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Realistic or Modern T R U S T: The Game [ OOC ]

Thanks! I'm looking to RPing with you toooooo! <3

Yeah, apparanatley so, I'm so fricking hyped!!!!! But equally not hyped because it's not coming until after GoT ends which I don't want to happen!

I love the relationship that Arya and jon have in the books, which is why it irritates me that Jon left Winterfell as she arrived. Only read the first book, but desperately want to read the other ones too!
My guy, their relationship hurts me its sooooo good. Same. I'm sad we haven't seen them reunite yet in the show. Here's hoping they might by the end of the season, though I am doubtful.
My guy, their relationship hurts me its sooooo good. Same. I'm sad we haven't seen them reunite yet in the show. Here's hoping they might by the end of the season, though I am doubtful.

I know! I'm really worried that one of them will die or something will happen that means they won't meet. But, as far as I'm concerned, the only thing I want it all the living starks together that is my one GoT wish! Ahhhh! I'm sooo excited, but nervous about the next one!
I know! I'm really worried that one of them will die or something will happen that means they won't meet. But, as far as I'm concerned, the only thing I want it all the living starks together that is my one GoT wish! Ahhhh! I'm sooo excited, but nervous about the next one!

Technically all Starks are reunited, as well as all Targaryens. ;)
W o w


lol, jk. Hallo guys! I'll be catching up by tonight! I'll be pretty much MIA today until then because I'm currently:

Technically all Starks are reunited, as well as all Targaryens. ;)
True, true... but all in one place at one time! I just want Jon and Arya to see each other again!

W o w


lol, jk. Hallo guys! I'll be catching up by tonight! I'll be pretty much MIA today until then because I'm currently:

View attachment 341718
GoT is amazing, if you ever need anyone to talk about it any time of day, I'm ya gal!

Oooh! Enjoy!

I'ma start on my first post now, I'm at a B&B with access to my laptop and decent internet so should be able to get it done soon!
ok, so I finally made a post, sorry it's a bit meh, introductory posts were never my strong point...
Hope it's ok... or at least not awful :P
apologies in advance for any mistakes I may have made...
Written by Empress with Corgi editing the current events:

Everyone is almost in the same timeline.

This is how things are right now, if I'm not mistaken:

Emm: M.I.A. still - most likely in the mansion but none have been able to reach her.

Alexei: By the gate with several people at this point

Katiana, Teddy, Elijah and Yuna are at the top of the mountain and/or by the gate- kinda split up by this point.

Mick and Tori are at the top of the mountain at the cable cart station

Gregory, I've kinda decided, probably got on the cable car that was before Mick and Tori seeing that he's already at the gate before they are- it'll just make things simpler (as long as it's okay with everyone)

Then, Lilly got on the cable car Mick and Tori were on, and by this point, Mick and Tori had already made their way to the gate seeing as she didn't see anyone. Either that, or Lilly was r e a l l y late and she is the last person to alive, meaning that Karin, Kenji, and Jacob are already there- but I think I speak for everyone that the simpler, the better, so Lilly probably got on before Mick and Tori.

And with that, Karin, Kenji, and Jacob are one the last cable car, probably the one that Lilly just got off of.
ok, so I finally made a post, sorry it's a bit meh, introductory posts were never my strong point...
Hope it's ok... or at least not awful :P
apologies in advance for any mistakes I may have made...
Alexei: By the gate with several people at this point

Katiana, Teddy, Elijah and Yuna are at the top of the mountain and/or by the gate- kinda split up by this point.

Mick and Tori are at the top of the mountain at the cable cart station

Said thousand peeps are at the top of the mountain, a bit away from the gate and in sight of the cable car station.
I'm pretty relieved to wake up and not find any activity haha I went to bed early last night and I feared 50+ new messages
Whew got another phone I can function as a normal human again: music blasting into my ears 24/7

I am completely and utterly jealous. TT_TT

Also, I'm finishing up le postie right now :)

Warning: It's mostly inner thoughts and not the best material to respond to, but since Kat is ignoring everything and attempting to focus on anything to distract her from le rumbles of le thunder, I'm putting that at the forefront. :)
I am completely and utterly jealous. TT_TT

Also, I'm finishing up le postie right now :)

Warning: It's mostly inner thoughts and not the best material to respond to, but since Kat is ignoring everything and attempting to focus on anything to distract her from le rumbles of le thunder, I'm putting that at the forefront. :)

Sounds great either way! I'm just glad to be able to post again uwu haha

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