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Fantasy Tarot Kingdoms [Character Creation]


The Purple Soul
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
The gods have bestowed upon you the power to go and change the world with magical power.

But who are you?
[Can be related to your card or not, optional]

[Your choice]

[At minimum has to relate to the picture on your card]

[What card is your character based on?]

[Must be related to the picture on your card]

[Must be related to the appearance, number, and/or meaning of your card]

[Must be related to your cards meaning, with your twist if you want]

[MUST be related to the upright and reverse meanings of your card]​
download (1).jpeg
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<3Aziz Connely /\ The Lovers<3
Age : 29
Defined Characteristics :
- A Tattoo on his dominant forearm, his right, of two snakes.

- Shortly after his birth, Aziz developed a heart-shaped birthmark on his stomach


Amphisbaena or Amp and Bae for short, is Aziz's companion and his main defense. A single bite creates the same effect as getting bit by a bullet ant. Getting bit by both heads is the equivalent of being bit by a black mamba. An antidote can be created from the venom for both these and certain other poisons and minor injuries.
- Charmspeak; A type of hypnotism or persuasion in which it allows the speaker to convince someone else to do or get whatever they want. The strength of the command depends on the tone and the emotion of the charmspeaker's voice, as well as their skill with it. Eventually, charmspeak wears off and the person has no recollection of why they did what they were commanded to do. People with strong wills or intentions are unaffected, and the more powerful the being, the stronger their resistance. If someone is aware of a persons ability to charmspeak, then it will have a reduced effect as they will be on guard in case they are the subject to it. Aziz despises using this due to misuse.

Art belongs to The Arcana on Tumblr​


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Who Are You?


Elliat Ny




The Star

Enchanted Chalice


Control: Ell can control and manipulate the Chakrum.
Split: Ell can multiply the chakrum, up to eight. The more Chakrums, the smaller they are.
Constellation: From a pool of water, Ell can pull up the reflection of stars to aid her. The constellation they're pulled from defines their abilities. She is limited to pulling no more than 17 stars.

Breezy and unassuming, the wind that sweeps her in is the same one that sends her out. Never long in one place, Ell wants neither to outstay her welcome, nor miss out on the next opportunity. She is fast to forget faults and grudges, after all, bitterness and hatred have only ever held her back. Ell is unafraid to transform herself, or her life, making significant changes on a consistent basis. She trusts in the greater universal meaning of events. She's had her affair when multiple new looks, new jobs, new hobbies, new people, and new lives.

Estranged from her family, Ell doesn't dwell on things past. Her life has
been that of abundant opportunity-- Ell always felt lucky. There was never a doubt in her mind her family would always accept her. When they didn't, when they turned their back on her, it crushed her. "Disappointment" was not enough to describe, it was like the world under her shattered. Suddenly finding herself alone, Ell lost herself in the day-to-day, drowning in routiene.

It was a snap awakening from it all. One day, she realized that this wasn't what she wanted. Just because she'd lost faith in her family, that was no reason to lose faith in the world. In her own words, that was when she 'woke up'. She dropped her job and moved, starting from scratch, and continued on the current of whatever new that popped up, from connection to connection, never knowing where she'd go next. She trusts in her her haphazard system, even with the downs and sometimes broke, hungry, and homeless moments; she has full faith in herself, and that the next opportunity will show its face.

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[Can be related to your card or not, optional]

[Your choice]

[At minimum has to relate to the picture on your card]

Arcana: Death (XIII)

[Must be related to the picture on your card]

[Must be related to the appearance, number, and/or meaning of your card]

[Must be related to your cards meaning, with your twist if you want]

[MUST be related to the upright and reverse meanings of your card]
View media item 34759

Name: Dezra Korrin

Age: 28

Arcana: The Tower

Weapon: Axe of Ruin. Capable of cutting through almost anything and possessing the power to fell trees in a single blow, the Axe of Ruin is a weapon of sudden brutal attacks.

Powers: Dezra's magic armor protects him from attempts to harm him, provides him superior balance, protects him from poison and disease, and sustains him without need for rest or relief. He can also absorb magic from those around him, either using it for raw power or placing further power into his armor.

Personality: Dezra enjoys violence, good food, and whatever entertainment he can find. He knows he can only get these things through his mercenary work (since he has no interest in rulership or leadership), so he puts his efforts into making himself that much more powerful. Protection and a good life for himself, swift ruin for his enemies, and the continuation of that, those are his goals in life. While he's not paranoid, Dezra knows how sudden changes of events can bring down even the strongest.

Backstory: Dezra was born the son of bandits, and grew up preying on others for a living. Then one day the bandits were suddenly set upon and slaughtered by a wizard seeking test subjects for his creations. The wizard was a misanthrope who sought to prevent any change that could harm him, and so proactively destroyed threats and created more and more protections for himself. Choosing Dezra as his next test subject, the wizard bound him into a suit of armor that was to protect him from any and all threats. Due to a split-second mistake in the casting, the wizard did not actually control Dezra while in the armor, and in the instant Dezra struck, killing the wizard. From there Dezra became a mercenary, providing overwhelming power in exchange for magic and wealth.
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"Sometimes all someone needs is someone to talk to, other times they need good solid punch in the face...either way im your guy."

Name: Mickey Crastor

Age: 34yrs

Arcana: Strength.

Weapons: Anything he can Throw

Powers: Climbing Superhuman Strength & Durability-Mickey Has the ability to increase his strength with focus the more he tries to do something the more his strength will grow. However this is a double edged sword. While he may become incredibly strong when he is truly devoted to a task, his strength will fail him if his heart isn't in it. His physical toughness grows with his strength and lowers in the same way. However strong he is at the time it stands to reason that he is also that durable. (So if he can lift 10 tons that's what it'll take to hurt him significantly.)

Mickey is...Complicated. The man leads a double life. By day he is a hard worker and an upstanding citizen. A positive role model for his boys, a loving husband towards his wife, and a shining example of a working class citizen of the Cups kingdom. However by night things are different. He seems to break his own vows becoming a criminal himself but hiding it with shakey alibi's and lies. If it ever comes to head he will be in for a world of crap.

Mickey was born into the upper class of the kingdom of Cups but he wasn't destined to stay there. He was an excellent child, always working hard and aiming high growing up strong, active, and wealthy it was a miracle Mickey turned out to be a decent person. Especially since nothing ever seemed good enough for his parents. Perfect scores on his academics were simply expected, winning the athletic competitions was believed to be what he should do every time. Eventually he snapped, he got in a pretty serious fight with his father over his right to be with his high school sweetheart maria. The fight came to blows and just like that his money supply was cut. He got a low level position at the docks moving crates and materials. It was enough for a while, but when his now wife Maria got pregnant seven years ago he knew he needed mire cash. So he joined an underground fighting ring, where he found he was very good. His natural size added a lot of strength even before he developed his abilities. Not to mention he has reflexes and stamina honed by years of athletic training. He didn't win them all but he always had a good excuse for his family. However he has recently become addicted to the rush. It isn't about the money anymore, he fights even when he is financially secure. And these past few weeks he can swear its gotten much easier. Hits barely seem to phase him now and his blows strike like a sledgehammer. However it is a secret he has kept from his family for nearly seven years, its bound to come out eventually.​
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Oswald Clockwork

31 years of age

The Magician

Weapons Used?
I - Wooden Wand
II - Tarot Deck
III - Sword in Bone Cane
IV - Golden Chalice [Potions]
V - Pentacle-Designed Frisbee

What magic did he use?
VI - Music [Not Really Magic, Just Nice]
VII - Magicians Symbols
VIII - Potions

What are you like?
Well, to be honest, Oswald is a very, how do you say, "ambitious" person. He never was rich, but all his life hes strived to find the objects or particles of certain things to get what he wanted. Oswald believes that if you try hard enough, you can attain his desires. With his brain, he likes to balance out his life with a few things: Spirit, Mind, Physicality, and Emotion. Unlike most other kids his age in the Kingdom of Wands, Oswald believed that he needed to "do something", to "learn something". He is usually very optimistic about things, but not overly as he believes those people need to , "chill out and think about crying babies for a second".

Whats your story?
Oswald was the son of a low-economically standing family in the Kingdom of Pentacles, and was put in a small Education tutoring group for his part of the neighborhood. But throughout his childhood, he displayed signs that most of the other low-helped children did. He had an optimism and a curiosity most didn't, and with his personality belief that one must go after the things he wanted. But somehow, with fate with him, he felt like his belief was coming true. This was when he became interested in the Tarot, cards he found in a ditch on a rainy day. They coincided with people and places in his world, so he began traveling after he finished his education. In the kingdoms, he became a small elegend, much like a carnival (if this existed).


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Jun the Mage.jpg

Jun Hyuga


Judgement Arcana.jpg

Dragonbone Sword (Made from the bones of a cannbalistic dragon who was sentenced to death by Karran)
The former dragon Arbiter, Karran (He presided over the Winged Court before being exiled)

Judgement Scale: Jun can look into a persons very soul and judge their very being. If the individual is innocent, they will either receive a pardon or a small reward for their good behavior. Jun can even use this to boost the power of his allies in battle. If the individual is GUILTY however, Jun becomes just as vicious of an Arbiter as his father, Karran. He will use the magic of the Judgement Scale to deliver a punishment befitting the one being punished. For example a pickpocket would lose everything he holds dear while a murderer would die in a similar or worse way to his victims.

Jun is quite intelligent. However he does possess a very clear definition of right and wrong. Having been raised by a dragon almost his entire life. Jun can be very offputting or downright scary to some people. With his power, Jun realizes the infinite possibilities that come with it. People can find it hard to approach Jun because of his father. This has led to Jun being kind of withdrawn from time to time. He may seem aloof but he it really just shy. When judging people, Jun tries to look for the best in them. If he finds their criminal misdeeds however, he becomes just as furious as a dragon. You would be doomed to eternal punishment if he felt you deserved it.

Jun was found in the wilds by the Blue Dragon Karran. For most of his life, Karran raised him in the forests near the Kingdom of Swords. Karran was a former Dragon Arbiter. He would lay judgement upon dragons who had committed crimes against other dragons. When he was younger, Jun would listen for hours on end as his father talked about the lives he saved or bettered because he upheld the law. However the reason he lost his position was due to the higher ups and their dislike for his conduct. They wanted someone who could be bribed or threatened. Jun then decided he wanted to be just like his father and help those in need. When he was younger, he went out into an area Karran disliked to pick berries. A monster attacked the small and weak Jun. However a knight saved him. This knight was Captain Odin. The Order of the Sword was repelling bandits in this area. One of them released a beast to kill the captain. As it knocked the Captain down, Jun looked inside its heart and saw all it had ever done. It just ate innocent creatures until it needed to sleep. Giving into his instincts, he punished it. The Judgement Scale within him forced other woodland predators to come and devour the monster. Later he was taken in by Odin to train his abilities. Karran came along as he was still Jun's father. Over time, Jun came to view both Karran and Odin as family. However when Odin was murdered by his subordinates, Jun and Karran were forced to flee. Making his way as a Mercenary, Jun plots his vengeance.


Name: Alida Natale

Age: 18


[Must be related to the picture on your card]

[Must be related to the appearance, number, and/or meaning of your card]

[Must be related to your cards meaning, with your twist if you want]

[MUST be related to the upright and reverse meanings of your card]
"why run from your desires,when it is much sweeter to embrace them."
Name: Damian Cervantes

Age: 23 yrs (The devil is #15 1+5=6 6=2x3. 23)

Arcana: The Devil

Weapons: Deception & Manipulation

Sin Suggestion- Damian has the ability to Remove a persons inhibitions and silence their conscious. Whatever sin a persons heart feels, be it Wrath, Lust, Envy, Greed, Pride, Gluttony, or Sloth. He can drive individuals to pursue those sins. He creates a sort of addiction to said sin...for Example Mickey Was Only fighting in the underground fighting Rings to take care of his family, Damian used his power him and now mickey suffers from an addiction to the sin of wrath.

Sin Empowerment- The more sin that Damian surrounds himself the more potent his ability is and vice versa. So if you were in a church with a bunch of virtuous people the effects would be much easier to resist, but on the flip side if you are in a prison or a whore house then resisting the suggestion becomes close to impossible.

Damian is an abominable man. He seems to manifest all of the sins in great amounts. Not to mention he himself has a very addictive personality. Despite all of this he seems to carry himself with a regal almost god like poise. In his mind he and these other tarots are the new gods, and he intends to be the Zeus of this pantheon.

Born the son of a priest no one seemed to see damian coming. When he was born he was born into sin. His mother dies in labor and his father blamed him. So he always told the boy "your an evil child." however his hatred and malice backfired. As damian grew to agree with him, he was in fact and evil child. He left his home at 17 and began to work for a bar in the cups kingdom. He stayed there for 5 years. However when he found about his powers he knew things would be slowly changing. Several people in his the bar began to suffer from alcohol poisoning, fights broke out etc. Eventually he invited his father to "show him what he did". When his father came he suggested just one drink. That night his father drank himself to death. So damian began to search out the other tarots in a slow effort to put himself on the top of the deck.​
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Art by Coupleofkooks ------> coupleofkooks on DeviantArt
Standing at 6'10", Saverous is both heavily muscled and heavily scarred. The signs of burns, slashes, and more litter his body from head to toe, only partially hidden by the menagerie of tattoos covering him in cryptic runes, strange chimeras, and forms distorted by scar tissue.

Name: Saverous

Age: Hundreds of years? Thousands? Saverous won't tell, but he's old enough to know better, and old enough to have already done it six times over at some point in the distant past.

Arcana: Wheel of Fortune
Art by Casimir Lee -----> Casimir Lee
Weapons: He wields whatever he comes across, knowing that fate will guide him on the right path. Usually, he carries a simple short sword he claims to have found over a hundred times.

Powers: Immortality, Regeneration, Perpetual Death and Rebirth. Though unable to die, Saverous' abilities are limited in many ways. For example, though he is able to reform a limb if it were to be removed, the process is excruciatingly painful, making it a far wiser choice to simply re-attach the limb, for no matter how badly damaged it is, it will undoubtedly only be a tenth as painful as the creation of a new one. The only way to truly incapacitate Saverous is to chop him into infinitesimally small pieces, but even this won't work forever, for even in the mindless horror of such a fate, his body will subconsciously attempt to coalesce and heal itself. Another major factor is that Saverous' so called regeneration can takes anywhere between several minutes and several hours to heal him, usually leaving him yet one more scar for his already impressive (yet rather disturbing) collection.

Along with his apparent immortality, Saverous is able to predict the future to an uncanny level, though this is more from his centuries of experience with all things human than anything magical. Although, his Arcana does allow him a certain affinity for spotting cycles and patterns in time, places, and people.

Beyond all that, Saverous is surprisingly human in just about every other aspect. Pain, pleasure, happiness, depression. And Regret. He's felt these emotions and many more for centuries, living to the best of his abilities whenever and wherever he finds himself, often trying to atone for some crime that is long forgotten to all but him... and perhaps the gods.

Despite his apparent torment, Saverous is still a rather religious man, having served as a priest all those ages ago, back when it all happened before. However, his outlook is rather morbid, as he believes that individuals don't really matter, what with the fact that he's seen almost the exact same people a hundred times over, living in the same places, always with the same story, with the only oddities being himself and a few others.

Perhaps due to his outlook on the world, Saverous tends to not especially try bonding with those he works with, as he knows they will all inevitably reach the end of their respective paths, and move on in the great cycle without him. Often, he wishes he could once more live with the almost childlike innocence of those around him, but such thoughts are often fleeting and trivial. After all, it hurt the worst learning the truth the first time, so doing that all over again would simply be the worst kind of nightmare possible. One in which you don't get to leave.

Life and Death. Age and Youth. Rot and Growth. Truth and Lies. Entropy and Order. These dualities and many more rule the world with an iron fist, guiding all on the path of their destinies. However, there are but a few who have escaped the great Wheel of Fortune. Often, these few attempt to escape on purpose, in order to rule for eternity, or continue gaining power, or even to simply continue learning all they can. But, these attempts usually lead to one place, that which we all must go to, though some sooner than others. Death. But, there are a few who, through no action on their part, are simply given this... gift, if that is what you wish to call it. Saverous is one such individual. Some would simply say that him being chosen to represent the Wheel of Fortune was bad luck, or an act from the powers that be, divine punishment, or maybe even simply fate. Whatever caused him to be chosen, it doesn't matter anymore. What matters now is doing it, over and over again, for all time. That is, unless someone can break the cycle, and end his punishment.​
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