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Realistic or Modern T R U S T: The Game [ OOC ]

:') thank you guys, i'm glad you enjoyed :')

i was watching a youtube video and writing at the same time so i apologize for any mistakes in the post, i just went back and edited but there's probably another one lurking in there rip
Okay, posted a simple start to Gregory. I would've had him arrive earlier, but uh...I didn't have time earlier today lol.
Hopefully it's not terrible, I'm feeling super self-conscious due to the fact that like 10-ish people will be reading it instead of the usual just one person. (I don't do group RPs like this very often).
I tried to make it as non-intrusive as possible, though.
Actual gif of Baguette Man when Yuna-cinnamon-roll-the-spot-of-sunshine-in-this-dreary-place refused his hand:

Okay, posted a simple start to Gregory. I would've had him arrive earlier, but uh...I didn't have time earlier today lol.
Hopefully it's not terrible, I'm feeling super self-conscious due to the fact that like 10-ish people will be reading it instead of the usual just one person. (I don't do group RPs like this very often).
I tried to make it as non-intrusive as possible, though.

Gregory's so cute, I just want to cuddle him. So precious. >.<
I just realized that Yuna and Elijah will be welcomed by Kat at the top and honestly if there were two characters that Elijah shouldn´t try his gentlemanly flirtations with it's them.

I'm hyped.

Boy. BOY. He'd probably hurry out, greet Kat and just pray that she'd let him so he could prove to Yuyu how w r o n g and m i s g u i d e d her actions were. If somebody doesn't do somethin nice for this boy after two rejections he'll just go straight for dual-cheek kissing on Em
Boy. BOY. He'd probably hurry out, greet Kat and just pray that she'd let him so he could prove to Yuyu how w r o n g and m i s g u i d e d her actions were. If somebody doesn't do somethin nice for this boy after two rejections he'll just go straight for dual-cheek kissing on Em
Boy. BOY. He'd probably hurry out, greet Kat and just pray that she'd let him so he could prove to Yuyu how w r o n g and m i s g u i d e d her actions were. If somebody doesn't do somethin nice for this boy after two rejections he'll just go straight for dual-cheek kissing on Em

Oh, Kat doesn't mind the hand kissing. Just don't try nicknaming her. Mon canard?

Heh, oh dear. I literally have a planned response in my head for that one. If that 'fails' then she'll start using the only french she knows. And THAT isn't pretty.
Elijah, inevitably at some point in the future, in the presence of these lower beings:

Posted a post. Everyone was starting out by the waiting area so I figured "hey why not a car?" and then this happened. If you don't want to wait around for 12 hours, I'd suggest not interacting with Tori just yet. :/ It's getting late here.

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