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One x One [Tate]•Vampire•Diaries•[HollyAnne]


❛ it's only love, nobody dies ❜
@HollyAnne91, please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information.




Full Name: Jessica P. Walsh.

Nickname(s): Jess (primary) | Park.

Age: Twenty-two.

Sex: Female.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual.

Hair Color: Honey blond.

Eye Color: Blue-green.

Height: Five foot three.

Build: Petite | Slim.

Personality: Bubbly | Intelligent | Sheltered | Curious | Intuitive | Meticulous | Trusting

History: Jessica moved from Sioux Falls, South Dakota, where she was born and raised, to Mystic Falls, Virginia after she graduated from college. Her move was mostly based on the impulsive desire to get as far away from her hometown as she could. Nothing was wrong with where she grew up, but she was just sick of looking at the same things everyday, and Mystic Falls seemed to stand out to her. Not in any certain aspects, but she wanted to live in a fairly small town.

After moving there, Jess found herself working at a cafe and building a life for herself. Slowly but surely. But an incident at her work caused her to have to make a quick trip to the hospital. It wasn't anything major, as far as she knew, but it was still worthy of attention. Unbeknownst to Jess, her injuries were a little less minor than the doctor let her think, and therefore, was injected with vampire's blood. Without knowledge of this, she recovered remarkably fast, which
okay, she knew was kind of strange, but she let it slide. It wasn't even a couple days later that when she was out driving, someone ran into her, and the crash ended up being fatal for her.

Maybe not so fatal, because she found herself waking up in a
body bag - confused and with a strange hunger.



: Waitress at local cafe in Mystic Falls.


: Vampire.

How Long?

: Little less than a month.

Canon Connections?

: Brief encounter with Stephan Salvatore.

Has graduated from college with a bachelor's degree in business.

Lived in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

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