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Fandom Tears: Rebirth - Additional IC

Puella Magi Madoka Magica




"So, now that we're done with that... Where do we go now?" Cadence asked, starting to feel a little dizzy from being so high up in Rodimus' hand. At least the music in her head had changed into something calmer - More fitting of a safe area.

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Ion Blaster

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Pouch: Rodimus Star x2

Sheathed Dagger[/border]




Kyouko Sakura


"When's this guy gonna be done?" Kyouko asked impatiently as she tossed the wrapper to the fruit bar she was eating away and pulled out another.


Mood: Impatient.

Condition: Doin' alright.

Location: The Lost Light

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Rodimus looked at Cadence as smiled, "We're going to Swerve's for a little get together... I think we all deserve a break, don't you think?"

Brainstorm's workshop

"Now that you've mentioned it, you little human! I am done!" Brainstorm said as he handed to Kyouko his finished product.

"Brainstorm, you're a Genius... so about my gun..." Whirl said as the holoform avatar walked over to converse with Brainstorm about some upgrades to the Shoomer...
Puella Magi Madoka Magica




Cadence nodded in agreement "Can't really argue with you, there. What's this get-together gonna be like?"

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Ion Blaster

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Pouch: Rodimus Star x2

Sheathed Dagger[/border]




Kyouko Sakura


"'Bout time. Alright, let's see it." Kyouko replied, taking the weapon from Brainstorm. The first thing she tried was splitting it into segments like her other spear did.


Mood: Impatient.

Condition: Doin' alright.

Location: The Lost Light

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Commonwealth: Fallout Universe

"Ehh...Depends on the universe I guess." Mirus replied to Chief's comment "People here are frightened enough as it is of the Institute and their Synths. Last thing they need are aliens running around. Also, my real name is Mirus." Mirus explained with a shrug "Might as well get all the fibs out now."

"Well it does sound more alien-y than something like Jane." Harleen muttered, stroking her chin thoughtfully

"Is that even a word?" Mirus asked

"Hey, this is the Multiverse! Everything is in a dictionary somewhere."

"Glad you're here, Mirus." Nick cut in "I was wondering when you'd show up."

"You two know each other?" Harleen asked

"He's a detective. I'm a telepath." Mirus shrugged again "I helped him solve a murder case a month back aannnddd he worked out I was an alien from another universe. Owes me a favour for it."

"And you keep reminding me of that everytime we meet up." Nick complained "Which reminds me, I've returned the favour."

"Did you find my ship, Nick?" Mirus asked

"Even better." Nick grinned "Found the crew too. They showed up two days ago."

Mirus rested her hands on Nick's shoulders "Where are they?" She asked

"They parked the Valkyrie...Odd name for a spaceship if you ask me around the back of Diamond city. Cloaking device engaged and all. I told them it was too close, that someone would bump their head off it or something...But these people are almost as stubborn as you."

Mirus attempted to run but almost fell to her knees. Nick rested a hand on her shoulder, stopping her "I can take you there now."

@ryanpk200 @apoliseno

New New Moscow: Soviet Empire Universe

Nikita's Ship: As Nikita's ship descended to the planet below she turned back to the others "He has a point." She replied to Jotaro's words in English "I am well within my rights to arrest you." She turned to the two Sons of Hades "The Empire is aware of this. The Pantheon, the Norse Gods, the Titans. The archives will have notes on them if you wish to view them for yourself."

"Weren't I already under arrest?" Gregory asked, cutting in "On account of...Ya know. Well, hence why I wanted the trail."

"There may be another method." Nikita added "If you agree to work for the Empire it may be willing to grant you amnesty for your crimes."

Gregory grinned at the opportunity. It wasn't the first time he'd taken this way out "What ya want me to do?"

"That depends on what The Librarian has in mind...And if he thinks you're worth being on one of his teams."

"The Librarian?" Gregory asked

"I, nor the Empire know his real name. It is merely a title many universes have given him. One he seems to be quite fond of nonetheless. He's currently in the city below."


New New Moscow: Not knowing what to do with this new world, Syeron followed Revan deeper into the city while a group of soldiers appeared to be following them. Syeron glanced back at them before turning to Revan.

Max followed Bishop as his dog appeared to have picked up a scent somewhere in the city. Three soldiers also followed him. He choose to ignore them as he realised that if the bearded man wanted Max alive for something, these soldiers would be condemning themselves if they were to harm Max. As he followed his dog deeper into the city, he began to ponder to himself just what the bearded man wanted and even, what his real name was. Max removed his hat and scratched his head.

"Well, Bishop." He began, causing the dog to stop in his tracks and look up at him "What do ya reckon? Probably another suicide mission if you ask me."

"Likely." One of the soldiers cut in blankly

"What do you know?" Max asked

"Only my orders. To keep you alive, make sure you don't cause any trouble and to escort you to your quarters later in the night. From there, you will be escorted to the briefing in the morning." The soldier explained in a blank tone

"You an android or somethn'." Max asked

"No. A Footman. A clone bred to serve the Empire."

"Thought human clonin' was illegal...Then again, this is another universe...Any bars. Anywhere where I can get a drink or somethin?"

Mil had remained with the rest of the group, using it's omni-tool to scan the surrounding city "Interesting. This Empire's technology contains some Geth technology, only it seems to be more advanced. However, I am not detecting any Geth apart from myself in this surrounding area."

"That's because this Empire built itself on using technology from other universes." The Librarian cut in "Anyway, you lot have any questions, or should I just bugger off until the morning?"

@ryanpk200 @apoliseno

Nico Di Angelo


Location: New New Mexico

Interacted: @apoliseno

Around: @apoliseno @Some_Bloke

Condition: ~
Ok, now Nico was confused as Hades. Different universes? Maybe he meant different timelines... yeah, that would make sense. Same universe, different timelines. But... how did that make sense? And, Norse gods? The Greek/Roman aspects of gods were confusing enough, but now there were Norse gods? "O-ok..."[/b[ Nico simply replied, unsure of what to say. "But... Norse gods? What do they want from us? It's hard enough fighting the Romans, never mind the Vi- They are Vikings, right?"


As Rodimus and Cadence walked the very long halls of the Lost Light a rather intimedating robot appeared before the two and plainly said to Rodimus, "You brought a pet, Rodimus?"


"Human Ally," corrected Rodimus.

"Ah, yes... As you can tell, Rodimus... I'm sort of new to calling them 'allies'," explained the Robot.

"Whatever, Megatron..."
Puella Magi Madoka Magica




Aaand ignored again. Brilliant. She didn't have much time to re-ask her question, though, before another robot arrive. Judging by this 'Megatron's appearance and general attitude, she decided to stay quiet and let them way whatever it was they wanted to say to each other. If she was spoken to, she'd answer, but something told her she might not want to speak out of turn here.]

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Ion Blaster

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Pouch: Rodimus Star x2

Sheathed Dagger[/border]




Kyouko Sakura


"Huh. Pretty good." Kyouko said, grinning as she fused the segments back together and stood it upright next to her "I suppose the only problem now is that I gotta get used to hauling it around with me everywhere now, huh? Shouldn't be too big of a deal. Unless you thought of a solution to that as well?"


Mood: Impatient.

Condition: Doin' alright.

Location: The Lost Light

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LegoLad659 said:
Aaand ignored again. Brilliant. She didn't have much time to re-ask her question, though, before another robot arrive. Judging by this 'Megatron's appearance and general attitude, she decided to stay quiet and let them way whatever it was they wanted to say to each other. If she was spoken to, she'd answer, but something told her she might not want to speak out of turn here.]
"And to answer you question... Knowing my crew, it's going to be a hell of a party!" Rodimus said with a smile as the group made it to their destination.

"Why are we going to Swerve's?" asked Co-Captain Megatron.

"Because I'm a good Autobot who wants to cheer up my human friend!" answered Rodimus with a hint of irritation in his voice.

"I thought she was your 'ally'?" replied Megatron.

"Same Difference!" Rodimus said as he marched on ahead into Swerve's

Megatron looked down at Cadence whom Rodimus left behind.

"Hi..." Megatron said flatly in a poor attempt at starting a conversation.

LegoLad659 said:
"Huh. Pretty good." Kyouko said, grinning as she fused the segments back together and stood it upright next to her "I suppose the only problem now is that I gotta get used to hauling it around with me everywhere now, huh? Shouldn't be too big of a deal. Unless you thought of a solution to that as well?"
Brainstorm took a short pause from his conversation with Whirl to speak with Kyouko, "NOPE! You only said make it into some sort of chain-whip thing! Can't make it Mass-Shift just for your convenience as well!"
Puella Magi Madoka Magica




Cadence smiled at Rodimus' response, and nodded "I hope it will." She replied, before Rodimus took off. Without her. Er... Somehow. Wasn't she in his hand? Or did he put her down at some point and she was just that mindless?

Then Megatron spoke up. Well, kinda. Just a greeting, really "Hey."

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Ion Blaster

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Pouch: Rodimus Star x2

Sheathed Dagger[/border]




Kyouko Sakura


"Figured as much. Wouldn't want you to be working on this thing all day, after all. Like I said, it's not a big deal - I'll get used to it." Kyouko replied. And hey, she figured, at least if she lost this thing she had her old one as a backup. No way she was losing that one.



Mood: Impatient.

Condition: Doin' alright.

Location: The Lost Light

LegoLad659 said:
Cadence smiled at Rodimus' response, and nodded "I hope it will." She replied, before Rodimus took off. Without her. Er... Somehow. Wasn't she in his hand? Or did he put her down at some point and she was just that mindless?
Then Megatron spoke up. Well, kinda. Just a greeting, really "Hey."
"I see my 'Co-Captain' placed you on the floor... No Doubt because Swerve's hosting a Dance Party... The Crew is full of uncoordinated idiots..." Megatron said with his arms crossed.

LegoLad659 said:
"Figured as much. Wouldn't want you to be working on this thing all day, after all. Like I said, it's not a big deal - I'll get used to it." Kyouko replied. And hey, she figured, at least if she lost this thing she had her old one as a backup. No way she was losing that one.
"And this is Rewind with a rather happy Fleshy with her new Weapon? How Does she manage to lift it with those skinny arms?" Rewind said while Recording Kyouko.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica




"Oh, they're not that bad." Cadence replied "From what I've seen, anyway. Come to think of it you might know
miles better than I do."

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Ion Blaster

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Pouch: Rodimus Star x2

Sheathed Dagger[/border]




Kyouko Sakura


"I've had lotsa practice with things like this." Kyouko replied, turning towards Rewind "Though I'd be careful with comments like that, bud. Could offend the wrong people."


Mood: Little bit annoyed, but happy overall

Condition: Doin' alright.

Location: The Lost Light

LegoLad659 said:
"Oh, they're not that bad." Cadence replied "From what I've seen, anyway. Come to think of it you might know miles better than I do."
"I do... and they're all insufferable lunatics!" Megatron ranted.

LegoLad659 said:
"I've had lotsa practice with things like this." Kyouko replied, turning towards Rewind "Though I'd be careful with comments like that, bud. Could offend the wrong people."
"Please! Back then Bots that the Senate didn't like would remove your face and hands and replace them with an Optic and Claws, respectively! That and the crew does that all the Time! You know... Come to think of it, you remind me of Whirl! Not a lot of bots here like the guy! Especially Megatron!" Rewind replied while also giving a lot of unnecessary info.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica




"I gotta admit..." Cadence said, reaching into her pouch and looking at one of the Rodimus Stars she pulled out "I can definitely see a few odd quirks about some of them..."

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Ion Blaster

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Pouch: Rodimus Star x2

Sheathed Dagger[/border]




Kyouko Sakura


"Don't sound like nice guys. You sure I should be hangin' around here?" Kyouko asked, looking around and feeling a bit paranoid about what Rewind had just told her.


Mood: Impatient.

Condition: Doin' alright.

Location: The Lost Light

LegoLad659 said:
"I gotta admit..." Cadence said, reaching into her pouch and looking at one of the Rodimus Stars she pulled out "I can definitely see a few odd quirks about some of them..."
Megatron sighed and said, "He gave you one of those... things?" He pulled out a Rodimus Star of his own, "He gave me one for 'Renouncing my Evil Ways' or some scrap like that!"

LegoLad659 said:
"Don't sound like nice guys. You sure I should be hangin' around here?" Kyouko asked, looking around and feeling a bit paranoid about what Rewind had just told her.
"Nope, stick with the saner bunch like me and Domey!" Rewind suggested, as he urged Kyouko to leave the Mad Scientist's Workshop with him.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica




Cadence tilted her head, but said nothing about this. So apparently Megatron was evil at some point? That would explain his attitude, she guessed.

"I actually have two." Cadence replied, putting it back in her pouch "Can't... Really remember why he gave them to me, but hey, they're there. Maybe I could sell them or something when I get back to my world."

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Ion Blaster

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Pouch: Rodimus Star x2

Sheathed Dagger[/border]




Kyouko Sakura


"No arguments here." Kyouko agreed, following Rewind's lead "So, is there anything you do other than document random crap that happens?"


Mood: Neutral

Condition: Doin' alright.

Location: The Lost Light

LegoLad659 said:
Cadence tilted her head, but said nothing about this. So apparently Megatron was evil at some point? That would explain his attitude, she guessed.
"I actually have two." Cadence replied, putting it back in her pouch "Can't... Really remember why he gave them to me, but hey, they're there. Maybe I could sell them or something when I get back to my world."
"How are you going to sell them? They're more worthless than a scrap heap!" Megatron ranted, he's been dealing with his "peer's" ego for far too long for him to really handle without trying to kill him or start a revolt... "As you can tell, human I don't like him..."

LegoLad659 said:
"No arguments here." Kyouko agreed, following Rewind's lead "So, is there anything you do other than document random crap that happens?"
"Oh yeah, I handle security now that Red Alert went AWOL on us!" Rewind said in a rather chipper mood.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica




"Well, they may not be worth much to you, but they look kind of like gold to me. What are they made of?" Cadence asked, out of curiosity.

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Ion Blaster

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Pouch: Rodimus Star x2

Sheathed Dagger[/border]




Kyouko Sakura


"You sound happy about this. Did you not like Red Alert or something?" Kyouko asked.


Mood: Neutral

Condition: Doin' alright.

Location: The Lost Light

LegoLad659 said:
"Well, they may not be worth much to you, but they look kind of like gold to me. What are they made of?" Cadence asked, out of curiosity.
"No clue, might just be some scrap he painted gold..." Megatron guessed and he looked at his Rodimus Star.

LegoLad659 said:
"You sound happy about this. Did you not like Red Alert or something?" Kyouko asked.
"Red Alert was a paranoid bot... and I mean PARANOID! He'd think you're a double agent if you turn your head away from something for a second!"
Puella Magi Madoka Magica




"Eh, well, could still be worth
something at least." Cadence said. She honestly wouldn't have been surprised if she ever found out that these things actually were solid gold. Rodimus seemed to have that kind of ego "I guess I should go catch up to Rodimus now, huh?"

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Ion Blaster

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Pouch: Rodimus Star x2

Sheathed Dagger[/border]




Kyouko Sakura


"Ah. Yeah, sounds like the kinda guy that'd piss a lot of people off." Kyouko replied, resting her new spear on her shoulders.


Mood: Neutral

Condition: Doin' alright.

Location: The Lost Light

LegoLad659 said:
"Eh, well, could still be worth something at least." Cadence said. She honestly wouldn't have been surprised if she ever found out that these things actually were solid gold. Rodimus seemed to have that kind of ego "I guess I should go catch up to Rodimus now, huh?"
"You do that, human..." Megatron said as he left Cadence on her own Devices

Rodimus in the ship's bar was arguing with the Bartender, Swerve, something to do with the music not being to Rodimus' liking...


LegoLad659 said:
"Ah. Yeah, sounds like the kinda guy that'd piss a lot of people off." Kyouko replied, resting her new spear on her shoulders.
"Oh yeah! I remember humans in our world had a film called 1984... if you've seen it... It was a lot like that!" Rewind said as the two continued their stroll
Puella Magi Madoka Magica




Cadence walked over to Rodimus and listened in on their conversation.

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Ion Blaster

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Pouch: Rodimus Star x2

Sheathed Dagger[/border]




Kyouko Sakura


"Can't say I've heard of it." Kyouko replied "Haven't watched a whole lotta movies. Been busy with everything else goin' on, like giant robots appearing out of nowhere and wrecking the place."


Mood: Neutral

Condition: Doin' alright.

Location: The Lost Light

New New Moscow

"Since this place is built off the technology from other universes." Said Isaac to the Librarian. "Do you know if anything from my universe is here? I could always use more ammo or I could upgrade my RIG and weapons."

Soviet Empire Universe: New New Moscow

Nikita's ship: "I do not know, Demigod." Nikita shook her head "While my universe and my Empire are aware of the various Gods in your universe we do not know of your current struggles. We have been too focused on a struggle of our own to worry about that of other universes."

"And what would that be?" O'Malley asked

"A race of living machines hell-bent on the extinction of the human race, as well as the destruction of our ideology." Nikita explained grimly "We managed to push them back into their home system but they started to flee through tears to other worlds."

Nikita searched around the ship "Where did Prinny go?" She asked in a concerned tone

"The Penguin?" Gregory asked, standing to his feet and looking around himself "Haven't a clue."

As Nikita's ship docked, the hangar bay door opened and a platoon of Footmen, led by a single Commander walked into the ship.

"You are to accompany us to the city. There will be a briefing held in the morning for your next mission."

"Mission?" Gregory asked

"It's either that or jail time." Nikita cut in

"Well I don't want to end up in the Gulag so...Briefing it is." Gregory shrugged in an over the top manner "Fook it."

"Gulag? What is that?" Nikita asked in a confused tone

"You don't have those?" Gregory asked

The city below: "Indeed." The Librarian replied "There's already a bunch of stuff waiting there for you back in your room...Or at least where you're going to be staying the night. I can take you there now if you want, unless you want to see New New Moscow for yourself. Hell of a city the first time you see it, but I reckon New Moscow is a bit better."

@ryanpk200 @apoliseno @amybri18

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