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Fandom TG - The Underdogs [ooc]

I think there's only one lionheart that's been posted, can't wait to see the rest of them!!!
Left Out Left Out Just delete the parts that aren’t necessary to fill in. Makes it a bit more clear to those who’ll read it. Besides that, your sheet is good. Accepted.
TPBx TPBx Character accepted.
Kloudy Kloudy Please remove the arata in your rc type as it’s mainly used by humans. Also, it might make your character overpowered.
Entity.Eclypse Entity.Eclypse Character accepted.
Scaleless Scaleless Character accepted.

DatGuyWelbz DatGuyWelbz QizPizza QizPizza Mnemosyne Mnemosyne seasonedcat seasonedcat How are the characters going?
It's just that some of the ccg have received certain honours. Such as a medal for carrying out a dangerous mission successfully.

Entity.Eclypse Entity.Eclypse I'll allow you to make a kakuja because of what I read before.
Ohhh, that's what I thought it was, but erased it since I wasn't sure. I'll put it back in so you can take a look. :)
Oh hey we're in the same ward! Kloudy Kloudy

Ooh, wanna plan our relationship then? We must know each other if we’ve been living in the same ward.

Left Out Left Out Just delete the parts that aren’t necessary to fill in. Makes it a bit more clear to those who’ll read it. Besides that, your sheet is good. Accepted.
TPBx TPBx Character accepted.
Kloudy Kloudy Please remove the arata in your rc type as it’s mainly used by humans. Also, it might make your character overpowered.
Entity.Eclypse Entity.Eclypse Character accepted.
Scaleless Scaleless Character accepted.

DatGuyWelbz DatGuyWelbz QizPizza QizPizza Mnemosyne Mnemosyne seasonedcat seasonedcat How are the characters going?

The arata part is merely a description of his kagune, I don’t have the Arata quinque. His kagune has armour functionality as shown in his pic, basically, and that’s all I could think of to describe it.
I was thinking of having Rasu be a spy into the human culture as she does work in a law firm, and she can be kinda like his informant? Kloudy Kloudy
I was thinking of having Rasu be a spy into the human culture as she does work in a law firm, and she can be kinda like his informant? Kloudy Kloudy
My dude would only be interested in what the humans are doing if it concerns other ghouls or the CCG. Otherwise he couldn’t care less what livestock do in their spare time. Depends on what info she can get out of her law firm.
hmm ok scratch that what about her forging his cover paperwork? Just so that he's not noticed if he goes out in broad daylight as well providing a place to live and income?
Kloudy Kloudy
hmm ok scratch that what about her forging his cover paperwork? Just so that he's not noticed if he goes out in broad daylight as well providing a place to live and income?
Kloudy Kloudy
He doesn't really go out into the human world unless its to cause some mayhem, but I could see that as an occasional possibility. And he wouldn't turn down a place to stay if the situation calls for it. Having hideouts to avoid Doves is always handy, but perhaps they could also have some kind of partnership where they're often assigned to the same mission? Would be convenient if they lived together that way.
Wondering if somebody would be up to being "friends" with MC (more like her being pestered by the other from time to time)? Been thinking about one of the ccg but a ghoul could work too.

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