humans but has never really been around one until now.
Hyde- Oh I understand. That is a sad story. Is he from this town by the way? I have a theory about a few things. Also if you don't mind talking about it. What is your story. I've never seen anyone like you. I really actually find you very attractive. I really like the way you look. *Doesn't try to hit on her but rather is trying to be reassuring of her appearance.* I mean uh cough. I like the way you look is all I'm trying to say.
Rend- Not originally no. His family isn't even in this town, he came here after that altercation when he was ten.. *Her eyes widen a bit when she hears Hyde likes the way she looks* What? *A little shocked, never heard that from someone before* You like the way I ...look? *Looks down and thinks for a moment* Well... *Sighs* I guess I'll tell you.. but don't make a big deal about it okay!? My dad is the Scientist who discovered that you could Alter with more than one animal DNA. ...Long story short I was a curious kid, I got into his Lab and... well.. I mixed up a bunch of animal DNA's and.. injected myself. *Shrugs* I survived through it all and became my dad's prized possession... but that's all I am to him... his success story.
Hyde- You are one hell of a success story Rend. I would be very proud of you if you were mine. *Didn't realize the meaning of what he just said.* I didn't mean it like that. I didn't mean if we were dating or married or anything. I wouldn't be ashamed of you or think of you like some success story. Umm not that I would be losing if I were to be with you. Ahhh never mind. I'm not making much sense. SOO! Umm do you have a swim suit for the beach? I just wear my gym shorts.
Rend- *Turns even more red* *Punches his arm* What are you saying!? You say that then go to a swimsuit!! Geez you perv! *looks away a bit embarrassed* Let's just watch some tv then go to sleep alright!! *Flips through the channels faster* ~He would be proud of me if I were his...?~
Hyde- ~Damn I just made a fool of myself. Oh well just relax and watch some TV.~ Heh sorry. *Watches TV.*

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