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Fantasy The 'Abnormal' Academy

If you had powers would you be good or evil?

  • Good

  • Evil

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Nixon would arrive at class, he had a rough ride to this place. "So, this is where everyone special is? I just hope I'm not the only special one here." Nixon would walk in the school, he'd never see anything like this before... his school at home was disgusting, it had bugs everywhere, mold in the classrooms, most of the lights were out. Hopefully, he could start over here... he made a bad reputation back at home, one of his deepest secrets.
Severynd rolled into class, jumping on a table and knocking over a glass of water before jumping on top of his desk. He sat with one foot propped up on his desk and rested his arms on his knees. "Sup teach'." He swung his hanging leg back and forth as he tightened his mask. He scratched the top of his head a couple times as he watched the teacher. Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving The Outcast The Outcast
Mike walked in and sat down calmly "hello" he said looking at the child teacher. She must be either using a magic spell or... that what she really looks like. He looked at the other student and scoffed lightly.
(lol I just realized no one has seen her appearance yet XDD)
IMG_1704.JPG Penny crossed her arms and scowled at the boy that had so rudley entered her class. "Excuse me young man but if you could kindly not do that anymore that will be appreciated. If you do it again I'll write you a detention." She said coldly to the disruptive boy before looking to the other student with a softer smile. "Good mourning." She said
Dakshesh would slither into the room, coiling up behind a table that's the third row from the front, He set down his laptop bag next to his desk, he used his top two arms for opening up the back and his bottom two for getting his laptop out. He loved the academy, everyone was different and no one ever seemed to point and laugh at anyone, not like his hometown where he was gawked at for being a pseudo-godly abomination.

(Out of curiosity, is this academy in its own realm or is it a place on earth?)
Dakshesh would slither into the room, coiling up behind a table that's the third row from the front, He set down his laptop bag next to his desk, he used his top two arms for opening up the back and his bottom two for getting his laptop out. He loved the academy, everyone was different and no one ever seemed to point and laugh at anyone, not like his hometown where he was gawked at for being a pseudo-godly abomination.

(Out of curiosity, is this academy in its own realm or is it a place on earth?)

((Its on earth in an unnamed country))

(lol I just realized no one has seen her appearance yet XDD)
View attachment 284569 Penny crossed her arms and scowled at the boy that had so rudley entered her class. "Excuse me young man but if you could kindly not do that anymore that will be appreciated. If you do it again I'll write you a detention." She said coldly to the disruptive boy before looking to the other student with a softer smile. "Good mourning." She said

(I knew what she look like WHAHAAH)
"Good morning" he said smileing back at her. "Not to be rude but two questions. 1 what do we call you" he said amd looked at the student in the seat next to him "and two, do you know what the word respect? Means?"
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His eye twitched. "Hey pal, i think your looking for subway, not this school"
(Jarod fogle joke HAHA ;)
Severynd turned to Mike and rolled his eyes. "You upper classmen let age get to your head, as if age matters about how powerful you are." He waved off Mike with a huff. "You should just mind your own buisness." The Outcast The Outcast
He just chuckled. He was studying the kid for a second. Mike shrugged. "Hey if you want the teacher to get a bird to pick you eyes out, not my problem" he said. He had already guess aboit six different powers the toeacher might have. He did this by combining what he knew aboit this class, the jungle in the side of the room. "Also you write abiit age havig nothing to to with powers. But before you go assuming you can beat me up and down the hall, you should make sure you know what i can do" he said
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Severynd turned to Mike and rolled his eyes. "You upper classmen let age get to your head, as if age matters about how powerful you are." He waved off Mike with a huff. "You should just mind your own buisness." The Outcast The Outcast
He just chuckled. He was studying the kid for a second. Mike shrugged. "Hey if you want the teacher to get a bird to pick you eyes out, not my problem" he said. He had already guess aboit six different powers the toeacher might have. He did this by combining what he knew aboit this class, the jungle in the side of the room. "Also you write abiit age havig nothing to to with powers. But before you go assuming you can beat me up and down the hall, you should make sure you know what i can do" he said
Penny growled cutlet and spoke. "Firstly do not call me cute. Secondly no I am your teacher and if you dare talk to me like a toddler I will throw you in the lake with my todatchi. And lastly if any of you start a fight in my class you will face my wrath." She snapped at them before growling a little and staring down the boy talking about age didn't matter. "Are you sure that's true mister severynd. I am over 2 million years old and a fight between you and me would be like a fly attacking a boulder, you of course being the fly." She said to him before smiling a little then speaking once more. "Now seeing as how you two are the only ones here we will begin with the basic anatomy of a monster, specifically a gronar. Now has anyone seen a gronar before?" She asked curiously to the class of two
"No ma'am" he answered. Still trying to gess what she could do. Over two million years old, even with is enhanced intelligence she would rival his mind in knowledge, but he still doubted she could rival him in quick thinking. As far as he knew ni one could do that. The he looked at the snake "you most also be new, if a day doesnt end with at keade one person bleeding here, then it was a shi- a bad day" he said quickly correcting him self
(Three of us)
Penny growled cutlet and spoke. "Firstly do not call me cute. Secondly no I am your teacher and if you dare talk to me like a toddler I will throw you in the lake with my todatchi. And lastly if any of you start a fight in my class you will face my wrath." She snapped at them before growling a little and staring down the boy talking about age didn't matter. "Are you sure that's true mister severynd. I am over 2 million years old and a fight between you and me would be like a fly attacking a boulder, you of course being the fly." She said to him before smiling a little then speaking once more. "Now seeing as how you two are the only ones here we will begin with the basic anatomy of a monster, specifically a gronar. Now has anyone seen a gronar before?" She asked curiously to the class of two
"I've been going here for three years" said Dakshesh "it's my last year here"
His eyes widen as he lets out an "oh" and he looked away. There is really only three thinkgs mike hates, Money, Fighting, and being worng. He looked down and remained quite
"It's okay" said Dakshesh assuringly "We all make mistakes" before Dakshesh patted Mike's back with his upper left hand.
He smiled and the half snake "I dont make mistakes, mistakes make me" he said thinkgs of some quick, witty responce to show he is fine

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