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Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones! (OOC)

What's your favorite type of cheese?

Mine is cheddar.

parmesan. definitely.

Sorry, i'm late to the party~ Was super busy. I'll try my best to have my CS up by tomorrow. 

And regarding constructive criticisms, I think it's best to leave out personal biases. That way, it won't be offensive to anyone and everyone is happy. *throws confetti* Anyhow, hello  :)  What is everyone up to?
parmesan. definitely.

Sorry, i'm late to the party~ Was super busy. I'll try my best to have my CS up by tomorrow. 

And regarding constructive criticisms, I think it's best to leave out personal biases. That way, it won't be offensive to anyone and everyone is happy. *throws confetti* Anyhow, hello  :)  What is everyone up to?

Hi Wanderer.

I'm looking forward to seeing your CS.

Right now, I'm just organizing things. Making sure everyone is entertained...

"Does Max wears the mask all the time?" Occasionally yes

"Is he wearing right now?"

with that in mind Max sighs as he puts on his mask and prepares for departure as the helicopter descends and lands.

Yes, yes he is.

"What kind of cheese?" Honestly, I've dream about cheese for the sake of cheese. But I prefer blue cheese.
Anyway, I was thinking...

As far as the subjects that will be taught in the academy, there would be Math, English, and Science.

As for the unusual subjects, there would be Combat Arts, Magic Arts, and Survival Arts.

Any objections?
Anyway, I was thinking...

As far as the subjects that will be taught in the academy, there would be Math, English, and Science.

As for the unusual subjects, there would be Combat Arts, Magic Arts, and Survival Arts.

Any objections?

how can they be taught science? I mean they literally are ALL (or virtually all) breaking the rules science is founded upon in some way or another to say the least...
how can they be taught science? I mean they literally are ALL (or virtually all) breaking the rules science is founded upon in some way or another to say the least...

Nevertheless, it will be taught. We are only talking about basic science here. It's a standard teaching for high school kids, so I figured it would be included to make sure our students become educated in a standard way.

Anyway, I will be introducing an NPC...
Nevertheless, it will be taught. We are only talking about basic science here. It's a standard teaching for high school kids, so I figured it would be included to make sure our students become educated in a standard way.

makes little sense to me, but ok I guess...

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