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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Nate nodded, or tried from his spot on the floor, as his eyes closed. Everything was so heavy. He was so tired. When was the last time he was this tired? Oh, two days ago? He loved that for them. He laid on his side, unsure what he should do. But the space between was nothing now, and he realized that he was too tired to care about whatever his mind was worried about. Being appropriate or alternatively indecent. Being forward or alternatively shy. He was just going to be Nate then, because clearly Alex was just going to be Alex, and that was so beautiful that it almost hurt him inside. “Okay,” he whispered though he may not have even actually said it. With his eyes closed, he readjusted and their heads were touching. Probably should have pulled away. But he didn’t. Instead, he stayed there, hoping that the touch was grounding enough for both of them. And then he fell asleep.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex was content to allow their heads to touch, that comfort was needed after such an emotional day. He fell into a deep sleep, comforted by Nate’s presence and touch.

The sun filtered down through trees and woke Alex up. He needed to learn to stay still during sleeping. Today he was as close to Nate as possible. For some reason he was happy enough to stay there. He moved his head so he could look at Nate.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Nate dreamed.
And then he woke up.

It was dark; the kind that was oppressive rather than soothing. Around him, he could see very little since there was no light. What little light there was reflected from the moon and trickled through the leaves, so it really wasn’t all that much. It was, though, enough to make out shapes. Shapes of trees and bushes. Shapes of packs. And of course, the comforting shape of Alex. His sleepy mind remembered little of the day and would continue not to even try. Instead. He smooshed himself Alex’s warm body, ramming cold arms against his chest, and willing himself to fall back asleep.

And then, because he was just so tired, he kept sleeping. Any time his brain awoke, he did not even open his eyes. He readjusted a little and then went back to sleep. Even when he knew that there was light outside those closed eyelids, he couldn’t make himself open them. That would break the peace he found. So he ignored it. And when Alex moved, pulling his head away, Nate was awake enough to feel movement but not enough to process. Instead, he buried himself further into the body beside him.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex hadn’t felt Nate move closer to him during the night. Alex didn’t move any further, quite content with the peaceful atmosphere and Nate buried into him. He knew he should wake Nate and they should get moving. But he didn’t want to wake him up. Yesterday had been rough, but the hunters could decide to try and follow them. Especially since they’d killed four of them. He’d give Nate a little bit more time to sleep then he’d wake him up.
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Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

By the time that Nate opened his eyes, it was probably later than he should have. He could feel that he had been laying there a moment. But he had been so cozy all bundled in the blankets. He was a tangle of both and found himself all but attached to his companion. He really did like that feeling. The only thing that could have been better was a bed. They needed to find themselves one of those abandoned beautiful places with mattresses that didn’t look like they were actually falling apart. And maybe replace the sleeping bag? Or not. He kind of liked it as a blanket as well. Oh and also find Alex some better clothes. And also him some better clothes. These were torn apart and had a whole lot of his own blood on them now. Though that didn’t really bother him that much seeing as the way he had lived his whole life, he did miss being clean.

He very slowly moved his head back, blinking a few times. He considered moving his arms, but decided against it. No he should move them. Come on Nate. You can do this. You can sleep in when you find that magical farmhouse. Until then, you have to keep moving. He yawned, almost squeaking, and involuntarily moved one of his arms.

“Hi,” he smiled, eyes fighting to stay open and losing horribly. “How fancy meeting you here.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex knew they were close, all tangled in the blankets and a bit of each other too. Alex had closed his eyes for a few minutes. He opened them when he felt Nate moving beside him. His head moving back and Alex heard him yawn, though it could’ve been considered a borderline squeak. How was this man so perfect to Alex? He saw Nate move an arm and he smiled when he heard him talk. “Hey there. Nice to see you up and about.” Alex said softly. He knew they should move, get up and have breakfast and travel on. But Alex was having a hard time moving his own limbs. “Feeling better this morning?” He asked.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Nate tried to pull his head up, failed, fell mostly on Alex, mumbled something that might have been an apology and also might have been a laugh. With the arm that was making itself acquainted with Alex, he pushed himself up again until he was sort of up-ish except for the part where his legs refused to get the memo. He looked a bit like he was doing one of those stretches those ladies would do back at one of the bases. What was that called again? Like, um.. yoga? That was what he was pretty sure he looked like. “Well, I feel like the spirit and flesh were equally unwilling, but a nice nap does make it easier to hitch up the bootstraps.” He yawned again, and it mostly sounded like a yawn this time. “And a nice pillow isn’t too bad either.” He grinned only slightly aware that he had just about given up using his own arm as a pillow and just used Alex instead. What exactly was he giving in the barter oft their nights now? Because from where he was, all he gave was a beaten up might as well be a blanket. Alex gave an actual blanket, additional warmth, and also the apparently unwitting cushion of his own body. And he was the guide here. And he was dealing with Nate and his many, many struggles. He reached up a hand, one that was not working on keeping him upright, and stroked the scars on his cheeks. Nate, giggly at night, was also affectionate in the mornings. It must have been a result of his sleepy states. “Okay, getting up. That’s me.” Sure wasn’t, but he could lie and say he was at least trying.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

He watched as Nate tried to get up, falling pretty much on Alex who really did not care, and he smiled. “Getting a good stretch there?” He asked, his eyes twinkling with good natured playfulness. “I’m glad I could provide such a comfortable pillow for you.” He added. Alex didn’t care how close Nate got to him, he’d take it anytime. Alex suddenly wanted the world to freeze, and they could lay there all day long with no worries. He longed for the farmhouse dream, waking up beside Nate every day? That sounded peaceful and perfect to Alex. He blushed as he felt Nate stroke his scars on his cheeks. Somehow when Nate did that, Alex felt like he belonged, like everything is okay and Alex isn’t as scarred as he felt. “You want some help getting up?” Alex asked softly.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

He stared at the scars as he ran his fingers gently over them, imagining memories that did not belong to him. A beautiful young boy running with two young friends, climbing trees, and getting into all the mischief. That boy learning how to use a bow from anywhere, maybe even practicing that speed pulling it out and working its magic. Someone giving him scars that matched everyone else’s.

He blinked, coming back to reality where right there in front of him was that beautiful boy all grown up. “Oh right, that’s what I was trying to do. Why’d you go and distract me like that?” He drew his hand away, feeling almost an elastic tension like he should put those fingers back where they were, and he almost did. He almost- no, he needed to get up and stop being so… whatever he was being. He sighed, shoved both hands on the ground and hoisted his body up until he could jump up a little and swing his feet underneath him. Ooh should he not have done that with the open wounds? He paused, trying to feel how was. No problems? Probably no problems. He didn’t feel anything too terrible, so yeah, this was fine. He wiggled slightly before popping back up, the same kinds of movements he got scolded for the night before – the logic still stood; if he was going to reopen things, then Alex had to patch him up. Once standing, he stretched his arms up high, and then yawned yet again. This one was big and loud. His arms fell back and landed on his lips. “well, I guess I’m awake now.” He offered his hand. “Wanna join me in wakefulness?”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex was fascinated by watching Nate trace his scars. A moment later Nate spoke and drew his hand away. “I distracted you? Okay.” Alex laughed. He watched as Nate stood up a little quicker than Alex would’ve liked. He’d wrap Nate up again if he had too. He smiled, extending his hand and took Nate’s offered hand. “I guess so.” Alex said with a smile, getting to his own feet. “Can I check your back? You got up pretty fast.” Alex asked concerned.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

“Oh boy do you ever,” Nate answered as he helped Alex up. A sheen of red spattered across his face, and he ignored it, because there was no use in telling himself that he was doing exactly what he tried to avoid the night before. And yet here he was, not ignoring it after all and sighed. He swung that hand that he held and grinned. “Yes, you can check. I don’t feel any issues, but eyes on them are always better than what I can do on my own. Even if I tell you otherwise.” He swung their hands a few more times, getting a little bit lost in Alex’s face, then pulled it together and turned around as he removed his various layers.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex laughed. “Good to know.” He said, noticing the sheen of red on Nate’s face. He felt Nate swing their hands and chuckled at it. “Thank you. I would feel better making sure your wounds aren’t reopened.” Alex said as he felt Nate swung their hands a few more times before he turned his back to Alex and began pulling off his layers. Once they were off, Alex checked under each wrap and didn’t see any reopened or bleeding.” Alex said gratefully.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

It would be because you’re so freaking cute, he did not say, because that would be a bit much even if it was more than a little true. Instead of being that embarrassing guy, he let Alex have that as he checked on each of the injuries. The warmth of his skin felt so nice on his back, and all he was doing was messing with bandages. He did not throw his head back and groan like he thought about when considering his own ridiculous thoughts. Instead, he swiveled back around, both hands landing on Alex’s arms to stop him from moving any further, and he smiled just about as brightly as he could. “Good. Alright, beautiful, what breakfast are we eating today?” He did not notice the specific words that he said. He pulled open his own pack and pulled out not one but two cans of beans. “Do you want an elegant meal of canned beans? Or are you in an adventurous mood and want some horribly exotic canned beans?” He held them both up like they were terribly fancy. One of these days, they were going to find something better, Maybe some canned soup.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex looked at him when Nate spoke. Did he really call Alex beautiful? Did he get that right? Hmm. Alex looked between both cans of beans and thought. “Hmm. I’m feeling exotic this morning” Alex said with a laugh, pointing at the exotic can of beans. “I’m making it a point to find something other than beans to eat when we come to the next town.” Alex said.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Nate tossed the exotic beans in the air and caught it again. “Adventure it is! That seems fitting with the whole traveling in the forest things that we are doing.” He tossed the fancy beans back into his pack, grabbed the knife and paused as he realized that he had not cleaned it off. “Ooh, give me a moment. I don’t think I want beans spiced with hunter.” He put the beans down and took the moment to clean off the knife before inspecting it, decided that was pretty clean, and opening the can. “Ah, the decadent aroma of exotic beans.” He sighed like it was great which then turned into a sigh of it not being so. “If you find us anything else, you will be my hero.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex laughed, he never realized how much he’d been laughing since he met Nate. “It’s almost poetic isn’t it?” Alex said with a small grin. Then again he chuckled when Nate commented about the knife. “Yeah, I really don’t want to taste hunter with my beans.” Alex commented as he watched Nate clean the knife off before popping the top off. Alex raised an eyebrow. “Challenge accepted then Nate.” He said.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

He handed Alex one of the spoons and held the can of beans between them. “Poetic beans. Yes, I can fell the drama wafting through the air.” He inhaled a big whiff and turned his face away, scrunched and almost choking. “Too much bean.” He shook his head. “Way too much bean. For real, if you find something else, I will be forever indebted to you. I am so over beans.” He turned back to them, shoveled a whole spoonful, and ate it like he did not just besmirch them.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex chuckled listening to Nate as he took the spoon from him. “Yes. Dramatic beans.” Alex said with a smile then laughed rather loudly at Nate. He had inhaled a big whiff of beans and Alex immediately saw the reaction. “Even I wouldn’t do that Nate.” Alex said with a snort. “Now I’m going to find us another food that we can store aside from beans.” Alex added.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

“I thought we were being exotic! Where’s your sense of adventure? Your whimsy!” He said all of this with his mouth full. Shoot, don’t be gross. He snorted as well, air struggling due to the food consumption at the same time, and covered his mouth as well as looking away. Once he swallowed he continued, “whimsy!” Before taking another bite. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Alex curiously. “I am now worried about what I have just promised myself to do for you for the rest of time.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

“I have a sense of adventure. I’m traveling with you.” Alex said, rolling his eyes playfully. His face furrowed when he saw Nate basically talk while eating then struggling to breathe. When Alex saw him recover, he looked at him. “You okay??” He asked. Nate seemed to be okay though when he continued talking. “Don’t worry, it won’t be anything crazy. Promise.” Alex laughed.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Nate nodded, ignoring the tears that came with briefly not being able to breathed and then burst into laughter. Thankfully, he swallowed his beans before that happened otherwise this could be a problem. But it wasn’t! It was just silly and a little stupid. “I’m good!” He narrowed his own eyes and stared at Alex. “Are you?” Willing himself to be serious. His lips forgot that he was being serious and smiled just a little bit anyway.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex laughed at Nate when he laughed. “I’m glad. I probably would have no idea how to save you.” Alex said with a grin. He saw Nate’s narrowed eyes and smirked. “I’m great.” He said, crossing his arms.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

“Didn’t anyone ever teach you the Heimlich?” He put the beans and the spoon down before pantomiming arms around someone and squeezing. “You know, squeeze until whatever someone’s choking on comes out? And then hope desperately that person is breathing when you’re done?” He shrugged. He had never actually had to do that though he got real close with Ben once. His mama stopped him and said that Ben better get it together or she would be the one to fix him. He cough a little but in the end got better on his own. She smiled, smacked him hard on the back and told him that fear always worked.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex shook his head. “No, we had enough healers that if someone was choking, they go there” Alex said. He really didn’t know how to do it. It was something taught to healers not warriors. “Maybe you should teach me?” Alex asked. He should know it just in case.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

That was actually a great idea. Because if he did decide to choke on some beans, he was going to need someone to save him. And who else was going to save him if not Alex? “Actually, yes we’re doing that now. I don’t want to die.” He plucked Alex’s spoon from his hand and moved behind him. “Okay, so when someone is choking on whatever, you go up behind them and put your arms around the abdomen like this.” He pushed his arms and held them firmly against Alex. “Don’t be loosy goosy with it. And you want to make sure it’s not up by your ribs,” he broke the hold to touch where he meant, “but not so far down as your belly button,” which he then poked like a rude. “Get your spot and hold tight. You gotta mean it. Then you put one hand over your fist like this, and you want to pull back and up real quick,” he gave a gentle version as demonstration. “When you do it for real, you’re gonna do it fast and hard enough to force the air up and then also the thing blocking the way. Make sense?”

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