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Fandom Tears: Rebirth - Additional IC

Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Kyouko Sakura

@theManCalledSting @apoliseno

"More about Kyuubey? Well, if I'm gonna be honest, that's really it. I mean, he knows who all the other Magical Girls are and what their wishes were, but other than that I don't actually know that much about him." She said, pausing for a moment "...Huh."


Mood: Intrigued

Condition: Doin' alright.

Location: The Lost Light

LegoLad659 said:
"More about Kyuubey? Well, if I'm gonna be honest, that's really it. I mean, he knows who all the other Magical Girls are and what their wishes were, but other than that I don't actually know that much about him." She said, pausing for a moment "...Huh."
"No not that thing, I mean the Magical Girls! Everything you're saying is starting to sound oh so familiar to my memory banks!"
Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Kyouko Sakura

@theManCalledSting @apoliseno

"Huh? Oh, that? Well, Kyuubey first seeks us out and offers us a contract. We get to wish for anything at all, and in return we spend the rest of our lives fighting witches. Might sound like a good deal, but I'll be honest with ya, the whole thing really sucks." Kyouko told Rewind, sighing "'Least, that's how it happened for me. After my wish, everything just kinda fell apart."


Mood: Intrigued

Condition: Doin' alright.

Location: The Lost Light

LegoLad659 said:
"Huh? Oh, that? Well, Kyuubey first seeks us out and offers us a contract. We get to wish for anything at all, and in return we spend the rest of our lives fighting witches. Might sound like a good deal, but I'll be honest with ya, the whole thing really sucks." Kyouko told Rewind, sighing "'Least, that's how it happened for me. After my wish, everything just kinda fell apart."
Rewind halted recording on his head bolted-on camera and extended a hand over to Kyouko, "Hey, Sorry about opening up old wounds... hell I've been through a lot too... I understand..."
Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Kyouko Sakura

@theManCalledSting @apoliseno

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't thing giant robot guys have any sort of biological family." Kyouko replied "So sorry to let ya down, but no, I don't think you do understand."


Mood: Insert salt here

Condition: Doin' alright.

Location: The Lost Light

LegoLad659 said:
"Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't thing giant robot guys have any sort of biological family." Kyouko replied "So sorry to let ya down, but no, I don't think you do understand."
"Well, I'm not really the Rewind that was from this ship's universe... In fact the Lost Light I was on... I was the only survivor when the DJD hit us... I lost my friends and the love of my life that day, so I'm sure I understand you plenty," Rewind said without raising his voice.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Kyouko Sakura

@theManCalledSting @apoliseno

"While that's very tragic and I feel sorry for you, you still don't understand. You don't know what I had to witness. My own father was what killed my family." Kyouko said, more upset now "You really think you know how I feel? What that's like, to have your father turn on you after you used everything in your power to help him? You don't know a damn thing."


Mood: Trying not to make too big of a scene

Condition: Doin' alright.

Location: The Lost Light

LegoLad659 said:
"While that's very tragic and I feel sorry for you, you still don't understand. You don't know what I had to witness. My own father was what killed my family." Kyouko said, more upset now "You really think you know how I feel? What that's like, to have your father turn on you after you used everything in your power to help him? You don't know a damn thing."
"Oh... sorry... I-I didn't know... Now I feel bad," Rewind said with his head held down.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Kyouko Sakura

@theManCalledSting @apoliseno

"I'm sure you do." Kyouko said, walking ahead of Rewind "I'll admit, I don't know what your life is like either. So don't you think for a second that you know what it's like to be me. Saying something like that is arrogant, dumb, and outright pretentious. Just because you've had bad things happen doesn't mean you're suddenly on the same level as everyone else who's had tragic events in their past."



Mood: Outta here

Condition: Doin' alright.

Location: The Lost Light

LegoLad659 said:
"I'm sure you do." Kyouko said, walking ahead of Rewind "I'll admit, I don't know what your life is like either. So don't you think for a second that you know what it's like to be me. Saying something like that is arrogant, dumb, and outright pretentious. Just because you've had bad things happen doesn't mean you're suddenly on the same level as everyone else who's had tragic events in their past."
A White Mini-Bot who was walking down the corridor, was able to catch the whole scene and said, "She seems nice."


Upon being approached, Felix quickly raised his hand. Darkness formed from his hand and created a very intricate sword, which he held in one hand on guard. "Excuse me. This is for personal protection reasons. I won't attack if you don't. Just gotta be safe." Felix looked around and examined everything. "So, yeah, a lot of questions. I've seen enough shit in my days to not question holes in reality," Felix said before frowning. "What conduit is behind this? You said robots, are the First Sons involved?"
Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Kyouko Sakura

@theManCalledSting @apoliseno

Kyouko heard the new robot arrive, but she ignored it and kept walking. She was annoyed at Rewind, she wasn't going to turn back just because someone new came around.

Besides, she wanted to see the rest of the ship. It was interesting, to say the least.



Mood: Outta here

Condition: Doin' alright.

Location: The Lost Light

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Assailant said:
Upon being approached, Felix quickly raised his hand. Darkness formed from his hand and created a very intricate sword, which he held in one hand on guard. "Excuse me. This is for personal protection reasons. I won't attack if you don't. Just gotta be safe." Felix looked around and examined everything. "So, yeah, a lot of questions. I've seen enough shit in my days to not question holes in reality," Felix said before frowning. "What conduit is behind this? You said robots, are the First Sons involved?"
A Robot appeared from behind Constantine, the Bot said, "The First Sons? What sort of nonsense is that?"


Felix's defensive position deepened. He drew the sword out in front of him and was ready. Unlike before, where it was merely a precaution, he was actually ready to fight now. Not that he intended to, of course, but he wouldn't let the enemy get the first strike if it came down to it. In almost any other situation, he would have attacked first. But assuming he really IS in an alternate universe, this could be a lot more complicated.

"First Sons. Technologically advanced scientists with questionable motives?" This mech... I've fought some DUP and First Sons mechs before, but this doesn't seem like any of the standard models. I've gotta be on my guard. If the portal leads to here, and this IS a First Sons lab, things could be a lot more dangerous than I'd bargained for. "Who does this ship belong to?"
Assailant said:
Felix's defensive position deepened. He drew the sword out in front of him and was ready. Unlike before, where it was merely a precaution, he was actually ready to fight now. Not that he intended to, of course, but he wouldn't let the enemy get the first strike if it came down to it. In almost any other situation, he would have attacked first. But assuming he really IS in an alternate universe, this could be a lot more complicated.
"First Sons. Technologically advanced scientists with questionable motives?" This mech... I've fought some DUP and First Sons mechs before, but this doesn't seem like any of the standard models. I've gotta be on my guard. If the portal leads to here, and this IS a First Sons lab, things could be a lot more dangerous than I'd bargained for. "Who does this ship belong to?"
"I'll tell you if you lower your weapon! I had enough of this Paranoia Scrap from Red Alert!" Ratchet shouted.
Felix frowned. "I used to be too trustworthy. A lot of people died because of it. I'm not making that mistake again." He grit his teeth. "Look, I'm not going to fight you unless you attack me. But too many things have happened to me for me to go trusting people willy-nilly. I'm not paranoid. I've just learned my lesson."
Assailant said:
Felix frowned. "I used to be too trustworthy. A lot of people died because of it. I'm not making that mistake again." He grit his teeth. "Look, I'm not going to fight you unless you attack me. But too many things have happened to me for me to go trusting people willy-nilly. I'm not paranoid. I've just learned my lesson."
"I'M A MEDIC!" Ratchet shouted before he turned his attention to Constantine, "Are Humans in this Universe usually this impolite? I heard some Red-Head made Rewind cry... News travels fast on this ship..."


(Mentioned: @LegoLad659 )
"I'VE LOST TOO MANY FRIENDS TO ACCEPT THAT!" Felix said, and one might notice there were some tears in his eyes as he thought back on all those who had been lost in the war. Felix quickly blinked it back and grit his teeth. "Look, I'm not out to kill you! I need to know who this ship belongs to. If this belongs to who I THINK it belongs to, than a lot more people could die. I NEED to know!"

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Lost Light: Puella Magi Madoka Magica

"It dosen't belong to those wankers!" Constantine snapped, trying to calm Felix down. Constantine knew that Felix was powerful enough to cause damage to the ship just by studying how he had generated the sword "They can't hurt you now. Even if they were demons, you're talkin' to John ruddy Constantine and a giant robot medic or some bollocks." He dropped his cigarette and rested his hand on Felix's shoulder "You're safe now, alright kid. They can't hurt you now." He reassured him, speaking in a soft voice

@theManCalledSting @Assailant

New New Moscow: Soviet Empire Universe

"Information. Our leader, Head Commissar Vladimir Lenin, his friend Leon Trotsky and a platoon of soldiers uncovered a tear. Similar to the one you travelled here through during the Russian civil war in nineteen seventeen." Howard replied, leading Isaac towards a table at the back the room. A hologram of Lenin, Trotsky and the soldiers approaching a large tear appeared "Lenin was the first to venture inside. He did not return for an hour." Howard explained. As he did the hologram changed, showing Lenin enter the tear and then emerge.

"He had uncovered a new universe. Apart from one planet and one star, this universe was empty. Absent of life. All it had was a collection of techology from other universes. This technology shaped the world and indeed, this universe for it was this technology that won the war and spread the glory of Communism across the cosmos."


Commonwealth: Fallout Universe

"If it's the same universe I went to...Don't. Just say you're a friend of Queen Mirus and use the word danger zone. They will spare you. I'm not willing to give up my throne." She shook her head "I fought for it." She turned to Seeker "Seeker..."

"He's using a slave, Mirus." She muttered bitterly, now raising her shotgun at Chief "He has to release her."

"Okay, okay...Let's just get him inside first." Mirus replied "Okay, introduce me to the erm...New people on this ship. The doctor and the Judoon...Or that can wait. We need to get off this planet, we need to get out of the open." Mirus spoke in a fast-pace, trying to hide her panic.

The Institute would find them like this if they didn't do something soon. She knew it.

@ryanpk200 @apoliseno
theManCalledSting said:
Ratchet simply sighed and muttered out, "Kids these days..."
"Shut your trap ya wanker." Constantine replied, turning back to Ratchet "If you really are a bleedin' medic, do your damn job and help this kid. Quit standin' around with a thumb up your mechanical arse." He turned back to Felix "You gonna be alright, kid?" He asked
Felix jumped a little at John's contact and was about to snap at him too before realizing how he'd just acted. Shit! I can't get angry. That never leads to good things. He sighed and lowered his sword. He still didn't fully trust them, but the First Sons would never take any lengths to comfort him. ESPECIALLY him. They would've begun shooting the moment he entered. Same with the DUP. If this was still being caused by a rogue conduit, they either didn't know, or were allies with him. If the latter was the case, he might as well try to blend in.

He considered correcting Constantine, telling him that he wasn't a kid. Hadn't been for awhile. Didn't matter though. Images flashed through his mind of the First Sons. All the shit they'd done. All the people that had died because of them. Nightmare...

Felix forcefully pushed the memories back and smiled softly at Constantine. "Yeah... yeah, sorry. Sometimes I kind of... forget where I am." He extended a hand. "Felix Shane. Sorry for the commotion."

((I forgot to mention in the CS, but Felix has PTSD from the war.))
Assailant said:
Felix jumped a little at John's contact and was about to snap at him too before realizing how he'd just acted. Shit! I can't get angry. That never leads to good things. He sighed and lowered his sword. He still didn't fully trust them, but the First Sons would never take any lengths to comfort him. ESPECIALLY him. They would've begun shooting the moment he entered. Same with the DUP. If this was still being caused by a rogue conduit, they either didn't know, or were allies with him. If the latter was the case, he might as well try to blend in.
He considered correcting Constantine, telling him that he wasn't a kid. Hadn't been for awhile. Didn't matter though. Images flashed through his mind of the First Sons. All the shit they'd done. All the people that had died because of them. Nightmare...

Felix forcefully pushed the memories back and smiled softly at Constantine. "Yeah... yeah, sorry. Sometimes I kind of... forget where I am." He extended a hand. "Felix Shane. Sorry for the commotion."

((I forgot to mention in the CS, but Felix has PTSD from the war.))
"You were threatening your potential allies... not a smart move kid especially when you're in some strange universe..." Ratchet said
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theManCalledSting said:
"You were threatening your potential allies... not a smart move kid especially when you're in some strange universe..." Ratchet said
Felix rubbed his head. "Y-yeah. Sorry about that. Sometimes I kind of... forget where I am." He said simply. He didn't need to go describing his condition to random people. He considered mentioning how Ratchet tried to take away his one source of protection, until he realized he could defend himself well enough without it.
Lost Light: Puella Magi Madoka Magica

"Well, I already told you who I was." Constantine replied, shaking Felix's hand "John Constantine. Other people call me the biggest c*** in the universe but, I just tend to go with me real name." He took a step away from Felix and lit himself a cigarette "It's alright. You fell into another universe or some bollocks. Natural to be a bit...Jumpy at least. At first, I was confused out of me damn mind." He turned to Ratchet and tilted to his head to the side, gesturing that the two have a word in private.

@theManCalledSting @Assailant

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