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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex watched as Nate ran past him before he slowed down after looking over his shoulder. "We're in South Dakota. I won by a few feet." Alex said with a laugh. "Welcome to Lemmon South Dakota." Alex said, reading the sign by the highway. He looked back at Nate. "Now, let's check this city out quietly" Alex said, heading down the main road, walking up to Nate. He didn't know what they'd find here, but he hoped there were no hunters or a lot of infected.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate moved to Alex’s side and nudged his side. “Okay, you get first bite of our food right?” He leaned in close so that he could be quiet. “But you gotta find it first, Monkey Man. What do you think we’ll find first? My bet is on some stale chips.” He tried not to laugh at the thought. Instead he moved along the street, slower now, quieter, turning his head down, as he focused on the sounds. Nothing. That meant that they weren’t out in the streets. That was good at least. So what buildings are around? So many different places. Like a cafe. Cafes usually had some interesting things. He touched Alex’s arm and pointed that way. No wandering off. They had a five foot rule.
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Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex nodded. "Yes, as long as its not beans" He said with a quiet chuckle, keeping his voice down. "Alright, let's go searching, I'm hoping for something better than stale chips" Alex said, following Nate quietly down the streets. He didn't hear anything around them so far. His attention was drawn to the touch on his arm and he looked over. A cafe, smart. Alex nodded, turning so they could check it out. Alex was glad that they had started the five foot rule. Hopefully it would work for them here.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

This cafe had seen some things much like every other building they asked through. As a result of early reading after outbreak day and insufficient security against nature and weather, it had plenty of rubble and broken glass all over the ground. Sometimes Nate wondered why exactly all these places got to be in such bad shape. Was it the weather? Harsh winds and rains come through without anything to stop them? But then it doesn’t seem like it should be quite that bad. Is it people? People who were negligent when everything started? They could not take care of their homes because of what? The power went out? Why does that make you want to destroy everything you touch?

Some tables were standing and some were toppled. Chairs were broken and in tact. The usual. This one had taller ceilings than some of the others since it was a city instead of a town. A hole in the ceiling let the light of the midday sun fill the space. It was nice not to have to use the flashlight, because the pinpoint spotlight did not always give him the visual that he needed.

He moved towards the counter where most materials were going to be. He hopped over the counter unnecessarily, he was in the mood after their run, and started looking through drawers. He opened the first and froze briefly. Bullets. He bit his bottom lip and breathed.
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Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex followed Nate, looking at the cafe. It amazed Alex how quickly things deteriorated, what was once probably a beautiful cafe was in ruin. Glass and rubble lining the floor and nature forcing its way in through the open windows. He looked around at it, seeing the toppled tables, with some chairs in tact and others busted. Alex was appreciative of the hole in the ceiling bathing much of the cafe in light. He looked over at Nate who'd hopped over the counter and walked over to him. He saw him freeze for a second and tilted his head. "Nate?" He asked, stepping up to the counter. He wanted to check the kitchen, maybe there was still stuff in there. He wouldn't leave Nate's side this time, he didn't want a repeat of the North Dakota town. "What's wrong?" He asked, trying to see just what had made him pause.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate wanted to say nothing. Everything was fine. He was fine. But he wasn’t, and there was something there. It would be an outright lie if he were to pretend like this did not wildly affect him. They did not lie to each other. They promised to tell their secrets. They promised to share their demons. They promised.

“I’m going to tell you that I’m fine, and it’s going to mostly be a lie, but I will be fine, I just need a moment.” He breathed. “So, I’m fine, and everything is fine.” He looked up towards Alex. “Need any bullets?” He smiled. Smiling kept the pain in check. Then he opened up a couple of other drawers where he found a handful of supplies that would allow him to make more medical salves and maybe complete his search for some Molotovs. They were a barbaric and horrible weapon, but they were extremely useful when it came to hoards. “Okay, lead me to the next area since I chose this one first.” They would stick together.
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Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex nodded. He knew what Nate meant and he understood. "Okay. As long as you will be okay" Alex said. He shook his head a moment later. "I'm all set but thanks" He said with a smile. He didn't like using a pistol, it was loud and had high chances of missing. Alex waited patiently while Nate checked the rest of the drawers. He smiled as Nate spoke again. "Okay" Alex said, making his way towards the kitchen. He looked in slowly, listening. He didn't hear anything so he stepped in, eyes looking around. "It's clear" Alex said, walking in and started searching cabinets and drawers. He found several pieces of scissors, some cloth, alcohol, and what was that? Alex reached into one of the cabinets that was probably supposed to store food and pulled out a can of raviolis. "Ah, look what I've found" Alex said, holding his find up for Nate to see.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate followed behind him closely for several reasons. One, he was needy. He knew that with the bullets hanging in his mind, he was going to need a moment for grounding, and he was not so great at grounding on his own, thus necessitating the closeness. Two, they were not about to get stuck on their own in another ambush or surprise attack via various enemies. They both needed to be up and ready together.

He stood just outside the kitchen, eyeing the rest of the cafe for signs of someone untoward, until Alex gave the all clear before popping in behind him. He opened several cabinets, a couple of drawers, and peered inside some questionable looking appliances. There was not much but it was enough to replenish some places he felt like were dwindling. There were a couple of canisters they could use. Some sugar. That was always helpful too. oh look at that- very old tape. He was just about to say that he had all the trappings for a musical shaker when Alex beat him to an exciting find.

“No way. No way!” He bounced behind him, peering over his shoulder. “My hero!” He wrapped two loose arms around Alex. “And now I’m forever indebted to you.”
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Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex laughed when he heard Nate behind him. He saw the other man peering over his shoulder before two loose arms wrapped around him. "What can I say? I told you I'd find something better than canned beans" He said, a smile on his face. "Good. I could use someone indebted to me" Alex added. He tucked the can into his pack, twisting in Nate's arms to look at him. "Find anything interesting in here?" He asked him, curious.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate rested his chin on Alex’s shoulder as he held onto him. “Not nearly as interesting as your find. I am so over beans. Did you only find one? Because that’s still better than nothing.” He considered pulling his finds out and then decided he would rather stay where he was as he talked. “Found some canisters, some salt, and some tape. So, shakers! Or alternatively bombs with the scissors I have in there somewhere. If we come across another big guy, that could be useful.” He pulled himself away, mostly, and moved to the side, keeping one hand still touching his side. “Wanna check out some more places? Maybe we can find some more Chef Boyardee so that we aren’t stuck with the beans when this is done.”
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Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex let out a small sigh as Nate rested his chin on his shoulder. "Yeah, I only found one, but there is hope. Perhaps we can find more." Alex said. He listened to Nate explain what he'd found and smiled. "Shakers would be fun though bombs are definitely more practical" He said, watching as Nate pulled himself away, though he noticed that Nate kept one touching Alex's side. "Yeah, I think we've cleared this place out. Maybe we should try some of the houses, if families left in a hurry we might get pretty lucky" Alex suggested.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate nodded briefly allowing his fingers to linger on the fabric of Alex’s tunic before moving out of the kitchen and through the cafe. “We could have a whole party with shakers. Granted, I guess we could also have a party with bombs. It would be like really dangerous confetti. Or at least that’s what I would assume. I never actually saw confetti. I have seen it in the books. Mama said it was super fun though. Don’t think bombs would be super fun for us.” He shrugged before entering the streets and shutting his mouth. He could be quiet. He knew better than to be loud in the streets.
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Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex looked at Nate, he could tell that the bullets must've thrown him off. It felt like he was trying to ground himself. He'd noticed how close Nate had been going from the front of the cafe to the kitchen. "I don't think a party with bombs would be a smart idea, unless we have a hoard in front of us" Alex said with a smile. "Also, another thing we can add to our list of things to do once we find that farmhouse. Find some confetti to throw" Alex added, his hand reaching out and taking Nate's hand. Once they made it back onto the streets, Alex looked around. There were several businesses lining the streets, and they all seem to have apartments above. He saw one a few feet up that looked a little less in ruins, odd. Someone must've tried to make it work long after the city was abandoned. He kept walking before he stopped, to their left was a large building with several windows around it, vines creeping up its sides. "We can try there, it'll either be all apartments or all offices" Alex suggested softly. As long as they didn't run into any infected, especially stalkers Alex hated those, the second stage of infected and the most annoying, The building looked in relatively okay condition to make their way through.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate’s eyes darted down to the hand Alex clasped and grinned. That was exactly what he needed. Grounding. Having him there was helpful. The hand was like a physical reminder that he was not alone. Being alone was worse than anything else. When he was alone, it was not just the memories that haunted him. His own mind creeped through as well. It was full of thoughts that he would rather not have. But if he could focus on the hand, maybe he could remember how it was to be two again. Maybe he could remember the world he liked to see.

His eyes drifted up the building, examining its state of decay, or lack in comparison to those around it. If this was better cared for, there was a chance of finding more infected. And if there was a chance of infected- no, don’t think like that. He battled the infected many times without something happening like the last time. That was a mistake he made. He would not make that same mistake. His jacket was not going to continue to be able to save him if he did. “So what’s your plan? Inside one of these businesses, hope for stairs to get up to the apartments above, or crawl our way through rubble?”
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Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex looked over at Nate, then back at the building. He didn't have a solid plan honestly, but he'd figure it out. "I'm hoping we can get into the front door and find a staircase to go floor by floor as high as we can." Alex said. It wasn't the best plan, and clearly had a lot of holes such as no passable stairs or the front door blocked. "I'm sure we can find a way in there somehow" Alex added, heading towards the front door first, not entirely sure what he'd find. When they made it to the front door, he pushed on the glass, the door swinging open. "Well, step one. Get inside" He said softly.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

That seemed like a solid enough plan for him, so sure. He followed after Alex, wondering how easy it would be to get in. Oh, apparently easy. Well that was convenient. He did love a nice, swinging door. As they stepped inside, he peered through, eyes sweeping for any sign of other life. Nothing. What about sound? He listened as he slowly moved forward. Nothing. “Well this is a good start,” he whispered as they moved fully into the building. “So, if I were stairs where would I be?” He pushed forward, careful not to step on anything broken, scanning the perimeter. Doors were usually the answer to that question. Doors and walkways. As they already knew, these were his nemeses, though it was less difficult to get lost in somewhere like this than in places that were in rough shape. Or in better shape. This one was in a nice state of disrepair instead.
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Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex looked around as they stepped inside the door. He glanced around, noticing a front desk and some mail boxes on the other side. Just past the front desk there were two doors. Alex kept his ears and eyes trained for any sound or movement. This place wasn't in horrible shape, looking nicer than some places he's seen. Alex stepped slowly forward. "Two doors up ahead. One must have stairs, and maybe the other is a supply closet" Alex said quietly.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate scanned the mailboxes to see if any were open. They all looked shut and therefore locked. He moved along to the end of the room towards the two doors. He tried one. “Locked.” He tried the other door. Not locked. He pushed it open and peered inside. “Ah, the stairs. Nice. But I am wildly curious about the other room, so… I’m gonna make the irrational decision to open it up.” He pulled his hand from Alex’s and stepped over to the locked door. He pulled out the knife he took from the hunter and worked his magic. He was getting better at this, because in just a few seconds this time, the door swung open. He held his breath and listened. Nothing. That was probably good. He took Alex’s hand again and stepped inside.
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Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex watched as Nate tried one door, which was locked. Alex was fine to leave it alone as Nate opened the other door to find the stairs. Alex was ready to enter the staircase when he heard Nate talk about the other room. Alex was wary, locked doors either were locked prior to the outbreak he'd found or they had an infected locked inside. "Nate.." Alex went to stop him when he popped open the door. Okay. Nevermind. Alex gladly took Nate's hand as they entered the room, it was dark but quiet. Maybe it was locked prior to the outbreak? Alex really couldn't see much and he didn't have a torch on him. "I can't see anything" Alex said softly.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

He leaned to the side and grabbed his flashlight. He flicked it on and scanned from the doorway. This was what he thought they would find. In all of these places, locked doors by desks often meant janitorial closets. That, in turn, meant supplies for them. And if it was locked, that meant that no one else was lucky enough to find the haul before them. “Well, aren’t we just sitting on fences with birds feeding us.” He grinned like they just won the lottery that didn’t exist anymore. “I think we have our pick of some mighty fine supplies. What do you think my handsome companion?” Without waiting, he moved them forward into the closet full of rags, parts, and all sorts of goodies.
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Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex actually jumped a little at the sudden light. He'd never seen a flashlight before, they used torches and fire back in his group, so he'd never seen one. "What is that?" He asked, pointing to the flashlight. "I think you're right" Alex added, looking over at Nate, still a little unsure of the thing in his hand that emitted light. He stepped into the closet and looked around, grabbing the useful things he could find.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Nate furrowed his brows and stared at Alex instead of grabbing any additional supplies. “What, you mean this?” He lifted the flashlight and kind of waved it in front of him. “A flashlight? Don’t you have a flashlight?” This was such a mundane item that it never occurred to him that something like this wouldn’t be just everywhere. He was probably holding a flashlight before just about anything else. “Do you not know what this thing is?” He asked a bit incredulously. “Because that would be crazy.” He held it out to him. “It’s the coolest thing.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex had paused when he heard Nate talking about the thing in his hand. "Yeah, that" Alex said, turning and walking to Nate. He looked at it weird. "A flashlight? And it shines a light?" He said, reaching out a tentative hand when Nate held it out to him. "I didn't know what it was, we had torches with fire to light everything when we needed to see" Alex said, holding the metal in his hands. He clicked a button and the room went dark, then he did it again and the room lit up again. "Wow" He said softly, looking at the part where he saw the light before quickly moving it away. "That's bright" He said, feeling completely embarrassed now.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; South Dakota

“Your people are weird,” he responded as he stood beside Alex. Watching him play with that was fascinating. “Now, don’t shine it in your-“ too late. “Eyes.” He stifled a laugh and patted Alex on the back. “Yeah, it gets pretty bright. If you wanna see how it works, I’ll show you when we’ve got some more sun for light. You’re gonna thing it’s crazy. This one runs on solar power. The sun makes it do things. I have no idea how something like solar power actually works, but I can show you what I know. And now that I know that you have been without, I’m gonna find you one too. Hopefully. I don’t see one in here. These kinds of places have the old ones that ran on batteries, you probably don’t know what that is either. Well, you stuck these little like tubes of power inside ‘em and then they lit up. But, the problem is that those things are hard to come by now and also they corrode and like explode in there until everything is covered with this awful white stuff that smells horrible and makes everything stop working right.” He took in a deep breath. “Okay, history lesson is done, and we can proceed if you’d like.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; South Dakota

Alex blushed as he looked away. He felt Nate pat him on the back and smiled over at him. "Wait, the sun powers them? That's so weird. You call us weird but using the sun? Odd" Alex said, listening to Nate explain about older flashlights and batteries, whatever those things are. There was so much modern world stuff that Alex didn't know about, including flashlights. "Sounds good to me" He said, handing the metal thing back to Nate. He felt kind of silly now, not knowing what a flashlight was. He ventured further into the closet to look for supplies, finding some more rags and some pieces that he could probably attach to his bow to strengthen it.

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