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Fantasy The 'Abnormal' Academy

If you had powers would you be good or evil?

  • Good

  • Evil

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The Outcast The Outcast Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
Severynd burst through the door, grinning through his mask as he ran through the waiters as two security guards ran after him. "Hey! Get back here!" They called out as if he'd listen. Severynd jumped on Ace's and his friend's table, being careful not to step on anything as he leaped over. There was a book tucked under his arm. He looked at everyone at the table, then to Lucius. He tossed him the book. "Hold onto this would ya? I'll be back for it." He gave a wink before running off, the guards following with struggle. The book read "Shadow Ancestory." it was an old and worn out black book. Severynd was gone in an instant.
Lucius caught the book and he heard the guards yelling and looked to the man confused. Lucius realized almost instantly what happened and he attenpted to freeze the mand leg in place but the man had gotten away. Sending the ice out on a small arch from his hand. He sighed when the man got away and stood to chase but the man was already gone. Lucius could probably hunt him down due to his extreme agolity but he barely got a look at the person. He sat down letting the ice shatter into tiny particles that shone in the light as they dissapeared in a beautiful way. They looked like stars as they quickly faded from sight into nothingness.
The Outcast The Outcast Severynd Severynd Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Ace looked at Lucius "What the hell as that?" He wondered, he noticed he tossed him something, so he figured the must know watch other. "know him?" He asked
He shurgged. "alright" He said and looked at the shoe mark on the table. He sighed. "Well lets get a new table" He joked
"Eleanor." she stated curtly. The people at this school were awfully friendly. She barely jumped at the commontion on their table, glancing at the other surprised reactions. "Seems stuff like that happened everyday." she said, glancing at the shoemarks on the tablecloth.
He shook his head and Lucius held his hand out to the table. Taking the menus off and everything else leaving the tablecloth. Placing it on his lap. He then allowed water to flow from His hand onto the table and it moved on its own. Without anything ti touch it it swirled around the shoe mark not breaking form. The water then floated into the air and he smiled as it hardened into ice and chattered into the same beautiful nothingness. The table now spotless and he placed everything back onto it "Good as new." He said with a wide smile The tablecloth was remarkably dry.
"i hope not" He said and looked at her. "So...all the human werewolf stories correct?" He asked her. "You knwo, strongest on a full moon, death by silver, vampires as enemies" He guessed He looked at the clean table" Thanks" He said
Eleanor winked. "Why would I tell you my weaknesses?" she said, grinning and feeling the soft flakes of water on her skin.
Lucius smiled to the girl and he leaned back in his chair. He was tired still "I really need a coffee...." he said quietly before he sat up. "So whats everyone planning on today?"
Ace smiled at her comment. "Eh worth a shot" He said. Then he shrugged at Lucius comment. He had no idea what he was gonna do To be honest. So he just said. "I have NO idea"

Mike walked out of the headmasters office, He was telling her about the new group a friends that formed. She had smiled and said. "Thats good, they are perfect for each other
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Lucius chuckled at his response "Me either. Was hoping someone would have some sort of idea but I guess not." He said with another chuckle before he started flicking small bolts of lightning between his fingers
"I got class soon so...you know" He said to him, wondering what the next class will be like
"Four of you now huh? And what's this about dating my daughter?" Tardy asked as he leaned over the bar looking at the four of them. "Tsubaki you are dating the human aren't you?" He asked as he stepped out from behind the bar looking at Ace. "How do you plan on keeping her safe in a world of monsters and demons boy?" Looking to Lucius he grinned "what will you be having kid?"

Tsubaki kept quiet looking at the menu, trying to stay calm. "Daddy be nice please he treated me really well and he's nice" fidgeting nervously she set the menu down. "I'll have a sundae and a glass of water please"

The Outcast The Outcast GardenParty GardenParty ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
Lucius smiled back to the man and he said "A nice cup of coffee would be great." He then looked to the girl as she tried to remain calm and he then looked to her father for now he would stay out of it but if something were to go south he would intervene immediately "Also, with all due respect I'm not a kid. Please dont call me that."
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Eleanor watched the dragon interrogate the human boy. She chuckled, tapping her nails on the bartop. "I'll take a lemonade please." She said, picking up all sorts of scents throughout the restaurant.
(Anyone want to role play?? I got accepted as a teacher)
(I have another character i can use in your class)

Ace smiled at her father. "Dont worry sir i woukd take a fire ball for her" then the memory popped in his head "oh wait... i already did"
(I have another character i can use in your class)

Ace smiled at her father. "Dont worry sir i woukd take a fire ball for her" then the memory popped in his head "oh wait... i already did"
(That sounds good ^-^)

Penny stood there in the absolutely massive classroom they had given her. It was absolutely massive, bigger than three of the schools gyms combined and it was almost all wildlife, like a tropical forest that was stuffed into a building. The actual classroom area was right next to the door which was good but she knew students would probably try to hide in the forest. "Gosh I hope they aren't miscreants." She mumbled as she walked to her desk and climbed onto it
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Severynd rolled into class, jumping on a table and knocking over a glass of water before jumping on top of his desk. He sat with one foot propped up on his desk and rested his arms on his knees. "Sup teach'." He swung his hanging leg back and forth as he tightened his mask. He scratched the top of his head a couple times as he watched the teacher. Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving The Outcast The Outcast
Mike walked in and sat down calmly "hello" he said looking at the child teacher. She must be either using a magic spell or... that what she really looks like. He looked at the other student and scoffed lightly.

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