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Fandom Tears: Rebirth - Additional IC

New New Moscow

"What's the difference?" asked Isaac. "You would think the the city that has new twice in the name would be better. As for the stuff at where I'll be staying, I guess it can wait. Would you recommend a place to see in the city?"

Soviet Empire Universe: New New Moscow

"Well Moscow is the capital of this entire civilization." The Librarian shrugged "It's the first city they enhanced with technology from other worlds. As far as what there is to see here, well there's a few nightclubs scattered about as well as museums. Most of this city is designed for housing and reaching other worlds beyond the outer rim."

@Stamper @Skychild (if you two want to jump back in here)
Diamond City-Fallout Universe

Master Chief: The battle was over, Mirus had told Chief and that Nick Valentine synthetic that there were universes where aliens weren't exactly friendly, and this warranted a little questioning from Chief. Guess they were now on their way to find Mirus' ship on the other side of the city. When they got there, they were greeted by an armored woman with a shotgun aiming at the group. John immediately had his rifle up in the air, but lowered it as she lowered hers. Pleasantries were exchanged between Mirus and the others, indicating they knew each other (which was clarified by her as they were her crewmates). He kept quiet

@Stamper @theManCalledSting @LegoLad659

New New Moscow-Soviet Empire Universe

Jotaro: Scowling at the woman, Jotaro took a few almost threatening steps forward with his hands in his pockets.

"Look here, you annoying bitch," Jotaro said with a hint a malice in his voice, "I have two weeks at most to save my mother back in my home universe, and if you think I'm going to be spending that time in another universe, then you've got another thing coming. Now, you're going to take me home or I'm going to go off and look for one of those portals to get me home, and you don't have the strength to stop me from either option. Now, which is it going to be?" His eyes narrowed at her as he finished speaking.

Drake: After thinking over his conversation with Nico, Drake looked up as Nikita explained what her universe knew about the Greek gods. Apparently, they didn't have the same kind of problems as the sons of Hades. Guess they were a myth in this universe. No help from dad is going to be tricky in terms of power usage. Then the larger teen walked towards Nikita like he was about to deck her in the face, and angrily lectured her about how he was going to find a way back to his home to save his mother. That reminded him that he also needed to get back, but the threat here seemed more important than just the stalemate that was taking place back home. Drake's shadow elongated into a wall that came up to Jotaro's waist and pushed him back just a bit, earning Drake a harsh glare from the 195 cm tall student. Didn't matter. Whatever that familiar was that Jotaro could bring up didn't measure up to the power of a god, let alone one of the Big Three.

"What my pissy friend here is trying to say is that we really want to go back home, but this army of living robots seems like a big enough threat to stop here. I'll lend you my powers, and I think Nico will as well," Drake said with a nervous laugh and smile. Jotaro was about to deck this kid as well.

Raiden: Wandering the streets, Raiden couldn't help but notice he was being tailed at a distance. They couldn't be any more obvious, so they wouldn't be a threat if it came down to a fight. He walked a bit faster to try and get them off his tail so he could focus on actually exploring and learning new things.

Revan: Seeing Syeron turn towards him, coupled with the feeling he was getting that they were being followed, Revan ignited his green lightsaber and pointed the tip at the soldiers that were following them.

"I suggest you find easier targets to attack, because you're no match for a single Jedi, yet there are two here," Revan warned the soldiers.

Achilles: Looking around, Achilles couldn't find anything interesting to do other than just sit still and wait until they were called to do something. Others were being accompanied by soldiers, but he wouldn't need that. He was a fucking tank.

"All due respect, I don't need an escort. Your paperweight soldiers couldn't take down a single Elite," Achilles barked at the Soviet Empire soldiers.

@Some_Bloke @ryanpk200 @amybri18
Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Kyouko Sakura

@theManCalledSting @apoliseno

While Kyouko was talking to Rewind, somebody suddenly bumped into her. Some guy with red hair and a black hoodie. He was about to say what she was thinking, but stopped, so she did it for him "Hey, watch where you're going, bud!" She told him, with an annoyed look on her face "If you're zoning out, you shouldn't be walking, kay?"


Mood: Slightly annoyed.

Condition: Doin' alright.

Location: The Lost Light

LegoLad659 said:
While Kyouko was talking to Rewind, somebody suddenly bumped into her. Some guy with red hair and a black hoodie. He was about to say what she was thinking, but stopped, so she did it for him "Hey, watch where you're going, bud!" She told him, with an annoyed look on her face "If you're zoning out, you shouldn't be walking, kay?"
"She's got a point, especially on this ship, kid..." Rewind agreed


Nico Di Angelo


Location: New New Mexico

Interacted: @Some_Bloke @apoliseno

Around: @Some_Bloke @apoliseno

Condition: ~
Nico nodded in reply to Drake. "Sure, I can help out..." he replied, but he wasn't too sure. He seriously had to get back. The whole world was going to be destroyed in just under a months time back in his universe, and, if it wasn't for his half sister, he would be the only guy on the Argo II who knew how to get to the House of Hades and close the Doors of Death. Hopefully, though, his sister will manage to do that, if he had to stay and help this guys. Hazel was a strong kid, only a year younger than Nico, so she could probably take on the responsibility.

Soviet Empire Universe: New New Moscow

Nikita's ship: As Jotaro threatened Nikita, the other soldiers on the ship sent to escort them to the city below raised rifles, aiming them at Jotaro.

"If you so much as lay a hand on me, not only will you lose your hand but you'll be starting a war." Nikita threatened bitterly "One you can't win. Every single obstacle this Empire has faced it as defeated."

"And my name is Ozymandias..." Gregory cut in jokingly "Look, if he wants to save his mum I say you just give 'im what he wants."

"In return for what?" Nikita asked before pausing "Oh."

"Ohh eeh ohh ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang." Gregory cut in again with a playful grin, getting a cold glare from Nikita in response "What?"

"You may be able to cut a deal with The Librarian." Nikita explained to Jotaro "He will be able to help her, I can guarantee it. However, he will want something in return. A favour for a favour. That is how he operates. Whatever is affecting your mother, he will be able to fix it...However." She stepped towards Jotaro "If you threaten me again, you won't be able to reach the Librarian alive."

"Children!" Gregory shouted "Quit your fighting and bitchin'. Save some for whatever the fook you lot want us to fight against. These living machines that have been causing you bother?"

"No. I suspect it will be something different." Nikita explained, turning to the two Demigods "I am grateful for your assistance, comrades."

New New Moscow

"Could you point in the direction of the nearest museum?" Isaac asked the Liberian. "Learning about what this universe has to offer would be the most interesting thing to me." He noticed his helmet was still unfolded and he still had out his Plasma Cutter. He placed the weapon in his back and folded up his helmet.



A lot of things had surprised Crane during his time in the Commonwealth but the cloaked ship surprised him the most. He quietly watched the reunion between Mirus and Seeker, and said to Mirus. "Getting home would be a good idea. Until that happens, I'd love to see the Multiverse." He started to walk aboard the ship and asked. "Is Tyfo's cooking any good?"
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Diamond City-Fallout Universe

Master Chief: After all of the hugging stopped and people started boarding the ship, John gave it an analytical look before deferring to Cortana's analysis of the vessel. It appeared to be a craft of alien design, fitting to Mirus' origins, but she couldn't get much else apart from that. He was cautious about getting on the ship, but figured he didn't have much else to do. That Merchant had told him to stay with the group and guard them, and that meant getting on the ship. Besides, Mirus already seemed to be well-acquainted with the other members of the group, so it was a logical assumption that she wouldn't kill anyone. John started going towards the ramp.

@Stamper @Skychild

Lost Light-PMMMU

Kuro: Looking at the smaller robot first, then to the girl, Kuro gave one of his sadder looks that just said 'I've just got a bit on my mind' and started voicing his protest.

"Guess I shouldn't, but I just got a lot on my mind, that's all. I'm stuck in this ship in an entirely different universe while my school, my home, is being attacked and the friends I've spent a while with are fighting for their lives," he said unenthusiastically while lowering his gaze to the metallic floor.

@theManCalledSting @LegoLad659

Nikita's Ship-Soviet Empire Universe

Jotaro: If Jotaro wasn't mad before, he was now. This woman thought that she could take him without a Stand? That's laughable, but the several soldiers with rifles aimed at his head would be a problem. Star Platinum was definitely one of, if not the, fastest Stands in existance, but could it move fast enough to disable those soldiers or their guns before they had a chance to shoot? Then she got closer to him, saying that a deal could be made to save his mother with this Librarian fellow, but he wouldn't live long enough to meet the man if he pissed her off again. Jotaro just shut out Gregory's voice for the moment.

"You'd better listen to me, Russian bitch. The only way you could beat me is with your backup pals here and their guns, but even then it'd be a stretch. You couldn't get past my Stand if it even came to a fight, so you're lucky I'm holding myself back. And the problem that's threatening my mother isn't something whoever this Librarian asshole is can just fix," he threatened in a low tone, narrowing his eyes under the visor of his hat. His knuckles were white from the fists clenched at his sides as well. Jotaro stepped back away from Drake, Nico, and the others and walked away with his hands in his pockets and a scowl on his face, thinking of what happened to the others in his group in Cairo.

Drake: After Jotaro had walked off, Drake watched him go with careful eyes. He seemed high-strung because of this business with his mother, and that could be dangerous if he couldn't get back to where he was from. Drake honestly felt the same way with the impending war at camp, but these living machines seemed like a bigger threat to the entirety of the multiverse than just a war between camps of demigods. He'd have to deal with it whenever he got back from this adventure. He patted Nico on the back and gave the best reassuring smile he could.

"Come on, Nico, living machines! How often do we get to fight those?" he questioned excitedly. "And the machines that go crazy in the Hephaestus cabin don't count."

@Some_Bloke @amybri18

New New Moscow-Soviet Empire Universe

Raiden: Looking at the group of identical soldiers, Raiden looked back down at the ground in thought. They had asked him if he needed anything, but he doubted they would've left him alone to think if he asked. He also would need another electrolyte battery to recharge for the fight that was coming, because he guessed that whatever the machines are they were meant to fight weren't powered by the same things that Metal Gears or cyborgs were powered by.

"No, just some time alone to think and sharpen my blade," he replied.

Revan: Hearing Syeron's warning and Mil telling him to stand down, Revan deignited the lightsaber and clipped it back to his belt. He immediately put a hand to his head to find his forehead was in a cold sweat. That temptation to cut the soldiers down almost compelled him to act, but he stayed his saber out of will power. His Light and Dark may have reunited back into one form, but each was still trying to win him over. The appearance of the tears had made it worse than before.

"My apologies. I've just become too cautious in my hunt for the Sith Emperor and have developed a distrust of anyone following me from a distance just to be alert. I did not mean to alarm anyone," Revan apologized, bowing in apology as well.

Achilles: Giving a short laugh, Achilles found the notion hilarious. Cloned soldiers bred and modified to fight, how ridiculous. It only seemed to to him because the UNSC's current "flash cloning" process was imperfect and cloning a full person without problems to the clone's health, whereas cloning organs or limbs was easier.

"Buddy, I've gone through two sets of physical augmentations in my time. Not to mention that my armor, even if it didn't have shields, is pretty much indestructable. I'll be fine on my own," he stated before turning and walking off to track down that woman he had fought with back in that post-apocalyptic wasteland.

@Some_Bloke @ryankpk200
Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Kyouko Sakura

@theManCalledSting @apoliseno

"Can't say I know the feeling." Kyouko replied "Sounds like you've got a lot goin' on. I still wouldn't recommend wandering aimlessly around this place, though. One wrong move from these giant robots and you'd be flatter than a strip of bacon." She said, pausing for a moment "Ehh, maybe that's a bad analogy. Either way, I'd watch it if I were you."


Mood: Slightly annoyed.

Condition: Doin' alright.

Location: The Lost Light

LegoLad659 said:
"Can't say I know the feeling." Kyouko replied "Sounds like you've got a lot goin' on. I still wouldn't recommend wandering aimlessly around this place, though. One wrong move from these giant robots and you'd be flatter than a strip of bacon." She said, pausing for a moment "Ehh, maybe that's a bad analogy. Either way, I'd watch it if I were you."
"I recommend it, for you... human 'cause some of the bots on this ship wouldn't really care about stepping on you, no offense..." Rewind advised the male human.
Commonwealth: Fallout Universe

"Well he hasn't managed to poison himself or Crim..." Seeker explained "Or me. Have no idea how'd be able to do that though in the first place." She muttered to herself "How can you poison someone who's immune to poison?" She looked up at Crane again and spoke clearly "Yeah, it's alright. Even though this ship can produce it's own food he insists on cooking."

"The Multiverse is a hell of a place." Mirus patted Crane on the shoulder and stretched her left arm forwards as it she was presenting something to him "There's lots to see. I once even visited a universe where everything was pudding. Even me. Another was full of nothing but highly-intelligent honey badgers who had conquered Earth...After a week of being there, I became their queen."

"Shite." Seeker muttered, taken aback by Mirus' experiences

"I don't intend to go back to that pudding universe." Mirus shrugged "Curabitur pudding is just...Not a good idea."

"One part of me wonders how the heck you got out another actually wonders what that tastes like." Harleen butted in

"Don't get any ideas." Mirus scolded, pointing a finger at everyone in the group "Any of you!"

Seeker turned her attention to Chief next, studying each member of the group one at a time "Nice slave you got there." She spoke with some bitter sarcasm "The AI, programmed to serve you every needs, right? If you want to fly on my ship..."

"Our ship." Mirus cut in

"No slavery allowed. I want to see that mind making her own choices. Not just ones based on programming. Got it?"


New New Moscow: Soviet Empire Universe

Nikita's ship: "You think Russian bitch is an insult?" Gregory asked "That's adorable." He chuckled, getting a grin from Nikita in response

"Was that a threat?" Nikita asked, the grin fading "If so..."

"Oh my God!" Gregory shouted in an annoyed tone "Will you two miserable c***s stop fighting like politicians!?"

"Do not doubt the Librarian's abilities until you have seen him for yourself." Nikita stated

"You reckon he'd be able to get me home?" Gregory asked Nikita

"Of course." Nikita nodded in response

"In return for me doin' somethin' for 'im. I know the drill." Gregory rolled his eyes "Alright. Whatever this bastard's offerin', I'll do it as long as we do it my way. No innocents caught in the crossfire, especially kids."

@apoliseno @amybri18

The City below:

Syeron and Mil:
"If you had have simply listened..." Mil began "This would have been avoided."

"Gotta admit Revan, he's kinda got a point." Syeron replied, shaking her head

"Would you like to be escorted to your quarters?" One of the Footmen asked "To avoid further confrontation I would recommend it."

"Oh dear. We get into trouble, did we?" The Librarian asked sarcastically

Footmen: "Have fun getting lost and not making it to the briefing tomorrow." The Woman spoke sarcastically, appearing in front of Achilles "Hi, I'm a friend of that bearded fella who brought you here. Trust me when I say you need the escort. Ask yourself, what would you do if say the entire Covenant fleet somehow hit this planet and because you wandered away on your own like a jackass in what's basically an alien world to you, you were caught out in the open?"

With Isaac The Librarian gestured towards a building in the shape of the hammer and sickle, the symbol for Communism "Have fun learning I suppose." He shrugged "I need to have a chat with the Head Commissar."

With Raiden the Footman who had asked him the question remained in place "You can have such time in your quarters. For now, we are to escort you around this city and world." He explained in the same blank tone.


"Did the Honey Badgers care when you became their queen? Cause as far as I know, Honey Badgers don't care. They just don't give a shit when it comes to that sort of thing." Crane said to Mirus and Seeker. "Even though you said it alright, you still brought up posion. That doesn't give me high hopes for his food. I'll stick with the ship produced food."


New New Moscow

Isaac nodded at the Librarian and walked into the museum. He wandered around the place.
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Felix looked around from under his hood as he walked around. He approached a place where a large amount of people were gathering. He looked around the crowd to see what was going on.

"The disorder here has been regrettable!" A man in the center said. By the colors he was wearing, Felix could tell the man was with the DUP. Ever since the war, those dickheads haven't been able to regain control of New York, due to the combined efforts of conduits and non-conduits alike. The man continued to talk about how the DUP would "re-establish order in a city controlled by chaos," and other such propaganda. While there were a few supporters, most of the people booed the man away. Felix grinned at the amount of good that has come from the action of him and his friends... and then sighed at the memory of what had been the catalyst for change.

Felix continued walking, texting his wife that he'd be home soon. The whole, "normal married man" routine was really hard for him to pull off. For one, he was only like 22. He'd married one of the people that worked with him in the Great Conduit War. He'd been at war for so long that settling down felt awkward. He was glad, but also kind of confused. And there was that small part of him that was angry he wasn't fighting. He tried to ignore that part of him.

As Felix passed an alleyway, he heard a whooshing sound in a nearby alleyway. Looking in, he saw what appeared to be a portal. He frowned and called his wife.

"Hey Felix!" She picked up. "Anything wrong?"

"Maybe," he said. "I found a portal in a shady place. Could be the work of a rogue conduit. I'm gonna check it out, so I might be late." The other end was silent for a bit before his wife, Sphinx, wished him good luck and told him to be careful before they hung up. Felix still was a vigilante whenever the moment struck. Sphinx had managed to settle down much more seamlessly than himself. Felix arranged his hoodie so it was more comfortable. People had gotten used to the young man walking around in the burnt, torn, bloodstained hoodie. He was their hero, after all. They could manage.

Felix prepared himself and jumped through the portal. He suddenly appeared on a strange ship, one he didn't recognize.

"What the-?" He looked around. "W...- where even AM I?"

New Universe Entered: Puella Magi Madoka Magica
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Nico Di Angelo


Location: New New Mexico

Interacted: @apoliseno

Around: @apoliseno @Some_Bloke

Condition: Fine
Nico wasn't really listening to the arguments going on, so he was confused as Hades was Jotaro walked away. Still, he didn't really care. He hadn't become friends with him, and they barely knew each other, so it didn't matter to him. He thought about Drake's question for a moment after Jotaro walked away, and suddenly realised something. They were fighting living machines! At first, it didn't sound to bad - living machines were nothing, the monster he had fought were a lot worse - but... it meant a lot more to him. His sister, Bianca, had died fighting a machine Hephaestus had made. Actually, she had sacrificed herself to destroy it. That news had hit him real hard, especially since Percy had promised she wouldn't die. Nico was 10 then, and had run away after he found out... He really hoped it wasn't like the machine she fought. It probably wasn't, since it was a giant robotic statue that was the problem then, and it was malfunctioning, but still... "We destroy the control panel, I think," Nico replied. "Once that it destroyed, it cannot function anymore. Right?" He wasn't 100% sure, but it was all he could think of.

New New Moscow: Soviet Empire Universe

Nikia's ship: "I wish it were that simple." Nikita replied "But the living machines I speak up adapt to attacks. They improve themselves. If you were to try and use fire against them they would make themselves flame resistant. If you tried to freeze them they would become ice resistant. Although they adapted to almost everything we threw at them, we pushed them back into their own sector of space...Until they started to disappear once the tears showed up."

Diamond City-Fallout Universe

Master Chief: John turned to look at the one who said they wouldn't let him on the ship with Cortana as his "slave." He looked at the girl and she appeared to be a machine herself, so he guessed there was a bit of bias towards how she felt towards A.I. No doubt she'd hate the UNSC if she found out that almost every ship in the fleet was equipped with an A.I, yet she didn't know the whole picture. "Smart" A.I., like Cortana, had more operational freedoms and less restrictions on what they could do or think, yet they had a lifespan of about seven years. "Dumb" A.I. were more akin to what this woman was talking about, as they still had personalities like all A.I., but they had a more restricted set of what they were able to do. Before he could explain the partnership he had with Cortana, she herself materialized on his shoulder before everyone and spoke.

"You think I'm his slave? Quite the amusing notion, but that's not the case. I picked John out of the other Spartans to be my host during a top secret classified operation before the discovery of the Halo arrays to infiltrate the Covenant homeworld and capture one of their Prophets. We work together to keep each other alive: he does the shooting and heavy lifting and I watch his back. Does that give us permission to board, because I think you need the Chief here as some extra muscle around here," Cortana said with a smirk, turning it into a sly statement at the end.

@Stamper @Skychild

Lost Light-PMMMU

Kuro: Nodding his head understandingly at both the robot and the girl, Kuro held out his hand for a handshake. Introductions were probably in order, and it was always polite to introduce himself to strangers before he started getting smart with them.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. By the way, the name's Kuro Mayonaka. I didn't see you down there with us, uh, miss," he said politely.

@theManCalledSting @LegoLad659

Nikita's Ship-Soviet Empire Universe

Jotaro: Ignoring everyone, Jotaro wandered to the back of the ship to get away from everyone before he punched someone through the walls. Whoever this 'Librarian' was, he probably couldn't fight Dio or kill him. His entire journey, from Japan to Egypt, had all been to save his mother from her own Stand, that was slowly killing her, by killing Dio. His grandfather Joseph Joestar, the fortune teller Mohammed Avdol, the student Noriaki Kakyoin, the Frenchman Jean-Pierre Polnareff, and the dog Iggy. All of them were still in Cairo, ready to face Dio, yet he had stepped through one of those tear things and was taken away from them and his mission. There probably was only a few days left to save his mother and eliminate Dio. It really pissed him off.

Drake: Watching Jotaro go, Drake looked with concern. If that guy was as strong as he was saying he was, then that guy would be a useful guy to have on their side to fight these machines that Nikita was talking about. Whatever that purple guardian was that Jotaro could summon, it was incredibly strong. If this adventure ever brought him back to camp or his home universe, having Jotaro with him was going to be a useful guy to have. That bit about this 'Librarian' guy doing favors in exchange for service didn't sound appealing to Drake, either. The idea of having to owe someone anything, whether it be money or a favor, wasn't fun for him. He always lost the bets he made, so he owed a lot of people a lot of things at camp.

"Look, I know he's got a bit of an attitude and a temper, but he's strong. That Cockney guy over there should know, since that guy was with him longer. You should try to get him what he wants to get him on your side, because he can summon some large purple guardian or something that punches faster than I can blink and I bet it can punch hard," he explained, trying to come up with some explanation to defend him.

@Some_Bloke @amybri18

New New Moscow-Soviet Empire Universe

Raiden: The soldier that Raiden had spotted following him said that he would have time to do that kind of thing whenever they went to his quarters. The cyborg needed some quiet to think things out and plan out what he was going to do without anything to recharge.

"If it's not any trouble, I'd like to go to my quarters now. I need some quiet to think," Raiden explained, releasing his grip on the Murasama. He hadn't realized he was close to drawing the blade.

Revan: Syeron and Mil were right, Revan hadn't listened. He wasn't focusing. He felt a massive disturbance in the Force, but he couldn't determine what the source was. It was as if an entire planet universes apart had just become void of everything, including the Force (teasing Ziost DLC from SWTOR. Short version: Sith Emperor drained the life and Force from an entire planet and left it barren).

"Yes...yes I need some time alone. I just felt...and incredible disturbance," Revan warned.

Achilles: Giving a weird look to the woman who had just appeared in front of him, Achilles stepped towards her with his weapon still lowered. He was glad that the annoying soldier had left him alone, but then this woman showed up asking what he would do if a Covenant fleet just appeared over the city. Laughable.

"First off, I'd tear throught the ground forces they'd inevitably land here. Their infantry weapons don't have any effect on my armor, and I can easily outmaneuver their tanks. Then, I'd take one of their gravity lifts up into one of their ships and kill everything that gets in my way to the main reactor of the ship. After that, I'd set the reactor to explode, set the ship on a course away from the planet, and leave in one of their dropships while they chase the 'tainted' ship. The reactor's explosion would do the rest for me. Anything else you'd like to ask before I tell you to piss off?"

@Some_Bloke @ryankpk200
Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Kyouko Sakura

@theManCalledSting @apoliseno

Kyouko looked at Kuro's hand for a moment before looking back up at him "Name's Kyouko Sakura." She told him, taking the offered hand "And I'm not gonna pretend I know what you mean by 'Down there', but I only just got here. Your robot friends needed a guide, and since Mami's gone completely MIA for now I guess you'll have to do with me."


Mood: Slightly annoyed.

Condition: Doin' alright.

Location: The Lost Light

LegoLad659 said:
Kyouko looked at Kuro's hand for a moment before looking back up at him "Name's Kyouko Sakura." She told him, taking the offered hand "And I'm not gonna pretend I know what you mean by 'Down there', but I only just got here. Your robot friends needed a guide, and since Mami's gone completely MIA for now I guess you'll have to do with me."
Rewind turned to Kyouko and asked, "Who's Mami? A Friend of yours?"
Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Kyouko Sakura

@theManCalledSting @apoliseno

"Pretty much." Kyouko told Rewind, shrugging "She's the girl that's supposed to be in charge of taking out Witches in that city over there, but not even Kyuubey knows where she went to. And now the little guy's gone missing himself. Then you guys arrive, and things are pretty much all screwed up for everything."


Mood: Slightly annoyed.

Condition: Doin' alright.

Location: The Lost Light

Lost Light: Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Seeing a tear open on another part of the ship, Constantine approached it cautiously, a lit cigarette already in his mouth only to see a young man step out "You're in another universe, mate." Constantine explained "You fell through a tear in reality and ended up here...Listen, it's probably best you just accept that for now, it'll make things easier for yourself." Constantine paused, taking a smoke of his cigarette before continuing "As for where you are, you're on a ship full of wanker robots who told me I couldn't smoke here. It's not like they're affected by second hand smoke or anything." He complained "Any questions?"

New New Moscow

"Hello Howard." Isaac said the AI. "Could you either show me or explain to me about when the timeline of this world diverged from mine?" He waited for a moment and then realized the AI probably didn't know about his world and its timeline. "I mean, could you tell me about when the Soviets received all of this technology?"



Crane paid attention to Mirus as she spoke about the Honey Badgers and said. "I'll make sure to remember that if I'm in that situation." He then followed everyone onto the ship.
LegoLad659 said:
"Pretty much." Kyouko told Rewind, shrugging "She's the girl that's supposed to be in charge of taking out Witches in that city over there, but not even Kyuubey knows where she went to. And now the little guy's gone missing himself. Then you guys arrive, and things are pretty much all screwed up for everything."
"Kyuubey? I feel like I've heard of that name before..." Rewind mused.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Kyouko Sakura

@theManCalledSting @apoliseno

"Little white cat thing with red patterns everywhere." Kyouko explained "The only people that can see him are the people he wants to see him. And Magical Girls. He can't hide from us. He's also the one that recruits Magical Girls in the first place and gives us our powers."


Mood: Slightly annoyed.

Condition: Doin' alright.

Location: The Lost Light

LegoLad659 said:
"Little white cat thing with red patterns everywhere." Kyouko explained "The only people that can see him are the people he wants to see him. And Magical Girls. He can't hide from us. He's also the one that recruits Magical Girls in the first place and gives us our powers."
"Tell me more, this sort of thing reminds me of an Earth Animation!" Rewind asked for more information on Magical Girls, this sort of fantasy elements would make for a memorable document.

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