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Realistic or Modern Ten Years Later

Additional RP of our characters in their HS years

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I'll try and put up my character sheet today!

But my character will deffo be up before Sat!

I'm a little busy in real life at the moment with school.

Still got one week left till Summer. CRY ;-;
KaoriMei said:
I'll try and put up my character sheet today!
But my character will deffo be up before Sat!

I'm a little busy in real life at the moment with school.

Still got one week left till Summer. CRY ;-;
School?? STILL?? You poor thing!! D:
Omg @KaoriMei you poor thing indeed! But good luck with the CS if it really is a problem to get it up before saturday send me a PM and I will wait for you!

@shygirl3 Haha no problem. Take your time. I really cant believe I forgot to tag you in the first place.
Okay, I had to leave my mom's job as soon as I started working on my CS so now I must try and do it today!

Still had some issues, but at least I finally finished ^-^

Thank you so much! *-*

I think I have my last exam on Thursday, not sure yet. It might be on Friday. Study study study for me.

I'll try to get it done before Saturday.
I have been noticing a lot... No all CS so far are female. I really want some males in the group also. Thank you all very much. Of course you are allowed to double up.
Agh, thought I had my character in but a lot of it was out of order and all when I submitted it... I'll try to fix it, gah probably my fault on that part
Almost done with my character!

Just a heads up

I'm going to be leaving tomorrow out of state and wont be back until Monday.

I'm taking my laptop with me, but I don't know if I'll be able to connect to Wifi.

I'll try to keep in the loop with my phone though!
Well we have a seven to four female-male ratio. So from now on I won't except any new female CS for a while. (if you were already working on a female or desperately want a female PM me).

Also I didn't think this rp would hit off so well. And I am thankful for all your enthusiasm, but we have only room for 15 people. Right now we have 11 CS's in so if there get a lot more people in I might have to make a selection (based on CS). Please keep this in mind (though I won't fuzz if we have like 1/2 people extra, we will just have to set up some airbeds in that case xD )


I just checked all the CS's and I have a few comments on them. Don't worry if I haven't mentioned your character here. I do like them all and think they will fit perfectly together. Please check my updated list on the first post in the sign up to see if I misplaced or forgot your character (I am just human I make mistakes, sorry)

Also I just wanted to mention how so far all of the characters can have their prefered Rooms, so far there are no double takes! Well done everybody :P

So comments

Mason Wenshall (@Brown ) I was worried for a bit it was just gonna be another stoner/surfer, but I really shouldn't have been. He is very interesting, though I am worried about the lack of ocean around the mansion :P {One little thing, with the prefered room I meant the one they would prefer staying at in the Mansion}

@DuskerTem and @tinaheartsdamian I do like your characters, but I wish you could elaborate a bit more? A bit more description would be fine, since this is gonna be a high casual rp.
He won't mind being away from the water, as long as he gets to see his old buddies! Honestly though, surfing's probably horrible for his back anyway, and he'll probably start feeling better not exerting himself as much.

I totally love it... At first I was like... wait 16 year old son.. he is 27 than he must have been like 11 when he got a girl... ow wait adopted.. no this makes sense... OMG SO ADORBSSS
@DarkiusHeavenstein Hi, I'm still working on my character sheets, but the thing is that I originally was going to post both a male and female character, but given your previous post, should I just post the male character due to the current gender imbalance?
DarkiusHeavenstein said:
I totally love it... At first I was like... wait 16 year old son.. he is 27 than he must have been like 11 when he got a girl... ow wait adopted.. no this makes sense... OMG SO ADORBSSS
I know, I kept changing his son's age, and finally I just left it alone.
@clarinetti If you don't mind, I would rather have you post in only your male character. Or you can send me the female CS and when I am totally flabbergasted by it we will just go to hell with gender balance :P

@TheWeirdPhilosopher I really like you and your characters, Mason is totally favourite
OK, I'll focus on the male character for now: depending on how much time I get/ if I think the other character is strong enough, I may PM you the female, but obviously priority should be given to people who have only posted one character.

Anyways, off to work: see you later folks!
DarkiusHeavenstein said:
@clarinetti If you don't mind, I would rather have you post in only your male character. Or you can send me the female CS and when I am totally flabbergasted by it we will just go to hell with gender balance :P
@TheWeirdPhilosopher I really like you and your characters, Mason is totally favourite
He's my favorite too ^-^
So I was going to create another CS for a male but I don't want to take up spots (even though I know they're not gaurenteed).

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