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Futuristic Suspension Of Disbelief { Superpower Rp }


The Redskull

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"In April 26th 2004, Astronomers and Star gazers alike spotted an unusual anomaly In space.

This strange occurrence seemed to be a literal moving star not a comet or anything but an actual star that seemed to be traversing space at a rapid speed , straight towards Earth. However this wasn't it's most unusual feature because as it went through space Surrounding stars seemed to suddenly go out like faulty light bulbs....Quite naturally they quickly notified NASA in sheer disbelief and worry , who likewise were caught off-guard by the sudden event. Deciding that the best course of action was to observe the strange spatial Phenomenon they deployed a probe to intercept it..only to lose communication a few hours later...After a Few months of monitoring the oddity via telescope they soon realised it was going to enter Earth's atmosphere and at a loss on what to do they informed Governments nationally...In a few Hours the Strange star suddenly ceased movement above the Mediterranean sea ...and just like that it imploded. Sending a wave of Swirling white energy raining down upon the Earth like arrows and soon people began to change..some seemed normal but were far from it while others..weren't so fortunate...It is now the year of 2026 , they still never found out what the origin or purpose of the star truely was but they do have one clear goal....Governments around the world are actively hunting those that the star "Infected"...and that's where you come in.."

Hello there! I''m glad I somehow peaked your interest if you're actively reading through this Tab which I am grateful for. So the Basic Premise of the Plot is that in the past a number of people were forcefully mutated by an odd "Star" that gave them a variety of abilities cliche i know. And traits that have ostracised them from their Loved ones & families. Although the star was the main "Conduit" of power it also made itself dormant in humans who weren't actively "infected" by the energy that spread across the earth, which resulted in people gaining powers later or their off spring possessing abilities. We will be following the Journey of a certain Group of people with varying ages & abilities who are trying to survive in the world as they are actively hunted down like animals. However not all of them are mutated but in fact humans who are considered Criminals for aiding the infected or family members who were also suspected of having the mutation even though they clearly don't. I also hope to further expand the plot by revealing the Origin of said Star , What it's true purpose was and all that jazz.

Just to say that this isn't a full on draft and will be susceptible to change If I get enough interest & post the actual thread.

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Sounds cool. It's a little bit typical, but it could be fun. Say, how did you do the background?
True It is a bit of a over-used idea, But it's one of the more fun ones. Especially when you incorporate your own lore & everything.

You can do the Background by entering this code.

[bg=COLOR]My Content[/bg]

For different shades of colour you have to use HTML Colour picker.
I love this, you definitely spiked my interest! Question though: What is the literacy level on this?
Sleepwalking said:
I love this, you definitely spiked my interest! Question though: What is the literacy level on this?
Welcome to RP nation Sleepwalking!

If you have any questions about the site please feel free to let me or any of these lovely people know! We would be glad to offer any form of assistance!

Always great to see a new face 'round here,


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StoneWolf18 said:
Welcome to RP nation Sleepwalking!
If you have any questions about the site please feel free to let me or any of these lovely people know! We would be glad to offer and form of assistance!

Always great to see a new face 'round here,


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Oh you're too kind, thanks for the welcome C:You'll be the first person I ask if I need anything haha
Definitely piqued my interest, but I confess I have a strong preference for detailed role plays. *shrug*
G4hardcore said:
Definitely piqued my interest, but I confess I have a strong preference for detailed role plays. *shrug*
Ah I would have to agree with you on that, @G4hardcore. Once again it's only a guess that it would be casual, you never know.

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Ah silly me, I forgot to actually put the literacy level of this.

Yes It will be detailed!

Also it seems this has attracted a number of people since I was asleep, So I'll get working on the actual thread.

Also Tagged Y'all in the thread, But if you didn't get the Notification link is here.

Make sure to read the bottom of the Overview!

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