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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Was that a challenge? When did he get so into challenges? When did he start to care so much about said challenges? This could be considered getting out of hand for a good boy such as himself. But you know what? He knew when it started. It was right about when those challenges were directly related to a certain someone standing right there in front of him. He was okay with that. More than okay with that.

Keeping that downright despondent expression, he knelt down, body sagging, trying for the world to look like his whole soul was being crushed. “I’m just cold,” he whined, pitiful and tiny. He furrowed his brows and pulled in his arms. Maybe even managed a shiver. “You would really feed them poor little me?”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex was really trying to keep himself from laughing. Nate was really good at making Alex feel like he was being mean. He knew it was in good fun. “Well… maybe if we share the blanket, I might be willing to allow you to stay alive and not feed you too the infected.” Alex said, watching Nate looking so pitiful.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

“I think….” Nate looked down, surveying the ground like he at all cared about it right now. “I guess….” He shifted a little. He needed to be slightly closer to pull this off. Just a little. “I mean….” And then he lunged himself forward, throwing his arms around Alex in what could only be described as a bear hug. In the midst of an abundance of laughs, he managed, “Okay!” as bright and chipper as he often was, and then rolled away, popped up – too fast – and skipped – also too fast – away from their little clearing and towards their actual camp where they abandoned all of their things. He would have to deal with the consequences of these actions later, but it was worth it for now.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex was watching Nate, seeing him shifting and looking at the ground. He had no idea what was going on in his mind. Alex was a little confused at this point. It was a good thing Alex knew how to keep his balance. All of a sudden Nate lunged forward and gave Alex a big bear hug, before saying Okay, and then he rolled away, got up and skipped back to their camp. “Nate.. if you hurt yourself again, I’m not gonna be happy.” Alex said, grabbing the blanket and walking back to their camp.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

“I would never!” he called back. He reached the camp and slowed significantly, taking the moment before Alex got there to take in some serious and deep breaths to work through his sore body. Did he open anything back there? He stood very still, moved a little, and… nope, not open! Probably. Yesterday meant that things were healing much better than he expected, and therefore he was probably fine. He bent down slower than normal but faster than he might have needed to, but determined that this was probably fine. Everything was great!
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex definitely did not believe him. He made it to camp to see Nate checking on his injuries. “Do I need to check your back?” Alex asked, stepping up closer to Nate. “Should probably make sure it’s still healing well.” He added.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Nate shrugged like one does when they wanted to avoid the things that could potentially be scary but were probably fine. It was not so much that he was hiding this from Alex and more like he hated to take up so much time to essentially learn what they already knew which was that it was not as bad as it could be, it was mostly bruising, and he would know when it got worse. He was pretty sure anyway.

“You know what I think?” He pulled out the can of beans from his bag. “I think these beans are calling for us to finish them.” He held out the spoons. “Care to join me before we leave our humble abode?”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m not hungry. Now stop avoiding the question.” Alex said. He wasn’t budging until he could make sure that Nate’s back was healing well and he didn’t open anything. He could be stubborn when he wanted to be.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

He shoved one of the spoons into the side pocket of his pack and then shoved a spoonful of the beans into his mouth. “Well, I’m hungry, and we should always keep up our energy.” He made a pointed face towards Alex. “And I’m not avoiding. I’m expediting. I can feel that it’s okay. I’m the medic remember? And not just a were one. I am always aware. Oh that’s funny. Not a were but an aware. I should remember that for next time.” He took another bite.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex didn’t budge, eyebrow raised. “If I used that line of ‘I can feel it’s okay’ You’d still check. I’d feel better if you’d let me at least look.” Alex huffed. He didn’t think he’d win this battle but he was trying. “Yes, you’re very clever.” He added when he heard Nate’s little clever pun.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Nate considered that a moment before saying, “you’re not wrong. I would in fact not allow that, because I am the medic. I know bodies. I don’t know anything about a lot of other things, especially beautiful things that you do, but I do not bodies. And I know ailments, illnesses, plagues, and sicknesses. I know cuts, bruises, strains, and breaks.” He wiped down his spoon and shoved it into the backpack. "I know a lot about a lot of things.” He put the beans down and shrugged off the jacket. “But fine. You may check if it makes you feel better. Will you eat if you do?”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex listened to Nate, his gaze focused on the man. He knew that Nate was a medic just like Alex was a warrior. Did that matter to Alex right now? No. He was concerned that Nate had reopened something and he wanted to be sure he was okay. “If you let me check your back, I will have some food” Alex relented. His concern for Nate overriding anything else.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

In the end, it was because Alex cared so much that he allowed this. Would it have been faster to relent earlier? It would appear so, and he would have to remember how stubbornly annoying Alex planned to be in the future. This could prove to be much for them.

Nate leaned over his shoulder hand out to cup Alex’s cheek. “You are lucky that you are cute,” he smiled, rubbing his thumb against skin for a fraction of a second before twisting back around and taking the rest of his shirts off. He closed his eyes as the air hit his bare body.
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Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex felt a small smile cross his face as he heard Nate. "I use it to my advantage" He said as he felt a hand cup his cheek. That thumb rub against the skin of his cheek made his heart do flips. He watched as Nate pulled off the rest of his shirts and Alex used his fingers to gently press around the wounds, checking them and seeing that many of them had started closing or were almost closed. The bigger ones weren't opened back up but they still looked like they were going to take some time to heal. He checked the shoulder, that looked fine, and after running his hands over Nate's back one more time, he nodded and stepped back. He walked around to face Nate, placing his own hand on the man's cheek gently. "Thank you for letting me check" He said softly, imitating what Nate did and rubbing his thumb on the skin for a second before backing up. "Alright, let's have some of those beans" Alex laughed.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Nate closed his eyes as he felt Alex’s hands on his back. He took the time to measure his own reactions, though he found that difficult with how distracting Alex’s existence was. Some of the wounds disliked the touch more, but Nate suspected that came down to the bruising and swelling. That was normal. In fact, that meant that they were healing, and so he was not too worried about it. Since he sewed the shoulder yesterday, that seemed to be helping as well. He was going to have to the sutures out eventually. He had a feeling that since this was not as deep as it could be, he was looking at about a week before he needed to address it.

He practically fell into Alex’s hand as he touched his cheek. This was unfair. It was entirely unfair to make him feel that way. He shook his head as Alex left him, and with a sigh, picked up the beans again and pulled out the spoons. “Well, looky here! I have convenient pocket spoons for such occasions as this.” With the spoon, he bopped Alex on the nose. Again. This was apparently a thing he did now. “Now that you have thoroughly checked me over, which I will allow you to do from now on, I need you full and ready for the day. If our hunter friends catch up with us, which they rightly could since we didn’t move yesterday, I need you at your best.” He finished with his wide grin before taking a big ol’ bite of beans. Scrumptious.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex didn't know what had compelled him to put his hand on Nate's cheek but he didn't much care at this point. His world had been narrowed to the two of them, moving forward and surviving their way to Washington. He didn't know where in Washington they were headed so he didn't much care that he was headed back that way. He laughed as Nate produced the spoons and proceeded to bop Alex's nose with it. Alex rolled his eyes playfully as he took the spoon from Nate. "You better allow me to check you over, if I lose my medic, then I'll have to be crazy careful and I don't like that" He said, laughing. "Yes mom, I'll make sure I'm nice and full." Alex rolled his eyes playfully. The mention of the hunters catching up to them made Alex pause. Not only did they have a days trek to the Montana border ahead, of which then he'd led them south then west, then north on accident, but they had hunters behind and in front of them. Great. Alex snagged himself a spoon full of beans, eating them and trying not to spit them out. Out of the foods that survived, canned beans were his least favorite.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Nate swallowed his beans almost cheerfully as was what he did. Beans were… well, they were beans. And though he did not find himself in love with them like the beautiful masterpieces of bread, he did love that they were better than the occasional stale chips and bars that he found on his journeys. When he was lucky, he would find various interesting foods in bags and boxes that were different. He loved when he got to try new things. That was, of course, only on the rarest of occasions.

“I will,” he promised taking his list bite and wiping off the spoon to shove back in the pack. “I promise that I will not get lost in this tragic development of this conversation. I choose to believe that lost actually means literal lost, and you’ll come find me after you are done be crazy careful.” He thought on this. “I for sure turned the wrong direction and started going to other way down the street and am halfway to Kentucky.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex nodded, hearing Nate promise. He took another bite of the beans before wiping his spoon off and putting it away. "As long as we keep the five feet zone, you should not get lost" Alex chuckled. "Well, we should probably get headed, by the time we make camp we should be in Montana" Alex said, grabbing his blanket and rolling that up into his pack and swinging the pack onto his back. "If we're lucky, going this way, we should avoid the hunters at the border, but just before we get there, I'll climb up and check it out." Alex said, waiting patiently for Nate. "And if we end up in Kentucky, I'm still blaming you for getting lost and I have to go find you." He added teasingly.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Nate pulled together the supplies and threw on the pack, which he probably should have done smoother, and moved energetically behind Alex. The last time he tried to lead, they were going to the exact wrong way. If this was who he was, perhaps he could find the right direction by going the opposite way that his mind thought was correct. This was something he would be willing to test at some point. Maybe when they got there, and he had fewer chances to truly get lost.

“Well, then let’s go, guide. And, I would refute the slander you attack me with, but honestly, that is fair. I will take full responsibility for us ending up in Kentucky.” He swung his arms as they walked as an attempt to get his shoulders moving. Testing. It was not super happy with that, so he slowed. He did want to move them a little to make sure that the one did not get too stiff throughout the day. As they walked, he considered something. “If we did end up in Kentucky, I am not sure I would want to keep going. That seems like so much ground to cover again, and I ruined it when we were so much closer. Maybe I would give up and just live there. I wonder what one does in Kentucky.” He shrugged.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex walked beside Nate, ready to get moving, yesterday had been too much sitting around, even if he'd climbed some trees. "It's not slander if it's true there" He said playfully. He noticed that Nate had started swinging his arms, but slowed after a moment. Must be testing his shoulder. Alex looked over at him when he mentioned Kentucky. "I think if we made it to Kentucky, I'd probably try and keep moving. Unless I found a place to create a life. I don't know much about Kentucky honestly though, so I can't answer what one does in Kentucky" He said as they moved. He adjusted his pack slightly as it had laid a little heavier on the middle of his back than he wanted.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Nate was silent for a while, swinging his arms and working on breathing exorcises. He thought about Kentucky. Traveling everywhere, he had been before but never to stay. They were passing through. He passed through so many places that he was not sure that he knew any of them really. After a while, most of the places started to look the same while traveling. Flat land or hilly? Full of trees or baren? Buildings or not? All places were variables of the same. If he mixed and matched the variables, the pot produced new areas around the continent. Perhaps, instead, he would find a boat and travel to another continent. That could be interesting. Maybe the world looked different somewhere else.

“I get that,” he finally answered. “I guess it would make sense to keep going. I know we were talking about a farm and fancy meals and finding that place with peace to live our happily ever after, but I don’t know if I would even know how not to travel, you know? Even when we had the Fireflies, we had a base of operations that we always went back to. That was kind of like having a home, but we never stayed long. We were always on the move.” He peered over at Alex. “What is it like to have a place you actually lived. Like really lived. Stayed there for more than a month or so, didn’t travel, lived there kind of thing?”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex had listened to Nate when he mentioned what they were looking for. A place to live on a farm peaceful and with fancy meals. It seemed like a far away dream but sometimes it seemed like a close possibility. Then he heard that Nate had never really stayed somewhere for long. He started to think about how to answer his question. He sighed, looking over at Nate. "It was nice knowing that I had a place at night, every night. Having a home to go to after spending the day with either Yara and Lev or after long days training and learning how to fight. Being in one place was nice, not having to worry about finding a safe place to sleep each night. I never thought I'd be a traveler myself." Alex answered. "I couldn't imagine what it was like to grow up on the move, never staying in one place for long" He said.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Nate tried to imagine Alex’s way of living before, and it felt kind of like how it was when they were staying at the bases but longer. He wondered if his mama hadn’t been the one to always be on the move if he would have had a life similar to Alex then. Lots of the kids were trained as soldiers too. He was trained, which was why he could do enough to survive. He wondered if his mama kept him from having to become a soldier. He would have hated that, and honestly, his mama knew it. They talked about it all the time.

“I wish I had that,” he commented, looking out into the trees, scanning for anything interesting. Nearing towns to watch out for, nearing infected, or nearing hunters. “At least, I think I do. I don’t really know how to tell how much things would change. But I do think that as much as I know how to travel, I would rather not do it all the time. It gets kind of tedious, especially when you’re in one of those big cities. I hated having to find the right buildings to hide in that didn’t have any dangers. FEDRA and infected both were everywhere. I mean, I guess they still are? Or FEDRA like people. They all seem the same. Towns of aggressive people who will shoot first. Why would you want to do that?” He was veering off topic, again, but that was just how he was. “Why wouldn’t you want to bring in more people? Why wouldn’t you want to build up not keep numbers low? I thought we wanted to rebuild the world not keep it down.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex had been remembering some of his childhood when he looked over at Nate. "It was nice, even if I didn't like my group's beliefs." He said, his eyes keeping watch for anything interesting or dangerous. He also listened intently to Nate as he talked. "I've only come across one big city on my way, and not the one I'd left. I had skirted the edges of it though." He said. "I'm looking forward to finding somewhere quiet where I don't have to worry about being attacked at any time." He added. "If you bring in new people, you bring in new ideas, and new ideas can be dangerous to whoever is in charge. If they keep numbers low it's easier to control them" Alex said when he heard the change of topic concerning towns of aggressive people who shoot first ask questions later.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Nate furrowed his brows. “But we shouldn’t want to control people. And we shouldn’t be such sticklers on beliefs. Having a different perspective could be enlightening.” His arm without the shoulder injury hooked into the straps of his pack as his mind was filled with memories. “We met this older lady once. She lived on her own in a little cabin house in the middle of literally nothing. She used to live with her husband, but he died of some totally normal disease that comes with old age. Or at least, that’s what she told us. We were passing through her land, and even though we were totally strange people with all this gear and looked like we’d been through something to get there, she invited us in. Said we could use her bath to clean ourselves up, and then we could join her for dinner.” His eyes stayed narrowed as he was trapped in the memory. “So we did. All of us. And then we sat down at her dining table, and she fed us lamb. You have lamb where you were? I only ever had it then. She raised them, you know. All by herself now. And she told us stories of living on her own, away from the likes of aggressive military people. She raised her own cattle, grew her own crops, the like. I’d never seen anything like that really happening, you know. ‘How do you manage with all those infected around?’ we asked her. ‘Oh, they don’t come this way. Too far from the big cities. And if any do manage to wander this way, that’s why I have a shot gun on reserve.’ ‘But, Miss, won’t that be loud and summon the rest of them?’ She just looked at us and smiled. ‘There ain’t gonna be hoards out here. But they are welcome to wander this way. That shot gun is only for the ones who want to hurt the livestock. They are people too.’”

Nate paused there finding it hard to pull out of the memory. His lips sat parted just slightly as they moved. “Do you think so?” He asked, finally turning to face Alex. “That they’re people too? Still anyway? Do you think-“ But he couldn’t keep going. If they were still the people they were originally, then that meant- He let his jaw slide back into place.

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